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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Sickmedic

    It sounds like your normals are reversed. Normals > Reverse should fix this. Also it is a good idea to occasionally check normals --
    Within the Atrribute Editor:
    With mesh selected, pull down the “Mesh Component Display” tab; check “Display Normal”.

    @Y_M and Zipfinator

    Thanks for pointing out the excessive edgeloops.

    As a rule I usually try to work in 1:1 quads because it makes laying out UV (can be put into grids / flattened easily), polypainting and understanding edgeflow much easier. The edgeloops should have been removed before I compiled things, so thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    Here is an optimized version with 50% less triangles.

  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Sickmedic wrote: »

    It sounds like your normals are reversed. Normals > Reverse should fix this. Also it is a good idea to occasionally check normals --
    Within the Atrribute Editor:
    With mesh selected, pull down the “Mesh Component Display” tab; check “Display Normal”.

    The normals are definitely facing the right way, and have been. Hmm, I'll have to keep messing about. Maybe that box thing will work.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Edit: AAAAAAND NEVERMIND, I'm a moron. It was a user error in that I failed to freeze my transforms so although it was binding and snapping correctly, it was calculating the lighting based on its 0,0,0 normals which were totally different from its binding pose orientation. Hurrrr... :poly142:
  • Sickmedic
    Too funny:D ...

    Always a good idea to Delete by type > History / Freeze transformations prior to exporting (or export as OBJ and re-import as OBJ). I should have mentioned as much! Anyway, glad you figured it out.
  • CidTheNinja
    Is that a chamberpot? Although based on the name I don't think it was intended to be one, but for the sake of comedy I'd like to think it is.
  • Morok
    Skizot wrote: »


    Association :poly121:

    ...but cool :)
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    Skizot - awesome hat.
    Simski - yea they would clip so I ended with one weight.
    Kebab - I was thinking that maybe punch with dumbbell slows enemy, and second hand deals normal damage, so it will be easier to hit slower guys. So it shouldn't matter in which hand he holds dumbbell.
  • Simski
    Well the stats aren't really your problem anyway, you made a nice model and it's up to Valve to decide what it will do.
    Personally I hope it's stats will have something to do with its critical hit, as he always uses his right hand for the critical hit uppercut.
  • Morok
    My first item for the Medieval Update is a prop/hat combo tentatively named Ye Olde Stainless Cauldron.



    the real thing :poly142:
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @Morok, looks like a Spanish Inquisition Helm to me. Medieval, probably not (later than that), Evil, deffinately.

    Looks good and the pyro needs a helmet anyway.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Sickmedic: nice to see the Medic getting some love!
  • ShakerSilver
    Baddcog wrote: »
    @Morok, looks like a Spanish Inquisition Helm to me. Medieval, probably not (later than that), Evil, deffinately.

    Looks good and the pyro needs a helmet anyway.
    NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
  • Pie_Tony
    Also I'm telling y'all about a bit more info about the medieval update:

    Flintlock mechanisms are allowed - Just aslong as it looks like it was made in medieval times.

    TF2-esque creativity allowed - This means you can have the odd wire for your sentry replacement

    TF2-esque timeline allowed - The time impossible is allowed as long as it's sensible looking for the time. (such as the teleporter is impossible for TF2 current time)

    Hope I have solved any problems :D
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    sorry, whats this medieval update everyone is talking about ? I feel like a noob D:
  • JZeeba
    Noors wrote: »
    sorry, whats this medieval update everyone is talking about ? I feel like a noob D:


  • JZeeba
    Skizot wrote: »

    Awesome, I'd trade 3:1 for that hat :P
  • fusedgore
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    fusedgore polycounter lvl 13
    I am liking the pot .Looks similar to the halloween pot .Been working on a ST patty day hat pack .Just curious to see what you all think .

  • Psyke
    Skizot wrote: »

    mideval leatherface / executioner.

    can we see it with the whiskered gentleman?
  • Skizot
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    Skizot polycounter lvl 18
  • ColonelBD
    @Skizot: Personally , I don't think you have to worry about clipping with the Whiskered Gentleman, if it does got in chances are it will almost certainly be a misc. Really nice job so far, keep it up :)


    Ive tweaked the wrench and added more stuff, I know rthe rivets are too bulbous so I will be changing them. However in game:


    problem, and i'm not talking about the purple (my eyes). I'll widen the jaws a bit to give the engineers finger more room. I haven't decided on what to do with the screw bit, I can either spin it round so it faces up vertically instead of horizontally, or I can move it to the other screw. Hmmmm, which do you think will look better?

    In third person:, it works fine for some reason:
  • Skizot
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    Skizot polycounter lvl 18
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    @Skizot: Personally , I don't think you have to worry about clipping with the Whiskered Gentleman, if it does got in chances are it will almost certainly be a misc. Really nice job so far, keep it up :)

    it's a FULL head replacement, i'm not sure they would make that a misc. plus the back of the hat would clip really bad with most hats.
  • Psyke
    Skizot wrote: »
    it's a FULL head replacement, i'm not sure they would make that a misc. plus the back of the hat would clip really bad with most hats.

