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Game Art Workshop - Main thread, UPDATES, give it a read guys

Bi-Monthly Game Art Workshop

Alright guys, you asked for it and here it is.

The purpose of this workshop is to learn and share ideas, workflow, process etc. The rules are quite simple:

1. Everyone will be required to model the same topic, based on 1 or more reference images, rules and specification will be specific to each workshop.
2. We have a topic suggestion thread for people to post ideas, but one of the moderators will make the final choice. We will try our best to provide a variety of topics that cover a wide range of different asset creation principals.
3. You MUST post wip images and for each update, how often you wish to post them is up to you. The more wips you show, the better it is for everyone.
4. Its is highly encouraged to post .objs, but not mandatory.
5. Posting Videos/Gifs/Mini-tutorials is highly encouraged, but not required.
6. You will need create a thread in the workshop sub-forum of Contests and Challenges. The format for creating your thread should be:

Workshop #1 - Username

7. Please do not post until you have atleast 1 wip to show. "Saving my space" threads are unnecessary and just clutter up the boards.

If you have any general questions/comments/suggestions, please post them in this thread.
If you have any suggestions for topics, please post them here: Suggestion Thread
If you any general questions/comments/suggestions on a specific workshop, please post them in the main thread for said workshop.
If you need hosting help, i would suggest looking into dropbox. Its free and has a great and easy interface for uploading and sharing files.
If you're interested in recording video, check out this great tutorial here:

Schedule of Events

#1, 06/08 - 06-29 Eotech, Highpoly focus.
#2, 06/29 - 07/29 Small Prop(TBD), focus on high, low, uvs, bake.
#3, 08/10 - 09/09 Melee weapon, focus on complete asset, with artist freedom on subject.


  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    Cool idea! I think this could be really helpful.

    One suggestion I have is that attaching an .obj be optional - since attaching one everytime kind of bothers me. I've personally always been a bit paranoid about putting source material online, but can this be either optional or be replaced with a video instead if someone doesn't want to put up a source model file?
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah mandatory OBJ files was something i was a little hesitant to ask for, but think it would be great for the project. I'de like to hear some more opinions on it, its easy enough to just say "Highly encouraged" instead of mandatory for OBJS if others feel the same way.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Really Good Idea EQ!
    Yeah, I think the OBJ files should be optional, but encouraged some how. Like there is some benefit or incentive to someone posting OBJ's besides just being nice.
    I dunno, maybe others will chime in and think of something.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nice idea! I honestly can't wait!

    However, I'm also a bit against the idea of mandatory OBJs. I already got in trouble for releasing source files in the past and I don't want that to happen again because it's VERY frustrating.
  • EarthQuake
    Alright, updated to rules.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    great idea. i'm wondering about floaters. since this is pretty hardcore subD stuff. are we to try and make floaterless models? just curious. thanks.

    just wondering cause i noticed Vrav's is water tight. and i wondering if that's the goal.
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    fritz wrote: »
    great idea. i'm wondering about floaters. since this is pretty hardcore subD stuff. are we to try and make floaterless models? just curious. thanks.

    just wondering cause i noticed Vrav's is water tight. and i wondering if that's the goal.

    I'm looking at this whole thing as a way to get more efficient modeling methods for working during a production cycle so I'd say that any method which will provide the appropriate output (IE. Normal maps) are encouraged.

    my 0.02.
  • EarthQuake
    This is all about comparing workflows, so literally any possible method that you think is viable, please by all means go right ahead. This is game art focused, so we wont be looking down upon using floaters, adding stuff in with bump/displacement maps or any other tricks you can think of.

    I think for people who really want a better understanding of how to work with complex shapes, it can be a great excersize to do everything without floaters, but its also great just to show examples of how to work quickly as possible.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I agree completely with that; any workaround for the final product should be considered viable and worth exploring. It's a game art workshop, after all. So many other things can be touched on over the whole process, rather than just 'how u model dem shapes'... realistically, for a game, one will probably want to go with whatever works, saving time and trouble along the way.

    In my thread I focused on the highpoly a bit more because I felt that was something I needed to experiment with. If I were asked to create this prop for a job, I might have gone about it differently.

    Whoops, EarthQuake beat me..! Almost verbatim, too. 0_o
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    sweet. got it. thanks!!
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    Why don't you make a tutorial section of the forums too and post the most helpful threads from this section there along with any other cool tutorials people want to post that don't relate the current theme.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Well boy howdy don´t i feel proud now. :)
    EQ is a pretty cool guy after all ;)
  • AnimeAngel
    This is awesome! Great Idea. Thx
  • EarthQuake
    Alright, so i'm trying to plan out a more in depth format. I hope to actually show the dates that we are planning to do each workshop here, so people can look, see if they are interested, and figure out if they have time to work on them.

    I've got two proposals for the next few months, and i'de like some opinions on which you guys would rather see.

