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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The file fez.dmx.smd isn't there where your .qc says it is. Why are you trying to recompile a decompiled hat anyway?
  • ShakerSilver
    Ah nevermind, just messed up with the .qc a bit. :\
  • Flat Face
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    Flat Face polycounter lvl 10
    I'm pained by what's going on here, such creative minds all get bent in 1 bloody direction. TF2 gets a new game mode with 1 map and a theme then suddenly 90% of the things here are revolved around it.. I'm a TF2 fan over polycount forum member so I have to voice my opinion about these things and how they hardly fit TF2 over all.

    Not to mention the non medieval models that are barely different to the original TF2 models, I've been scrolling through and seen what at 1st glance looks just like the medigun or the minigun etc, where's the creativity?


    In saying all that, there have been a few models that caught my eye and really give me hope but still, 5 out of 30 just makes me sad :/
  • ShakerSilver
    OK, little update and a real tiny problem.

    The team coloring on the thinking cap was a success, now I need to finish its textures. I also updated the magnikinfe's texture and made it team colored too. But for some reason, I can see both colors for the knife in-game, but not in model viewer. What gives?

    @Mnemosynaut: Ah thanks for that, it's working perfectly now. :)
  • Mnemosynaut
    Flat Face wrote: »
    I'm pained by what's going on here, such creative minds all get bent in 1 bloody direction. TF2 gets a new game mode with 1 map and a theme then suddenly 90% of the things here are revolved around it.

    The few of us making medieval items are mostly taking part in the fake Medieval Update event being organized by the TF2 Emporium over on Facepunch. If you don't like the theme, we'll be doing a more modern one over the summer.
    OK, little update and a real tiny problem.

    The team coloring on the thinking cap was a success, now I need to finish its textures. I also updated the magnikinfe's texture and made it team colored too. But for some reason, I can see both colors for the knife in-game, but not in model viewer. What gives?

    Oops, missed your post the first time around. In the HLMV, go to File > Unload Weapon. This will let you view multiple texture groups.
  • -Em'-
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    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8
    not really sure if it has its place here but :


    Hi everybody ! Time to finally release the Bulletcrops project (or a part of the project since we can't achieve our objectives).
    However we released a nice bunch of models and textures that we hope you will enjoy !

    Go to the project website to see what we did : http://www.minerality.fr/bulletcropsproject/ and feel free to comment, use and share ! ;)
  • ColonelBD
    Ohhh very sexy, this and the new construction pack is EPIC. Must get back into mapping some day.


    Fixed up the base so it doesn't clip as much, and added a better AO layer. Hopefully ready for texturing tomorrow :)

    @Flat face:
    Yeah as Mnemosynaut said all the medieval stuffs is for the fake update.
  • -Em'-
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    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you ^^
    We hope that the community will build maps that we abandonned ^^ better than we think it !

    BTW very cool item, fit perfectly to TF2 style
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    -Em'- wrote: »
    not really sure if it has its place here but :


    Hi everybody ! Time to finally release the Bulletcrops project (or a part of the project since we can't achieve our objectives).
    However we released a nice bunch of models and textures that we hope you will enjoy !

    Go to the project website to see what we did : http://www.minerality.fr/bulletcropsproject/ and feel free to comment, use and share ! ;)
    You guys should release your maps or at least the VMFs as well. Those were my favourite bit of the project!
  • -Em'-
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    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8
    We are thinking about it, but in fact, we think that community maps with our content will be better than ours ('cause of bad gameplay). Maybe we will post some screenshot to give mappers ideas on "how to use our models" !

    Thank for comment ^^
  • CWalkthroughs
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    CWalkthroughs polycounter lvl 6

    Got around to texturing my other project.
  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    Dang, you could probably cut that milk carton down by 80% without even trying. Kill some of those loops!
  • Mad Mike
    Aaaalright, so. The cart I now consider finished. It's not gonna find any uses right away as it's pretty outdated (despite being released according to Valve time) :P
    But still, I'm pretty happy with both the way it turned out and that it turned out at all. Quite satisfying to have something actually finished. I managed to learn some stuff when doing this one and I'm pretty content with it as it is. Sure, some things could've been done better or differently, but it was a valuable experience anyway. End of the talk, pics now.




