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Anyone else watching this FF Demo being played live???

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JacqueChoi polycounter

Currently in the cutscene!



  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    It looks awesome, but I don't think I've watched or seen enough to form a solid opinion. I'm hopeful it's as good as I hope. Thanks for sharing, pretty sweet to see it being played real time like this!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Holy crap!

    When I first saw the in-game cinematics, I thought they were pre-rendered.

    :/ God damn japanese. They upped the stakes.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Wow, that looks really good. I can't believe they are showing so much of the game.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Yes I am!!!

    Graphics look so sick... I can't wait for this game even more now... O.O
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Playthrough ended.

    I think Japan is starting to re-kick our collective asses in the visuals department.


    Oh well, we had a good 4-5 year run.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I must be one of the few that actually don´t like final fantasy. Sure some of the games have some cool shit going on in them, Usually just the graphics. Like this one.

    But the characters, story and game mechanics are just.... meh. I´m just not the JRPG kind of guy i guess (Liked 9 the most of the ones i tried, cool visuals)

    Flame on? :)
  • glib
    I must be one of the few that actually don´t like final fantasy. Sure some of the games have some cool shit going on in them, Usually just the graphics. Like this one.

    But the characters, story and game mechanics are just.... meh. I´m just not the JRPG kind of guy i guess (Liked 9 the most of the ones i tried, cool visuals)

    Flame on? :)

    I'm with you. I really got into Valkyria Chronicles recently though. JRPG elements, but it played more like a tabletop war game which is what got me interested I think.

    I watched that playthrough for a little while, but got bored and turned it off. They walked down a big walkway, and met two enemies. Fight ensued, where player seemed to pick 'attack' for both characters repeatedly until enemies were dead. Then they walked up to debris, and he pressed a button to jump. By the 4th time through this EXACT sequence (well.. the last one had a mini NIS to intro a new enemy type... then it played out the same way) I just couldn't take anymore.

    I'll end up playing it since my roommate is really into it and will buy it, but it's always just looked really, really repetetive and boring. And this is coming from someone who did enough grinding to get to lvl 60 in WoW.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Visually it looks fantastic, as far as I can tell from a lil compressed internet stream anyways. the skin and lighting on the characters looks primo hard to tell its not a rendered cut scene.

    game play wise....looks similar to the others, I'm sure I will buy and play it but never finish it, just like all the others.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    yeah I bought ffxii and was really impressed by the quality of production but not by the gameplay, Im sad to say I got bored very fast and found all the menus very laborious and the semi realtime nature of it all just made me really annoyed - like watching someone else play a fantastic game and they wont let you play.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    I loved FF12 and spent at least 50 hours just running around leveling up because the combat was so fun. I haven't been very interested in 13 though. Maybe because it seems like I'll have grandchildren before I play it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I find it sad that most western gamers are so frag happy and into bulky space marines to enjoy some of the finest games crafted by man ever. Just because you are fighting turn based or something similarly slow and not buzzing around a map beheading people with a rifle does not make the game boring. Final Fantasy VIII is (IMHO) the single best video game crafted by man. Yes, drawing could suck less, yes, there are turn based battles, but the story, world, and characters are beyond words. And the other two on the PSone are really great too.

    I am debating as to whether or not to watch this demo...I think I want to wait. For anyone interested, I hear that if they release a chinese/korean version shortly after the japanese version, the chinese/korean version has english subtitles. And seeing as blu-rays are region free, you could import.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with the P.I.G. here. The game looks good, but frankly the mechanics are like.. eh same old same old. The active battle system is interesting from the looks of it, but still not quite enough to make me go OOH. Also the whole endless array of bridges is just again.. meh. Like I said to one friend of mine, "we really haven't had turnbased firearm combat since the civil war".

    IF this had the mechanics of Mass Effect I'd be very into it. Closer to realtime, no swapping to battle screens, that sort of thing.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Vailias wrote: »
    eh same old same old.

