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Ok so a lot of debate going on in America right now about health care and British NHS is really being slandered. Any opinions for, against?

Really one sided argument here from fox http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m/25666562/you-were-warned.htm with "fair and balanced" in their logo.


  • CastratedWeasel
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    CastratedWeasel polycounter lvl 10
    Personally i think that Britain should stfu complaining about the NHS. We get FREE healthcare and still it isnt good enough, whereas other countries have to pay if they get into an accident. Some countries dont even get healthcare ffs.
  • IEatApples
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    Its not Britain complaining about free health care this time though, its Americans not wanting it.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I read a pretty good article on it the other day. I thought it gave a nice rundown of the bill in an easy to understand fashion.

    Check it out here: http://newsjunkiepost.com/2009/08/10/what-is-in-this-healthcare-bill-anyway/

    As far as my opinion, I don't like it, wish there were better options, but think it's probably neccessary. It's certainly geared toward helping the poor rather than anyone else, and I expect it won't affect me too much right now. It's nice that people who can't afford insurance right now will get a moderately affordable plan, so they don't get bankrupted my unexpected emergencies. I dislike that it becomes mandatory to have insurance, or face "fines" in increased taxes. I think it might screw over some small bussinesses and startups. I wish there was some competition in the health insurance industry so we didn't have to do this. 400 a month when you're making 45k a year is a lot.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    britan's NHS is a straw man example for two reasons.

    1) For most people the NHS works very well. And it's completely free.

    2) America does not necessarily need to use a system like britan. There are plenty of other countries that have socialised healthcare which are better implemented.

    It's a smear campaign led by the PR departments of the healthcare companies in the USA. And you shouldn't watch fox news except for the laughs.
  • Ben Apuna
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    I'm American and I WANT health care reform and I want it NOW! I'm tired of being ripped off by insurance companies. I can't even afford health care for myself right now, government subsidized health care would sure help out a lot.

    I think what most people fail to realize is that either way they are going to end up spending a ton of money on health care in their lives, at least with government guarantied health care there will be something there for you if you can't pay. I think some people just think they will be lucky and not ever get sick their entire lives, no need for good health insurance right?, I find that highly unlikely the chances are that you will be less and less healthy as you age then have to spend more and more on health care. I'd rather be paying higher taxes than some crazy premiums. Imagine having a catastrophic illness and potentially going bankrupt trying to pay medical bills.

    The greedy health care industry here doesn't help either, right now they charge ridiculous prices for things simply because the insurance companies will pay it. Right now if you don't have insurance you still have to pay those crazy prices just because insurance companies are willing to do so.
  • carlo_c
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    I'm going to say I'd rather get the NHS than what it is in the USA. When I worked part time, I used to work with a guy who had moved out of America when he was younger. He used to tell me, if your poor and live in the USA and you need the hospital but you can't afford it you are fucked.

    If you have money, you can always go private in the UK so for people who are always complaining about the NHS I just don't get it. Go private or stop moaning.

    I just finished watching the video too and the British dudes just pissed me off. Why is that guy kissing ass at the beginning of the interview, it's not needed. Sounds like he'd be happier living in the USA if he's got so much to moan about lol.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    As an American living in Canada.....I love this free health care shit! I know it comes outa my taxes, but I dont care. Its outa sight outa mind. 1 less important thing to have to stress about.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I hope we can get some health care reform. But this fight is larger than healthcare. It represents a push against the profit for profit's sake business that has gripped this nation and is driving it into the ground.

    Lets be real here, 90% our medical transactions are pure profit legal drug distribution. People go in complaining about random BS and get legal drugs for it. The plague of our nation's bad health isn't due to healthcare, but rather our other unhealthy practices of laziness and bad diet. The vast majority of health risk is preventable.

    If this nation is going to change for the better. We need to find a way to stop people from drawing lines in the dirt. Too much of the voting public are bible thumping morons who are cheaply bought and sold by manufactured political commentators. It's not enough to sway half of the rational thinkers in this nation, you need to overcome the religious right handicap.

    If healthcare reform falls through, I can see Obama's promise of change tanking fast. The memory of people cheering in the streets seem so distant now and a bunch of moronic bufoons crash town hall meetings to drown out reform discussions at the whim of big pharma and the republicans.

