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Pranks at work



  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Only one prank I remember was in an office environment (I've been working from home for about nine years, and spent from 1992 - 1997 in the US Marine Corps, where we had MUCHO pranks). This was in a tech support environment, though - specifically, tech support for the LEGO Mindtstorms, circa 1999 / 2000.

    Needless to say, we almost never got calls - usually no more than one each every few hours, so we had lots of time to goof off. Well, our manager's wife had gotten him a cute lil' stuffed bunny for Easter, and the day after he brought it to work, he had to spend 4 hours or so in a meeting. We snatched it, took several pictures of it in front of one girl's green dress (great impromptu greenscreen, and cute girl, too), then took it back to Rear Door Security. We explained what we were doing, and he got an evil grin on his face. The bunny was then hidden in the Security desk.

    For the next several months, our manager would receive random emails with pictures attached, showing the bunny in various world landmarks, and telling the story of a bored rabbit wandering the world. For a month or two he thought it was funny, but eventually he started getting irritated, so the landmarks started getting closer and closer. Finally, on the 4th of July, he came in to work to find the bunny on his desk - dressed in an American flag jacket and top hat, a small American flag "held" in his paw with velcro, and a velcro Uncle Sam beard (one of the three girls was creative with a sewing machine).

    The pranks I remember best in the USMC were those we played on the Army, Navy, and Air Force when I was on a multi-service base around November 10, the Birthday of the Corps...
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    At my last compay, the Maya tech guy discovered how to send objects over the network to someone else's open maya, without them having to do anything.
    He told me about it first, and I had quite a fun time making nurbs-spheres appear in everyone's scenes while they were working, and see their reaction. Broke a few in-progress exports while doing it too.
    Never got around to generating some more "interesting" objects than a nurbs-sphere to send unfortunatly, but anyone using Maya at work should definitely look into it.
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    glue them mouses to the desk!! and record the epic reactions. I love office pranks.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Bal wrote: »
    At my last compay, the Maya tech guy discovered how to send objects over the network to someone else's open maya, without them having to do anything.
    He told me about it first, and I had quite a fun time making nurbs-spheres appear in everyone's scenes while they were working, and see their reaction. Broke a few in-progress exports while doing it too.
    Never got around to generating some more "interesting" objects than a nurbs-sphere to send unfortunatly, but anyone using Maya at work should definitely look into it.

    more info plzkthx
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I put goatse as a startup page for a webrowser. Had melonse put as my background image in return.


    Had another coworker do the pop keys and put in different places swap (yes I'm guilty of finger typing). I didn't see it, and swapped keyboards ..
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    rooster, I'll dig up the appropriate mel tonight.
    Not sure it was actually only mel, as I was entering a command in a windows cmd, with the machines IP.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    oh, another REALLY short simple one, is just putting a small post-it over the LED in someone's mouse. It usually takes them a minute to figure out why their mouse isn't working.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    here's what a friend of mine did (works for any country that has big coinage)

    In canada we have 1 and 2 dollar coins... my friend crazyglued a two dollar coin to the ground in front of his house and watched the bums try and get it.

    He said it was hours of entertainment, and the bums really had to do work and think at the problem.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    So we used to do little art sessions here at work to keep sharp now and then. You know, actual pencil drawings, sculpture, etc. Anyway, we had a bunch of that flesh colored Super-Sculpey sitting around.

    So while Fattkid was still working here, I see him hording the sculpey clay, then he begins giggling incessently while sculpting something in the corner. Any guesses what it was? Yep, a big ol' cock. And what a cock it was. He's a very good character modeler, and I must say that this dong looked realistic and had character.

    Then I see him pick it up and head down the hall at a trot. WTF?

    He then inserted the sculpted cock into his pants, hanging it out through the zipper hole. After this, he went into one of our co-worker's office (Kevin, who is notorious for being "in the zone" focused on his monitor), and asks hims some questions about a project. As Kevin is looking at his monitor, telling about the issue at hand, Fattkid kind of sidles up to his chair, then continues asking questions. Kevin keeps talking, Fattkid keeps sildining, Until...

    Fattkid actually bumps Kevin with the cock, and angles it perfectly so that it is hanging over Kevin's shoulder.

    Kevin screams, and tries to punch Fattkid.

    Fattkid takes off at a sprint down the hall, shaking the cock vigorously and laughing as Kevin is screaming at him.

    Our boss (Okkun) and the clients that had just flown in from the UK look up to see Fattkid running by, waving his sculpey cock wildly.

    Okkun almost shits.

    The clients begin laughing hysterically.