    Yes, the christmas lights use $selfillum! Lights on the panel too, but it's a bit less visible here.


    Diffuse texture -2048px, here resized to 1024 for the sake of not slowing you down
  • Communist Cake

    I need some suggestions and such for the texture.
    I also plan on adding some kind of engraving into it.

    Any tips would help too.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Nice one.

    I'd get some wood grain detail going on those wooden parts. Probably doesn't need much, just a little to add some extra interest to the surfaces.

    Oh and props for finally getting that thing finished, Mike. I suppose it'll be a while until there's any chance of seeing it pop up in game.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    CommunistCake: The wheels look a little repetitive......
  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, how do you replace the Pyro's head in-game? I've got the model working, just need to get rid of the original head. Tried googling, didn't find anything (or my googling skills are just very low)
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    I think that on that cannon, the wheel closest to his head should be mostly broken, with the outer wheel completely cracked off of the spokes.
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    SuPa- wrote: »
    Hey guys, how do you replace the Pyro's head in-game? I've got the model working, just need to get rid of the original head. Tried googling, didn't find anything (or my googling skills are just very low)

    The Killing Floor hood replaces the Pyro's head. Replace that with your hat and it should do it for you.
  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    The Killing Floor hood replaces the Pyro's head. Replace that with your hat and it should do it for you.

    How do I actually replace that hat specifically? Sorry, I'm still a beginner at this
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    You just have to find the name. Open up the model viewer instead of Hammer, then look in tf/models/player/items/pyro (something like that anyway)
    You can just load all the models that you think might be it to find the name, a little tedious but...
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Alright, in case you didn't see the black market/gangster heavy(go to page 191) I am updating it with a new mini-gun, and I took all of your advice to go with a more tommy
    gun style.

  • BuRnTF4c3M4n
    Hello Polycount community,

    I've been a Team Fortress 2 player since it came out, and been following this forum for about 6 months now. After much time, I've finally decided to start moding some weapons myself. Here is my question, I'm at the stage of texturing my model, would it be a good investment to buy a graphic tablet for the texturing phase, I'll also be using it for photo editing.

    PS: You guyz rock, keep coming out with those awesome models =)
  • joebomoboe
    Hi polycount! This is my first post and though i probably suck eggs at 3d, lookit my demoman gun. I still have to do the back half, and i need to add details etc.
    Its supposed to look like a thrown together stubby double barrel nade launcher. Tied together and sporting a slab of metal on the top, it screams "drunken junkyard science".
    also i was thinking of doing something besides the generic shotgun butt wrapped in tape. any suggestions?
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Hello Polycount community,

    I've been a Team Fortress 2 player since it came out, and been following this forum for about 6 months now. After much time, I've finally decided to start moding some weapons myself. Here is my question, I'm at the stage of texturing my model, would it be a good investment to buy a graphic tablet for the texturing phase, I'll also be using it for photo editing.

    PS: You guyz rock, keep coming out with those awesome models =)

  • The Scrub
    I'm currently working on an Eggbeater/Spatula/Barbed wire for the Pyro
    The Teams mighty hungry and I've got it in game but I've got no Photos yet

    should I go with Axtinguisher esque Barbed wire or somethng a little bigger?
  • ColonelBD
    I think axtinguisher style should be fine. Maybe with bigger points if its the thing thats gonna be causing the most damage.
  • Rada
    im having a problem making the cheekplates for my helmet, first i tried cubes and hoped that subdivision would help but i ended up with music note shaped plates that didnt match the style i wanted. then i tried making it out of bezier curves but when i completed the lines i never got a solid plane i could extrude what am i doing wrong here it is sorry for the sizelegionnairefaceplate.th.png
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone have a guide/tutorial on specular maps in source?
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Spec should be in the alpha channel of the diffuse, usually. If you have a normal map, it'll be in its alpha channel. It's usually a good idea to include ambient occlusion in the specular since it adds a lot of depth to textures.
  • mutatedjellyfish
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks guys, but I guess I didn't mention that I was talking about the VMT...
    for some reason everything I do ends up not working. With alpha and all.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Alright, updated and ready for some crits/comments!
    Thanks guys.
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Thanks guys, but I guess I didn't mention that I was talking about the VMT...
    for some reason everything I do ends up not working. With alpha and all.