    There are a lot of people with a lot to gain from healthcare reform failing. The republican party needs an opening or they risk total collapse, and as many have said, they don't need to come up with any solutions of their own, they need only say that the other guy is doing a shitty job.

    Oh and Obama's black and a lot of people are afraid of him. That's the elephant in the room.
  • 00Zero
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  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    I've always payed out of pocket for health care. Doesn't bother me really that people that cant afford at least some basic catastrophic care don't get coverage.

    That said I want some reform for those of us that can pay the basics but will get dropped like bitches if we get something nasty. If your paying premiums you shouldn't get left in the dust if your get some cancer or something. Fuck we have had the tech to treat most of that for awhile now but because of how things are set up the public takes it in the ass. I don't care what side of the political fence you fall on this shit is just WRONG.

    I'm with Obama on this shit cause he is pushing for a truly American system.

  • Rens
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    reminds me of this doc about the american health system,

    this guy had an accident with a sawtable and chopped his pinky and ringfinger off.
    ariving at the hospital he could pick wich one he wanted to get stiched back, because his pinky costed 11k and his other 20k or something like that, wich was way more then he could afford.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Glenn Beck is a deuchebag..and so is Daniel Hannan...
  • Emperors Teeth
    I've never broken a bone as such, but have turned up at A&E a couple times with muscle-spasms (sit at your desks properly lol!). Sure, it's not perfect, I had to wait a while, like 30-60 mins but soon enough I had a doctor to talk to working out the best way to help me.

    I didn't have to worry about how I might afford a 20 minute consultation, the drugs and neck-brace I had. It's provided. There are private options as well. I've never looked into it myself, but have seen adverts for BUPA healthcare and hospitals. Maybe that works jsut as well if not better, but the most important thing is I'd have the choice.

    I've heard (3rd hand) of some people refering to the UK healthcare as communist, etc, in a derogatory sense. In my opinion, that couldn't be further from the truth. In a communist system (my GF is Bulgarian, we had an intersting chat about this as she knows very well about communist regimes... check your Bulgarian history) everyone is supposedly equal, gets equal resources and is treated equally. In the NHS this is not true. If I go in to a hospital with a stiff neck, I don't expect, and won't be to be treated equally to someone that just lost their arm in a car accident! They will get more treatment, more drugs, more rehabilitation... because they NEED it.

    Wouldn't it be nice to think, that, if when walking accross the street in the US you get hit by a bus, that no matter what, young, old, rich, poor... there's going to be a paramedic, nurses, doctor, medication, equipment... and no questions about how you're going to pay?

    As my mother so often states when talking about being polite to waiters/waitress',

    "What if it was your child?".
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Im dreading having to go back t the U.S largely because of its shit healthcare system. I pay more taxes in Denmark but last night when i couldnt breath and had to go to the emergency room(Nothing major) it did not cost me a dime. Today i found out i had to get my tonsils removed,had a quick appointment with a throat specialist and next week i will have surguery. All of this has cost me nothing. If i was in America right now,unemployed and this would have occurred to me i would be royally fucked.

    Bring on the socialised medicine.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    I remember a while back this British missionary guy went over to the US to offer free health care from a mobile tent or station and there were queues around the block.
    Another story about free health care here

    I am amazed that in this day and age there are people in one of the most developed nations on earth who can't afford to stay alive.

    The UK is getting that way too. Our so called labour government is getting so right wing that I am sure margaret thatcher would approve of some of their recent policies.

    Dental care here is a joke.
    Some folks have resorted to pulling out their own teeth:)
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    There was a stunning anti-healthcare article a few days ago that assumed the Dr Stephen Hawking was american, and went on to say that under the British NHS he'd have been ignored and left to die.

    Once it was pointed out that he was from the UK and the NHS had treated him long before he was so famous the article was edited and that section removed.
    An American newspaper claimed: 'People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.'

    However Professor Hawking - who as recently as April was treated in an NHS hospital - was quick to rubbish the claim.

  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    There was a stunning anti-healthcare article a few days ago that assumed the Dr Stephen Hawking was american, and went on to say that under the British NHS he'd have been ignored and left to die.

    Once it was pointed out that he was from the UK and the NHS had treated him long before he was so famous the article was edited and that section removed.

    thats what I call a serious case of self ownage.
    might need medical attention for that one and indeed NHS may not be able to provide based on the seriousness of the infirmity.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    The only people that can complain about socialised healthcare are those that profit from privatised healthcare.

