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Fencer chick (2400 tris, 512)

polycounter lvl 18
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HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
Hey everyone, haven't shown much art here so I thought i'd post some up.
Finished this recently. Probably calling this finished for good, but critique is always welcome :)


Thanks for stopping by ;)


  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18

    if you added a bit of red to the tip of her nose id think it was an older pior piece.
  • morte
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    Man i really have to do some of this classic game art stuff with diffuse only.
    You painted it with bodypaint or only photoshop?
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    The lack of geometry for ears bugs me jussstt a bit (the front profile) I'm gonna repeat what others are saying, really well done man.

    I like the second shot too, the metal reads well with that hint of blue lighting with it.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    lack of ear geo killing me too, also face/head seems too big

    love the texture work though
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Pretty awesome, reminds me of vagrant story art.
  • rasmus
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    Nice, but seconding the lack of modelled ears in the front view! Considered letting the hip-armor cast shadows on the skirt piece? There's also quite some contrast between them and the skirt, maybe add some noise/dirt to the latter to tie it together a bit?
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Ah Neat! Glad to see you post.

    I like this! I know what style/genre you wanted to emulate, so Ill give u my Imo on where it went wrong,

    THe missing factor is the lack of painting in certain area, Like the armor, it does look sweet, but its a bit too overlay grainy for the look you wanted, Its missing the painted effect ya know? id paint on top of theses overlay to give it a more Painterly effect.

    Same with the clothing, u started to paint a few stroke on the robe fold, but none on the middle part. Also the shadows are too uniform, especially on thoses belts, a bit to straight, but thats a little thing.. For the ears, I agree to, a bit to flat, But from the top down view from thoses shots, they work fine! In fact most of the work look fine from that angle.. Anyway

    Its Cool work. Id work a bit more on it, if u can manage too :)


  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I realy like how you solved the hair.. very nice

    only the folds on the crotch fabric piece are wrong imo

    edit: and giving here some 3d-ears would help too ;)
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    she's got a bit of 'the coneheads' thing going on at the top of the head, probably what's causing the head to look a bit too big. Her face might be big too as bounchfx mentioned, I like, I live very much... how much?
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Very nice texture work, indeed.
    sir-knight wrote: »
    I like, I live very much... how much?
    Haha, what? x)
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the love everyone!

    You've all twisted my arm enough! :poly127: Gonna be opening this back up this weekend to work out some kinks, starting with ear geometry ;)

    TGZ - haha thanks man, always been a big pior fan so that's probably no coincidence :P

    morte - thanks :) mostly PS, but a bit of touchup in zbrush. im looking for a better 3d paint solution though, i really like the enzo plugin for photoshop, but it doesnt seem to work with windows 7 :(

    jason - cool man thanks!

    bounchfx - yeah something does seem off about the head size. i think it might actually be the dark neck piece that makes it feel off balance. maybe it is just too big though :P I'll play with it and try and get it up to par

    imb3nt - thanks man, never had the chance to play vagrant story :( seems like it had some neat art for the time though

    rasmus - valid point man, ill try and work that area in together a bit better :)

    ben - wow! thanks for all the crits man, super helpful! will do my best to fix that stuff up :thumbup:

    rollin - thanks man, haha yeah that crotch piece is pretty weak on closer inspection :S could def. use some more love


    sir-knight - yeah that particular hairstyle was kind of a bad choice in the end. in all the ref i have it actually seems to be even bigger than how ive modeled it. but somehow the translation to 3d ends up looking a bit like an error in the proportions.

    disting - thanks, haha, glad im not the only one baffled by that ;)
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    spelling errors ftl... nobody knows borat? :P
  • SomberResplendence
    I'd love to see wires and texture sheet also :)
  • dolemite
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    b1ll wrote: »
    Ah Neat! Glad to see you post.

    I like this! I know what style/genre you wanted to emulate, so Ill give u my Imo on where it went wrong,

    THe missing factor is the lack of painting in certain area, Like the armor, it does look sweet, but its a bit too overlay grainy for the look you wanted, Its missing the painted effect ya know? id paint on top of theses overlay to give it a more Painterly effect.

    Same with the clothing, u started to paint a few stroke on the robe fold, but none on the middle part. Also the shadows are too uniform, especially on thoses belts, a bit to straight, but thats a little thing.. For the ears, I agree to, a bit to flat, But from the top down view from thoses shots, they work fine! In fact most of the work look fine from that angle.. Anyway

    Its Cool work. Id work a bit more on it, if u can manage too :)



    I totally second that. Its really good stuff, and with a few more passes it'd be really incredible. For me the hair needs more pronounced highlights. Looks odd with the dark shadows and muted highlights.

