Quoteing this from 3 pages behind because it took a while for the post to be accepted.
Holy freaking miniature wipers. Way to small to be something anyone would see on their screen, ever! I can hardly make them out on this shot you posted, I wouldn't want to know what would be left of it when you would see it worn by someone else. I would either oversize the wipers, give the glasses and wipers cartoony proportions or drop the idea because at this scale, it won't work.
Its one of those ideas that would be funny, but implementing it is more trouble then its worth.
its your call, but personally I wouldn't make the effort.
I would feel like a massive douche if i didnt chime in and help you here.
I dont know what you are used to , but try making a very low poly "stand in" model first. could just be out of lots of cubes , scaled and translated into place etc.. then test it in the medic's hands ...or failing that get a hold of a medigun and match the handles up with your model and the scale.
once you have your low poly base sorted out go ahead and create the panels, the gun handle ...basically all components to the same poly density
and then uwrap and combine .merging edges and keeping the geometry CLEAN.
finaly get your edges hard where it needs it ans soften those you wanr to be smooth. you are now ready for your occlusion bake, and texturing.
good luck dude.
Thanks very much! I studied the program a bit at uni about 4 years ago and am really going blindly not remembering a lot. I shall have a go at that, how do I safely edit models? Duplicate the game somehow? or is there a version for editing? Someone said about it being too high poly, it's got NURMS subdivision it's actually pretty basic but I have trouble not morphing it and end up scaling vertices in one direction to flatten them :S Anyway appreciate the help it's a fun learning curve
Also, D-D-D-Demon - I quite like the rivets, reminds me of Asterix
Best watermark eva, sparkwire. I prefer the glassless masked version.
Took some some to the input and worked with it. Going to bed but will check comments later. Crits are welcome as always. Yes it does look like the Shako's baby.
I've been wanting to make both some 3D and something for TF2, so here goes. I have only reached page 93 of this thread, so I don't hope this has been made a ton of times already!
Without further ado, the Horns'n'Tails:
552 faces, only the tape has been triangulated. Not sure if this could be seen as offensive, but it's been fun to make so far! Still working on compiling it to test it out, it seems that every program in every step has some error to be bumped out! :poly124: Also need to lay down UVs and some texture when I have it tested out with jiggle-jigglebones. When I'm all done with it I'm thinking of making a fitting trident for him Comments and critique are much welcomed!
It's awesome to flip through all the ideas, submissions and awesome ingame stuff in this thread! Keep it up everyone!
I've been working on some UVs in between my activation. It's nothing I do that often, so any critique is very welcome Also, is it okay to mirror UVs and laying them double, like the horns here?
And I'm still trying to get it to show in a viewer/ingame, right now it's invisible, nearly there!
@GoLDeN - That Pan looks cool! What about adding an old temperature knob for it?
This is one of my first models, it's a misc. item for the engineer called The Last Straw. Added some jigglebones to the model, so it bobs up and down with the engis movements. Video of the jigglebones here: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7EDbz6Qj00[/ame]
This is one of my first models, it's a misc. item for the engineer called The Last Straw. Added some jigglebones to the model, so it bobs up and down with the engis movements. Video of the jigglebones here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7EDbz6Qj00
Any thoughts?
Well done and the jigglebones is really giving it life. I wouldn't be surprised if i see this in the game. The thing about is that it has the soldier medal syndrome. It's going to be really hard to notice in the game. Why not make a beard to go along with it?
I like how the piece of straw got more comments than the new content filled environment.
I almost forgot why I stopped playing this game thanks guys
I'm not going to comment on it simply because I know next to nothing about mapping. The only things I would be able to say are "it looks great" and "I would play on it," and that honestly doesn't help him improve the map.
If I actually was involved with mapping, then I might critique. But I'm not, so I feel like I don't have the right to.
The thing about is that it has the soldier medal syndrome. It's going to be really hard to notice in the game. Why not make a beard to go along with it?
Good idea, thanks for the tip. Still got alot to learn though, so might take me a while, but I'll give it a go
Love the style, looks great and can totally see it as a part of the TF2 universe. The stalactites are the only thing that kinda look out of place. And I mean that in that they have no gradual build up, its just 'big ones' right away. Smaller ones building up to larger ones, or at least a few small ones around the big ones would look great. I also love the cool and warm colors to the whole thing.
Alright. Let's give it what its due. The map looks amazing. I like the spiky cave structures and that elegant crystal area that is being dressed by curtains of light. Breath taking at the very least.
Now i got ninja'd on this. I too have little experience mapping. The only other image i've seen of this map it the normals of the rocks which is smashing. Aside from that, im in no position to give constructive input aside from praise on my end. i was expecting praise from it from everybody else and felt i didnt need to chime in. A clear mistake on my part there.