    The stiletto model I made has both phong (specular) and cubemaps applied.

    Here's the VMT. It was largely copied from another official item, then modified to suit my needs.
    1. "VertexlitGeneric"
    2. {
    3. "$baseTexture" "models\weapons\c_items/c_stiletto"
    4. "$bumpmap" "models\weapons\c_items/c_stiletto_normal"
    6. "$envmap" "env_cubemap"
    7. "$envmaptint" "[.35 .35 .35]"
    8. "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1"
    10. "$phong" "1"
    11. "$phongexponent" "25"
    12. "$phongboost" "5"
    13. "$lightwarptexture" "models\lightwarps\weapon_lightwarp"
    14. "$phongfresnelranges" "[.25 .5 1]"
    16. "$basephongexponent" "15"
    17. "$basephongboost" "5"
    19. "$rimlight" "1"
    20. "$rimlightexponent" "4"
    21. "$rimlightboost" "2"
    23. "$glowcolor" "1"
    25. "$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
    27. "Proxies"
    28. {
    29. "vm_invis"
    30. {
    31. }
    32. "ModelGlowColor"
    33. {
    34. "resultVar" "$glowcolor"
    35. }
    36. "Equals"
    37. {
    38. "srcVar1" "$glowcolor"
    39. "resultVar" "$selfillumtint"
    40. }
    41. "Equals"
    42. {
    43. "srcVar1" "$glowcolor"
    44. "resultVar" "$color2"
    45. }
    47. }
    49. }

    Here's what it looks like with various VMT settings:
  • Gryoss
    Offline / Send Message
    Gryoss null
    I'm mad because I'm bad :(
    Hopefully practicing my hat making skills will fix that eventually.


    Currently 928 polys, 1008 verts (from what I recall)
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Alright swizzle, here is a screen of the shotgun:

    As you can see the "wood" is super shiny, and I have an alpha mask on both the diffuse, and the normal texture with the "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1" parameter. here is the alpha texture:

    I've inverted the alpha, ive done everything but no change in the texture.

    Here is the VMT:
    1. "VertexlitGeneric"
    2. {
    3. "$baseTexture" "models\weapons\c_items/shotgun_market_sheet"
    4. "$bumpmap" "models\weapons\c_items/shotgun_market_sheet_n"
    6. "$envmap" "env_cubemap"
    7. "$envmaptint" "[.1 .1 .1]"
    8. "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1"
    10. "$phong" "1"
    11. "$phongexponent" "45"
    12. "$phongboost" "2"
    13. "$lightwarptexture" "models\lightwarps\weapon_lightwarp"
    14. "$phongfresnelranges" "[.25 .5 1]"
    16. "$basephongexponent" "25"
    17. "$basephongboost" "4"
    19. "$rimlight" "1"
    20. "$rimlightexponent" "4"
    21. "$rimlightboost" "2"
    23. "$glowcolor" "1"
    25. "$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
    27. "Proxies"
    28. {
    29. "weapon_invis"
    30. {
    31. }
    32. "AnimatedTexture"
    33. {
    34. "animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
    35. "animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
    36. "animatedtextureframerate" 30
    37. }
    38. "BurnLevel"
    39. {
    40. "resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"
    41. }
    42. "YellowLevel"
    43. {
    44. "resultVar" "$yellow"
    45. }
    46. "Equals"
    47. {
    48. "srcVar1" "$yellow"
    49. "resultVar" "$color2"
    50. }
    52. }
    55. }
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    If you want to make the wood look a little better, I'd first suggest just drastically darkening any wood areas on the spec map. If that doesn't help, then you may want to try a phong exponent texture. You can do that by adding this line to your VMT:

    $phongexponenttexture <texture>

    The brighter an area on your exponent texure, the tighter the highlights on it.