    The NHS system does remarkably well, and it only fails because it is streched too thin.
  • IEatApples
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    Yea like on the fox report the guy was saying on a Friday night if you get injured you have to wait for ages. That's not the NHS fault though, thats the fault of binge drinking culture in Britain today....
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I think tards that get too drunk and end up in fights should be left in the back of the que behind everyone else that has a genuine health concern. That or just left in the gutter
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    when "Obama wants to make concentration camps to hold conservatives" was discussed openly on Fox news I realized I can't even trust it for the morning traffic report.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a Texan living in Montreal right now, and I dread having to go back and pay for my healthcare. The way the system in the U.S. is set up, if you don't have coverage for a DAY, say 10 years down the line you're diagnosed with cancer, your insurance company is going to fight and say you got cancer during that one day you weren't covered. And they'll usually win, and you'll be bankrupt. Just awful :/

    I really don't understand how people get suckered into the idea of socialized health care being bad for anyone. When everyone benefits, everyone benefits :P I much prefer my taxes in Canada going towards health care than my taxes in the U.S. being spent on awful, stupid wars.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Something I wrote a few days ago...
    I listened to President Obama’s town hall meeting yesterday. In my opinion, both the President and his legislative proponents continue to be in “sales mode” – meaning they are heavy on “good intentions” and weak on details. Respectfully Mr. President – the time for “Pitchmen” tactics is over. Citizens are showing up at town hall meetings with text taken directly from HR 3200 and asking questions and sharing real concerns. These questions and concerns deserve real answers.

    CONCERN: Section 102 of HR 3200 will lead to millions of people being forced onto the government plan.

    President’s Response: You can keep your current doctor; you can keep your current provider.

    Not good enough Mr. President. Eighty-Six percent of American’s are covered by employer based health insurance. Nothing in this bill will prevent these employers from dropping that coverage resulting in massive migration from private health insurance to the government run plan. The fact that the employee will have to migrate to the government plan or an “Exchange” provider (government approved provider) is in the bill thereby reinforcing the reality of what will happen.

    We only need to look to Hawaii to see the reality of this concern. Hawaii tried to implement a system to cover children that were otherwise not covered by health insurance; a good and noble intention. However, the unintended consequence was that hundreds of thousands of people dropped the coverage they were otherwise paying for and opted for the government program resulting in massive deficit spending by the state and a repeal of the program.

    Mr. President, history and the facts do not support your position.

    CONCERN: Section 1223 of HR 3200 will lead to patients being pressured to choose hospice instead of more expensive treatments

    President’s Response: No one is talking about euthanasia; no one is going to kill your grandma

    Not good enough Mr. President. The concern is not that someone is going to stick a needle in “grandma’s” arm with a lethal injection. The concern is that the bill says that every five years a Senior Citizen must receive “Advanced Care Counseling”. Additionally, the bill says that this counseling will happen more frequently “if there is a significant change in the health condition of the individual, including diagnosis of a chronic, progressive, life-limiting disease, a life-threatening or terminal diagnosis or life-threatening injury, or upon admission to a skilled nursing facility”.

    Why is this counseling needed every five years?

    If the patient has a serious illness, how often can we expect and “advanced care counselor” to show up at the patient’s bedside?

    What assurances do we have that financial pressures of a government run program will not result in counselors “encouraging” hospice over advanced treatments?

    Additionally Mr. President, your own actions fail to give comfort on this topic. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and the person you appointed to health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says... medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens . . . An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia" (Hastings Center Report, Nov.-Dec. '96).

    So we have reason to be concerned; to not simply accept a "trust me" response from you.

    We deserve clear answers on this Mr. President.

    CONCERN: Section 440 of HR 3200 HOME VISITATION PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN AND FAMILIES EXPECTING CHILDREN will be intrusive and force families to teach “government approved values” (also section 1904)

    President’s Response: (I’m not aware that the president has addressed this)

    This section states that “Home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children,' which would provide (via grants to states) for home visitation programs to educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills. ... The bill says that the government agents, the 'well-trained and competent staff,' will 'provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive language, social, emotional and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices, skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development.”

    Whose parental principles and values are going to be taught?