    Good work man!
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    sir-knight - lol, just didnt click for some reason :P

    somber - added to first post :)

    dolemite - thanks man, yeah i think itll def. be worth putting in that last bit of effort to make it hopefully shine :P i agree the hair needs love. the thing is (as you can check in one of my images) its meant for more of a top down view so i wanted to exaggerate some of the details to keep everything readable from a distance. youre right though, it looks a bit like clay or putty, so ill try and tighten that up as well.
  • Art-Machine
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    Sure glad i hit this thread, still loving your stuff. My only crit, i'd like to see the ears from the front view. She seems a little off from the front cuz we can't see em.

    Edit : I see it's already been said, all's good then no crit.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    yea the mass of the head is fine, i think, it feels too big because there is face where ears should be. chip the sides of the face (jaw) and reveal the ears, and that should fix it.

    texture wise notice how u have a lot of detail in the loin cloth and much less anywhere. make the detail resolution match the rest of the model.
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    Nice: model, Textures, and thank god a clean nicely packed UV unwrap. I agree with Shotguns crits too. Look forward to future posts by ya.
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the c&c fellas

    Here's an update. Still trying stuff out... but I'm a lot happier with the skirt now. and the face looks better thanks to the ears :)

    thinking about redesigning the corset/top/thing next.

  • dolemite
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    good on the ears. Maybe the back of the corset is a dead area? Hair still needs the work :)

    good stuff. Love the wrinkles on the skirt, btw.
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    from a practical sense the armour itself is stupid, however its just plan awesome visually :D

    i think one long blonde hair streak going down the right side of her face would look great
  • SomberResplendence
    I was also a fan of the bare upper back. I agree that some alpha on the hair would at a lot. And in case it hasn't been said enough, excellent texturing!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    goodjob, i think even shrinking her head horizontally a bit more would be better

    as for corset - try a soft gradient like on the flesh
  • rawrsie
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    I'm digging the head the way it is right now. Really stunning work so far, can't wait to see your updates. I love the way her profile looks.
  • mLichy
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    Wow, very beautiful, nice job :D
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Wow, excellent job. :)

    After this latest update nothing is sticking out to me. The lack of ears before were noticeable right away.

    I agree with Dolemite. The hair could use some more value. Besides the very dark areas it looks almost like a solid colour.
  • woogity
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    nice work man i really dig the reflected red look in the metals, i would have to agree that i think repeating the hip armor pattern throughout would be a nice touch. also a belt of some sort that crosses over the metal band around her waist, or some sort of engraving there would be nice, right now thats the only bit that really falls flat for me, and its right in the center of her body too. also it might just be that its tough to see on the 512 but i think the cross on her chest could be casting a bit of shadow on her skin.

    gl with updates on this looking sweet so far!

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor

    I agree with bill, i love the style you're gunnin for, and thinkin the latest versions are getting closer.

    One extra thing i may suggest, would be to venture a little bit "outside the mesh," so to speak. Try experimenting with floating open-edge pieces to emulate belts, or extrude an edge to give belts the extra "hangybits" that increase silhouette detail and add complexity to your mesh.

    some easy win areas i can see right off would be the boot straps, and even as far as the necklace.

    cool shieeet!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Great work. Always good to see hand painted stuff
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Looking cool, made me realize how much I miss painted stuff too!
    Anyways! Did a little paintover if you dont mind. Basically, I think you could still add more dimensionality to the face by breaking some more planes :


    Hope this helps!
  • Art-Machine
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    i approve the above overpaint when it comes to the ear. The rest is up to personal preference i think. Changing jawline/facial features changes a character's character, it's up to the artist.

    The original says soft and feminine, the overpaint says slightly tough and confident.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Oh yeah I realized I naturally made the features and especially the jawline much more stressed :P

    Point it is, very often I found that delicate, round female faces (in 3d) tend to suffer from the balloon effect from other angles. Stressing the planes is a good way to avoid that (ff12 did this in a fantastic and subtle way...)
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    everybody make paint over now!

    ok no, just to conserve the artist's work.. ..simply adjust the head smaller horizontally and make room for the ears. the edges of ears of the previous version still serve as the edges of this head, just the face shrunk.

