Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

[Portfolio] - Ryan R. Walsh \o/

HEY GANG, GUIS! GALS!! :poly002:

A display of my Wings3D models. I am Hoping to get as much Critique and Advice as I can Gather, I'm Working on my own personal Video Game project and "So Far So Good". I hope with Me and my Programmer, using the Game Maker Engine we Can produce some nifty Online Tank Wars with.. Strategy.

Although we are Still in the Beginning Stages of Development, I ask to be kind as to the Screen shots I will show you.

Okie Dokie - Just a Brief description about "moi".
- I am A video game developer Enthusiast who had worked in the Game Industry for only 6 months. (Not A success Story)
SO... I find my more meaningful Pursuits to Ally-up and befriend myself with Intelligent young programmers to help With Graphics. And I have found the perfect Capable Person who enjoys Battle Tanks as much as I Love to Model them. Deep Down in my heart- I feel we can still compete with High Expectations these days, with the little bit of software we can afford (Which are Free) to Develop our Dreams and Realizing our Great Potential.. That is to be Motivated and sufficient in our Entertainment Desires to Hearts Content, satisfaction, and Moral Obligation.

So without Further Adue- *Drum-Roll

I present to you...



  • Deathelmz
    But Thanks to The Advice of Many of you Fine Artists Already- I have found new Ways to cultivate better Graphics. Starting with the Tanks' Which I see Tremendous Visual improvements Already!! I am pleased by the efforts of the community to help one another on our mission's. I Cant Wait To see A Good Look at the New Improvements Which we will be operating with Direct X 10'

  • Deathelmz
    Sketchs I've Painted over this past week


  • Deathelmz
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Your making a FPS with Game maker?

  • Deathelmz
    whats_true wrote: »
    Your making a FPS with Game maker?


    It makes... Game Making Easier for beginners like us. Even though my Programmer is 17 years of age- He has shown impressive Work with the Tank game he Calls "Battle For Earth". I had played his tank Game over on yoyogames.com and I was overly impressed' I contacted him and shown him some of my models, and he was impressed, then we tried it out and were still very impressed, its an intresting bond where we collaborate using Hotmail, sending back finnished files to one another, I supply him with the Models, he throws'em in there. Therefor I wanted to help him with the graphics. Its "Easier" for games to be created with Game-Maker application.. Creativity has no boundaries' and with today's faster computers- We can have more than enough poly in-ingame. If this Game-Maker technology existed, when Nintendo 64 was available- it would have been no problem for us to make a Hit. Even Though we might not have High-end fantastic graphics and models like Unreal Tournement or Call of Duty - Dose not mean we can create somthing that is note worthy of play, exciting, fun and intresting, But with intensive Strategy. We Are expanding our abilities- also gaining New Knowledge' amazing things will intruige us and we will end up persuing it at our Best. The Question to your answer is, "Why Not Game Maker?"
  • BrodyB
    Because Game Maker struggles with 3D and once you get more assets in you'll hit the ceiling faster than you can say "Battle For Earth"? Our school has had a number of 3D projects done in Game Maker. I've seen the horrors.

    In regards to your 'portfolio', you need to add more to your textures. You've added the base coat, but you need to add things like folds, creases, wear, tear. They look very flat.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    like the tanks in post two and the ground turret, not a fan of the texture work tho, practice makes perfect :P

    never heard of game maker before, i'd stick with current game engines but depends what you're into i guess
  • Deathelmz

    You Guys are correct about the Textured aspect- But you see... I have 50 million objects to create! in such short time eh? Sure you probably tried Game maker out in school, but did you know that you can do more with it? If you use it correctly you can even get.. Height textures in the game. Hell we had 3000 poly tanks in the game, like 10 of them. And there had been no Lag what so ever. But Also It dose depend if you have a Graphics card or not- how fast your computer is. Which is okay, most new video games today require high end stuff. Im trying to defend my position about Game maker engine, But alot of your opinions are correct to, but all I want in my heart is to make this thing. But All I will say "This is me, this is what Im doing, it will work out".

    anywoo- I did a texture map for the ground. nothing spectacular.
  • Deathelmz
  • whipSwitch
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    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    But you see... I have 50 million objects to create! in such short time eh?

    see, between that, and the last image you posted, you just shot yourself in the foot. Because now all I'm seeing is you saying "Hey, I could do better, but tell me it's good enough, so I don't have to do anymore!"