    Yeah it'd be a hat to avoid people wearin' this and mr fosters

    regardless the mustache doesn't look out of place. a tad different but not in a bad way

    just a different style haha. i love it so far. but would you consider some slight colouration changes?

    maybe even putting an alpha map on it so it could be paintable?
  • Skizot
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    Skizot polycounter lvl 18
    i WAS considering making it paintable yes, but not sure about it :/
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    IMO looks good as it is.
    Here is next thing I was thinking about (1,2,3 - for pyro, or 4 for spy as knife):
    Idea came from Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene. Basically spy would be able to pillow stab you, or I can make longer stick and give it for pyro (or any other mele class). What version makes more sense?
  • Pie_Tony
    IMO looks good as it is.
    Here is next thing I was thinking about (1,2,3 - for pyro, or 4 for spy as knife):

    Idea came from Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene. Basically spy would be able to pillow stab you, or I can make longer stick and give it for pyro (or any other mele class). What version makes more sense?
    I'd say #2 with the pillow texture of #3.

    would make for a very interesting axetinguisher
  • Doughnut Bear
    Skizot wrote: »

    mideval leatherface / executioner.

    love it, thats the kinda thing i would want on my pyro's head :)
  • Veko
    IMO looks good as it is.
    Here is next thing I was thinking about (1,2,3 - for pyro, or 4 for spy as knife):
    Idea came from Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene. Basically spy would be able to pillow stab you, or I can make longer stick and give it for pyro (or any other mele class). What version makes more sense?

    put the broom on fire too, setting players it hits on fire ^^
  • Don Karnage
    Here is next thing I was thinking about (1,2,3 - for pyro, or 4 for spy as knife):
    Idea came from Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene. Basically spy would be able to pillow stab you, or I can make longer stick and give it for pyro (or any other mele class). What version makes more sense?
    I hate to say it but it seems an out of place and unneccessary idea, as beautiful as the concept art is :S
  • Rada
    question so i have blender on my computer now, and i downloaded the import and export files and even extracted them to my blender scripts folder, but when i copied the soldier smd file from the source file to a seperate folder and tried to open that file with blender i keep getting an error that it is not a blender file. what am i doing wrong, and yes i did run blender as admin

    also it says i dont have a python installed when i downloaded python 2.7 and have it on my comp
  • CidTheNinja
    Skizot wrote: »
    out of curiousity why is it that I can see pyro's eye through his gasmask in your pictures? I've never seen that in any pyro pic before besides yours.
  • Bishop
    You know, looking at Skizot's pyro's head thing,

    why hasn't anyone put a huge sock over the Pyro's head?

    But in anycase, good to see some good stuff on this thread again after being sick, makes me happy.
  • Tehrasha
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    Tehrasha polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone else look at that and think 'Candlejack!'. ?
  • JZeeba
    Not Medieval related but I finally got to submit this one, big thanks to Noors for creating the texture for it! (submitted as a team).


    I made a small change to the strap before submitting it but I had already taken the 'painted' screenshots :poly124:

    Now on to creating something for the medieval theme...
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    That came up nicely. What did you wind up calling it in the end?
  • sconlogue
    JZeeba I love it! I so want to watch Big Trouble in Little China now. Throw on a lightning effect, oh yah!
  • sconlogue
    Toying with a couple weapon concepts that wouldn't fit existing character animations. Is there a way to create your own full character sequences in Max or Maya so you can test things in game? For example with the Huntsman a new character animation was required but in that case Valve created it so no problem for them. Can we do that? Or do you simply submit with your suggested mechanics and stats, then XX fingers.
  • Kebab
    Spent the last 8 hours with this. How was your day?
  • ShakerSilver
    GAAAH! What am I doing wrong here! My hat won't show both team colors! Here's the .qc file:
    1. $cd "C:\Users\****\Models\Spy Thinking Hat\Decompiled"
    2. $modelname "player/items/spy/fez.mdl"
    3. $model "Body" "think.dmx.smd"
    4. $cdmaterials "\models\player\items\spy\"
    5. $cdmaterials ""
    6. $texturegroup skinfamilies
    7. {
    8. { "models/player/items/spy/think_red.vmt" }
    9. { "think_blue.vmt" }
    10. }
    11. $hboxset "default"
    12. $hbox 0 "bip_head" -3.516 -10.913 -6.094 4.332 0.000 2.645
    13. // Model uses material "models/player/items/spy/think_red.vmt"
    14. // Model uses material "think_blue.vmt"
    15. $surfaceprop "cloth"
    16. $illumposition -1.155 0.408 81.148
    17. $sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
    18. $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
    20. $mass 11.1
    21. $inertia 1.00
    22. $damping 0.00
    23. $rotdamping 0.00
    24. }
    Any errors there? Halp please!
  • Noors
  • CWalkthroughs
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    CWalkthroughs polycounter lvl 6
    I'm planning on making some concepts for a Scout weapon I'm thinking about making, I'll get to work on it soon.