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Excellent model. Love the model and the textures :)
    i doubt hunter will go back to the model texturew-ise though XD
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    dragonmoony - hey thanks for the crit man. im definitely planning on doing some more designs and details on the armors. :thumbup:

    dolemite - thanks again man :) planning on mostly redoing the corset front and back, so hopefully ill come up with something that works a bit better

    sampson - haha, yeah the armor doesnt really make sense... cool idea with the lock of hair hanging down her other cheek! ill try and work that in, hopefully can find a chuck of uv space to sneak that in on :)

    somber - thanks man, yeah i agree the upper back was more appealing, ill be bringing that back when i fix up the rest of the corset

    shotgun - thanks for the crits! changed the head around quite a bit. hopefully it looks a bit more correct now.

    rawrsie - thanks man :D

    mLichy - thanks :)

    Frump - thanks man, im definetly gonna touchup the hair before im calling this finished again :)

    woogity - thanks for the input :) yeah i agree, ive been thinking that her "belt" needed some spicing up. been considering puting a leather belt of some sort over the top of it, or possible just texturing in some sort of clasp into the metal. as for the boob cross, unfortunetly theres just not enough texture resolution to get any shadow in there (that reads as a shadow anyway :P) the cross is already only like two pixels wide on the model :S

    moose - hey thanks man :) yeah im thinking about adding in some more straps and floating geo. i hadnt originally because i was shooting for a specific style, but now im free to do with it as i please so i might change some of that stuff up a bit :)

    ruz - thanks :D

    pior - damn! thanks a ton man. really helped! decided to follow your suggestion and stress the shapes a bit more and im much happier with it now :) totally agree about ff12, some of my favorite handpainted work.

    artmachine - thanks for the input man :)

    butt - thanks! :) actually "finished" this up a couple weeks ago, now that im looking at it with fresh eyes and some polycount love theres too many areas that need improvement. so im taking my time and touching things up :)

    Small update, basically just made some adjustments to the face last night. Thanks again for critique and paintovers everyone!

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    OOh looking hawt! Definitely looking tons better.
    As long as your working on it, maybe throw in some purple/blue shadows? :)
  • torontoanimator
    she is really gorgeous dude, very very nice! i especially love the armor :D the only critique i can really give is there seem to be a lot of hard lines and edges on her body, makes it pretty evident that shes not hi poly, but for a low poly character, its very well done!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Very nice man!
    I am tempted to play devil's advocate now and go for the obvious comment that you will eventually get : '"hey she's too manly!"
    I personally like her that way, as I think she will behave well under lighting. Can't wait for the pose!
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I don't find her too manly at all, but that's all in taste I guess... she's still hawt. :P
  • Art-Machine
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    I think he did a good "entre-deux" between his original and your overpaint. It's looking great and not too much lost from the original. I'll say it again Luc, your stuff is worthy of square games.
  • Canadian Ink
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    Canadian Ink polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great kinda reminds me of the Valkyria Chronicles art style.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    fantastic updates. nice work man, taking crits well too.
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for the replys guys :)

    butt - thanks man, yeah ill try and mix in more cool colors in the shadows :) thanks

    torontoanimator - hey thanks mans! yeah, not much to be done about that :P i think from an ingame view it wouldn't be quite so noticeable

    pior - thanks man! thanks a ton for the paintover, really helped spark me along :) haha i'm sure some will think her jaw is too strong, but you can't please everyone. its behaves MUCH better with lights too :)

    sir-knight - ;) thanks

    art-machine - woah! thanks man! i think i still have a lot to learn before im at square level, thanks though :D

    dragonmoony - haha thanks! though i am a square fan :(

    canadian ink - thanks man! never played the series, but i can see what you mean :P

    bounchfx - thanks :)

    ok, not MUCH different. changed up the torso a bit, not sold on it though so itll probably change a bit still. was hoping to get opinions on if the new arms look ok, or if i need to revert :P been staring at it a bit too long to tell.
  • Joseph Pomeisl
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    Joseph Pomeisl polycounter lvl 14
    looking great. The black makes more sense for the arms.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    This is beautiful. Love old-school hand-painted textures like this. I kinda preferred the bare shoulders and upper arms, though. Less practical, sure, but she doesn't have the most practical armor in the first place. :p

    About those lips, maybe something like this?

  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    hey guys! thanks for the comments :)
    i know the lips might seem a bit too strong and mannish how they are. but personally i kind of like the look :P plus i think it reads well from a further away :)

    Took a bit of a break from this, but started back on it tonight. just a small update. trying out some different designs for things. may be a bit of a mishmash at the moment :S

  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    incredible, reminds me of vagrant story!
    gorgeous texture work, particularly the hair
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Still so sweet !!

    In case of lip touch up, something that works better than thinning them (I personally like full lips too) : using the "3 cherries" rule. On sphere in the middle of the upper lip, sitting on two spheres defining on the bottom lip. Usually helps!
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Very well done!
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys! :D i think this will be the final iteration... ;)

    BIG thanks to b1ll for some great help! :)

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