    Yeah because FPS has constantly reinvented itself since the 80's ;P
    Vailias wrote: »
    IF this had the mechanics of Mass Effect I'd be very into it. Closer to realtime, no swapping to battle screens, that sort of thing.

    Please no. I hated that game. I returned it after one weekend of really trying to like it. If I am aiming a sniper rifle right at someones chest from 4 foot away, I expect to hit him. Not miss every single time because an invisible dice says so.

    Anyone know how I would go about getting the demo? Would I have to create a japanese PSN account? Anyone know how to do that?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    BLAH GARBAGE! No interest at all.

    Not a fan. Never have been. Never will be. I don't care how pretty it looks or not. It's like many of you already said.

    Blenderhead I don't think Valias once mentioned an fps in his post so why start flaming people now.

    Don't be a damn fan boy and flame people just because others don't like it or share your opinion.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    You forgot one part Jesse.

    "PS: mass effect was fuckin awesome. "
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    You forgot one part Jesse.

    "PS: mass effect was fuckin awesome. "

    Yes it was. It was an awesome game. I didn't think I had to post that because I figured the majority of us already knew that.

    It's like common knowledge baby. Mass Effect is awesome!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    To be honest, I'd rather watch someone play a Final Fantasy game than actually play it myself.

    Heck, I got more enjoyment watching the walkthrough of FF 12, than I ever would have playing it.

    That said, the storytelling and the art are absolutely fricking brilliant in those games. Not really my cup of tea on the gameplay side, but the visuals alone in this made it a must-buy for me.

    And yeh Mass Effect kicks major ass. Trying a 4th playthrough as an engineer.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    @ JOX - You can watch a walkthrough of FF12?

    The only reason I would play these games is to stare at the pretty graphics so being able to skip the gameplay and just watch the game being played would be right up my street. Where do I sign up?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Jox, where did you find that? I have3 been looking for the exact same thing, a complete recording of FFXII being played, including cinematics (CG and realtime) and maybe also the important fight intros and moves. Does this exist somewhere? I just can't play this game, but want to see more of it.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I liked FF 6-10, but none of the others I've tried. ff12 I think I actually fell asleep playing once or twice.

    If this ends up being as good or better then ff10 then I'm sold. Western rpg's have never really been that interesting to me for some reason.
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    Not live but 9 videos of it here. Pretty for damn sure.

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Wah! I remember watching it a couple year ago on a video streaming site.

    I just watched them through without thinking to bookmark it (I'll try to find it again).

    But yeh, it was a compilation of all the cinematics and ingame cutscences, skipping past all of the combat parts. Funny enough, I know BIG FF fans who never finished 12, and just opted to watch the video stream instead.

    Edit: I think this is it?



    Internet is slow here at my office, and youtube is blocked so I cant tell.

    I think there's a low quality video WALKTHROUGH with actual gameplay on youtube. I've seen higher quality ones out there somewhere. :/
  • glib
    Please no. I hated that game. I returned it after one weekend of really trying to like it. If I am aiming a sniper rifle right at someones chest from 4 foot away, I expect to hit him. Not miss every single time because an invisible dice says so.

    I find it sad that most western gamers are so frag happy and into bulky space marines to enjoy some of the finest games crafted by man ever. Just because you are fighting turn based or something similarly slow and not buzzing around a map beheading people with a rifle does not make the game boring.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Glib, boring is different to everyone.
    FF would really seem more fun to me as a tabletop or card game.
    Seeing beautifully animated characters *NOT* directly answering my inputs pisses me off. If you think about it it kindof makes no sense. Especially when a fantastic slash animation is played and it says fuck you, "MISS!"
  • EarthQuake
    pior wrote: »
    Glib, boring is different to everyone.
    FF would really seem more fun to me as a tabletop or card game.
    Seeing beautifully animated characters *NOT* directly answering my inputs pisses me off. If you think about it it kindof makes no sense. Especially when a fantastic slash animation is played and it says fuck you, "MISS!"

