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Pranks at work

Tuesday night:
I set up a long series of renders just before I left. Instead of sending them to the network I decide I'll just get it done locally on my machine which means I leave my system unlocked overnight. Normally I lock it or shut it down, but no big deal.

Wednesday morning:
- A bunch of stuff on my desk has been rearranged. Apparently Lightening McQueen has a thing for purple Impalas.
- My monitor is sideways.
- The start bar is missing (auto hidden).
- A giant maximized folder has taken over my desktop and the top bar is missing (actually just scaled and carefully placed).

Its oddly out of character for any of the people I work with to screw with each others systems especially when they're cranking away. I shrugged it off and moved on, thankful the magic shoe ferries didn't stop the 12hr rendering job.

There's only been one other person I've ever gone back and forth with on that level and this smells oddly familiar but I haven't worked with him in years... Turns out a guy he worked with, is contracting for us right now, heh, sneaky bastard.

It got thinkin' is it pretty common to pull pranks wherever it is you work or do most people freak out if you so much as walk by?


  • EarthQuake
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    bwahahahaha thanks for that Pic EQ.. thats going round the office today...

    once on a biz trip the guy I was travelling with asked me to hold is bag and passport/plane ticket while he went to the loo (he was half drunk) when he came back he took his bag and never mentioned the passport, 15 minutes later he goes "I cant find my passport omg" I let him run round the airport for about 30 minutes, check with lost and found before I gave it back to him.
  • Rens
    eq.. what has been seen cannot be unseen, damnit! XD
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    my workmates just set up a twitter account for me without me knowing, with stupid quotes Ive said on it and emailed all staff at our work with a link to it and I have no control over the account :P
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    One of the guys I work with got one of those USB things from thinkgeek that fuck with the mouse input and input random keystrokes on intervals.

    He put it on one of our programmers boxes and forgot about it, and the programmer ended up dealing with it for a full day. Then on the second day, after about 3 hours of IT going through his machine replacing keyboards, mice, and trying everything else they could think of, they found the chip plugged into the usb port.
    That was the only time I've ever seen that guy angry, and boy was he pissed.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I like to make icons. I made this one and replace peoples icons with it when they are away from their desk


    Download it here:
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, we had a joke screen that would pop up once a day built into Darkest of Days. It was pretty surprising the first time, but it wasn't long before everyone found the source images and started changing them.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Oh! And once at Iron Lore I modeled a penis and rigged it to the player models skeleton. The head replaced the head, the shaft was rigged to the spine and the balls to the thighs. I then replaced Josh Singh's game build with the "penis build". Hah! so he had a penis running around the game that could wear armor and cast spells :)

    Oh and we had a dye system so of course I had to make a black dye :)

    Gah I wish I could find that asset for screen shots!

    - BoBo
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I like to make icons. I made this one and replace peoples icons with it when they are away from their desk


    Download it here:

    You also like to replace entire player characters with a specific highly detailed 'model'. That was perhaps the best prank at ILE! Is Singh still leaving his computer on at night?? That or the brownie sculpted into a lifelike piece of poo.
    Ahhh memories.
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    Blue screen of death.bmp + slide show screensaver = some freaked out coworkers!

    Just make sure you jiggle their mouse before they reach for the reset switch.

    I pranked my neighbor a few weeks ago - settings lots of his stuff up on the ceiling beams where they can be seen but not easily reached (mouse, keyboard, iPod, wallet, etc) - taped over his monitor, stuck his guitar up on the ceiling of one of the nearby rooms, taped his mouse to the ceiling - all sorts of shit. It was fun to watch him discover everything missing :)
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Kind of old school but:
    take screenshot of desktop> hide taskbar > move all icons on desktop to a hidden folder> set screenshot as background

    still does the trick :thumbup:
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    one morning i came in early and wrapped a guys desk in 24 rolls of syran wrap... and once he unwrapped it everything on it was individually wrapped, the mouse, the monitor, the keyboard.. i think it took him 2 hours to unwrap everything.

    it was awesome..
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    haha these stories are great!

    the good ol' print screen, set has background got mr.bromell more than a few times when he was stuck sitting by me.

    whargoul that is one awesome prank! :D
  • Steviant
    http://blog.mozmonkey.com/2006/april_fools_hack/ is one that I'll try one day, if I ever work in an office.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    At my old job, I had a guy that liked to prank people. He tried to squirt water into my seat cushion once, but I saw it before I sat down. I returned the favor by putting a piece of scotch tape over his mouse ball (shows how far back this was). I let it go until he was about to call IT to help him with his computer. I probably should have let him call them, but my point was made by then.

