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The N word



  • EarthQuake
    Its true, i hate fatties. Unless we talkin bluntz
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    watch the olympics. or just about any sporting event. or beauty pageant.

    I can't tell if you're only half-joking or 100% serious, but the achievement gap refers to educational performance standards, which can be used to estimate an expected quality of life.

    And about beauty standards, non-whites are often considered less beautiful for their skin color as well as facial features.

    But yeah, no one's arguing that fat people aren't generally put-down. Let's not derail the topic because that's a whole conversation in itself.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    Just to be clear. i hate:

    and Albinos.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    Fat people are so discriminated against, they don't even get published methodical analysis of their comparative statistical levels of discrimination against them. Ohh!
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    as a black kid, my biggest concern is:

    "Why do you WANT to say it so much?"
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    My biggest concern is that you've had a nutsack for your avatar for months.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    A gift can be refused, and the person who gave the gift will still own and carry it. The same is true of insults.
  • greenj2
    "Racism ain't as bad as it used to be anyway man... I mean its fucked up but, they don't call niggers, niggers no more and shit.

    White people don't say it. Especially when there's niggas around. So I guess I wouldn't know it."

    -Eddie Murphy
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    I'm with Louis CK on this one.


    +1 - brilliant
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Slainean wrote: »
    My biggest concern is that you've had a nutsack for your avatar for months.

    Hmmm... think it's time to change it?
  • MachineMinded
    Just out of curiosity when did the word 'nigger' become offensive? What's the timeline here? The Finnish equivalent was pretty much used as a generic word for blacks, until somewhere along the way it got the negative package attached to it and then it became a bad word.

    And that whole slavery thing... I hope anyone who keeps referring to that will go into themselves and realize that it happened longer ago than WWII, way longer and still you don't see Frenchmen or Polish constantly bringing up the time they were occupied by Nazi Germany. Also those who keep bringing this up all the time don't seem to realize that even though some countries did use blacks as slaves not every one did that, yet it gets brought up with people whose ancestors never had anything to do with black slaves. The whole guilt tripping is just fucking stupid.

    Another thing I hate is when a minority group gets special treatment because it's a minority group... We all are supposed to be equal here for fucks sake. You're not supposed to treat people that have been mistreated better than everyone else. You're supposed to treat them the same way as others. /rant
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Dreamer wrote: »
    Hmmm... think it's time to change it?

  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    adamBrome wrote: »

    Oh Adam...

    Our relationship is never going to move to the next stage is it? It's always about smut with us. You never take me anywhere, it's always 'BALLS' with you
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Tokyo Breakfast skit

    I think it's time to admit that "nigger" has jumped the shark. Stop using it black people, then it can go back to just something rednecks say.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    i never understood why peolpe make such a big fuss about races and heritage in the states. it was one of the major differences i noticed when i lived there.
    over here in europe people tend to identify themselves with nationalities, lots of prejudices existing as well, but it's mostly just meant humorous. like saying brits have bad teeth, germans have no humor, russians are drunkards, etc. but so far i haven't experienced any serious hate. after all we have football (soccer) to settle things :)
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    lefix wrote: »
    i never understood why peolpe make such a big fuss about races and heritage in the states. it was one of the major differences i noticed when i lived there.
    over here in europe people tend to identify themselves with nationalities, lots of prejudices existing as well, but it's mostly just meant humorous. like saying brits have bad teeth, germans have no humor, russians are drunkards, etc. but so far i haven't experienced any serious hate. after all we have football (soccer) to settle things :)

    Germany tends to be sanatized to a degree, but racism is widespread across Europe. From everyone hating on gypsies, to Britain and their "paki" slur, to the entire former eastern bloc hating jews, blacks, gypsies and turks. It's harder to spot than in the states because people talk about it there. In europe it doesn't get the same spotlight, but it's there, and it's strong.

    And lots of time when it comes out it's one of those Dave Chapelle "Damn... that was RACIST!" moments, where it comes out of left field and just takes you by surprise. I was talking with this girl from my class at the bus stop, a black woman walked by with her kid, and when she was out of earshot the girl just said, "Dirty nigger!" like she was getting a weight off her chest. :poly134:
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Europe is just as bad - Northern Ireland shocks me every time I go back. Let's not forget that the fucktards in Barnsley (a shithole in Northern England) voted a member of the BNP to the European parliament.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Europe is just as bad - Northern Ireland shocks me every time I go back. Let's not forget that the fucktards in Barnsley (a shithole in Northern England) voted a member of the BNP to the European parliament.