    Their own?

    Certain experts?

    From what field and theory of childhood development?

    Frankly, I don’t trust the federal or the state governments when it comes to them teaching parenting and values. The track record speaks for itself with government programs teaching homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, masturbation as an appropriate means of self sexual exploration, distributes condoms in schools, and passes laws for underage girls to get abortions on demand without parental consent and so on.

    CONCERN: This bill will add billions, if not a trillion, dollars to the federal deficit bankrupting our country.

    Presidents Response: We can pay for this reform by taxing people like me who earn more than $250K a year.

    Sorry Mr. President, the non-partisian Congressional Budget Office disagrees with you. In fact, every economic analysis I have read on this bill disagrees with you.

    Additionally, you and others have floated the idea of taxing health care benefits to help pay for this. Well Mr. President, that brings us back to the first concern. Taxing health care benefits will drive people to the government plan resulting is a single payer system (this is why conservatives see this bill as a Trojan Horse that will usher in a single payer, government based health care system). A system you advocated in 2003 and again in 2007 - dispite your assertion yesterday to the contrary.

    In general Mr. President, responding to concerned citizens and groups by calling them “mobs” is beneath the office of the President of the United States. Dismissing concerned citizens as having “manufactured anger” does nothing to advance your position.

    It’s time Mr. President for you to set aside your role as a “Community Organizer” calling for your minions to “hit back twice as hard” when real citizens step up with real questions and real concerns.

    It’s time Mr. President that you begin to act like the President of all the people of the United States and call out the Sen. Nancy Palosi when she falsely claims that conservatives are carrying signs with swastikas and hanging effigies of senators from poles.

    It’s time Mr. President for you to speak out when Rep. Dinglle compares opponents to your plan with hooded Ku-Klux-Klan demonstrations against civil rights legislation.

    It’s time Mr. President for you to admit that this bill over-reaches and fails to meet the objectives you set forth for healthcare reform.
  • dehebo
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    plenty have said NHS is free, that is not wholely true; People in employment help to contribute to the national pot of gold that helps to fund the NHS through National Insurance and taxes that they and their employer pay.

    Only 'lay abouts' get completely free treatment from the NHS.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    well you seem to have all the answers, Stradigos but then why are people so concerned about health care then.
    is your solution just to have it carry on the way it is?

    quote from reuters
    'Medical bills are behind more than 60 percent of U.S. personal bankruptcies, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday in a report they said demonstrates that healthcare reform is on the wrong track.

    More than 75 percent of these bankrupt families had health insurance but still were overwhelmed by their medical debts, the team at Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School and Ohio University reported in the American Journal of Medicine.

    "Unless you're Warren Buffett, your family is just one serious illness away from bankruptcy," Harvard's Dr. David Himmelstein, an advocate for a single-payer health insurance program for the United States, said in a statement.

    "For middle-class Americans, health insurance offers little protection,"
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    dehebo wrote: »
    plenty have said NHS is free, that is not wholely true; People in employment help to contribute to the national pot of gold that helps to fund the NHS through National Insurance and taxes that they and their employer pay.

    Only 'lay abouts' get completely free treatment from the NHS.

    this is true thats why drunken louts should be left in the gutter
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm amazed that people are allowed to talk like that in a broadcast, in that blatant biased manner, and literally telling people "Dont do this or the world will end!".

    If they spoke like that over here they would at the least be laughed at, or get bemused looks and just ignored. People like that who are so desperate to get their points across, its obvious something is wrong with them.

    Our NHS may be shit, but at least in its own shit manner it tries its best for all. You dont have to worry about it, and because it is national you can fight against some of its percieved unfairness. Unlike a private system, where thats just the way it is, or you have to persue it through private courts etc.

    I think, somekind of national health service is required for civs to develop beyond a certain point(like in the civ games, aquaducts, etc, maybe a stupid example but whatever).
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    well you seem to have all the answers, Stradigos but then why are people so concerned about health care then.
    is your solution just to have it carry on the way it is?

    Oh hell no, I'm not saying that at all. I am like the rest of you, I think every American should be, and can be covered. For those of you who support this bill as it is right now, I understand where your coming from. I am uninsured! But this bill is fucking insane and I urge you to actually read it instead of getting it from MSNBC or Fox News or who ever you listen to. See for yourself.