    All is good. Pretty much the best prank I have ever witnessed. Lucky the clients were cool as hell.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    ^ That might be the greatest story I've ever heard.
  • slipsius
    Something we`ve done in class before when someone went for a timmy's run, take a screen shot of their desktop. apply it as a background, move the actual task bar to the top of the screen and hide it. then, invert the mouse. they come thinking its all the same (they even see their task bar in the screen cap). usually takes a while to figure it out.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    depending on the savvyness of the user, the desktop screenshot/wallpaper doesn't work on some.

    Me for example, I almost never use the mouse to open the start menu, I'll always ctrl esc or windows key.
  • Mechadus
    Firebert wrote: »
    well i work at a sign company right now, so at least once every month or so, someone's car gets tagged. usually with phallic decals... shocker symbols... in obscure places so they don't see them when they get into their vehicle and they end up driving all over town with a big floppy penis on the passenger side of their car :D

    I do that exact same trick, but I prefer those thin magnetic gay pride stickers. Good times.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Ryno, I laughed so hard I cried. :D
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    Ryno wrote: »
    The clients begin laughing hysterically.

    All is good. Pretty much the best prank I have ever witnessed. Lucky the clients were cool as hell.

    Haha us brits are very immature when it comes to penis's, first day in 3d at college a couple of years ago was just penis galore everyone knew it was going to happen. In fact i just tried logged in as penis1
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    sir-knight wrote: »
    depending on the savvyness of the user, the desktop screenshot/wallpaper doesn't work on some.

    i've actually confused myself a few times when i've taken a screenshot of maya/photoshop/explorer all open and set it as my desktop background... i'd get back after lunch and wonder why none of the icons or tools were working when i clicked on them...
    When I framed houses we did a lot of pranks to each, pretty much every day. Favourites were Insulation attack! Where you grab a handful of insulation (not the fiberglass crap though) and stuff it up the back of someones shirt or shorts. Itches like hell.

    Nailing peoples toolbelts was always a favourite too. The best nailing happened one time at lunch that one guy we always bugged the most went to sleep. A buddy and I nailed every hole in his toolbelt to the underside of the floor, (note: he had about 30 holes on his belt. It had dual rows of holes, so that's a lotta nails!). Then covered the entire fucking thing in carpenters glue. Then screwed a 2x4 to the floor above it, then screwed a 2x4 onto the underside. into the 2x4/floor above thus sandwiching his gluey toolbelt against the floor. Then I took the stepladder and locked it in the trunk of my car. (Other note: The guy was 5'5" and it was hilarious watching him jumping around trying to bash it off with his hammer with little to no success for a good hour before we gave him the stepladder back).
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    - More evil than hiding all desktop icons is to hide just SOME of them. Means: some will work, some not! That's confusing.
    - Also don't use the setting "Hide desktop icons" (because the icons can be seen in the explorer) instead go to the properties of them and activate "hidden" and then go to the explorer settings and activate "don't show hidden files"
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Just don't involve anyone's Limited edition Halo 3 Master Chief helmet in your pranks or youre gonna get slapped in the face! :poly122:
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    If it was rens he'd probably murder you.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    years later he still thought he just slipped in the potatoesalad...
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    While my workmates were at lunch I modded the TF2 files for everyone on our floor except my team.
    Then my team and I scout rushed them with the following.... Much hilarity ensued. :D

  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    One of the most creative pranks I've seen is one coworker redirecting all Internet traffic of an unsuspecting victim through his computer. He the proceeded to modify things slightly. The browsing victim would suddenly have webpage images show up upside down or flipped. Text would be randomly bold or supersized and so on. He was so confused why his favourite links were behaving oddly....
  • TychoVII
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    TychoVII polycounter lvl 13
    My friend made this in college while I was napping and when I woke up told me he was working on some cool nextgen workflow tips.

  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    no more pranks? :)
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Let's see...

    One time, we taped the cord to someone's mouse to the underside of their desk, which made moving the mouse up top very difficult in any significant way. The victim employee happened to work tech, and wound up getting ridiculously angry at his mouse while on the phone with a customer.

    This same employee, who doesn't have the best uh..."work ethic" in the world, wound up at one point pretty much whining about not being recognized enough until our CEO broke down and sent out a company-wide "ATTA BOY!" email thanking him for his hard uh..."work".

    The rest of us thought it was so ridiculous, we made up posters with 'ATTA BOY!!!' written all over them, and taped them to his monitors. In addition to this, though, I got in word and in 800 something font, typed "ATTA BOY!!!" on a sheet of paper, probably fit it about 8 times on a page. Well we printed off a ton of these pages, and cut each "ATTA BOY" out individually, resulting in 500 something slips of ATTA BOY. And then I filled the entirety of his drawers and file cabinet with them.