    At that same job, my boss use to run around RIGHT on the minute that lunch ended, and make sure we were back to work. We use to play Rollercoaster Tycoon during lunch, so, I once took a screenshot and made it my wallpaper. So, when my boss did his check, he started yelling at me to shut off the game. I was sitting there working (soldering wire), and just responded with a 'what are you talking about?'. It took him a few to realize it was my wallpaper, then walked away pissed :D

    The best part was when I left that job, and he looked through my computer about 2 minutes after I walked out the door on my last day. With all my old co-workers around him, he started opening files. He found the image I made of his head photoshopped onto Hitler's body. He went ballistic :D (Good times)
  • bgoodsell
    A personal favorite prank of mine is to change the mouse icon in windows to a single black pixel, and the desktop background to black. The victim usually takes about 10 minutes or so to figure out whats happened and how to fix it.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    The best is screen shotting the desktop, using the screen shot as the desktop background, and then hiding the icons and task bar :)
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    At Ritual, I emailed the entire company from Juan Martinez's (Monster) desk with the title:


    and the subject:

    ... I LOVE THE COCK!!!!!!!

    Then later that day James Hawkins sent another email from Juan's desk that said:

    akhfdgpiugpasbvakcnbv ilhgsdaufg['uvaFDSvbh[' ar[ga'df ... sorry, it's hard to type with my balls
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol bobo... apparently no sexual harassment training at many of your studios ;)
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    at my studio back in florida we had pranked a guy we use to work with and had a midi file we made in windows (robot voiced) to say "make me some models STEVE"

    Every time he opened max or started windows

    when we had later all got frustrated with our jobs being outsourced

    all of our workstations mysteriously was replaced with the midi start up

    "they took our jerbs!" appon start up

    Later they found it funny to prank me and everyone had set there startups to just say my name............over and over and over again

  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    At Ritual, I emailed the entire company from Juan Martinez's (Monster) desk with the title:


    and the subject:

    ... I LOVE THE COCK!!!!!!!

    Then later that day James Hawkins sent another email from Juan's desk that said:

    akhfdgpiugpasbvakcnbv ilhgsdaufg

    OMG I just spit my soda out on my keyboard. Wow
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    well i work at a sign company right now, so at least once every month or so, someone's car gets tagged. usually with phallic decals... shocker symbols... in obscure places so they don't see them when they get into their vehicle and they end up driving all over town with a big floppy penis on the passenger side of their car :D

    we've shrink wrapped two people's cars together, shrink wrapped them to flag poles... that shit is awesome

    the best though, was we made some of those bullet hole decals, and slapped them all over one side of this dude's car... he walked out and started screaming at the top of his lungs thinking his car was molested by an uzi.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    They don't happen too often but they are usually epic level stuff:
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    not at work, but my first year in college, I played a geeky prank on my room mate.
    Back when you'd dual boot between 98 & NT, the selection screen was just a text file (boot.ini).
    So on April 1st, I edited his to reed "April Fools" over and over again, and then mixed up the order of his selections. Well, I went off to school and didn't hear until later that he had been downloading a bunch of warez and such the night before, so when he woke up and saw the screen, he though he'd gotten a virus. He was ready to re-format his hard drive, but had to get to class. He was more than a little upset. So, he got back at me by adding the filthiest porn links he could find (hundreds of them) to the start up folder on my computer. Of course, my mom was visiting that night, so we walk in, I turn on my computer, and porn site after porn site pour onto the screen. :::sigh:::

    Here at work, the emailing from other people's unlocked computers got so bad that HR just pulled our junk mail list entirely. Thank You Star Trek Environment Team!

    When I had just started, one of my fellow artists had failed to check in his work numerous times. Our then Art Director spent the night putting "Check your Work" post-its all over EVERYTHING in the guy's cube. The whole cube was plastered, and he was still finding new ones weeks later.

    Our current Art lead on Champions is the biggest prankster at work. One of his better moments was brining in a bag of oreos to share at work one day. Little did we know that he'd spent the previous night scraping out all the white stuff, and refilling them with toothpaste. One of our programmers didn't get the joke, and ate 4 or 5 of them, thinking they were "NEW MINT OREOS!", saying that they were pretty good.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    we had an office april fools gag where the boss hired fake cops to come and arrest him and some other people. There was a whole backstory that was built up the night before with drunken disorder at a bar we were all at.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I've heard stories of people redirecting a desktop background to the same image on a network drive, then every day just making a slight alteration so that the user doesn't notice. After a couple of weeks they start thinking they're going mad.

