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[UE4]Boxing gym

polycounter lvl 10
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Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
Hi polycounter ! :)

I finished my last project ( you can see here if you want ) so I started a new one !

This one is a bit special , because it will be realistic with UT4 and PBR workflow.
It's the first time I will use UT4 and almost the first time I will use PBR worflow so if you have ANY tips to help me , feel free.

The project is like a old American boxing gym (80'-90' ) .

** Main Goal ( and I need your help to achieve them ) **

- AAA Quality ( modeling , texture , lighting , rendering )
- UT4
- PBR workflow
- Try to use Substance painter


Here the first wip of where I'm so far.

Here the ref I took for this project.

** Last update**


  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi there ,

    I update the  ring ! The step is add more small props ( like the radio for example ) and also some pipe on the ceiling and some lights.

    Of course advice , comments , tips are welcoming :D


  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    Let's see some more pictures of your scene like close ups and other angles so we can really get a handle on what's going on, because at the moment I'm not completely sure.  I'm not completely sure of the type of feel you're going for with the ceiling and all since we don't have any pictures of it, but if you're going to be adding some exposed pipes and what not, I'd suggest adding them to the ceiling. The gym I go to has that sort of stuff exposed, maybe it might help to push yours in a more realistic direction. Some more props I'd suggest adding are racks for the barbell weights and maybe some ropes hanging from the wall (that could be a fun detail to consider) like this:

    It's up to you really. Hope this helps :)
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi polycounters !
    So here you can see an update of this project. I almost finish the advanced blocking volume  , a lot of small props are there without variation , I will add that after ( for example : bottle , barbell weight etc )
    I plan to add trophy , pictures , magazines , pipes , American flag and maybe a sofa.

    So feel free to tell me what do you think :)

    @gfelton : thanks for your advice dude ! I toke it in consideration and I vent , light on the ceiling and I will add pipe as well . About the closeup and the camera angle , I didn't focus on it because for the moment the render is in Marmoset 2 . When the advanced blocking volume is done , I will move to UE4 and focus the camera angle. I hope you will enjoy the update.

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    A quick update. I added pipes and electric cable + light switch.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Looking pretty clean. The door frames and trim seem a bit chunky though. 
  • kohg
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    kohg polycounter lvl 9
    I like where this is heading.
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    ANıL İŞBİLİR polycounter lvl 8
    Great layout blocking, scene is already very dynamic.
  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    Steady progress, looks great! :)
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all !
    A new update with the trophy and gloves.  Next steps is continue to add small props like : magazine , pictures , American flag , sport bag.

    @ZacD Thanks dude . Yeah I agree with you so you I changed that with ref ( because the previous one I did that without ref )
    ANıL İŞBİLİR  @gfelton : Thanks guys ! I really appreciated !! I hope you will continue to like ^^

  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Those turnbuckles look weird to me, I wouldn't expect exposed metal to be where the boxers would be leaning on that. 
    There a covering/pad you just haven't added yet?
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi guys ! I'm glad to show you my update ! I'm pretty happy about the result , I think I'm done with the "blocking" so I will move that to UE4 !
    **Next step**
    - Change the blocking based on yours reviews !
    - Put everything on UE4.
    Enjoy !

    @pixelpatron : It's true but I took that for an old ring reference so maybe is something more "modern". to be honest with you , for me is not weird even if you are right. So if other people say the same things than you , I will change it :).

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi everyone !
    ok so here is an update ON UNREAL ENGINE 4 !!
    I made a REALLY simple lighting for the moment ( and as you can see I didn't set the lightmap ^^ ).
    And I made a first test of material , I know is nothing impressive but it's the beginning.

    *Goal for the next update*
    - Check if every object are exported well
    - Rework the floor texture to make the "final look" .
    - Start the wall texture.

    Feel free to comment if you have something to say on this update or project.

    Enjoy !

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all

    I'm glad to share with you this update.