    (I posted as an excuse to test my new avatar)
  • Kebab
    GAAAH! What am I doing wrong here! My hat won't show both team colors! Here's the .qc file:
    Any errors there? Halp please!

    This should work:
    1. $cd "C:\Users\****\Models\Spy Thinking Hat\Decompiled"
    2. $modelname "player/items/spy/fez.mdl"
    3. $model "Body" "think.dmx.smd"
    4. $cdmaterials "\models\player\items\spy\"
    5. $cdmaterials ""
    6. $texturegroup skinfamilies
    7. {
    8. { "think_red" }
    9. { "think_blue" }
    10. }
    11. $hboxset "default"
    12. $hbox 0 "bip_head" -3.516 -10.913 -6.094 4.332 0.000 2.645
    13. // Model uses material "models/player/items/spy/think_red.vmt"
    14. // Model uses material "models/player/items/spy/think_blue.vmt"
    15. $surfaceprop "cloth"
    16. $illumposition -1.155 0.408 81.148
    17. $sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
    18. $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
    20. $mass 11.1
    21. $inertia 1.00
    22. $damping 0.00
    23. $rotdamping 0.00
    24. }

    Also make sure when you compile it that you've used red texture vtf on it.
  • ColonelBD
    @CWalkthroughs: Lookin good!

    I've fixed up the clipping on the wrench, well there is but thats caused by me being lazy and not bothering to fix up the wrench in the proper hand position:


    Just need to move it down slightly and were good :). I want to get started on the texturing soon, so if theres any real model problems or any things you want adding.

    Im planning on having the head metal, like a black smith hammer, the two joints coming down to be wooden. Then the handle joint is going to metal and the handle itself is going to be wooden.
  • Psyke
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Im planning on having the head metal, like a black smith hammer, the two joints coming down to be wooden. Then the handle joint is going to metal and the handle itself is going to be wooden.

    you know i think it might look kinda good with just being wood with a finish on it
    some small metal parts [ spiral and screws ect ] but givin' it a metal head seems like it may make it blend in with the other wrenches a tad too easy

    just my two cents though
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Wait, is that supposed to be candleja-
  • ComfyCushion
    Too many executioner's masks.
  • Sharc
    Offline / Send Message
    Sharc polycounter lvl 7
    May I suggest it look more shaped like this?
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Kebab wrote: »
    Spent the last 8 hours with this. How was your day?
    To be honest, I liked the black version with the big clear stitches better than these coloured ones.
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Here's something that isn't a hood for the Pyro...

    It's a TORCH for the Pyro!


    It's my first thing I've gotten in-engine. I still have a final pass to do on the texture, spec, and the shader, but it's pretty much done. The flame works great when you're viewing it as a worldmodel, but as a viewmodel it's all screwed up since it's just a particle effect stuck to an attachment instead of a coded muzzle attachment like the other weapons. Maybe I'll seek out how to do that myself at some point, but I have some other projects I have to move on to now.

    Once again, thanks for the help earlier.
  • BuRnTF4c3M4n
    Hello everyone, I have been following this forum for a while now.
    Two weeks ago i decided to grab my courage and start my very first project.
    It's a Spy PDA replacement (see picture below)


    The Concept for it is a Cigar case instead of a Cigarette one.
    My question is the following:
    For now, my model is made of a bunch of different polygons.
    I tried using Boolean command to "merge" them all together, but I just end up with something weird instead. If I only attach the objects together, is it going to affect something when I render my model in TF or is it alright to just do it like that??

    Thanks a lot everyone =)

    PS: You guyz are awesome at modeling, I'm jealous =P
  • Bishop
    I guess it's a nice contrast between the copper colour of the torch and gas tank, sticking with warm colours I suppose, but it seems a little off. What will you be trying to do with the BLU team then? I suggest that you make the gas tank monochromatic or plain white.
  • CidTheNinja
    Here's something that isn't a hood for the Pyro...

    It's a TORCH for the Pyro!


    It's my first thing I've gotten in-engine. I still have a final pass to do on the texture, spec, and the shader, but it's pretty much done. The flame works great when you're viewing it as a worldmodel, but as a viewmodel it's all screwed up since it's just a particle effect stuck to an attachment instead of a coded muzzle attachment like the other weapons. Maybe I'll seek out how to do that myself at some point, but I have some other projects I have to move on to now.

    Once again, thanks for the help earlier.

    actually surprised no one made this earlier, though I did think when I saw one it would be more medieval-looking for that thing the tf2 emporium is doing.
    and what IS up with the sudden burst of executioner hoods?
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