@Emeriastone - that's pretty good mate, makes me want to get into Hammer map making; as @sicsided said, the stalactites look a bit odd although I can't spot what is it... and the blue light looks just a bit too bright for me
question? are concepts for new bosses discussable on this thread or would they need their own like th 1920 mod, i think we could come up with a new halloween boss by the time october is around. I have a suggestion for the Creature from the black Lagoon using the engi Model and the weapon he drops being the creature's severed hand as a replacement for the gunslinger.
@passerby: Yes, it's all new custom work by myself. Environments really make me excited, I know this thread is mostly about tf2 items (says tf2 art though!), but I'm more about the level design/environment art side of things. If you remember mann manor, all the new models and textures were my work, and YM took care of most of the work in hammer. This new project was an attempt to do everything myself.
@sicsided: Yeah, you're probably right about the stalactites. I think some more variations would help a lot. I've entered this into a contest, so I was trying to keep the filesize to a minimum, and all the stalactites are essentially the same model, just used some bending and size variations to get the most mileage out of it. By the time I'm done, I'd like to get some more cave formations into the picture, probably things like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1293763/zig/cave_ref.jpg
@passerby: Yes, it's all new custom work by myself. Environments really make me excited, I know this thread is mostly about tf2 items (says tf2 art though!), but I'm more about the level design/environment art side of things. If you remember mann manor, all the new models and textures were my work, and YM took care of most of the work in hammer. This new project was an attempt to do everything myself.
@sicsided: Yeah, you're probably right about the stalactites. I think some more variations would help a lot. I've entered this into a contest, so I was trying to keep the filesize to a minimum, and all the stalactites are essentially the same model, just used some bending and size variations to get the most mileage out of it. By the time I'm done, I'd like to get some more cave formations into the picture, probably things like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1293763/zig/cave_ref.jpg
Maps and Environments projects are welcome here. Any and All TF2 related projects are welcome here.
However if you going to make multiple new models I would suggest making them all use the same vtf. As long as your models not overly obscene on the polycount, texture size is your main worry.
I'm no mapper so I can't really help on that front. If I've get time I'll have a run round to get a better look.
Just out of interest, are you planning on releasing the models and textures after the contest or are you gonna keep them to yourself for future use?
And as Dashtoronto said, anything TF2 related is welcome here:).
Although if you really want to get noticed I would recomend maybe making a seperate thread for it in the P&P section. I know Swizzle did that for a few of his maps.
Screw you Emeriastone Here I was, feeling happy with the current TF2 model I'm working on and you drop in a map >.>
I love the map and I think it fits the style perfectly, but I'm going to have to agree with the other comments on the stalactites But keeping the file size down is a good reason. I'm not sure if you have time left, but maybe making a few of them larger would break it up a bit.
If you even have a server running it, I'd love to give it a go
@Emeriastone ah cool, well it is good to see some environments up, and im the same i made some props and materials for tf2 but never bothered making items, since i find environment work more interesting than weapons and items.
hope it goes well i did a run threw in game and it looks great but i haven't played a game yet so cant say anything about gameplay.
Made a quick mustache to go with the straw. Kinda makes him look like flanders and/or wario, but I'll roll with it. Thinking of dubbing it "The Texas Rangeneer" when I decide on what facial hair I'll go with.
@ Napy: Those guns look really nice, cool touch with the eagle and star on the shotgun.
@ Emeriastone: I have zero experience with mapmaking, but if I didn't know better I'd assume it was a valve-made map, it looks sweet.
@passerby: Yes, it's all new custom work by myself. Environments really make me excited, I know this thread is mostly about tf2 items (says tf2 art though!), but I'm more about the level design/environment art side of things. If you remember mann manor, all the new models and textures were my work, and YM took care of most of the work in hammer. This new project was an attempt to do everything myself.
@sicsided: Yeah, you're probably right about the stalactites. I think some more variations would help a lot. I've entered this into a contest, so I was trying to keep the filesize to a minimum, and all the stalactites are essentially the same model, just used some bending and size variations to get the most mileage out of it. By the time I'm done, I'd like to get some more cave formations into the picture, probably things like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1293763/zig/cave_ref.jpg
Not sure exactly if you can do this in Hammer but if you could lower the ceiling in the section where the stalactites are at, you could give the illusion of more being there. Like a hump or dip in the celing.Cheers though, hope you do well in the contest.
Made a quick mustache to go with the straw. Kinda makes him look like flanders and/or wario, but I'll roll with it. Thinking of dubbing it "The Texas Rangeneer" when I decide on what facial hair I'll go with.
@ Napy: Those guns look really nice, cool touch with the eagle and star on the shotgun.
@ Emeriastone: I have zero experience with mapmaking, but if I didn't know better I'd assume it was a valve-made map, it looks sweet.