    I just finished the texture of the floor (it's my first PBR texture :$ ) . I made a first version and after I reworked to get the final result.

    I hope you will like it and of course feel free to give me feed back


    --Version 01--

    --Final version--

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    @Shinigami : Thanks dude for your advice. But I don't understand what do you mean when you speaking about "The pattern look like a graphical glitch. About the character I completly agree with you , I will try to add more "story telling" on this texture.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    He's talking about the banding on the wood looking like banding as a graphical artifact. It could be an issue when the texture mips at certain angles, just look around in UE4 and see if you notice any weird banding looking patterns, TXAA might hide it pretty well. 

    My main suggestion is that the wood should have a pretty flat roughness, googling pictures of "basketball court old wood" and "basketball court wood" shows that the grain doesn't have much of an effect once the wood has varnish applied. The details I would add to the roughness would be details like skid marks from shoes and equipment, and dried water detail from the floor being mopped, drinks, sweat. 

    Also the gaps between the planks and the rounded edges seem too wide for this kind of hardwood, especially where the ends meet. 
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hey guys
    here a new texture and an update of the previous one based on @Shinigami and @ZacD advices ( which I agree with them ).

    @Shinigami @ZacD : I agree with you guys ! Thanks for the help :)

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all ,
    new update with implementation on UE4 + new texture for the ceiling .
    Next step will be to start some props.
    About the lighting , I'm not happy with but I will focus on that later.
    Enjoy !

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi polycounters.
    At this time I REALLY need your help. I made one door and I have the feeling something is COMPLETELY off but I don't understand what is it ! I have different render from Substance to UE4 and on substance the door is pretty ok ( I think it's to much damaged ) and on UE4 is so ugly...

    Thanks in advance for your help :)

    On the left : UE4 render
    On the right : Substance painter

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    ANıL İŞBİLİR polycounter lvl 8
    Dragonar said:
    Hi polycounters.
    At this time I REALLY need your help. I made one door and I have the feeling something is COMPLETELY off but I don't understand what is it ! I have different render from Substance to UE4 and on substance the door is pretty ok ( I think it's to much damaged ) and on UE4 is so ugly...

    Thanks in advance for your help :)

    On the left : UE4 render
    On the right : Substance painter

    Hey there, 
    Have you tried adding a reflection sphere close to the door? Also, have you checked the normal map green channel direction in UE? There is a flip green channel checkbox in the texture properties.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The painted metal door and sign shouldn't be white in the metalness map, they should be black because you want the PBR value to match the paint, not the metal. 

    Make sure that SRGB is unchecked for the roughness and metal. 
  • DaveW
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    DaveW polycounter lvl 14
    Shinigami said:
    Remember metalness should be only black or either white. White for metal and black for non. Do not go for a grey tone
    Grey values are absolutely fine. Most materials are not 'pure' one way or the other, and a painted metal door is definitely not a pure metal. What you should avoid is a transition between values as it will cause artifacts.

    The most likely cause is SRGB being checked on your masks, as ZacD saiod. It could also be scene lighting, as the base of the door looks pretty dark - so you could try checking it on the StarterContent HDRI test map.

  • Jaston3D
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    Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
    oh god here we go again.
  • Poinball
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    Poinball polycounter lvl 6
    Really nice ! your scene work very well
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all !! New update over there !
    Nothing is COMPLETELY final , so a lot of things still can be change.

    I hope you gonna like it and of curse don't hesitate to continue to support me ! I really appreciated !! :smiley:

    And thanks  A LOT for that !

    ** What new on this update ? **

    - New texture for the wall.
    - New texture for the bench
    - New texture for doors ( with your reviews ! Thanks a lot again ! )
    - New texture for the desk
    - New texture for fans
    - All Material rework ( with your reviews ! Thanks a lot again ! )
    - Lighting rework
    - Lightmap adjustment on textured object ( I don't did that on every object so it's normal if you see lightmap problem )
    - Completely rework on ReflectionSphere placement.

