Hey all,
a bunch of people sent me links to this browser game today, so I thought I'd throw it up here:
I only started playing today but so far it looks cool and is fun to play. If you've got some spare time or productivity to burn, I'd recommend checking it out!

It would of been better if you can customize your character's accessories, stats, weapons and skills at least, even better if you could actually control the character -.-
My Brute, dscsdsdcsd, just beat the panties off of your panty juice. :P
Yup... that's what he did to me. I got his health almost to nothing from a hit with the chicken leg... but then the ninja stars got me.
quite a fun little game, we play it at work. When we are done with our work of course.
Fun, but I wish there were some controls. I'm punching when I want to use my club
This is mine.
I get the feeling that there's a whole bunch of stuff that can happen, but every individual thing is random. So yay, by chance I got an epic weapon. But every time my character has a chance of drawing it, he DOESN'T. So I wish I could bump up my strength to compensate for that. But by chance I got an agility perk instead.
I like the concept, but you don't have any control of anything, so... it's pretty much the definition of pointlessness.
Im gonna keep playing until i get it... :P
If it was something like... well, having a weapon DOES make your character better, then yay. But it's not. Sometimes, your dude with two kick-ass weapons against a stronger opponent that has no weapons will still lose because he refuses to draw any of his weapons. Even though the stats and inventory state that you should win by quite a margin because your opponent had horrible luck and didn't get any weapons.
And then some stupid guy shows up and just owns you because he managed to randomly acquire the best weapon in the game and managed to draw it after the first "turn". Seriously, I had that happen. Some dude whipped out a strange flail looking thing, looked like two rocks at the end of a stick. Two whips with it killed me.
It's a shame, this kinda thing has potential. If you could actually put some thought into your dude, like in Pokemon or something, it could be really fun. And if there was some sort of basic AI instead of random chance in battle, it could be cool to watch, too. The first time I saw an enemy throw a weapon at me and my guy jumping out of the way, I was genuinely impressed. It looked so cool. But a mere couple of rounds later it came clear to me that EVERYTHING is controlled by a ridiculous amount of dice rolling about in the background, and it lost its charm.
That said, I'm gonna waste today's rounds now before I go to bed.
Ohyeah, here's my guys. I made three, because three rounds per day is not enough.
My 'new' brute randomly made as pupil but flattened the much higher lvl master on initial creation haha
It has the flail thingy, but somehow it got a flawless victory against a dude with a much bigger morningstar.
its pretty smart, i think they just took a familiar marketing goal and added the art/gamey element unto it to attract attention to their other marketable games
my lil tough guy - http://impulse6.mybrute.com
i also noticed its random to a point where the fights are pre-calculated from the start. if you click back in the middle and restart it -- same stuff
What the hell.
my brute can't even land a single hit, boohoo!!
Damn this is funny. My first fight just had me pull a knife and stab some old man looking dude like 15 times while he stood there. :thumbup:
I got a little dog Sweet!
http://suckface.mybrute.com she kicks ass. watch out for her club!
I kind of wish it allowed more than 3 fights per day, but then again I'd probably never get any work done...
So sad but so true.
PS Someone want to be my pupil?
password: polycount
see who wins in a fight with
Sorry polycount got pwnd
Oh, and loses?
Yeah, my guys a retard.