School time Ahri by
blairarmitage on
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Hi, I'm a bit late to this! But I wanted to give Ahri a try~
I want to aim for something with clean forms and a nice silhouette. Started with sculpting the body -

Tried to keep as faithful as possible to Paul Kwon's proportions, not sure whether to push the side view a bit more and exaggerate the stance with a more arched back?
Its weird sculpting this, the only brushes I used were inflate and move, trying to keep things rounded but some parts are still a bit flat.
Sorry about gratuitous boobage - I can edit this to make it SFW
Next, head -

Some bad tangents going on with the hair forms, will work on that!
bare face [ignore terrible ears!] -

Trying to approach this as simple as possible, keeping the eyelashes seperate and a bit blocky. Looking more at figures and ball jointed dolls for reference. The face could be a bit more oval still maybe?
Will do some more artsy stuff next time like paintovers, wanted to get the base model blocked out first!
Critique much appreciated, please let me know if anything looks off, especially with the head!

My entry is doomed!
I made a thing. The colour on my monitor is messed up but hopefully these look like navy blue and red!
Let me know what you think! Box pleats or knife pleats, etc. I think the A-line skirts look better since her hips are so massive already they don't need any more accentuating...!
I've been told the beret is too tasteful for Ahri but I love little hats so much.
Also liquified the body a bit for slimmer arms and smaller hands - need to do this in the model still.
I think you could even move away from these colors, i think it will be a lot more interesting. Currently i am seeing typical Japanese school girl outfit/colours. Where as i know you could put a real edgy twist on it. I am also seeing a lacking in personality. Maybe you could add things like little badges,key rings hanging from stuff, bracelets etc etc.
Very nice start though. Keep throwing around those ideas!
@slosh, I literally saw yours last night and felt really bad like I was stepping on your toes, yours is really cute though!
soo kaawaaaiii desuuuu! xD
seriously though looks great. #1 in my opinion is the best option; good balance of color in my opinion too.
Tonight's progress, wanted to keep her recognisable braid but double up for some interesting silhouettes! I really want these to look super dynamic and floaty in the end, wish I had some rigging skills but I'll give it a try somehow regardless.
Also, cool ribbon designs will be incoming when I decide on what they'll be...
More hair progress, I found the quickest way of doing it was with loads of insert meshes instead of sculpting from a blob. The plan is to bake these down into chunks, hopefully it will work.
Let me know if anything looks weird with the silhouette, I'm planning to add a few more stray hairs at the low poly stage, might have to use alpha for some of the thinner strands if the polycount gets a bit dense.
Great job on her hair too.
I made a tail, then had fun duping it around. Hoping it will bake down ok, somehow she looks even more naked with tails on, I need to get on with the cloths sculpting this week!
Planning to do a render with one tail, then another more dynamic with all of them.
bishop313 - Nice spot, thanks! Fixed that now
I'd simplify Ahri's tails near the base and try to fuse some of the strands into larger chunks (I think maybe just taking two and making the one might work. I also noticed that her Legs are a good length but her knee is too low making her thigh to long and her shin to short ( most evident in the profile view). Aside from those things keep up the good work.
@Skyerzz - thank you, yeah agree they're gonna have to be further simplified at the base if its gonna work as 9, I will definitely smooth it out! Thanks for pointing that out about the legs, I'll shift them up a bit.
Got so much to do with the cloth still! I've remade the skirt twice already but I'll hopefully post some progress tonight, damn this having to go to work in the daytime!
Quick progress, some clothing blockouts! Seeing her with clothes has given me a fresher perspective and I think I'll slim down the arms some more, they look a bit chunky still to me. Hopefully that tail doesn't look like its coming out of her butt, I'm thinking of adding an underskirt.
Okkun - that's awesome praise, thank you, did you make the ingame face or cinematic?
Unfortunately I've been knocked out with a flu bug these past few days and I'm going to japan for a fortnight tomorrow - so really not sure if il finish her on time, I'll try my best even if I don't make the deadline