    Exactly, there is little else in games that irritates me more than turn based gameplay.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Blenderhead I don't think Valias once mentioned an fps in his post so why start flaming people now.

    Giving my opinion automatically brands me a fanboy trying to start a flame war if it is an opinion different to yours. Internet FTW. I gave my reasons, are they not rational? I was giving an example of a genre that hadn't changed, just as FF/JPRG's haven't.

    And I guess Mass Effect was awesome, for people who like shooting and stuff and missing constantly. Same crowd as Stalker I guess.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    HellMark wrote: »
    Not live but 9 videos of it here. Pretty for damn sure.


    Haha! I love the character with the bird nest in his afro.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Final Fantasy VIII is (IMHO) the single best video game crafted by man.

    If by Final Fantasy VIII you mean Shadow of the Colossus you're absolutely right. Hehe. j/k. Final Fantasy VIII was a great game in its time and is still the only FF game I have played through to completion. I guess the others never really interested me.
  • Steviant
    I'm looking forward to this, although I have a few reservations about the sci-fi bent to it. I love FF12, which I'm still playing through, easily one of my favourite games ever, a very very very close second, if not equal place with FF7. But I can see why people don't like em, they're a big investment in time/effort/etc. and if you don't like the story or find the combat fiddly or tiresome then it'll get old very quickly.

    I like games like FF, though, where I can sit on a bean bag, drink a coffee and have a cigarette on the go while I'm saving the world/princess/universe from evil and not have to worry about pinpoint accuracy or twitch reactions in order to win. I also like that 4 hours can just skip past and I have no idea where they've gone.

    When my next batch of student loans come in I'll be getting Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions for the PSP, too. I'll spend more time in Ivalice than the real world at that point, I expect.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I guess its a bit frustrating for people with a game like this, its so well made, such fantastic quality and artwork that you really want to buy it and play it through, even if only to see it all! When you discover that the gameplay is not what you would enjoy its a sad awakening and doesnt leave you particularly impressed at all.

    actually the fact that its such a good game and you cant find a way to enjoy playing it makes the experience even worse. If it was a bad game you could just throw it aside and not care but cause you know its so good...its really frustrating.

    Personally I love all the moves and animations and characters and wish these FF games had gameplay that was a mix of God of War and RPG/Diablo, so you still get all the characters and thier deep stats, the environments and the amazing moves but they all happen realtime maybe with a few QTEs thrown in. That would be really really impressive to me.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    If by Final Fantasy VIII you mean Shadow of the Colossus you're absolutely right. Hehe. j/k. Final Fantasy VIII was a great game in its time and is still the only FF game I have played through to completion. I guess the others never really interested me.

    I want to go through that game again, I didn't take to it first time; but if I can ever find a cheap copy I'm gonna give it another go. :)
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    huh, i've never found any interest in the whole series, nor played any final fantasy whatsoever.... is there something wrong with me ?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    This is really a debate about personal insterest... like, I love apples, but I hate oranges. Ok, they're both good fruits, but you can like either or.

    Personally, I'm a HUGE fan of the series, but can understand if it's not your cup of tea. I couldn't care less about FPS games, or quite frankly a lot of very Western games. But clearly they're doing a lot right because of their popularity. Good for them, I hope people enjoy, and I wouldn't mind maybe getting more into some of them myself.
    As for me, I'm personally very glad the FF series exists and is the way it is. That series is responsible for getting me so interested in video games and, because of the already mentioned crazy beauty of it and its cutscenes, I was determined in my adolescence to "make something as awesome as this." (Hence why I want to be a game artist now:P) There's also not a lot of games that get me all 'NEED to own it right away omg omg' but Square games have that effect on me, and I'm glad that they do.

    Quite frankly, I really hope they don't add too many Western gameplay elements into their new games. I couldn't think of something more upsetting than suddenly not enjoying the gameplay of a new FF. I was very dissapointed in the story and lack of character development in FF12, but LOVED the battle system and still put in over 100 hours. If I don't even have that... well, at least I'll still have my beloved Kingdom Hearts series :P

    And for the record, my favourite FFs were 6 and 10 :) 6 is the game that really opened my eyes to how amazing video games could be, and I think 10 is visually stunning and the deep story amazes me more and more every time I play it.