    Proposal #1

    A1, Highpoly focus
    A2, Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset
    A3, Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)

    B1, Highpoly focus
    B2, Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset
    B3, Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)

    C1, Highpoly focus
    C2, Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset
    C3, Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)


    Proposal #2

    A1 Highpoly focus
    B1 Highpoly focus
    C1 Highpoly focus

    A2 Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset
    B2 Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset
    C2 Using what was learned with highpoly focus, and creating a finished asset

    A3 Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)
    B3 Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)
    C3 Using what was learned with finished asset, and applying it to an abstract concept(ie loose interperation)

    Basically what i'm asking, is would you guys prefer to have a focused setup here, or do you favor more variation from workshop to workshop? Bear in mind these are not "final" by any means, i just want to figure out the best way to order them.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    I'd rather see proposal #1. I think that being able to create one item from start to finish in a set of consecutive workshops would be better than having a bunch of high poly models just sit on your drive for a while until the next set of workshops.
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with proposal 1 being a better option, it'd be nicer to take something and be able to finish it/polish it rather than switch around or to have it sit around for the time between stages. I can see where proposal 2 might be interesting (gives you a change of pace), but it seems like you wouldn't really focus as much on individual pieces that way.
  • slave_one
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    slave_one polycounter lvl 18
    Hey all,

    I would agree with racer and chaos, proposal #1, for reasons they already stated.

    "EQ: Alright guys, you asked for it and here it is."

    I never asked, but it sure is welcome, awesome for doing this EQ (and others). I will try to join in on the fun. Just too many cool things going on on polycount.
  • EarthQuake
    Alright thanks guys. I've updated the first post with a little more information on #1-3, and i will continue to update these as we have more information.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I feel that already I've learnt a lot with the exercise, don't get me wrong but when it comes to game art the most important aspect is getting the high poly to a low poly, then textured well. high poly work is very enjoyable, but its always getting the hp to lp that i find hardest.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah for the next exercise we're going to focus a bit more on the whole process(minus texturing), and getting good bakes.
  • EarthQuake
    I've updated the dates a bit here, added another week for #1, and now #2 will be a month long exercise.
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    How exactly does this workshop work?
    Are you creating a lesson plan for us to read?
    1.you will learn this
    2. read the lesson
    3.here is what you will model/texture etc.
    4. post
    5.give/take feedback
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    There is no real lesson plan, the idea is to work, post updates, describe your workflow - then people can offer you suggestions for ways to improve it (or thank you for enlightening them! :) )

    Also, by looking at other people's threads and the images / write-ups they provide, you may learn some clever tricks or new techniques. It's more about having fun modelling interesting assets while trying to improve your craft, than hardcore tutoring.
  • EarthQuake
    MoP wrote: »
    There is no real lesson plan, the idea is to work, post updates, describe your workflow - then people can offer you suggestions for ways to improve it (or thank you for enlightening them! :) )

    Also, by looking at other people's threads and the images / write-ups they provide, you may learn some clever tricks or new techniques. It's more about having fun modelling interesting assets while trying to improve your craft, than hardcore tutoring.

    Right, we arent doing any real "lesson plan" persay, we have some specific stuff we try to teach with each topic, but it is more of an organic process than:

    Step 1 model this shape like this
    Step 2 model this other shape like that
    Step 3 etc etc

    The whole idea behind the thing is to share how you would tackle the particular challenge, and learn from what others would do. The only thing you really need to do if you want to participate is to start a workshop and post your progress regularly. Also if you so desire, you can simply try and help out with advice or critiques for others that have started the workshop.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    whyisnt there a new topic every 2 weeks, i mean, it isnt like one thing hast to be finished before a new one is started...
    just posting a pic of something and its good
  • EarthQuake
    Well, we've had people complaining that the workshops were too short. So we extended the dates a bit. Interestingly enough those same people failed to participate regardless it seems =)

    There will be a new workshop at the end of the month here, though.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    6. You will need create a thread in the workshop sub-forum of Contests and Challenges. The format for creating your thread should be:

    Workshop #1 - Username

    Since I'm so late to the challenges, but am interested in each of them, would it be appropriate to start one thread ex.

    Workshop #1/2/3 - Grimm_Wrecking

    ?? Or just follow the guideline to a fault.

    (Just don't want to clutter up the board with three threads in a relatively short time span.)
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Any more workshops down the line?
  • EarthQuake
    We've got some ideas that may correlate with the new site. For now hold tight. =)

    Its probably a safe bet to assume we wont put another one up until after unearthly is finished as well.

    Of course, if you have ideas for a workshop feel free to drop them in the idea thread.
  • Klumpmeister
    Man this stuff is blowing my mind. Is there any tutorials on this stuff to show the best ways to make objects? Like what tools should be used to make these objects in maya?
  • AlexP3D
    Hello guys, I'm new on this forum, and not quite sure if this is the right place to post this but hey, you never know, until you try.

    There isn't any dates or anything like that about Workshop #4 in the Main thread, and ppl are making cool stuff, my votes are for Kyle and Polygoblin (don't misunderstand me, I know that's not a competition), I would like to know, are there going to be any more workshops and when is Workshop #4 going to come to an end, I guess, I'm kinnda late for Sniper Rifle modeling.
    Sry again if this is the wrong place for posting this kind of things, I'm new :poly136:
  • ruby123
    my name is ruby i am new in this form
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