    I hardly think N.Ireland, or even Ireland or England for the matter, could be considered as, or representitive of, Europe. But you are right; those two islands are incredibly fucked up.

    bitmap wrote: »
    people are racist.

    blacks are racists
    whites are racists
    asians are racists

    no matter what you say, we all are racist pricks.

    and when i mean racists, i dont mean it only for color.

    i mean, for other shit, like fat people, handicaped people, whatever.

    ppl tend do discriminate who is diferent.

    and i for one, find that, no matter what race you are.. if you are fat, you is gonna get your ass discriminated.

    Fats are way more discriminated thann blacks.

    Fuckin' ay.
  • SinisterUrge
    If black people are allowed call me cracker and call each other nigger, they I'll do like wise to them, simple as. Otherwise I'm treating them different because of their race, that is racist only in a positive way. I'm more worried about leechers who come to my country and get government aid for nothing, illegals who shouldn't be here and criminals allowed in here so easily. I don't care what race they are. If this is mentioned by anyone, they are branded as racist.

    Australia has the right idea, they don't tolerate illegal immigrants. If you want to live there you need to pass a points system and pass a test on Australian history and culture.
  • indian_boy

    Australia has the right idea, they don't tolerate illegal immigrants. If you want to live there you need to pass a points system and pass a test on Australian history and culture.

    australia used to have my respect till the kids started randomly beating up indian students in their universities.

    so i guess u can't live there on a student's visa?
  • 7point83hertz
    "There are no bad words, just bad intentions." - Kevin Smith

    If I may quote you quoting :P

    I agree the N-word is a word like any other. It is the meaning and weight you give it that matters. It really is like all the other words, like "house","sky","c*nt".

    If you are offended by the word itself then, I am sorry, you are an unreflected person.

    Because if you look at it closely you are in fact
    (1) either offended by the implications of the person using it, or
    (2) by the implications you associate with it yourself.

    for (1) you can easily see why you are stupid if you are extraordinarily offended by it, because its just that the other person wants to make you feel bad, it has nothing to do with which word is chosen to achieve it (as*hole, d*ck, it really doesn't matter)

    for (2) it is how much value you give the word, which again, has nothing to do with N-word itself. It could also be "bumbum" if you decided "bumbum" is the worst word in the universe it has the same result.

    The harsh thing about (2) is, by giving the word weight you empower the persons using it to offend you. see, its kind of doublestoopid X_x

    by not taking the word seriously, you take the power away from the people who acctually want to do harm with it.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I hardly think N.Ireland, or even Ireland or England for the matter, could be considered as, or representitive of, Europe.

    You don't? Perhaps you need to do a little research on geography and politics then.
  • Pedro Amorim
    what's our business discussing this shit anyway? this is MF polycount.

    if you have to hate someone hate space marines! those bastards with that big ass armor!
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I consider it a swear, and since I don't swear, I don't say it. 'nuff said.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Bitmap, please refrain from insulting my religion.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    The word is obviously associated with alot of bigotry and hate. I personally don't use it and steer clear from people who do.
  • Mark Dygert
    bitmap wrote: »
    what's our business discussing this shit anyway? this is MF polycount.
    This is one of the reasons I liked the idea of GD being buried some place deep. I'd hate to see restrictions placed on GD, I would much prefer people be smarter when posting.

    I personally don't care what people say or to whom they say it, but if someone is stupid with their words and it gets them in trouble I won't rush to their aid. It's probably best for that person to take their lumps and learn.

    I choose not to use certain words around certain people but I think that's just common sense.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    I'm mixed race, it would be very nice if it were just "a word" :icon15:
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    You don't? Perhaps you need to do a little research on geography and politics then.

    I've lived in each of those places mate. For 15 years. And a real (i.e. mainland) european country for the 10 before that. Take my word for it. ;) Just because they get money off the union for motorways and such doesn't make those two (three technically) countries 'european'. Spain, Greece, France, Italy etc. That's Europe :)
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    don't get why this thread was made?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    If black people are allowed call me cracker and call each other nigger, they I'll do like wise to them, simple as.