    Since I would hate people messing with my computer though, I tend not to do anything too evil to other people :)
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    don't delete the bootmgr file of your friend if you like to do pranks!

    Some friends throw sugar on the floor, under the chairs (with wheels). One day they put an "used panty" on the keyboard of a coworker (a new and cheap panty, but wet and dirty to fake its look haha).

    To put the system in japanese or chinese is another prank. And another very usual is to "tweak" the 3d work/autocad work (changing scales, measures, adding morphs to 3d models, etc.)

    they didn't show obsession with penises here lol but instead of that, they act as bastards!

    All here is more sad, you can't leave your computer turned on, in some studios you can feel hate everywhere lol, team spirit = zero rivalism = 100. they can delete your licenses, or system files to fuck you in the worse way and nobody will know a shit... and like it's spain, they can't be fired so easily.

    cough cough, spain is different lol
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Parnell wrote: »
    You also like to replace entire player characters with a specific highly detailed 'model'. That was perhaps the best prank at ILE! Is Singh still leaving his computer on at night?? That or the brownie sculpted into a lifelike piece of poo.
    Ahhh memories.

    Didn't someone also set all the satyrs to use a shrub model, so the bushes would start attacking you while you ran around in game?

    The poo was always a good one. Also, taping a 'Don't worry, nothing is broken' sign to Josh's monitor was fun. He was trying to figure out what we did to his computer for hours before he realized the sign was being honest.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    And by hours, I mean, like..ten minutes.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    don't delete the bootmgr file of your friend if you like to do pranks!

    Some friends throw sugar on the floor, under the chairs (with wheels). One day they put an "used panty" on the keyboard of a coworker (a new and cheap panty, but wet and dirty to fake its look haha).

    To put the system in japanese or chinese is another prank. And another very usual is to "tweak" the 3d work/autocad work (changing scales, measures, adding morphs to 3d models, etc.)

    they didn't show obsession with penises here lol but instead of that, they act as bastards!

    All here is more sad, you can't leave your computer turned on, in some studios you can feel hate everywhere lol, team spirit = zero rivalism = 100. they can delete your licenses, or system files to fuck you in the worse way and nobody will know a shit... and like it's spain, they can't be fired so easily.

    cough cough, spain is different lol

    wtf blazier. Not working in spain...
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I'm working for another department in my company right now doing more GD stuff than game art... with some recent shrinkage, we had to give up one of the offices in the building for a sublet... in the subsequent moving of desks, I had the manager for that department looking for us for about 15 minutes on a floor of the building we weren't even on.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    wow and to think that all i ever did was ctrl+alt up/down to rotate someone's display around ;).
  • HausFly
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    HausFly polycounter lvl 17
    When I was at Ritual I took a sex offender flyer off a nearby building, scanned it in, and replaced the info and picture with that of one of our animators. I then printed out a ton of copies and taped them up all over the building. The janitor gave that animator weird looks for months afterward.
  • Rox
    Not much going on where I was at during my internship. There was one occation of someone turning another intern's HUGE CRT monitor backwards, facing the wall, and slapping a post-it with "lol =P" on it on the back. I don't even know why.

    A slightly more common and kinda hard to see through tactic, that works the best when the enemy's computer is OFF, is to rip off a tiny piece of post-it note (a corner of the sticky bit) and put it flush against the underside of the mouse so it covers the laser... I have troubles with my mouse at home, so I regularly lift it to see if the light's still on when it's not responding, so it didn't work on me. But another hapless programmer restarted his computer and crawled under his desk twice to unplug and replug the cord. That was fun to watch!

    Someone also put an OFFICE sign up on one of the bathrooms... not a prank, but I don't know what the heck it was about...
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    a guy hid 50 or so post-it notes with penises drawn on them after leaving Ironlore. he later IM'd me to look under my desk where i found one.

    Parnell once paid an old creepy dude to hit on me in a bar... wait... no, that wasn't a prank. MAYNARD!!!
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    MoP wrote: »
    I've heard stories of people redirecting a desktop background to the same image on a network drive, then every day just making a slight alteration so that the user doesn't notice. After a couple of weeks they start thinking they're going mad.

