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Re: UE5 Environment - Overgrown Temple

Hello @Fabi_G, thanks for the tip. I would not have understood your coment without the test scene. As soon as I viewed the vertex normals it made sense. I had experimented with adjusting the mesh to match the trim but I never thought of changing the normals to face the same as the bake plane. I love learning new things and I am very hapy that you shared this technique. Thank you.

Re: AI Art, Good or Bad? A (hopefully) nuanced take on the subject.

Alex_J said:
Chat GPT is handy now and then but it's neither above or below google. Just has some pros and cons to it. 

ChatGPT, so as other similar software, is not AI. Not even close. It`s just a glamourized T9 mixed with well structured but biased search engine. It has its use only because 'Google search' is just pure atrocious garbage that is getting worse by the day.

Re: Alpha stamps vs Hard Surface normal stamps

bitinn said:
Thx, but it seems to me many people are creating "hard surface" stamp packs using alpha, which allow people to print on height channel, which would convert to normal in SP.

Isn't that pretty much the same as a "normal" stamp? And it seems to me Alpha can do more by printing multiple channel at once.

As said in my previous post, normal map stamp can provide more information. Height is only an elevation, which is then converted as a normal map. This conversion happens in the texture space of the mesh, so after it was painted resulting in quality loss if your resolution is not high enough. So with all of that, there are some shapes that cannot be created from a height map directly (or not with the same fidelity).

Re: Skinweights lost on fbx export?

the first thing to double check is in the export settings. I dont remember from memory but i think there is a checkbox specific for skin weights. You can start by just resetting the export settings to default and that should work, but if not just open up the documentation for them and use ctrl+f to search around for "skin weights" "binding" "animation" etc. 
If it is not related to export settings then have to dig into the scene file, but I would check the simple things first. 


Stylized Sassanid Warrior (3d Character)

Here is latest project i've done for portfolio in my free time. thanks to my friend parsasepanlou for helping in posing 
Hope you like!
Concept By 小昇

my artstation for more pics : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vD6vOO

Re: Rigging a Flamingo - new to rigging/animation

if you use Maya i recommend advanced skeleton. 

There are some other auto-rigger plugins that could be worth looking at - i have not used any others except advanced skeleton. but its always been good enough that i had no motivation to look at alternatives. 

you could start from the sample human rig and just make a few modifications to turn it into flamingo. you might be able to find some existing bird rigs - might search truongCG. there is a gumroad store where a guy has quite a few advanced skeleton rigs and a lot of creatures.

Re: Bakeing hell

Hi! Some more context would help to understand, like what does the mesh looks like? Ideally share files.

Re: Bakeing hell

Hm, it should be this:

With small files, you can zip them and attach directly to a post. With larger ones, I would host them somewhere (drive, Dropbox,  ...) and share the link.

Re: Bakeing hell

Hi! Doing a bake with the attached files in Painter, didn't reveal the issues you show in your original post. The file contains just a single door element. Maybe the issue you presented is caused by the way UVs are stacked and due to the bake settings? Did you bake with your test file as well and reproduce the issue?

That aside, here are some notes/opinions from looking at the model:

- Separating repeating modules (hinges) and instancing them results in less unwrapping and more available pixels. Using bake group / match by name functionality prevents projection errors. Offset UVs of instances by 1 so they're out of the 0-1 space.

- Sharp 90 degree angles of the high poly will not show up in the normal map.

- With an average mesh normals projection, depending on the geometry, floating elements (inside of door) will be distorted due to the skewing that occurs. To get a clean result here, you could:
  • modify your lowpoly geometry so that floating parts don't distort
  • composite a mesh normals bake with an average normals bake (edges). Toolbag would allow to control the skewing by a mask.
  • simply bake down the cabinet elements on an atlas, then map the game meshes UVs to them

Or match lowpoly and highpoly more closely and bake with average mesh normals. Probably the most straightforward high to low-poly way.