    Writing it on the internet and saying it to someone's face are just a little different. Next time you're in the states, pick a few street corners in Bedford-Stuyvesant NYC to drop a few N-bombs and let us know how it goes.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I've lived in each of those places mate. For 15 years. And a real (i.e. mainland) european country for the 10 before that. Take my word for it. ;) Just because they get money off the union for motorways and such doesn't make those two (three technically) countries 'european'. Spain, Greece, France, Italy etc. That's Europe :)

    So if Britain and Ireland aren't Europe, what are they?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Um, Britain and Ireland.

    I completely agree CompanionCube. Don't really see why this needed discussing. Especially amongst a bunch of (predominantly) white boys. We probably could never understand the harm and upset that word causes to the people it is directed towards.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I don't live in an English speaking country, and I never use the Greek word for nigger, because frankly, it sounds uneducated and racist, but for some time now I've been calling one of my closest friends nigga and/or nigger.

    I think it started soon after I watched both seasons of the Boondocks in one seating.

    Interesting story, and I kinda doubt it's true, but a friend of mine (Greek as well) who studied in the States called a black friend of his a "nigga", you know, when just talking.

    So the black guy takes offense to it, but not like "punch you in the face" offense, but rather "aw man, you can't say that" offense and begins telling him about what the word means, and my friend goes on about how the Greeks were enslaved by the Turks not for 200 years, but 400 and the other guy was like "ah ok then". Again, dunno if it's true though.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I've lived in each of those places mate. For 15 years. And a real (i.e. mainland) european country for the 10 before that. Take my word for it. ;) Just because they get money off the union for motorways and such doesn't make those two (three technically) countries 'european'. Spain, Greece, France, Italy etc. That's Europe :)

    You know, being born in Greece, I consider our country plus Spain and Italy more Mediteranean than European.
  • bounchfx
    this is getting kinda silly, and while it's interesting to hear others' opinions on the matter I'm not sure it's entirely appropriate anymore
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    The words is in place to hurt feelings and remind blacks that there once was a time when a bunch of ignorant red neck uneducated hilljack bible thumping fuckfaces ran the country, and decided that "god" made blacks to do the work of the higher, more supreme, white men.

    Unfortunately, there are still plenty of undeducate hilljack bible thumping bigot fuckfaces who have a lot of money and power in this country who would be more than happy to see all of this happen over again, mainly because they believe that they are more supreme than anyone who doesn't share their religious or philosophical beliefs.

    I think that if everyone in this world experienced any condition of slavery, especially in the extreme case that your entire race of people were enslaved simply because of an evolutionary mutation (which would be the darkening of skin color to protect from the high levels of ultraviolet radiation along the tropical and desert climates of the world), and someone used a word like "nigger" to remind us that we are less than human because of the previously mentioned evolutionary mutation, then i think you would all agree that the word should be abolished because of the negativity and hurtfulness that it brings.

    It's not just a word, it's a god damn reminder that human beings can be so awful to each other . And hit hits blacks the hardest, especially African americans, mainly because of all the suffering that they endured growing up.

    I don't use the word, i don't like people who use the word, and i don't like black people who use the word, mainly because they are keeping a mutated form of it alive. And as long as it's still being used, whether being the loose form or the offensive form, it will never go away.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I've lived in each of those places mate. For 15 years. And a real (i.e. mainland) european country for the 10 before that. Take my word for it. ;) Just because they get money off the union for motorways and such doesn't make those two (three technically) countries 'european'. Spain, Greece, France, Italy etc. That's Europe :)

    They are European though! They are part of the european continent, they are members of the european union, they vote in european elections, and Ireland uses the Euro as its currency!
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    and my friend goes on about how the Greeks were enslaved by the Turks not for 200 years, but 400 and the other guy was like "ah ok then".

    To be fair that was an occupation. Not really comparable to real slavery, even if the nationalists might well disagree.

    It's still a moot point, nobody alive today bears any guilt for slavery in the states, and no Turk bears responsibility for the Ottoman empire's actions.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Everyone had a boring weekend? Eesh, go make some art...
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