It really does a big difference with some hair on the face. The texture on the mustache needs some work to make it look more TF2 like.
can I be the guy to point out that every medic gun model has been identical to the stock few at a glance? In my opinion, the repitition is getting old with some classes, I just lose interest in their unlocks..
@Emeria, is it possible to scale the stalactites at all? You could use the same models, but put them in at different sizes so there is more variation. Nice work!
It's been done for a while, but I was playing around with making a more metal based texture (was originally done for the medieval collab so I built it with wood in mind) - decided I was at a dead end with it so just submitted it as is.
If anyone would like to suggest metal based color schemes, I'm all ears
@colonelBD: Eventually, I will make the assets public property, when I'll do that is still up in the air. It's currently 1 stage (should eventually have 3 stages total like dustbowl), so I assume by the time I hit release candidate 1, I'll feel comfortable giving the assets away--that way the theme set is complete. I don't think releasing an incomplete pack advantages anyone.
@passerby: It plays pretty well actually! I've had a good solid 3 months of testing. On average for all the alphas of this stage I've released, the win percentage is about 75% Blu, 25% Red, which is ideal for a first stage of a dustbowlish map--you want Blu to advance to the next round, but not be a total steamroll. You can check out the statistics for the latest release here.
Something I submitted today, named it "The Lucky Lawman"
Wonderful entry. I hope it gets in. Definitely better than the 10 gallon. My friend wanted me to make one like that but you beat as to it! Good job man.
Ok, unwrapped my syringe shotty and got in game in game with an AO bake. I also did a run through of CP_zig:
Not sure what happened with the glass , must have got the texture name wrong or something.
Overal a very nice map and I look forward to completion
However I did notice some problems, mostly with the some of the aesthetics.
Stalagmites generally form round small water pools as they are caused by water droplets. This is also why you have them on the cave roof and floor. So having these in a dry cave all by them selves jars slightly with me.
I don't know if adding a water puddle will cause players to get extinguished, but if it doesn't, I would recommend adding one.
Also there is a texture mis-alignment on the displacements.
The bright orange doesn't fit against the browns. It just seems really out of place, especially from a distance. I'm guessing you did it too make it noticable, however making it a light grey or darking the colour could make it just as noticable, without seeming out of place.
Woooweee, would you like at that fine hat!
I would use a colour scheme simular to the one on the medigun or flamethrower, a dark grey with dark team colours on the main respirator (Not on the cylinder).
Holy freaking miniature wipers. Way to small to be something anyone would see on their screen, ever! I can hardly make them out on this shot you posted, I wouldn't want to know what would be left of it when you would see it worn by someone else. I would either oversize the wipers, give the glasses and wipers cartoony proportions or drop the idea because at this scale, it won't work.
Its one of those ideas that would be funny, but implementing it is more trouble then its worth.
its your call, but personally I wouldn't make the effort.
What do you guys think of the rivets? Too distracting, not big enough, too big?
I'm loving that Sniper Kangaroo
Teddy Bear melee for the scout.
Ohhhh don't tempt me. :P
And it would squeak every time he hits someone with it.
Actually, that just gave me an amazing idea. Expect to see something rough tonight.
Like the Terror Bear from Castlevania.
Thanks very much! I studied the program a bit at uni about 4 years ago and am really going blindly not remembering a lot. I shall have a go at that, how do I safely edit models? Duplicate the game somehow? or is there a version for editing? Someone said about it being too high poly, it's got NURMS subdivision it's actually pretty basic but I have trouble not morphing it and end up scaling vertices in one direction to flatten them :S Anyway appreciate the help it's a fun learning curve
Also, D-D-D-Demon - I quite like the rivets, reminds me of Asterix
The ones with the sunglasses look great.... hey, is that a pony wearing the spy beard??
Took some some to the input and worked with it. Going to bed but will check comments later. Crits are welcome as always. Yes it does look like the Shako's baby.
I've been working on some UVs in between my activation. It's nothing I do that often, so any critique is very welcome
And I'm still trying to get it to show in a viewer/ingame, right now it's invisible, nearly there!
@GoLDeN - That Pan looks cool! What about adding an old temperature knob for it?
@roninsmastermix - That looks great on the Spy
Yes, it is. Just a Blender render.
Just having fun, main thread is here:
Threw a really quick pattern on there just so you guys could see some contrast. I'm thinking of having buttons for eyes. XP
Any thoughts?
Well done and the jigglebones is really giving it life. I wouldn't be surprised if i see this in the game. The thing about is that it has the soldier medal syndrome. It's going to be really hard to notice in the game. Why not make a beard to go along with it?
I almost forgot why I stopped playing this game thanks guys
I'm not going to comment on it simply because I know next to nothing about mapping. The only things I would be able to say are "it looks great" and "I would play on it," and that honestly doesn't help him improve the map.
If I actually was involved with mapping, then I might critique. But I'm not, so I feel like I don't have the right to.