    Like I said before, though, first darken any wood areas on your spec map. most wood in TF2 has either very little or no spec whatsoever, so it'd be safe to just black out those areas on your spec map. If you don't want to just completely knock them out, though, try selecting those areas and playing with levels in Photoshop until they're higher-contrast.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    thanks swiz, but it doesn't effect my model at all, but I know its linked right. I dont know what the fu---dge im doing wrong.
    Do you think you could work on my spec maps? I know big favor...
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Try removing the alpha channel from your diffuse map and the "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1" line from your VMT.

    By default, Source looks for spec in the alpha channel of the normal map. That may be what's causing some issues. Once you remove those things, you can start playing around and figure out what the issue is.
  • Contrails
    @BenHenry - for starters,

    "$basephongexponent" "25"
    "$basephongboost" "4"

    are extremely high - I'd tone them down a little.

    I also don't see the need for an envmap - to my understanding, it's used to create reflections which aren't seen too often in TF2 (jarate is the only example I can think of off the top of my head) - not trying to speak for Swizzle, but I think he's only using it because it's supposed to be so shiny and reflective...

    Anyways, my catapult should be final unless there is anything glaring - moving on to unwrapping next :)




    weighs in at 3744 tris
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    yea, I deleted that before I added on those other things, but it still doesn't work.
    The envmap was gone, and so was the "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" "1".
    I don't know what to say guys, it doesn't change a thing....
    Contrails, that's not high at all, look at my screenshot.
  • Tardisphere
    Hey guys, I'm relatively new to modelling and I joined this forum because I thought you guys could give me some advice (and I could also show my WIPs at some point.)

    But anyway, I had the idea of creating a hair dryer for the Pyro as a replacement for the shotgun like the flare gun. Do you guys have any tips on how I should go about making it? E.g. either reskinning the flare gun or just starting from scratch.
  • TankTaur
    Hey there, friendly people of the Polycount TF2 thread! Finally got them plugins for 3ds Max working and I've started creating my first hat! It's a pair of antennae for the Pyro (I'll explain when they're done).


    Now I'd like some nice feedback on them. Please note that they're not meant to be great, and I probably won't release them, as it is only for practice. I still want them to look decent, though :)

    Should they be thicker, or shorter perhaps? Should I use a segmented structure or something simpler? In the end, should I make them a misc and adapt them to clip in a sensible way with all other hats (meaning they poke through some imagined holes in the hats), or should they just be a regular hat (Whiskered Gentleman + antennae = lol)? Edit: Oh, and how about the angle and placing on the Pyro's head/mask? Any possible changes (for the better) to be made there?

    I also have a few 3ds Max noob questions:

    1. What is the smoothing called that causes faces to not be shaded individually, but as a whole? And where can I find it?
    2. What is the best way to unwrap this kind of shape?
    3. How do I view the poly count of individual objects in a scene?

    Thanks in advance and good luck on your own respective projects :)
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Hard to give critiques when you say you'll explain them when they are done, we don't know what you are trying to accomplish specifically.

    They look mechanical to me (big base) so I suppose it's not an insect thing.

    Just add a smooth modifier, or smoothing groups (select polygons, go down to polygon properties (edit poly or mesh). each group will have it's own smooth and there will be a sharp crease between groups.

