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Anyone else watching this FF Demo being played live???



  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Final Fantasy should be movies instead of games :)

    On a related note, I've completed 3-12 and my favourite was FF6 by far.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Here’s my unbiased $1.99

    Played all of them, I cant pick a favourite, though if at gunpoint I’d probably try to choose between 7,8 or 12 and because I couldn’t decide I’d be shot.

    Never had any technical issues with any of them, no bad frame rates, very quick load & save times, always a simple menu system to navigate through though X-2 got close to being confusing for a short time.

    Character control system has always felt rock solid to me, though I do have the occasional urge for a sprint button every now and then, especially in FF 12 when traversing some of the larger more open ended environments toward the middle end game.

    Storylines and the characters in them are always dealing with something deep rooted and emotional, usually love, friendship, family and war and the turmoil that’s always surrounding those core issues - probably fairly close to many peoples lives in that sense.

    Epic spells / summons and attacks which a lot of the time are way beyond belief & don’t make much sense, but to be honest I don’t mind that at all, I think it works perfectly well for the worlds they are creating, and they just plain look cool.

    In the case of FF12 some epic epic boss battles that required constant checking of my team and tactics changing on the fly depending on the 'state' of the enemy. For the first time in FF12 the semi turn-based combat became a godsend as I felt really pushed for time trying to keep my parties tactics and commands on song. Even though my party was near the level cap I was really on the back foot and challenged to keep my fighters healers and mages alive long enough to have a chance of beating the monstrosities.

    I really wish that these pressure situations were used more in the standard run-through and that players didn’t have to go way beyond what’s in the normal game to see some of the most epic hand painted character / creature designs I’ve ever seen moving and fighting, and of course experience those pressure fights.

    Of course graphics have always been fantastic - and their character and environmental designs are top tier, special effects straight out of a film - they never have alpha sorting problems and they are one of the few companies that aren’t afraid to have characters that actually have hair and hair styles that aren’t bald, or short cropped. Their use of colour theory / composition and on-rail camera angles in FFX was a pleasure to behold.

    The camera and camera controls havent ever bothered me the later FF games, I don’t feel stressed out that I cant see what I need to see and if I ever do get obscured its always easy to put it where I need it.

    Animation always looks great and fluid to me though the animators here would probably kill me, it just feels so right. No popping or glitching / snapping point tech visible anywhere.

    Their audio is always top notch - things like perfect lipsynching for and English version has never bothered me though.

    All in all, theres not alot for me to fault FF on, however I do have one huge gripe about the series.

    I really wish that people could more easily see what FF has on offer – so much of what I would say is the absolute best parts of final fantasy games is hidden, or only accessible to the hardcore players who choose to delve further / grind longer – the pressure situations and epic boss battles which really push their gameplay system and its players to their limits just aren’t on display to anyone but the diehard / hardcore players who deliberately choose to go that far.

    That being said, bring on FFXIII, FFXIII – Versus ( this is the one I REALLY have been waiting for as it’s the game nomura has always wanted to make, and I want to see a world and characters born from his mind.

    Yeah – I could go into more depth though, that’s just a quick brief short opinion. :D
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I tried playing 7 once, but it just felt too dated...
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    ZacD wrote: »
    I tried playing 7 once, but it just felt too dated...

    Wah? It is now but at the time it was the awesome.

    I along with a few other will be taking a day off work when FFXIII comes out.

    Oh, and 12 was the best. :/

    and I really hate that random battle shite.
  • mLichy
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    BLAH GARBAGE! No interest at all.

    Not a fan. Never have been. Never will be. I don't care how pretty it looks or not. It's like many of you already said.

    Blenderhead I don't think Valias once mentioned an fps in his post so why start flaming people now.

    Don't be a damn fan boy and flame people just because others don't like it or share your opinion.

    HA... aw don't be hatin. I missed the feed, so I can't really say anything. Well, I know I won't play it, never played and FF and prob. never will, but from screenshots I thought it looked quite nice.

    But I feel the way he does about FF, about Gran Turismo. I just saw their damage video on gametrailers, and it looked very bad. There physics also don't even seem right... People only play because of it's "good graphics" , but I think Dirt 2 is a much better game.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Oooo, to a big Final Fantasy fan like me, that trailer looked damn awesome :D
    IMO, the cutscenes all look beautiful and deep, but did anyone else check out some of that crazy battle scene stuff? Uh, fricking robot thing turning into a car and running into battle spinning everyone to death? That thing Lightning rode all over everyone in battle? :O Sweet.