    But in the end... apples and oranges :P
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    pior wrote: »
    Glib, boring is different to everyone.
    FF would really seem more fun to me as a tabletop or card game.
    Seeing beautifully animated characters *NOT* directly answering my inputs pisses me off. If you think about it it kindof makes no sense. Especially when a fantastic slash animation is played and it says fuck you, "MISS!"

    Damn, Bad guy!

    Don't say that to people they already finished more than 10 Final Fantasy.
    About card or other game play with Final fnatasy licence you'll find already everything....
    This years more than 10 Final Fantasy game from SE will be released....

    Then more fun... or not... Don't be worry, SE know what there are doing...

    It's a damn trolls subject haha!!

    My only worry is about people they work on the Final Fantasy games....
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    sama.van wrote: »
    Damn, Bad guy!

    Don't say that to people they already finished more than 10 Final Fantasy.
    About card or other game play with Final fnatasy licence you'll find already everything....
    This years more than 10 Final Fantasy game from SE will be released....

    Then more fun... or not... Don't be worry, SE know what there are doing...

    It's a damn trolls subject haha!!

    My only worry is about people they work on the Final Fantasy games....

    Don't worry about it Sama. In FF I 'miss' maybe once out of a hundred times if I don't have some kind of status affliction like blind, but in Bioware games I only get a hit once in 10 times. :poly124: And its far less jarring in turn based because of the nature of it. Staring down a scope and shooting from point blank range only to miss for no good reason is far more unacceptable in a game.
    Mezz wrote: »

    Quite frankly, I really hope they don't add too many Western gameplay elements into their new games. I couldn't think of something more upsetting than suddenly not enjoying the gameplay of a new FF. I was very dissapointed in the story and lack of character development in FF12, but LOVED the battle system and still put in over 100 hours.

    I agree 100%. Especially about the lack of story and character development in FF12. I was also really dissapointed. The intro suggested there would be so much more than there eventually was. Still haven't played through it a second time, but I will.

    Never could get into Kingdom Hearts though. :P Apples and oranges.

    Maybe the discussion should get back to the visual merit of the demo (this is a game art website).
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    but in Bioware games I only get a hit once in 10 times. :poly124: And its far less jarring in turn based because of the nature of it. Staring down a scope and shooting from point blank range only to miss for no good reason is far more unacceptable in a game.
    Gotta train ya skills maaaan! It´s an rpg ;D

    (I really haven´t had issues like the ones yyou mentioned. Sure the sniper rifle bobs around alot but throw a few stabilizing things in and train that skill up and you won´t have any problems )

    Anyway, enough about that from me :D
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Mezz wrote: »
    This is really a debate about personal insterest... like, I love apples, but I hate oranges. Ok, they're both good fruits, but you can like either or.

    But in the end... apples and oranges :P

    Nope I dont think its as simple as that.

    If you want to continue the fruit analogy then for me its more like, I like apples, oranges, pear, hey whatever as long as its good fruit

    this FF game looks like an amazing shiny juicy apple but when I bite in it tastes like broccoli

    I guess I will steer clear until they make one with proper realtime combat but I will still recommend people have a play of these games and find out if they like it cause if they do theyre in for a treat.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    This FF game looks like an amazing shiny juicy apple but when I bite in it tastes like broccoli

    Again.. ged points out what I'm feeling.

    Also I'm not some turnbased game hater, nor RPG hater. I played the first 6-7 FF games available in the US at least once. I haven't finished all of them... ok know what <gets ps1 games box> FF7, FF anthology (ff5 and ff6), FF Chronicles (Chrono Trigger & FF4), FF Origins (ff1 and ff2), FF Tactics, Valkyrie Profile, ChronoCross, Star Ocean: The Second Story. I like me some turn-based gameplay.

