I figured it was high time that I actually posted some actual art on here again, so here goes!
I have spent a few hrs over the past few days working on a barbed wire baseball bat...I have never made a weapon before, so this was pretty awesome to get cracking on.

WIP beauty render

WIP beauty render wires

Barbed wire close up

Barbed wire wires close up

Handle tape close up

Handle tape wires close up

Everything is being made with subd in Blender 2.58a and there isn't any sculpting yet.
For those who are interested in how I did the barbed wire, it was done by making a small section and then adding an array modifier with the Fit Type set to curve, so that the # of parts would match the length of curve. I then added a curve modifier that deformed the barbed wire along the curve.
To make the curve, I just modelled a helix, which was then scaled and arrayed vertically, which was then converted to a curve

Comments and critique are welcome:)
Can I ask how you intend to bake this?
pieces of flesh that got stuck during the attacking of victims?
Currently, I'm really not sure how i'm going to tackle the LP yet or what is acceptable for a first person weapon like this :P
It has been suggested to me that 5-7k is somewhere around what I should be looking at...any insight would be great
For the LP barbed wire, I did a few quick tests...It seems I have 3 options.
A) Use a cylinder, to which I can bake the barbed wire onto and have 1 quad for each barb (and maybe have multiple cylinders for multiple levels of wire)
C) Model the wires with geometry (3 or 4 sides) and use planes for the barbs, or model the barbs, depending on tricount limitations
Now, the pros and cons I for see with these are as follows (Please feel free to comment on these or correct me)...
- Poor/expensive to alpha sort
- Reasonably expensive. My test was 1218 tris., with each section of barbed wire being a scaled plane, with 2 vertical loops to accommodate the curve (would probably need a greater number or sides to look good, though this would be budget dependent)
- Very good texture footprint (each barbed wire section would be tiled and fit to a curve, as above)
C)Example textures for idea A
I have rendered out a good set, which are below the render from within Marmoset.
Marmoset with method A
The shots don't look awful, but don't have as much depth as I would like. The silhouette is obviously cylindrical too, but not as bad as I had initially thought it would be (from tests with the previous set of textures)
As always, comments and critique are welcome
Thanks for looking!
Handle tape looks a bit iffy with the bulge though, should probably be more flat on like so:
@bbob, I tried not to go down the standard flat tape route, so I got some padded grip tape ref. and used that because it has a more interesting silhouette and as this is a portfolio piece, the handle seen more than if it was in game
Just a quick suggestion, You can try and put some dents and heavy scratches on the bat.
I'm probably going to do a sculpt pass on everything, so I would expect some roughness to be added
Thanks for the kind words, but im not even close to finishing the HP yet...The LP was just a quick test
I still have a bunch of stuff to add yet
You're already going to have quite a bit of alpha sorting with one plane and all the barbs, so I see no reason to increase that just to add a little depth that will probably be hardly noticed.
How about a couple carefully placed dents in the bat. Would give it a little depth under the wire and make it look just a little more badass to boot.
I will make sure to do a sculpting pass and post some updates soon
I will probably be doing all my sculpting in ZBrush as Blender doesn't perfom as well as I would like when it comes to the resolutions that I want to use. Most likely that isn't down to Blender but the Fermi issues with OpenGL
It would be nice to actually sculpt something in Blender though...maybe for the next project
whats the poly count?
That isn't the final LP yet, as I was just doing some tests so I can plan some stuff
The tricount for the test was 910
Hopefully it will look even better once the actual LP is done
Sorry for the lack of updates...I managed to fit in an hour over the past few days to do a first pass on the damage layer in Zbrush. I still have lots to do and am currently considering how far to do with the damage and if I should sculpt onto the tape or just leave it for the the normal map.
ZBrush Beauty render damage pass
Comments and critique are welcome
I few big dents would be cool, but it would still be a pretty 'smooth' dent, I guess a crease would be a better word.
About the damage on the bat, I agree with Baddcog. Some light scratches and one or two areas smoothed would do the trick.
Keep the screens coming! Loving it so far!
Looking at the top of the baseball bat I'm gonna agree with Oniram, reads more like wood than metal at the moment.
As for the tape, I think it might be an idea to have a few "big" cuts and add those in zbrush. But I think the smaller details might as well be done on the normal itself.
Looking forward to see more!
It's supposed to be wooden, so it's good that the damage looks like wood ^^
I will try and get some more details going on the tape later and will post them ASAP.
The test LP was just a cylinder with a bunch of intersecting planes for the barbs. Nothing fancy...yet
That sculpt came out ok, and I don't think it's exagerated, we should always exagerate a little bit the high polies anyway, they will get baked and the normal map will get resized later on, a lot of info is lost, but I wouldnt mind seeing more scratches in there and less blobby indentations, maybe even sculpt down the "wood" lines.
Also put some lettering on there for the cherry ont op of the cake
I will add those on the next sculpting pass. Thanks for the ref too!
Another small update, but this time it's something to go with the bat
Baseball beauty shot WIP
Baseball WIP Wires
It's still all very WIP, but I couldn't resist having a go at this last night.
The barbed wire is the same deal with the fit to curve as before, but this time I had to make it permanent, because there was quite a gap between the wire.
Comments and critique are welcome
Anyways good start on the grenade!
I do agree though, the barbs would do more damage to the user than the victim. Obviously the owner of these items isn't only a baseball fan, he's also a masochist.
Creative idea for sure.
I'm going to think of a few options for sticking the barbed wire on the grenade and might post some ideas to see what everyone thinks