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Gothic Cathedral (First attempt at hand painting textures)

polycounter lvl 10
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CounterSeal polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone. I've been chipping away at this project steadily for the past 2.5 months or so in my spare time. A bit of background info: My main goal of this scene is to more or less nail that "Diablo" feel, especially Diablo 2, with a bit of the texture saturation qualities found in Diablo 3.

This is my first attempt at constructing an entire scene with hand painted textures without any use of photo sources, so it was quite a change in what I was used to, and turned out to be quite a learning experience too. I'm not quite finished with this project yet, as there's still a bit I want to put into the textures and other things that may need to be changed and improved.

The scene, as it is now is just under 31,000 triangles. Everything is diffuse only (64x64 to 512x512), with exception of the treasure chest, which has a simple spec map at the moment, but I may remove that and paint in the specular highlights manually. There are also glow maps for the light rays and candles.

This is still a WIP, and any feedback regarding any aspect of the project would be greatly apreciated.


Wireframe Shot:

Texture Sheets: Here are just a few of the textures.


  • Alec3d
  • andersh
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    andersh polycounter lvl 10
    I think you could bump up the contrast on the chest's wood texture, and maybe add a little more visual noise to it - its looking a little smooth to me. Maybe brighten up the "edges" of the wood planks.

    Same for the portal effect texture, maybe put some dark darks in there, some swirly bits or something.

    Also, you might get a red glow around the portal?

    I'd like to know how you did your lighting / render set up because I am horrible at lighting, and I'd like to do a hand-painted Blizzard style piece eventually.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    On the liquidy glowy stuff, you should really bump up the painted highlights. It just seems to be a glowy mist, and i think you want it to look more like a thick liquid. Add really saturated bright yellow highlights on the glowy liquid parts. I'd also say turn down the hand painted glow on it too, it makes it hard to see the hard contrast between the rock and the goo under it.

    It would also look good if you made some of the rocks around it more effected by the glow.

    Looks amazing though, for your first attempt at hand painted i'd say spot on!
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    This looks really good so far, I love painterly textures.
    The only thing that is standing out to me is the treasure chest, it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the room yet, maybe dirty it up or desaturate it a little bit. I think it's just missing the tlc you gave the other textures.
  • Art-Machine
    I like your approach to the scene. I mean making a game environment that looks like the user already passed through and popped open some chests. Pretty nifty idea.

    I would suggest creating a "path of light" along the center of the room, to help the eye make sense of the room a little more. The outer areas can still be as dark as they are now but having a central carpet path more clearly lit would help the presentation i think. Right now i just find my eye gets lost in the image, it jumps from light to light without taking time to understand how they interconnect.

    ps: i disagree about the treasure chests. In a game you want your loot to stand out a little so the player doesn't pass them by.
  • Mazvix
    I like what I am seeing.

    Don't mind my crits though- your best texture is the one you use for the wall and the floor, it has color variations so it is not monotone and also nice, balanced contrast.

    Do the same to the rest of your textures. I also noticed you are using blurry brushes, be confident and create some nice hard lines!

    Good luck and I like seeing more people get into hand painted, it is my favorite :P
  • vj_box
    Love the textures! lighting can take another good pass!
    Keep it coming!!!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    bricks are ace dude!

    question: are you using basic lighting at this point or are you vertex lighting it at the moment?

    Either way looking incredible and looking forward to more!

    (if you paint some more stones do a little vid of it , I always love to see peoples approaches to hand painted stuff :D)
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Lordy, this is purty. Love the handpainted textures, though I'll second the call for more edge variation.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Sweet textures! I just wish the images were brighter so I could actually see details =)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    over all i thinks its got really nice texturing, but they need another pass to sharpen up, currently they look a little blurry

    lighting needs another pass, more pools of light in the middle and better contrast, maybe up the strength of those lightrays and make up streaky, also that lava (?) texture deffinatly needs another pass

    but really nice scene
  • torontoanimator
    seeing this brings back memories of my own diablo enviroment lol its absolutely gorgeous dude, honestly i cant think of a critique aside from what people always told me about mine, "its too dark" lol personally i think the mood is great though i really think a bit more ambient light would help make all the great detail more noticable
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    i really like the stone textures - you've got a lot of nice color variation in there.

    it'd be really nice if you could get that in the wood texture as well. it's got a very monochromatic dodge/burned look right now and feels neglected, comparatively.
  • CounterSeal
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    CounterSeal polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback so far guys.

    @andersh: Thanks for the suggestions. Yeah, I'll definitely be giving the wood texture some more love. For the lighting, I basically made use of volume lights because they seem to give me much more control as opposed to using the standard point light in Maya. The volume light gives me a similar amount of control to the point light you'd find in Unreal, so it worked out pretty well, especially for things like pockets of candlelight. Beyond that, I usually have an ambient light with a very low intensity and a hue, in this case, an ominous blue.

    @wester: Great idea, I had a feeling the lava seemed to be missing some of that "pop". The portal and lava currently don't have any glow maps on them, so I'll go ahead and play with the glow and diffuse a bit more.

    @mLink: Thanks, The treasure chest is definitely something I want to work on more. But Art Machine also brought up a good point about having it stand out... hmm. Also, what does tlc mean?

    @Art-Machine: The path of light idea is very, very interesting. I actually thought of that for a little bit but then proceeded to dismiss it. But since you mentioned it, I think I will experiment with that a bit.

    @Mazvix: Good point about using hard brushes. I found that I used mostly soft brushes when I made the first few textures for some reason. I guess it is a confidence thing, lol. I'll keep this in mind from now on. Also, I can see why this is your favorite style, you have some awesome stuff. I especially like your Mushroom Town =D

    @seforin: Thanks dude. I did not use any vertex lighting, it is basic lightmapping at this point. I would love to do a video at some point, but I think I want to get a bit more experience in this style before I do so.

    @Minotair0: Aghh... The lighting was something I tweaked, and continue to tweak endlessly. I will keep this in mind and play around with the ambient lighting a bit, but I don't want to make it too bright.

    @Sectaurs: Thanks for pointing that out. I will try to give it more love.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    looking pimp i saw the diaboloness even before reading your text :)
  • carlo_c
    Definitely has a diablo feel really nice work so far :)

    Agree with sharpening some of the textures up, will really help the details pop out.
  • j4polaris
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    j4polaris polycounter lvl 18
    looks beautiful. I agree with earlier comments about a "light path" along the red carpet. But that's just a quibble. Again, fantastic work dude.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Great work, always nice to see a scene 100% hand painted!

    My main gripe is the portal though. You've got nice detail in the textures and geometry in the rest of the scene, but the portal looks a bit simple, which is bringing the whole scene down because the portal's the main focus. Jazz up the horns somehow and make the portal a bit less "blurry" and this will be a great scene all around :D. Tempted to see what the scene would look like if the portal color matched the window color a bit.

    And as others have said the walls look awesome.

    Oh, and if you added a big arse chandelier, that would be kick ass.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
  • Metta
    This is absolutely beautifully brilliant! My only crit is along the lines of what crazyfingeres had to say about the portal - maybe try re-creating the gateway geometry itself to look more like it was carved and created for this very purpose - runes and etchings along the sides, etc.

    Just my two cents, though - great work!
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    This is very inspiring! Can't wait to tackle something this myself! The portal ground textures seem very rushed though. Compared to everything else.
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