    There are people who have made great looking well designed games, with two or three people, or even by themselves. And they did it by working their ass off, and really pushing to get it to where it needs to be, not by making excuses for the quality.

    And yes, there is a point sometimes where a decision has to made whether you can afford to spend more time on something or cap it where it is, but I don't see a single asset where you are even remotely close to that point.

    Ya know, I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be a dick here, but the things you produce are only as good as the amount of real effort that you put into them. And you can blindly chalk it up to "This is me, this is what I'm doing, it will work out" all you want, but at the end of the day, attitudes like that usually just end being a cop-out for not wanting to listen to something you don't want to hear.

    But, hey, maybe this is all just me.... good luck on the project.
  • Deathelmz
    WINGS 3D IS SO DIFFICULT TO TEXTURE WITH- I dont Fully know how to UV map IN IT :poly122: Ive watched youtube videos of it- confuses the hell out of me, sometimes I dont Grasp things that well, and they sit n sit n sit till someone like you comes along and pushs me, I know ma BAD ma BAD :poly004:
    whipSwitch wrote: »
    see, between that, and the last image you posted, you just shot yourself in the foot. Because now all I'm seeing is you saying "Hey, I could do better, but tell me it's good enough, so I don't have to do anymore!"

    There are people who have made great looking well designed games, with two or three people, or even by themselves. And they did it by working their ass off, and really pushing to get it to where it needs to be, not by making excuses for the quality.

    And yes, there is a point sometimes where a decision has to made whether you can afford to spend more time on something or cap it where it is, but I don't see a single asset where you are even remotely close to that point.

    Ya know, I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be a dick here, but the things you produce are only as good as the amount of real effort that you put into them. And you can blindly chalk it up to "This is me, this is what I'm doing, it will work out" all you want, but at the end of the day, attitudes like that usually just end being a cop-out for not wanting to listen to something you don't want to hear.

    But, hey, maybe this is all just me.... good luck on the project.
  • whipSwitch
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    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    well I'm glad you understand what I was saying, but I was a bit more of a jerk about it than was necessary, and I apologize.
  • Deathelmz
    whipSwitch wrote: »
    well I'm glad you understand what I was saying, but I was a bit more of a jerk about it than was necessary, and I apologize.

    Apology Not Accepted,.. Because there is nothing to Apologies 4 Friend' :thumbup:
    They may get a texture Revamp once I see for the first time what they look like in game to grasp the idea of everything, These are all still very new to me, and I am terribly Excited of our project.
  • DJ-Habana
    Hey Hey hmm.. I had a huge struggle with hotmail today but atleast I got to open the e-mail :-}
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    I haven't read the above posts so i am sorry if this has already been talked about but what are you wanting to achieve with this game?

    Do you want to get a job in the industry as an artist? do you just want to make a game? because if it is the first then please rethink your strategy.

    Having speed is of course a very good skill but when you show no indication that if given more time would be able to make industry standard art, you have obviously lost the path somewhere. I wont blabber on as i am probably talking about something completely irrelevant now but yea.. i do understand why you are making things really fast as i am also doing a similar thing now... if you want to get a game finished when there is no money involved don't spend days and days on a single prop heh i have finally learned this also :)

    Anyway good luck and keep it up!
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    more polys please :-)
  • Deathelmz
    This is the only high poly model I have made, Ive been learning how to model for almost a Year now. Im still beginner.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    learn more about smoothing groups!!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea man, use hard and soft edges to help define forms, i think its F11 for soft and F12 for hard in wings.

    to get a quick understanding make a cube and select all edges and press f 11, then go into shaded view, it should look all weirdly shaded like the top of the tank, select all the edges again and hit f12 and boom all the edges will be crisp.

    any edge on a 90 degree angle should probably be hard so you dont get that black shading.
  • Deathelmz
    I fully Understand Soft and Hard Edges now, over this past week or so. And have created new models during the week that have now hard and soft edges. Thanks for your inputs and Critique Gents

  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    good shapes, get some textures on there.
  • Deathelmz
    My first level design for a game. Hope it all works out. Im escpecially pleased with the Grass. Hope this is a good jump point for things to come. Im also hoping we can implement hills and rivers. etc. Might have to go with corridor type maps. im not sure what the game play is like yet

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