Hi everyone, This is a high poly gorka clothing project that has been "sitting in the drawer" for quite a while. I created this piece to practice using Marvelous Designer and to research various marketplaces. I aimed to make this character modular, allowing for various combinations and customizations. My Artstation page
So i wanted to do my best and try to create a good looking and game ready clothing set inspired by Tetsuya Nomura, I'm a huge ff fan and following his career has been interesting to see how he is influenced by fashion. I'm trying to make a Armour and clothing set inspired by his designs, modern clothing with armor elements…
Hi Guys! I made retopology of my MD pants but not sure if it is right, I do this for my portfolio as game ready character asset, I saw works of some other artist's and they often highlight folds with topology (pics 1 , female) so i thought about my work (pic 2 , with pink background) should i also highlight folds for my…
Hi I am relatively new to the cryeditor and I was wondering if there is something that could enable a cltoh flapping like I have seen in red dead redemption where lots of little flags or clothes hanging from a rope or other stuff is flapping nicely to the wind , also if also clothes could have some kind of feature that…
https://renanassuncao.gumroad.com/l/clothbrushes This helpful package contains 5 high quality alphas cloth wrinkle to choose from. Contain: - Total 5 Alphas - Format PSD -Resolution: 2048x2048 -File type: PSD * Also can be used in Substance Painter and Blender. MORE FREE BRUSHES >>…
I am new in Zbrush and i am trying to make a clothes for this model pls can anyone help me to make a nice clothes for this model.suggest me any technique or like how to build proper cloth. I want to complete this model so give me any idea or anything so i can complete this model........
I'm trying to sculpt a cloth "jupon" on Zbrush but i'm having trouble with cloth and making it look alright. Each time i try and sculpt the cloth belt it looks too uniform. How would you guys approach this ?
I'm trying to get a basic bit of cloth to work. I added a cloth bone, and weighted all my verts to it that I wanted to be simulated and then weighted all the other verts to a "rigid" bone and imported it. * The bones and the weights import correctly. * I add my "cloth" bone to the cloth bone list, and then I click on the…
I understand when doing the figure of anything kind, it is advised to create topology that goes with the flow of the muscles. What I would like to know is when creating the clothed figure, do you still have to create the clothes' topology to follow the muscles, or create topology that goes best with that specific cloth. I…