     @ANıL İŞBİLİR : Yeah I comepltly rework on the reflection sphere and now I'm pretty happy of the result. About the green channel I knew it about that. anyway thanks for your support dude !

    @ZacD : completely right ! I unchecked the SRGB and directly it was better. I rework the texture ( Metal and Rough ) and now I'm pretty happy of the result ! Thanks for you help !

    @Shinigami : Like @DaveW said , it's pretty rare to have A PURE metal or not. After made research on internet I found a great video about PBR stuff. But I agree with you that have gradient inside the Metalness is not a good idea :). Thanks for your support.

    @DaveW : Yeah you were right  about the gradient value , it's not recomanded to do that but use grey vallue is completely fine. And yeah this part of the scene is pretty dark so I rework that and it's look petter now!  Thanks for your help .

    @Jaston3D : haha what do you mean ? you mean you saw that discussion A LOT of time ? ^-^

    @Poinball : Thanks dude!  I hope you gonna like the update !

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all.
    New update over here ,  I hope you gonna like it !
    Enjoy and feel free to tell me your advice :)

    PS : The lighting on my scene is WAY too dark, for the moment it still a WIP , I'm gonna change it soon.

  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    this is looking very nice... I feel like you're wasting lighting opportunity on this setup right now... there's a massive over bloom from the outside from those two small windows which unanimously takes the attention from your viewer's eyes. The scene is too dark right now as a whole but you could easily fix that by adding a focal point which I would personally place at the centre of the ring... it doesn't have to be a strong spotlight but a slightly brighter ambient light.

    Made a small colour correct with a rough idea... I adjusted the colour hues of the scene a little bit too.
    I couldn't completely take out the bloom without making a big dark negative looking look so just tone down the bloom a lot imo.
    This is opinion so discard critique at will.

  • Poinball
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    Poinball polycounter lvl 6
    Nice ! I hope you will make a video of the scene ;)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Even the color corrected one is a bit too hard to read as a thumbnail because of the lighting. Definitely needs to be less spotty. 
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi !
    New update with some new objects ! I didn't touch the lighting and I know I have some error on it. Of course I plan to change that and apply your nice advice on the lighting :)

    Enjoy !

    @Kid.in.the.Dark : Thanks for your advice and support ! I competently agree with you and I like the Color corrected you did ! Like I said I didn't touch the lighting for the moment and my main focus are on the objects/textures but for sure I will change my lighting setup and apply your advice :)

    @Poinball : Hey ! Thanks for your kinds word ! And ofc I plan to make a video of my scene. I plan to add some music and some animation on it ( maybe the grass moving , some dust around the windows, some breaking light etc.. )

    @ZacD : I agree with that , but the color corrected is better that what I have ^^ . So I think I'm gonna go on that way and put less spotty light. But for the moment my goal is finish the textures and objects ^-^

  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    How did you do the wood and brick texture?
  • ashraful mobin
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    ashraful mobin polycounter lvl 10
    the progress looks really promising! Love it!
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi polycounters !!
    Here we go with a new update !
    I finish the punching speed-pear bag , some props on the desk and I change the scale of the brick wall ( the bricks itself ) and a new texture for the bottom of the wall.
    For the moment I didn't touch the lighting because I would like to finish every object before the lighting.
    I'm gonna implement my stuff on UE4 for the next update.

    Enjoy :)

    PS : I try to streaming much as I can so if you want to joint me feel free. It's there or on my flayer :p

    @snake85027 : Hi dude. Maybe a "please" can be cool at this point. But to answer on your question , I did that with Bitmap2Material and Photoshop.

    @ashraful mobin  : Thanks a lot for your kind words ! I hope you gonna continue to like when it will be done ^^

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    And like I said this is the render on UE4.

    I hope you gonna like it guys ! ^^

  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    This looks so good! I love your water bottles too. A lot of game bottles look weird, but your's look really nice. 
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all ,

    it's a long time I didn't post some update of the project.
    So here we go ! I almost finish every objects and now I have to focus a really small objects and detail.

