I haven't done any game res female character so I wanted to give it a try. I've been working on this girl for a few weeks but I wanted to share my progress and continue posting. I did this concept a while ago trying to address some of my weaknesses for my next piece those including clothing and hard surface. The idea is pretty much a wizard who uses magic and technology combined. The mech golem is the first iteration I had but I think it looks too industrial and perfect. That's why probably I'll change it because I want to make something she probably made by herself. She is gonna have an arm adaptation as well, that why I'll be able to approach mechanical model which I have no experience doing. The concept is just like the main idea I have but I'll probably be tweaking the design in the process if I see something is not feeling how I want.
Actual State:



Can't wait to see more
With her current proportions, I think you could try squashing her head down a bit so it's less long (but that could also just be my own tastes). Right now I feel like too much of her forehead might be visible, especially with her hair and hat.
Really enjoying what you've done so far, and it's super inspiring to see your progress on this. Hope you post more on her soon!
@dGreenberg Thanks I'm glad you like it! I really like the twist in the shirt too. I actually just saw my friend wearing that shirt and I liked the design so used it as reference. It seems you can find inspiration in any place
I'm glad that you covered how made the bags. I hadn't thought about extracting at zero thickness before. I'll have to give that a try next time im making something.
Now for your hat... I love it! I wanted to make something similar, but it ended up no where as good. Can you explain your process a bit more? Did you mask and then extract the weaved pieces? If so, how did you get them all the same size?
Cant wait to see where you take this!
@Sunray Thanks for the comment! I'm gonna take a look to what you said about the hat, thanks!
@jose.fuentes Thanks Jose for your comment I really appreciate it
This is a small breakdown of how I addressed the weaved pieces on the hat.
1) I just had the base body for the hat. Took a screenshot from the top view and went into photoshop to start defining the design I wanted.
2) Once I had the design defined I went back to Zbrush and made two duplicates of the hat base mesh I had at a really low res.
I took advantage of the loops that conform the had to create two sets of polygroups for the weaves. One for the ones from inside out the hat and the other for the circular ones that support the first set.
3) After setting everything up, the next phase was pretty much a lot of patience and time using the Move Topological Brush to match the shape of the design. Keeping everything at 0 thickness and really low res really helps. In cas I needed more straps I could just simply select one of the existing ones and duplicate. Also, because I kept the original base of the hat I had a base to place all the weaves around matching that semi concave shape it has.
At the end I just used Panel Loops to add some thickness to it. Even after subdividing a couple timesI was able to make changes and tweaking some stuff with the Move Topological Brush. It took a while but the result looks how I wanted. Hope it helps a little bit. All my process for everything I do is reduced to having a really low res version of what I want and using polygroups and thickness to have more control over the different pieces.
As I mentioned the last post I moved into the mech arm. I just finish the rough dynamesh sketch of how I want the arm to look. Keeping in mind it's functionality over design. I tested the different joints and it seems to be working pretty well. The next phase is polishing which will take a little bit of time.
Thanks for sharing. I especially like how the accessories are turning out.
For now this is what I got so far with the mech arm. It has been a lot of try and error to get it right but I least I got the hand pretty much done.
I used Jonas Ronnegard's Sci Fi alphas for the alpha work combined with Tom Newbury's mech brushes. Hope is looking good
IG; the tubes, and gears between bones.
followup, what mat is that?
@pmiller001 about your question, most part are different pieces when it comes to small bolts attached to a surface, panel or vents those are pure visual noise using alphas. I used Jonas Ronnegard's Sci Fi alphas and Tom Newbury's mech brushes if your are interested google them they are pretty good. Also, in this case I took my dynamesh version and retopo the different pieces in Maya because I wanted a specific topology for each piece, Then everything was just adding thickness and bevels. Hope it helps
Thanks @Lazar! Those words coming from an artist I follow and admire mean a lot to me
waiting for continuation
This is the actual state of the project. Really close to call the high poly done! This time I tried to get a high resolution render so you can take a look at the details. If you have any comments or suggestion don't be afraid to post! I will evaluate and understand the different points of view you have. Hope you like it and thanks for following my progress
I'm in the final stage just polishing some props such as a diary where she takes notes of her discoveries and some kind of scroll using technology instead of a traditional one.