    I'd uv map the sphere's as spheres (detach from mesh) and the antennae as cylinders (I do this while modelling so every thing is ready to go, the just seperate the islands from middle, attach, and adjust the uv at the end.
    (If you started with a cylinder that part will already be uv'ed, just needs adjusted (uvUnwrap), then just make a sphere and slap it on top (it'll also be uv'ed)
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    go to any of your viewports, and hit 7. If you want to see the triangle count, go to the little plus icon at the top left of any viewport (next to the name of the view) and click configure.
    Then, go to the statistics tab and click on "show triangle count".
    That should do it for Q:3.
  • JoseConseco
    Offline / Send Message
    JoseConseco greentooth
    Cool shotgun BebHenry. About your problem, probably the best option is to copy material settings form vmt file of already made weapon with similar look. And I'm not sure about using normal map for wood...
    Here is soft pillow:
    Thx to Veko comment I put some petroleum on top of pillow. So idea is, when pyro hits burning target pillow catch fire, and burns others targets on hit.
  • re.wind
    pillow stick! :D

    I like it a lot.
  • TankTaur
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Hard to give critiques when you say you'll explain them when they are done, we don't know what you are trying to accomplish specifically.

    Oh, sorry, I didn't think of it that way! I just thought of the "why?" and not the "what?" I was trying to do with these. Well, here's the idea:

    The Ambiguous Antennae; is the Pyro and instect-humanoid-hybrid, an extra terrestrial, a robot, a Frankenstein's Monster-ish creature fueled by electricity or just a crazy guy with antennae stuck to his head?
    I want to capture all these looks in one simple shape (or, y'know, a pair of them). I also want a slight hint towards demon horns, but that will come naturally if I angle and position them correctly.

    As for the shape, this is what I figure:
    -Insects have segmented antennae, usually bent, but they come in too many variations to list here.
    -Aliens can really have any type of antennae, but the "green and from mars" stereotype usually has small spheres at the ends. I guess they can be either bent or straight.
    -Robots can have segmented and really thin ones (based on radio receivers and the like). They are usually straight and just a single one; I'm thinking of Bender from Futurama (though his original design had two on the sides on his head for ears.)
    -The Monster look is usually two bolts in the neck, but I think as long as I keep a hint of tesla coil in the design it's okay (the electricity is thought to go straight into its brain).
    -The crazy guy part is completely open. It's just the only option left if the Pyro actually is human :)
    -Edit: Oh, and another idea; the shape could vaguely recemble some species of Cordyceps fungus. It's a type of fungus that essentially infects insects, turns them into zombies and then kills them, causing small 'shrooms to burst out of their bodies (usually the head for ants).

    Yes, so that is what I'm trying to accomplish with it. A simple shape that tell several different stories about the Pyro's true nature depending on how you look at it (providing my design is ideal for the purpose).

    (Yeah, I know, I'm putting way too much thought into this piece of nothing, but I think of it as practice for the future when I'm actually get good at this thing. Then it'll pay off, hopefully)

    BenHenry wrote: »
    go to any of your viewports, and hit 7. If you want to see the triangle count, go to the little plus icon at the top left of any viewport (next to the name of the view) and click configure.
    Then, go to the statistics tab and click on "show triangle count".
    That should do it for Q:3.

    Doing this includes the Pyro's poly count as well. I guess I could just delete my antennae temporarily and see how many polys are subtracted, but that's a bit troublesome... Surely there must be a better way?

    EDIT: Another noob question: is it possible to create some sort of anchor point so that when I rescale the antennae, they don't move too much from the position on the Pyro's head? Currently, messing with svale will force me to reposition them. It's kind of frustrating when I'm just trying to brainstorm and mess around a bit.
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like you are trying to hit all the bases at once with the headgear. So still, hard to give critiques, lol. But they look good.

    You can look at file>summary info, it'll give a poly/vert breakdown of every object by name. But if you haven't triangulated you just get poly count (usually x2 = tri count, or close at least).
  • TankTaur
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Looks like you are trying to hit all the bases at once with the headgear. So still, hard to give critiques, lol. But they look good.

    You can look at file>summary info, it'll give a poly/vert breakdown of every object by name. But if you haven't triangulated you just get poly count (usually x2 = tri count, or close at least).

    Okay, thanks :)

    I'm always grateful for any tips. Any tips at all. Everyone just shout out random words of wisdom, and I'll be really thankful for it :D
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