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Street Fighter IV - It's out you know!



  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    snemmy wrote: »
    That Femme Fatale costume pack is supposed to be released today.. the 24th. Not up when I checked a few minutes ago. Might be different in other regions.

    from what i've seen most things get released around midnight to 1am pacific time on xbox live. this is from watching a few rock band releases and the lost and the damned release. so it should be out in a few hours.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    went to buy it today they were sold out of both ps3 and xbox360 versions :(
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    snemmy wrote: »
    That Femme Fatale costume pack is supposed to be released today.. the 24th. Not up when I checked a few minutes ago. Might be different in other regions.

    And yeah, spam Akuma's heavy kicks. Jump in heavy kick, sweep, spam heavy or hurrican kick. If he tries to focus attack first kick cancels the focus and hits with the second kick. A few hits and he's dizzy. Seth's defense is higher than other characters so his life bar will be fuller than other characters at dizzy.

    *Make absolutely sure you have beat arcade mode with Akuma one time before getting Gouken.*

    You shouldn't have too much trouble on easiest setting with 1 round. Just don't get frustrated. Seth seems to be one of those AI's that if you get too fancy on the lowest difficulty they beat your ass. "oh they are doing complex stuff. they must have high skill so I'll adjust".. when you play like a noob the AI does too. ;)

    ah that makes sense I play like I do with 3rd strike, air kicks down , feints to shryoukens, demon slides etc....kinda makes sense now....so they got rubber band retard AI for the seth...you do bad he does bad you do good he does good...
  • seantree
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    seantree polycounter lvl 18
    man, my guile just got raped by Rufus online. I know he's one of the best in the game but damn!! Guile had no chance. Of course I've only fought Rufus like 2x online so I'm not sure what all of his attacks do and what to counter him with. I was just glad to see someone other than ken or ryu online. sheesh.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    so apparently Seth hates Dan. going on 30 times trying to beat him with Dan.... on Easiest........
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think I've seen a character become as utterly loathed as fast as I have seen Seth become.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    seth is rediculous. my roommate is trying to beat him on medium right now as ryu........and he finally beat him after like 20 tries.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    I would also add Capcom is ridiculous for yet again failing to realize people without HD tvs would like to read the on scree text. currently have my 360 hooked up to my monitor and the difference is stupid.

    In the Challenge Trials (Chun Li Challenge 4 on Normal) on my TV the combo text in the upper right is tiny and only comes down a few inches from the top of the screen. on my monitor the combo text is large and touches the top of her head.

    I hope RE5 will not have this problem but I'm not holding my breath.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I stupidly logged in on my PS3 using an old PSN account...and seems to have saved that address as the one belonging to the PS3...I tried restoring defaults and everything, but it won't let me use my new one. New to this...can anyone help?
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    blenderhead- Im not sure about that.. But maybe you should check out the SCEA website for help.

    So those extra femme pack can be downloaded from the PS network store? How much is it?
  • rebel
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    I'm playing it on 360, lets battle.
    My gamertag is: x Rebel XD x
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    aww.. seems like more people are on the 360...Im on the PS3..
  • HandSandwich
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    HandSandwich polycounter lvl 18
    Uly wrote: »

    Agreed. I fought that son of a bitch for over an hour last night with Gouken on easiest and nearly broke my controller in half. The worse part about him isn't necessarily that he's cheap, but rather that he makes you play cheaply to beat him. Fucker.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    someone I know got his ass handed to him...just sayin'...
  • ThatDon
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    ThatDon polycounter lvl 11
    someone I know had a malfunction with his joystick.....just sayin'
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    oh, yeah, of course :D
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Got my first negative feedback on Live EVER from beating some dude with Dan. Sent him a message saying 'real mature', he sent one back saying he didn't leave feedback and he's the only guy I'd played against online on any game in over a month. XD
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    wow, you beat someone as dan? now i feal like i really suck. i'm still trying to get decent enough at the game to actually compete online. right now my win ratio is about 1 and 30. although i can tell that every time i lose it's my fault. i'm either not pulling off the right moves at the right time or not properly blocking moves. I have such a hard time playing against people who have a good anti air game.