    I could gripe about plenty of North American games that I think are boring, repetetive, not breaking out of the box, etc, but I realize in the end it's all about taste :P I love the forumla they've got going on, and for someone so dedicated to this style of game, each game brings very new and exciting different gameplay elements. I don't think any of the battle systems were all that similar, except maybe some of the really early FFs.

    Anyway, without getting into a full-on rant, I am excited for the new FF's coming out (XIII and vs XIII) :P :D

    P.S. Has anyone been playing Dissidia on PSP?!?! Holy CRAP, that game is such amazing crack. The cross-over fun is what got me into it, but I stay for the hard-core grinding RPG elements that are becoming a real addiction for me :P
  • binopittan
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    hated FF 12 with passion. what now.. i can have an supposedly agile thief that can constantly spam curaga.. while wearing heavy armor??
    quickening uses mana? oh wow!

    played trough 3-12 + tactics,tactics advance,chronicle and several lesser titles.

    best candidate : FFV :)
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    i need a PS 3 or XBox for FFXIII and vs XIII :( hope i have enough time to get one until release.

    @Mezz: It released this month here. Need Dissidia. Crisis Core was awesome on psp
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I think for all its character development, Final Fantasy overlooks one thing; those aren't the characters you're playing with.

    Girls who are frail and caring in cutscenes (I'm looking at you, Penelo) whack infernal demons apart in the game. Wisecrackers never say a word during the actual game. And for some reason, in FFXII, all characters have some world-exploding super special spell that doesn't make any sense in the context of the world described by the cutscenes.

    Now I do hate that I always use Team Fortress 2 as an example of a good game, but hear me out. From the gameplay styles of the different classes, to their animations, from their taunts to the Meet-the-Team videos, those are all consistent. Does it make sense that the Heavy's gameplay is slow? Hell yes, because we know that he isn't the quickest mind. And occasionally, when you're dominating someone, your character will shout something just to make it all the more clear that your indeed playing with these characters.

    No such thing with Final Fantasy. I'm not fighting with Tidus, I'm fighting with a superman on steroids that just happens to look like him. Which makes the whole character development thing limited to the cutscenes only, game and story being two seperate entities... That's a waste of potential when you're making a game.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    FF12 had one of the best mechanics ever to be seen in a game-- the gambit system. Too bad it was ruined by all of the characters playing exactly the same...

    Been a fan since FF1-- although there are some of the games I could never get into. FF4, FF7, FF8 specifically.

    I think that there is a fine line between good turn based gameplay and bad turn based gameplay, and it is really hard to tell how it is ahead of time.

    A good example is trying out new rules for Chess. New rules almost always make the game totally not fun at all.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Zwebbie - You know, it's funny, I've never ONCE thought of it that way. It was just, these are the characters, and to make the game fun check out the awesome shit you can do with them in battle.

    But now that I have thought about it... I just don't care :P Sure, in a lot of ways you're right that it doesn't make sense, especially to the characters, but plenty of other elements in the game could be said the same thing about. How do gunshots do less damage than other weapons? How does their measly armour take all the direct blows from magic and heavy weaponry? And what about those that wear no armour at all? No, the battles don't make technical sense, but it's all part of the 'Fantasy' of it. That's a big difference I see in Western games... everything just has to be more realistic. I, as well as I'm sure many other FF fans, are willing to say meh to all the illogisitical insanity and just go with the flow of it all :P

    binopittan - Wow, really? FFV? I've never heard anyone argue for it being the best :P I mean, I know Ferris was extremely awesome, but you'd take it over FFIV or FFVI? Interesting! :P
  • binopittan
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    Ninjas wrote: »
    FF12 had one of the best mechanics ever to be seen in a game-- the gambit system.
    have to disagree here.. have your character move on their own ( play the game for you ) is no fun at all. =(
    with gambit on. you can easily achieved 30++ level while sleeping. how cool is that?

    Mezz : FFV have job system .you never heard people argued FFVI vs FFV for being the best? well i,ve heard it.. a lot :P
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