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World machine, advanced coloring macro

This is the latest working version v2.0 Alpha2

To make it work you have to do the following.

1. Download the macro and also the overlays.zip file.
2. Extract the overlays.zip file to c:/ or wherever you want.
3. Hook the macro up to your terrain and then double click it, click "enter macro"
4. In the top left corner there are 2 colorizer nodes and 3 input file nodes.
5. Double click on the top colorizer node and then click select file and navigate to your overlay folder and choose height2.tga
6. Double click on the 2nd colorizer node and then click select file and navigate to your overlay folder and choose height1.tga
7. Double click on the top file input node and then click open file and navigate to your overlay folder and choose cliff1.png.
8. Double click on the 2nd file input node and then click open file and navigate to your overlay folder and choose cliff2.png.
9. Double click on the 3rd file input node and then click open file and navigate to your overlay folder and choose main1.png.

This is to link the macro with the overlay textures. Play around with the parameters and have fun! Please post screenshots to this thread so I can see how it is being used. Thanks and enjoy.



This is optional but shows how it can be used.

Screenshot of example file terrain


Hi all, I just wanted to share my world machine macro, I adapted it from the "coastal overlay" macro to give me more control over the look and feel of my worlds with minimal work.


Screenshots of the above color map applied to terrain in cryengine3, no editing at all was done, I just imported the heightmap, terrain texture, and added some grass. I would advise adding detail in mudbox and rendering a higher res ambient occlusion map for a better finish.






Max cliff slope: Selects the angle of slope where rocks will be.
Max beach height: Selects the altitude of beaches.
Water height: Sets the water height:
Sun heading: controls which direction the sun is facing.
Sun altitude: Controls how high in the sky the sun is.
Sky lighting: Sets the overall brightness of the terrain.
Cavity map intensity: Darkens the cracks and grooves (keep this low).
Main grass color: changes the color of the ground.
Highlight grass color: Changes the color of the ground where there is a break in the clouds.
Rock color main: Selects the overall rock color.
Rock color worn: Changes the color of the rock where it has been eroded most.
Ambient occlusion multiplier: Increases the strength of the ambient shadows.
Flow map strength: Controls how visible the flow erosion paths are.
Beach color: Sets an overall sand color for beaches.
Sand color highlight: Sets a color for sand where there is a break in cloud coverage.
Cloudmap style: Toggles different cloud effects.
Cloudmap size: Sets how large the cloud coverage is.
Invert clouds: Simply inverts the cloud coverage.
Cloud co-ords: Change the position of the clouds.
Snow Bias: Change the overall amount of snow.
Snow amount (shadows): Changes the amount of snow left in the shadowy regions of the map.
Snow color: Change the overall color of the snow.
Snow color highlight: Sets the color of the snow where there is a break in the cloud coverage.
Cloud shadows?: Removes the cloudmap completely (tick to turn off)

The ability to add a cloudmap to your terrain will greatly improve the overall look and feel of your creations.

The snow will not only take into consideration the height of your terrain, but it will also be bias towards the shaded areas depending on which way your sun is facing. Not only this but it will try on fill cavities and adhere to the flow of the terrain. It will also add a little depth to the terrain making it seem more realistic and not just painted on.

It comes with many outputs including masks for the rocks, grass, sand etc. It accepts a primary heightmap, flowmap, wearmap and deposition map.

I have saved 2 presets, "Alpine", and "arid" to the macro so you can get an idea of how it works although it is very simple to use.


Hope you have fun with it!


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