    When I watch a demo and go, "man I wish I could avoid those fights, but I'll need the xp", that's not a mark of a good game for me to play. I think a lot of it does have to do with presentation. You want to talk about invisible dice messing with results, here ya go. (points to demo) Frankly I'd even be cool with the idea of turn based combat without a battle load screen. Enemy on map, enemy you fight on map. With most previous gen RPGs it made sense that you couldn't have gobs of enemies on screen at once to encounter, but it was understood that everything in the game was, in effect, a symbol for something else. When you make your symbols indistinguishable from the real thing, immersion is lost. "oh look there's a weak enemy over there" <attack> <Battle screen loads> <4 enemies show up of varying types> "WTF?" Even up to the PS1 and 2 era this was acceptable because the sheer processing power needed to display the environment precluded an immersive battle experience of the scope expected of most RPG players.

    What it comes down to at the very core of it though, is that I don't like it when FF tries to do Sci-Fi. .. and I have to wonder. When a single punch or sword hit does like 120 damage, while 5 shots from a pair of pistols or an automatic rifle do oh.. 30.. why is anyone using guns?
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Speaking of the combat Vailias. I really get pissed when i walk an empty corridor and then you get the SWOOSH in effect and suddenly its turn based combat and you´re fighting four mechano-tigers from hell.

    Walk 10 steps. new fight. Walk 10 steps. New fight. I always get the feeling im trying to rush to the next scene as quick as possible to avoid the fights :)

    But it seems like you can at least see the enemies now though. Thats a step forward :)
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Speaking of the combat Vailias. I really get pissed when i walk an empty corridor and then you get the SWOOSH in effect and suddenly its turn based combat and you´re fighting four mechano-tigers from hell.

    Walk 10 steps. new fight. Walk 10 steps. New fight. I always get the feeling im trying to rush to the next scene as quick as possible to avoid the fights :)

    But it seems like you can at least see the enemies now though. Thats a step forward :)

    Reminds me of the end of FF1. God those were hard enemies. "Another warmech? WTF?" .. minor other beef with RPG design in general.. Why is it that by the end of the game you collect a small army of the most powerful beings on the planet, but when the fate of the world is at stake only 3-4 fight?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Ok, despite being a die-hard RPG fan, I have to agree running into turn-based enemies all the time when you just want to get to the damned next screen can be a huge pain. Hence why I find items that you can get that stop all random encounters are godsends. (Like moogle-charm in FF6, no-encounters accessory in FF10)

    However, it looks like they're moving past a lot of that--FF12 was all on screen as I recall, and if you didn't feel like fighting, you could just run away from them. Which was very nice in large areas you had to search through to finish a hunt...

    I'm thinking it likely FF13 won't have so much turn-based elements going on. But can't say for sure, I'm not watching too many demos so as to not spoil too much for myself :P

    I have to say, though, I'm very pleased to hear that even if it's not your cup of tea, a lot of people still say they love the graphics. I got the impression that people that didn't like the FF series didn't care for, what I thought, was amazingly stunning graphics. Glad to see people are appreciative of the art, even if they can't get into the gameplay. :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    they day they let me download FF1 through 9, on PSN, is the day i stop playing other console games.
  • JacqueChoi
  • System
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    System admin
    Genre aside - I dont think the future of games is graphics and I dont like things being defending for not pushing the envelope. FF7 is one of those games that would sell a fuckton if it got an update, yes... its the sign of popularity but not of what makes a good game by todays standards. Fuck rose tinted goggles, start pushing toward new concepts and new ways to interact with the game.

    I've not played an FF game myself since 10, and i'd completed 7 and 8 with everything... i just found 10 to be rather tiresome. For the sake my own insight i'd love to play the new games to form a proper opinion though!