    The posters were obviously found immediately. The slips of paper filling all his drawers weren't found until about a week later, also happened when he was on the phone with a customer.

    I've also got the following emails from work. While not "pranks", they keep me going at what is otherwise a draining tech support job.




  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    How have you still got a job may i ask?
  • Rens
    mahahaha that made my morning xD
  • bbob
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    these things make hi pitches noises on a time delay. A couple of coworkers pranked my office and hid two *inside* the legs of my desk and another one on the backside of a file cabinet. For the longest time I thought the noise they were making was just some random speaker feedback, and honestly it drove me crazy for months.
    I must say, they got me good.

  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Muzz wrote: »
    How have you still got a job may i ask?

    I guess you could say it's a bit of a balancing act.
  • evilblah
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    evilblah polycounter lvl 18
    This just happened last week. I am working within Cinema 4D and had a meeting with the owner of the company I am at. We were gone for awhile as we had much to talk about as far as the company was concerned. I came back to find my computer locked up. Well then I found that my mouse still worked so I thought, 'Oh, the classic screen cap of the desktop, hide all the icons dealie-o.' Nope. I really started to think the machine was acting up but then I heard some giggling. Turns out my manager, did a render within Cinema 4D, took a snap shot within Cinema's Picture Viewer, full-screened the viewer and hid my start bar. I learned the full-screen command for the picture viewer that day!

    Still gotta get him back...
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I'll never get tired of making the texture artists photoshop background fluorescent pink. Bright enough to blow your eyes out.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I've seen wallpapers witched to this:

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    seforin wrote: »
    Later they found it funny to prank me and everyone had set there startups to just say my name............over and over and over again



    BoBo - hah! You guys were so mean to Juan! :P Awesome.
  • Arhurt
    When an animator position openned at the studio I made a false account to apply as.

    Behold Felipe Barger's demoreel!


    Since the mail mentioned my name I was asked a big WTF is this and went on to tell them how this guy had issues... they responded to his application shortly after with a polite decline.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    hey, you stole my demoreel!!!

    That was awesome dude.......in fact im going to have to watch it again it was so good.....the 'walking' chair was my favourite. Such a hard task, executed so well :D
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    That is awesome. You should have Felipe apply to loads of game studios and have a fake blog where he documents his many near misses at entering the game industry!
  • Arhurt
    It's not really needed, people contact Felipe all the time...

  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Another easy one is to duct tape the laser of someone's optical mouse. The first time that happened to me I got really pissed off and reset my computer.

    The biggest prank I ever pulled here was when we had just released our first DS game. It wasn't anything special but a friend of mine was all confident we would get positive reviews on IGN, gamespot etc... so i mocked-up a gamespot page and gave the game an editor's choice award. He literally cried when he saw it. I felt really bad when i told him it was fake though...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Minotaur0 wrote: »
    He literally cried when he saw it. I felt really bad when i told him it was fake though...


    I've done the optical mouse trick before, but I used scotch tape, so it wasn't as obvious. The guy even flipped his mouse over and didn't see it. I finally stopped him just as he was calling IT. It was my response to him trying to squirt water into my seat cushion. I saw it before sitting, so I'd say I came out ahead :D
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I used to work Tech Support and we did the scotch-tape mouse thing a lot too.

    The best one of that type was when I changed my boss' keyboard layout to DVORAK. Not only that, but I learned to type a few things in DVORAK so I convinced her that there's something wrong with her, not the computer.

    This other time I got fired for a day for sending a girl to bestbuy to buy a new Flux Capacitor for her hard-drive. Man, I was 100% sure she'd know there's no such thing as a Flux Capacitor. She came to the help window and tells me her portable HD doesn't work and before she even gives it to me asks what's wrong with it. I say, it looks like the Discombobulator Ray (I played WoW a lot at the time) is Combobulating the information instead of Discombobulating it. And that she needs a new Flux Capacitor, which I was just damn sure she'd understand was a joke. But apparently she didn't and I got fired for a day.
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    Fired for a day? How does that works?
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    forced and unpaid vacation i guess
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Boss basically said, "dude that's too far, we gotta fire you just so the people above see that we did something about it, but just come back the next day and take it easy for a while". My boss was WAY cool in that job btw. The coolest boss I ever had. And the place was kinda disorganized. Corporate was a bunch of people who didn't know what we were doing and didn't care, as long as the computers worked.

    Now that I think about it, I guess I wasn't really fired then? maybe they just told the guys from corporate I was fired.
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