Good idea, thanks for the tip. Still got alot to learn though, so might take me a while, but I'll give it a go
Love the style, looks great and can totally see it as a part of the TF2 universe. The stalactites are the only thing that kinda look out of place. And I mean that in that they have no gradual build up, its just 'big ones' right away. Smaller ones building up to larger ones, or at least a few small ones around the big ones would look great. I also love the cool and warm colors to the whole thing.
is the rockface material and props yours i never seen those before and i really like how you got them blended togheather
Now i got ninja'd on this. I too have little experience mapping. The only other image i've seen of this map it the normals of the rocks which is smashing. Aside from that, im in no position to give constructive input aside from praise on my end. i was expecting praise from it from everybody else and felt i didnt need to chime in. A clear mistake on my part there.
@passerby: Yes, it's all new custom work by myself. Environments really make me excited, I know this thread is mostly about tf2 items (says tf2 art though!), but I'm more about the level design/environment art side of things. If you remember mann manor, all the new models and textures were my work, and YM took care of most of the work in hammer. This new project was an attempt to do everything myself.
@sicsided: Yeah, you're probably right about the stalactites. I think some more variations would help a lot. I've entered this into a contest, so I was trying to keep the filesize to a minimum, and all the stalactites are essentially the same model, just used some bending and size variations to get the most mileage out of it. By the time I'm done, I'd like to get some more cave formations into the picture, probably things like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1293763/zig/cave_ref.jpg
Maps and Environments projects are welcome here. Any and All TF2 related projects are welcome here.
Good Job!
However if you going to make multiple new models I would suggest making them all use the same vtf. As long as your models not overly obscene on the polycount, texture size is your main worry.
I'm no mapper so I can't really help on that front. If I've get time I'll have a run round to get a better look.
Just out of interest, are you planning on releasing the models and textures after the contest or are you gonna keep them to yourself for future use?
And as Dashtoronto said, anything TF2 related is welcome here:).
Although if you really want to get noticed I would recomend maybe making a seperate thread for it in the P&P section. I know Swizzle did that for a few of his maps.
I love the map and I think it fits the style perfectly, but I'm going to have to agree with the other comments on the stalactites
If you even have a server running it, I'd love to give it a go
hope it goes well i did a run threw in game and it looks great but i haven't played a game yet so cant say anything about gameplay.
@ Napy: Those guns look really nice, cool touch with the eagle and star on the shotgun.
@ Emeriastone: I have zero experience with mapmaking, but if I didn't know better I'd assume it was a valve-made map, it looks sweet.
Not sure exactly if you can do this in Hammer but if you could lower the ceiling in the section where the stalactites are at, you could give the illusion of more being there. Like a hump or dip in the celing.Cheers though, hope you do well in the contest.
It really does a big difference with some hair on the face. The texture on the mustache needs some work to make it look more TF2 like.
To add onto this, I'd suggest putting dark vertical lines and more shading to help make it look more like hair (hound dog comes to mind)
finished and submitted this today: pocket protector misc for engineer
and flat face, it's funny you mention that as I also submitted this medigun today as a model for the quick fix
It's been done for a while, but I was playing around with making a more metal based texture (was originally done for the medieval collab so I built it with wood in mind) - decided I was at a dead end with it so just submitted it as is.
If anyone would like to suggest metal based color schemes, I'm all ears
@passerby: It plays pretty well actually! I've had a good solid 3 months of testing. On average for all the alphas of this stage I've released, the win percentage is about 75% Blu, 25% Red, which is ideal for a first stage of a dustbowlish map--you want Blu to advance to the next round, but not be a total steamroll. You can check out the statistics for the latest release here.
AO texture update. Mapping it right now. Made the cylinder a bit bigger and added some buckles.
Any suggestions on the color scheme?
Wonderful entry. I hope it gets in. Definitely better than the 10 gallon. My friend wanted me to make one like that but you beat as to it! Good job man.
Not sure what happened with the glass
Overal a very nice map and I look forward to completion
However I did notice some problems, mostly with the some of the aesthetics.
Stalagmites generally form round small water pools as they are caused by water droplets. This is also why you have them on the cave roof and floor. So having these in a dry cave all by them selves jars slightly with me.
I don't know if adding a water puddle will cause players to get extinguished, but if it doesn't, I would recommend adding one.
Also there is a texture mis-alignment on the displacements.
The bright orange doesn't fit against the browns. It just seems really out of place, especially from a distance. I'm guessing you did it too make it noticable, however making it a light grey or darking the colour could make it just as noticable, without seeming out of place.
Woooweee, would you like at that fine hat!
I would use a colour scheme simular to the one on the medigun or flamethrower, a dark grey with dark team colours on the main respirator (Not on the cylinder).
Which color scheme do you guys think looks better? Left or right? Orange color is lifted from engie's hard hat and gloves.