    And good = objective, not subjective :P
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Walk 10 steps. new fight. Walk 10 steps. New fight. I always get the feeling im trying to rush to the next scene as quick as possible to avoid the fights :)

    Bloody hell, yeah, you're right. I played through FF3 on the DS last year, and I swear that makes up about 70% of the gameplay.
    This FF game looks like an amazing shiny juicy apple but when I bite in it tastes like broccoli.

    Nailed it. Spot on analogy.

    I always liked FF7 (the superior Final fantasy title, IMO), but I couldn't see myself getting back into them now. But then again, Japanese gamers can't get enough of them. When Inafune said at the TGS that Japanese game development is over, he was probably referring to efforts to ape Western trends and appetites, rather than focusing on games like Final Fantasy, which are uniquely Japanese and appeal to that particular audience.

    Oh, and Mass Effect? Awesome. But too short. More space plz.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I didn't play FF7 when it came out, I can see how it would be mind blowing going from 3 on the snes to 7 on the PS1.

    I picked it up from the PSN store and I'm not enjoying myself, I wonder if peoples opinion is colored by the first 3d FF game. Granted, I quit 8 half way through because I hated the characters and FFX is my favorite.

    I didn't get to watch the play through but the trailer didn't really wow me, the lighting looks a bit bland in the battle scenes. I wish I could remember the game but I saw some footage from an in-development Korean MMO that looks to have some sweet real time lighting in it, it really made me sit up in my seat and go "wooh-wooh!" (like a choo-choo train)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I didn't play FF7 when it came out, I can see how it would be mind blowing going from 3 on the snes to 7 on the PS1.

    I think that's a big part of it. I honestly can't imagine myself playing it again now and being as enthralled as I was back then, even knowing how much I enjoyed it.
    Granted, I quit 8 half way through because I hated the characters and FFX is my favorite.
    Same here, though I've not been back to a Final Fantasy title since, aside from FF3 on the DS - which I'd heartily recommend, if you like agonizingly difficult, repetitive games with little in the way of story. For some reason, people still love them, though. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing, like Earth 1 and 2.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Genre aside - I dont think the future of games is graphics and I dont like things being defending for not pushing the envelope. FF7 is one of those games that would sell a fuckton if it got an update, yes... its the sign of popularity but not of what makes a good game by todays standards. Fuck rose tinted goggles, start pushing toward new concepts and new ways to interact with the game.

    I've not played an FF game myself since 10, and i'd completed 7 and 8 with everything... i just found 10 to be rather tiresome. For the sake my own insight i'd love to play the new games to form a proper opinion though!

    And good = objective, not subjective :P

    Well, by stopping at 10 you missed 12, which actually was trying to change the way they were played! It didn't break up the rpg formula too much, but definitely took the gameplay in a different direction. On screen monsters, missions, and a hard to explain battle system. The downside is it stuck to the grinding cliche. I had to grind so much in the game. Made worse by the fact that you always have 6 characters to deal with.

    I still haven't played a current gen jrpg yet, as I am not as invested in the genre anymore, but I hope FFXIII delivers.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    My 2 cents. Final Fantasy games are all unoriginal self indulgent incomprehensible garbage. Like a neverending string of Star Wars prequels. I have native japanese friends who tell me the stories don't many any more sense to them than they do to us, so its not a "translation problem". The fact that they look pretty is their only saving grace, and even then...I hate the Anime/Manga style.
  • System
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    System admin
    Oh, i saw 12 being played by my housemate but I wasnt really trying to criticise any genre directly. I am fairly ignorant to a lot of games but id still rather people try and do more interesting things!

    Valkyrie Profile? I think that tried some interesting things... Also theres a music themed jrpg i think on the DS that looks funky (not the obvious one).

    It could be a change in tastes to some extent... as I loved Front mission 3 when i got it but now I cant bring myself to play FF Crystal chronicals? or whatever it was on the DS as I find that combat system to be rather boring.

    This will read like someone talking to themselves hahaha, because its pretty much that... I just wonder if changing a jrpg or turnbased system would be akin to changing the core of Deathmatch gameplay? But then again are they really comparable? Yadda yadda~
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