    I believe health care reform can be done without Congress passing another trillion in spending, without putting more job-killing mandates and taxes on business, without killing off whatever incentives still remain for our best students to become physicians, and without turning millions of patients into wards of the state.
  • dolemite
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    The other thing that would be nice about a single payer system is that there would be no more free rides. Right now a lot of people go to the emergency room to get treatment, and then never actually pay the bill. And the losses get passed along to everyone else. If you were automatically paying for it every time you paid taxes, there wouldn't really be any opportunity for you to not pay.

    It's kind of embarrassing to me, as an American. I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. It was mostly covered by my insurance. But had I not had insurance I might have saved money by flying to Thailand and getting them cut out.

    The thing is, I don't really have insurance right now. Even though I have it. The minute I'm seriously ill I can get dropped for "pre existing conditions." So it's like paying for guarantees and peace of mind, but not really having any guarantees or peace of mind.

    But a lot of Americans are terrified of communism, and too stupid to know that all government programs do not equal communism. So save your breath and don't bother arguing with any of them. All of their arguments really boil down to "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE!"


    here's an example if you think I'm just being sensational:

    If you don't like America's health care move to a place with better health care ( like canada, thailand, or costa rica).


    hey, thanks for opening this thread! That felt really good!
  • Noia
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    Noia polycounter lvl 13
    I don't understand why there's such strong opposition on health care reform. Half of all individual bankruptcies end up as a result of a mountain of medical bills, and many are people who were already insured, so you see how well that works out.- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6895896/

    I’m a student that just got kicked off their parents’ insurance. It was supposed to cover me until graduation, but it changed. Shortly afterward, I get a thick letter from my college saying I need insurance as a condition of enrollment.

    The cheapest insurance I can find is $75 a month and doesn’t cover anything. No medicine, no doctor’s visits, etc. The $5000 deductible is awful. Disaster coverage basically. I rarely become injured, but I do get mildly sick time to time, and more and more of the over-the-counter cold/flu drugs are becoming prescription only.

    A basic, free or very cheap, option would be great. It doesn’t have to be fantastic. For many people, it might just be temporary.

    A dental version should be considered too. I’ve been paying in full for years and always have to put off getting work done. Fair enough, but it’s ridiculous that my sister who is still in high school lost dental coverage.
  • Mark Dygert
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    IEatApples wrote: »
    Its not Britain complaining about free health care this time though, its Americans not wanting it.
    It's just sad that its being turned into a political debate with the typical blowhards on both sides blowing harder than normal for the same old reasons.

    "We want reform but we don't want Obama's healthcare reform." Seems to be the oppositions main talking point. The blowhards pushing for no reform are just trying to push the other side back as far as they can. Using as strong as language they can.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I don't understand why there's such strong opposition on health care reform.

    Not on health care reform, on THIS health care reform. It's not like those against it don't want it. Maybe there's a small percentage... but not much. I think we can all agree it needs to be reformed, no matter what side you're on.

    This thread has been doing fine so far, but let's not fall into the trap of arguing about why the other side is arguing. Debate the topic, not each other.
  • Dusty
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    You guys dont understand at all, SOME PEOPLE DONT HAVE MAPS! LIKE SUCH AS!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Stradigos , i misunderstood a little in that i though some folks were opposed to it on principle , probably because they thought it smacked of being too socialist, but it seems its the proposed reforms themselves are the problem with most people.

    Couldn't they just offer a safety net in that if you earn under a certain amount then you get government health care or does that happen at all already in the US?

    What if you are a vagrant and get knocked over, would you get an ambulance ride or would they ignore you on the street?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I hate to say it but i do no think there will be any meaningful healthcare reform during this presidency. The American people are not angry enough nor educated enough to make it happen. Theres far too many people from the cold war era who see anything with the word social in it as communisim. Right now the interests who represent the healthcare industry are playing a dangerous game stoking the hate of uneducated,angry,ignorant and even racist white people to shout down any attempt to have an honost discourse on health reform. Look at all the complete bullshit they can get these people to believe,death panels,concentration camp and comparisons to hitler?

    The mistake Obama is making is that he is trying to make deals with an opposition party that has nothing meaningful to add to the debate other than saying no or Obama will kill old people. I think he needs to be bold,say fuck the GOP and try to push legislation that truely is reform instead of trying to make deals with such a useless opposition party that has done nothing but hurt and fuck over a majority of Americans for the last 10 years.