    Overall I'm pretty happy about the result ( I speaking about the objets and textures only) and now I have to make a HUGE focus on the lighting because for the moment it's really dark and boring.

    So I hope you gonna like it and ofc if you any comments don't hesitate.

  • JLHGameArt
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    JLHGameArt greentooth
    Materials look good to me. 
    My only suggestion would be that there's seem to be quite a few uninterrupted straight lines. Mostly where the ceiling and walls meet. 
    The desk with the water on it looks a little thin.
    Maybe it's the lighting but the resolution on the brick work looks a little low? 
    Also there's a LOT of brick, might be nice to break it up with some sections of concrete, plaster or maybe painted brick work?

    A bit of atmosphere would look cool as well

    Other than that just the lighting, but you've said you're getting into that now, and I'm sure that will make all the difference, because right now  everything's kinda melding together.

  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Lighting is a bit flat and uninteresting. The above image has more life and looks lived in (good ref and direction). Your scene looks a little off atm. I think the ceiling is way too cramped and low. I mean look at the distance from the highest corner post in the above image and compare to your scene....I know it's a basement, but it's really low.
  • Alebrijes
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    Alebrijes vertex
    Oh man just went through the entire thread, really awesome seeing progress threads like this :3 
    Great work so far, keep it up! My only two cents is that I agree with the lighting, is too even all around there's no focal point for the eye to rest at. Adding dust and lowering the brightness of a few light would help give it a nice moody feel. Look forward to the next update!  
  • bigodon
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    bigodon polycounter lvl 8
    Materials look good to me. 
    My only suggestion would be that there's seem to be quite a few uninterrupted straight lines. Mostly where the ceiling and walls meet. 
    The desk with the water on it looks a little thin.
    Maybe it's the lighting but the resolution on the brick work looks a little low? 
    Also there's a LOT of brick, might be nice to break it up with some sections of concrete, plaster or maybe painted brick work?

    A bit of atmosphere would look cool as well

    Other than that just the lighting, but you've said you're getting into that now, and I'm sure that will make all the difference, because right now  everything's kinda melding together.

    I was trainning boxe for 4 years, his gym is pretty good but i have to agree with this
    bring some atmosphere fog to the scene, also a lut file and some tweak on scene color and color grading would help improve and bump the look and feel, if needed he can try fake a subtle lightshafts

    but it's looking good for me, i think he is on the right way
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for your comment. About the uninterrupted straight lines, I have a lighting error at this point that's why you have strange lines , but I agree with you I can add some more details. About the desk for me it's fine I made that with a real one reference but if a lot of people agree with you, I think I'm gonna change it ^^.
    about the number of brick , I'm a bit disagree with you because you have a LOT of things to break this brick wall ( like the flag , the posters, the desk etc etc ) so I don't think is useful to add more things and normally the resolution is fine ( it's a 2K textures) so I think it's coming from the lighting.
    About the reference you have to me , it's PERFECT ! It's exactly something like that I would like to have ( about the atmosphere).

    Thanks for your advice. About the flat and uninteresting lighting , I agree with that but like I said I'm gonna go in to that now. About the ceiling normally it's fine for a basement but I'm gonna double check to be sure. For me now I have the feeling that the ring it's too big so maybe because the ceiling is low ( so it's mean you are right) or because the ring is just to big.

    Hey dude ! Thanks for your kind words ! And yeah like I said I'm gonna working on the lighting but also on the FX ( at the end).

    Thanks a lot ! I'm super happy that you like my scene and if it's remember you your training boxe room , it's PERFECT :p. Yeah I agree with the others , like I said I know ATM the scene it's really flat and boring . I'm gonna work hard on this point to add a lot of atmosphere !

  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    @pixelpatron Hey dude , after double checked for me it's fine it's +/- 3m50.

    Tell me guys if you agree with me.