    Since I would hate people messing with my computer though, I tend not to do anything too evil to other people :)

    oh wow, that's a great idear
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    a guy hid 50 or so post-it notes with penises drawn on them after leaving Ironlore. he later IM'd me to look under my desk where i found one.

    Parnell once paid an old creepy dude to hit on me in a bar... wait... no, that wasn't a prank. MAYNARD!!!

    Well did the creepy dude get lucky?!
  • Alune
    At (high)school I made a few modifications to the bios of a pc, I made the fans rotating much faster. So much noise now and my teacher has no idea how to fix it :D
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Used to have asset viewers on all the dev kits when I was at Concrete. We would continuously load image planes with inappropriate images to other peoples dev kits.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    Simple but fun is swapping a few keys over - they can be snapped out really easy with a simple twist of a everyday metal knife - switching the Alt and the windows key or swapping the V and the A is a good test of someones touchtyping skills.

    I left mine swapped just to mess with IT whenever they tried to do stuff to my machine.

    Another simple trick is to get a spare USB mouse and plug it into someones machine and operate it by foot on the floor under the desk, took a long time for the guy next to me to figure out what was going on - I'd slowly nudge it across the screen and he'd be franticly smashing the mouse down and to the right. Nothing suspected as I'd be busy pretending to type something important at the time. :D

    Someone once sellotaped a fish under one of the traders desks that took a couple of days to discover, only got noticed after it began to smell.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I changed all the names of someone's desktops one lunch.

    Names like:

    Adobe Photoslut = Adobe Photoshop
    Netcrap Masterbater = Netscape Navigator

    Then swapped all of the images he saved on his desktop with tubgirl (but renamed the images so he wouldn't know).

    My god was he surprised.

    Silly programmers

  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    my highschool history teacher tried to put me on mock trial for altering the classroom mummy... the teacher was awesome to mess with as he was always in varying states of dishevelment.

    One year the entire class changed the configuration of the classroom while he was out photocopying something.

    My year, it was a running gag to turn the blowup mummy backwards so the plain grey plastic would face out. So because I wasn't 'seen' in the class turning the mummy around I wasn't convicted :P though, I think there was a circle of about 5 or 6 people doing it. He pulled me out of another class and everything :P

    We'd also hide the good white chalk so he only had crappy crumbly yellow chalk... he hated that.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    I had a visual basic class in highschool where we would constantly insert code into people's programs to either close the application or shut down the computer.

    Also creating dialogue boxes professing how much the victim loves (insert emberassing/illegal sexual fetish here) on startup was a favorite.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    kwakkie wrote: »
    Kind of old school but:
    take screenshot of desktop> hide taskbar > move all icons on desktop to a hidden folder> set screenshot as background

    still does the trick :thumbup:

    I SERIOUSLY have to try this one. Sounds exquisetly awesome.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I created an animated gif that said anime porn and it flash black and white and I set it up as a wallpaper on an annoying kids computer, it caused the computer to lag sooo bad.
  • Joopson
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Oh! And once at Iron Lore I modeled a penis and rigged it to the player models skeleton. The head replaced the head, the shaft was rigged to the spine and the balls to the thighs. I then replaced Josh Singh's game build with the "penis build". Hah! so he had a penis running around the game that could wear armor and cast spells :)

    Oh and we had a dye system so of course I had to make a black dye :)

    Gah I wish I could find that asset for screen shots!

    - BoBo

  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Alphabetizing a keyboard is fun.

    With someone with photoshop you can grab an image (blue screen of death or something similar), open it up, then hit f, f, tab. It hides the tools and the top bar and makes the image take up the whole screen. I've gotten a lot of people with that one.

    Unplugging someones headphones just enough to it looks like they're still plugged in and then turning up the volume full blast.

    Not too long ago my boss had a promo video for one of our products that had this horrible metal music that he would always play loudly a few times a day cuz he knew how much we hated the song. He had it on his desktop and left his computer one day for lunch so I grabbed it, replaced the audio with Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up, so the next time he played it for someone he got that blasting out of his speakers.

    The best though was when one of our programmers was called away to do an install. While he was gone we removed all of his personal items from his desk and replaced them with photos of some random dude and his wife. We made up a name, had business cards printed up, had the network guy set up a computer log in, a new company email address, put a new Employee Handbook on his desk, took down his picture in the break room where there's a wall with photos of all the employees and replaced it with this new random guy. Had HR send a welcome email to this new account and left it up on his screen. He came back and it looked like he had been completely erased and replaced. :D
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