    EDIT: Also is it just me or does there seem to be a certain element in the right in America that is subtlely encouraging wing nut lunatics to try to kill the president. Glen Beck being a good example to name just one.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    nice writeup stradigos. I agree with most of it.

    I've gotta say, I'm thinking more and more that there is a huge hole in the market for a genuine news program with intelligent debates and guests. Seems like a huge room for money making...
  • dolemite
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    "ot on health care reform, on THIS health care reform. It's not like those against it don't want it. Maybe there's a small percentage... but not much. I think we can all agree it needs to be reformed, no matter what side you're on."

    I don't know man. Republican opinion on the subject ranges everywhere from "what problems? There are no problems!" to "We want to reform it on capitolist principles and we'lll get around to it.... one of these days... SUPPORT THE TROOOPS!!!"

    a lot of people on that side of the argument sincerely don't want the government to get involved in their medicare (medicare is a government run program for elderly people).

    "The mistake Obama is making is that he is trying to make deals with an opposition party that has nothing meaningful to add to the debate other than saying no or Obama will kill old people"

    Agreed. Every time they shout "I want MY america back" and "Obama is an illegal immigrant that wants to kill old people" it demonstrates how useless their opinions are. It's time to start ignoring those people and marginalizing them.

    Every time democrats take over they attempt to reform health care. Republicans had their shot to do it there way, and they did nothing. It's time to ignore them.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    I believe Stradigos hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned...
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    "The mistake Obama is making is that he is trying to make deals with an opposition party that has nothing meaningful to add to the debate other than saying no or Obama will kill old people"

    Marginalizing the people who disagree with this bill is exactly what Obama has done, and it's backfired big time. Also note that, in order for this bill to be passed, Republicans will need to help pass it as well. I'm sure you know this though, and are just venting :)

    I have to disagree with your analysis of Republican opinion, but I am curious to how you reached the conclusion. Have you attended any town hall meetings? All the Republicans I talk to right now have read the bill (that's already more than most congressman have done), have concerns and questions about the bill, and when they try and ask their elected officials about it, they either get the round about or flamed. So of course they are a little pissed!

    Be careful of the double standard some of you are laying down. If this was a hot topic for you, and you felt like Republicans were giving you the round about or flaming you, you would be equally pissed! And the liberal media would be all over it!
    Republicans had their shot to do it there way, and they did nothing. It's time to ignore them.

    Sadly enough, I have to agree with you. While I was happy was Bush's foreign policy, he was horrible at domestic affairs. You're right, Republicans did do nothing and this is probably why we have Obama in office now. On top of that McCain was even farther left than Bush, so many people probably didn't feel like they had a choice, or just stayed home during the elections.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    My family has always been fairly liberal, my wife's is straight up republicans. I, personally, think all politicians are crooked fucks. Being around our two families, I really feel like no one is listening to the other side at all.

    Fuck the healthcare bullshit, when are we finally adopting the metric system? Wake me when we start using a logical method of measure.
    Stradigos wrote:
    ...liberal media...
    You mean liberal media like FOX news? Watch a little BBC and tell me the US media is liberal. What they are is sensationalist (on both sides Dem and GOP) and scared of showing to much tit.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    As a Canadian, this depate seems f@#$ing insane and horribly comedic which seems to be the norm in American news for the last decade.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    You mean liberal media like FOX news? Watch a little BBC and tell me the US media is liberal. What they are is sensationalist (on both sides Dem and GOP) and scared of showing to much tit.

    Can you clarify what your saying? From this I got:

    Fox news is liberal
    BBC is liberal (?)
    Liberals are sensationalists, whether they are Dem or Rep
    They are scared to show too much tit :)

    Is the above correct or am I misunderstanding?
  • Mark Dygert
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    Ruz wrote: »
    Couldn't they just offer a safety net in that if you earn under a certain amount then you get government health care or does that happen at all already in the US?
    Its up to each state, most do on some level normally for children.
    Ruz wrote: »
    What if you are a vagrant and get knocked over, would you get an ambulance ride or would they ignore you on the street?
    All state run hospitals have a mandate to never refuse care. If you call 911 or walk into a ER, someone will take care of you regardless. The level of care after you are out of immediate life threatening danger is up to your insurance plan and how well it pays.

