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Looking for a specific piece of motion graphics

grand marshal polycounter
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pior grand marshal polycounter
Hi dudes,

A few years ago I came across a fantastic WIP piece of motion graphics on my internets. It involved photographs of mostly black and yellow (or was it orange?) construction machines (CAT/Husqvarna style) and stylish, hiphopesque arrows dancing and pulsing in perspective in a fantastic way. I don't think I can properly describe it but maybe you see what I mean - the kind of things you could see on MTV inbetween music videos.

I understand this description is very vague, but I always wanted to watch it again and totally lost track of it. Plus, it said WIP on the page back then hence I really want to see the final result. I'm pretty sure you'll find it slick too.

Any ideas where to find this? Thanks alot if you can help!!!


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