  • macoll
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    macoll polycounter lvl 13
    Looks very good, keep up ;)
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    You might have the proof in your shot above, but it'll always look weird to me cause if you placed a character on the edge of the ring right next to your hanging ducts....the dude could just reach out and grab em or hit his head......that is the main area that I think needs to be addressed.....you mentioned the ring might be to big/tall.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi everyone
    I'm pretty happy and proud to show you the "final" version of this project !
    I put the " " because if you have any suggestion/advice to improve it  , it will be nice !

    I think I reach the main part of my goals, just to remember you my goals was :
    - AAA Quality ( I think is not that bad but if you have any suggestion to improve this point please don't hesitate ! )
    -PBR Workflow ( I learned A LOT on this project and now I have a really better understanding about that ! )
    -Try to use Substance painter ( I learned a lot on Substance painter but I didn't make EVERYTHING with it. So next time I'm gonna try to do that )

    So thanks A LOT to the people that followed this project ! You advice was so nice and useful !! ( like usual on Polycount )

    Enjoy !

  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    Looks amazing, great job! 
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    @RustySpannerz Thanks dude ! I appreciated it  ! I hope that the other gonna like it like you ^^
  • vertex_
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    vertex_ polycounter lvl 7
    Excellent. The light shafts, detail on the vents, trophy case. Even the little bits of graffiti. All well done and it shows that you wanted to push the detail in this environment.

    Some small points of critique:

    • Dust particles are a bit overkill. They were the first thing I noticed, I find they work best as a subtle complement to the scene. It gets bad when the particles make the scene look noisy.
    • The red ceiling beams and pipes present a sort of anodized metal effect. Not sure if this was your intention but I would expect such a surface to be of flat paint and have a completely black metallic texture.
    • The mirrors aren't quite selling themselves as mirrors. I would crank up the resolution there, it looks like there may be some cleanup to do in the material as well, as it is kind of foggy looking.
    • Might be worth disabling compression on your normal maps. Some meshes, like the window frames, have some pretty jarring artifacts.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all ! An update of this project , I changed the LUT file and also what @vertex_ said about the dust and the ceiling beams.
    I hope you gonna like the new update and ofc if you have any idea to improve it , don't hesitate. Even if I worked for this project since a long time , I still have enough energy to improve it ^-^

    Enjoy !

    @vertex_ : Thanks a lot dude ! I agree with you about the dust and the ceiling beams. About the mirrors, you have this feeling because I added some dust and scratches on it, I waned to do not a perfect mirror but a "dirty" one. And about the normal on the window frame , thats right I have some problem on this object but keep the secret :-p.

  • Macebo
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    Macebo hero character
    Hey @Dragonar, congratulations on both finishing this project and achieving your objectives! It's always good to learn something new. 
    Your scene looks great already. But, as you asked for feedback, i guess i could point two things. 

    First thing: i believe it could add a lot for realism if you desaturated the scene a little. Currently it is too red. I photoshoped one of your screenshots. Aside from desaturating it a little, i added a little bit of a blue tint: 

    Second thing. Those spots were supposed to be dust particles or dirty on the lens of the camera? Either way they are unnecessary in my opinion. Bare in mind that this is personal taste, so if you think it is good looking please keep it :)


    Edit: disconsider the dust portion of my feedback. For some reason i replied in the first page of your thread and didn't see your modifications.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all !!
    I changed the render of my scene because I didn't like the old one. It was too contrasted and saturated. I change it and add a bit of blue ( especially on the shadow) to give a nice mood. For me I considare this project like finish but ofc you can continue to give me your advice and I'm keep in mind for the next project !

    I hope you gonna like it the new result !

    Also I would like to say thanks to everyone that followed this project and gave me advices ! And thanks to polycount for the featuring of the month !

    @Macebo :   Thanks dude ! I completly agree with your advice so I changed it ! I just exagerate a bit what you did and add a bit more blue on the shadow to give a nice mood. I hope you gonna like it ;)

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