    If you can't pay its up to the hospital to try and squeeze blood from a stone, or creatively make up the difference some other way. Often by charging those that can pay higher rates, which starts the lemmings running over the cliff...
  • Mark Dygert
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    Stradigos wrote: »
    Can you clarify what your saying? From this I got:

    Fox news is liberal
    BBC is liberal (?)
    Liberals are sensationalists, whether they are Dem or Rep
    They are scared to show too much tit :)

    Is the above correct or am I misunderstanding?
    Fox is conservative (republican, right wing) sensationalist media.
    MSNBC is liberal (democrat, left wing) sensationalist media.
    It does seem that Fox news is more in for the rantings and ratings. But then I listen to NPR and think the republican party and conservatives in general have run themselves off a cliff.

    Just like a house divided can not stand. Media bitterly divided can't accurately report unbiased news. There is no such thing as civil debate in the US. It's both sides frothing at the mouth until the other side gets tired or run out of town.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Stradigos wrote: »
    or just stayed home during the elections.
    I think 2008 had the highest voter turnout in almost 40 years
  • dolemite
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    "I have to disagree with your analysis of Republican opinion, but I am curious to how you reached the conclusion. Have you attended any town hall meetings?"

    By living in Oklahoma ;) I'd say about 80% of the people I've encountered here are hard core republicans. But I don't have to just base this on personal experience. I can watch any mainstream news outlet to see what republican senators are saying. They are actually telling people that Obama supports euthanasia, and that this bill would kill old people.

    "Sadly enough, I have to agree with you. While I was happy was Bush's foreign policy, he was horrible at domestic affairs"

    "Fox news is liberal
    BBC is liberal (?)"

    Wow. I really ought to take this opportunity to step away from this argument. If you're happy with Bush's foreign policy, I just don't know what to say to you. You think Fox news is liberal? I'm definitely dumbfounded here.

    I'm out.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    You think Fox news is liberal?

    Re-read, I was asking for clarification on Vig's post. I was stating what I thought he said, hoping he would restate it so I understood him better. Fox is definitely conservative.

    As for his foreign policy, if you disagree with the war in Iraq, that's fine. And if it makes you step away from this thread, I guess that's fine too.
  • DanielB
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    It's funny how Obama said in a speech the other day that AARP was indorcing his healthcare reform. Yet the AARP said they are in no way indorcing him. Get your facts straight Mr. President.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Fox is conservative (republican, right wing) sensationalist media.
    MSNBC is liberal (democrat, left wing) sensationalist media... Just like a house divided can not stand. Media bitterly divided can't accurately report unbiased news. There is no such thing as civil debate in the US. It's both sides frothing at the mouth until the other side gets tired or run out of town.
    Agreed. But that's how it is, and how it's always been. What is truth? Truth is interpreted facts. We all interpret things differently, that's why people have different viewpoints. There are people out there with the same viewpoints, hence conservative/liberal and republican/democrate.

    The media does have it's responsibility to report the facts accurately. There are definitely cases on both sides that we can point to and say it was inaccurately reported. To er is human. But I know what your thinking, error isn't the only reason we see inaccurately reported facts. And I agree! Politics are definitely involved.

    If you and a group of people hold a viewpoint, then you probably want it voiced! The same goes for the opposite group. Two reporters can show up to the same event and draw two different conclusions. Health care is a prime example of divided viewpoints and of course, divided media. If our viewpoints can divide party lines, then I would think it would divide media lines as well. It's natural. My advice? Don't get all your facts from one source. Listen to the facts, then draw your own conclusion. If your conclusion just so happens to be what your favorite station's is, then fine. If it's not, that doesn't mean that station is wrong, but that's just what you know to be true.

    Do I think it creates a nation divided against itself as you say? No, not at all. I think each side keeps the other on it's toes. It creates needed balance. I think we call each other out on crap all the time, but that's how it get's done. That's the American way. We reach a comprimise.

    What's troubling about what's going on right now is that democrats are not allowing republicans any compromises. Obama preached about reaching across the table, yet time and time again republicans have plotted against. Does this happen the other way around? Absolutely. I am not crying wolf at all. But either way, it's wrong, and that's why people are upset.
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