    finally got my head around holding buttons down for normal moves and releasing them for specials. helping me a ton in getting the timing down for combos. Still can't finish any characters 4th challenge on normal though. can get through the 3rd on all of them though.

    guess i just need more practice.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Sometimes online ranked games are gold. Was about to perfect some Bison player on the second round and boom! Disconnect right before the final hit. Whats the point haha! Kids are hilarious
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I just played for the first time tonight at work, I'm thinking of picking it up for X360. What would be a good (preferably cheaper) arcade stick?
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i got the hori ex2. bought it off ebay for $45 with shipping. was in perfect condition and it's very nice. Just trying to get used to the square gate. i'm used to US sticks.

    here it is on amazon: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Xbox360-Fighting-Stick-EX-Xbox-360/dp/B000V02P6Q[/ame]
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    finally got the game ! its awesome I love it !

    PSN : rolfness
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    ae. wrote: »
    went to buy it today they were sold out of both ps3 and xbox360 versions :(

    same here, cant find it anywhere...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    if you can find one of these for the normal price of $79.99 you'll be beating those controller players in no time!


    I have one, picked it up at Frys on release day, after going to 5 Best Buys in the Plano/Frisco area. I wouldn't be able to play against the skilled players online without it.

    I tried out the Hori stick at the local game store, its also nice. Whats sets the madcats apart from the others is the ability to mod them using arcade parts. Like this video shows http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/lordofultima/fightstick-20/30-21983/ Its easy to take apart and customize, or fix if something breaks.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Hori cheap sticks (ex2) are unbelievably bad and I guarantee it'll be broken in less than a few months.

    Get the $80 Madcatz stick if you can find it, if not get a Hori Real Arcade Pro or find someone who can build one for you. If you need help finding people to do this, let me know!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I got it and kindof really suck with the gamepad. Will buy an arcade stick someday, but don't have the money to right now.

    Iambic Pentup on live.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i'm thinking of modding my ex2 by getting sanwa parts. debating if i should just build a new stick with the sanway parts though. then i could use the sanwa one as my main and have the 2nd for backup or for friends to use if they came over.
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    So what's everyones favorite character or characters to use?

    My favorite is Zangief, then Ryu, and then Guile.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    My main is Chun-Li, then Ken.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Zangief is indeed very cool! Just tried it tonight.
    Also, Rick Stirling needs a stick.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I need a stick, reflexes, practice and luck.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Played it the other day and its STUNNING. Very nice art direction, awesome effects, but as usualy standard Capcom UI (i.e. not fun at all).

    Still the gameplay is solid :D Great game :D
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Maining ryu (boring, but who i play in 3/a3), want to learn abel, balrog is extremely fun to play as, sagat is cool for his up close combos, even if TIGAAAA is a more effective tactic, and i need an arcade stick too, badly. QCF likes to become jump on the 360 joystick. Makes trying to do ultra pretty hilarious.

    I don't really see what the problem is with seth. His teleport -> instant grab is ultra cheap, but otherwise he's pretty fair. You just have to play offensively, you can't hang back and counter against someone who will crossover teleport so much and has such good fireballs.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Do I suck or is Rufus hard to beat.. geeez I cant kick his ass in medium :/
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know about you people but I despise Dan as the Trial dummy. His upper hit box moves back and forth too much. It makes getting the Focus Attacks into whatever else really frustrating. Most of the time it sends him into the air, the rest of the time he stays on the ground like he's supposed to. I've tried to see if there's a timing or distance to get him to stay grounded but I just cannot do it.

    I'm working through most of the normal trials. I've done everyone up through Sakura on the list and a few assorted ones past her.

    A few having given me a lot of grief.. currently can't get the timing on Sakura's Focus -> crouch m.kick -> EX spin kick -> Ultra for reason stated above. I can get the Ultra to connect off the EX but not in the combo. >_< I got past it last night but the one after I tried for over an hour and couldn't do it. Even focus canceling and all that jazz.

    Dhalsim's m.kick -> light yoga flame was a pain too.
    C.Viper's level 4's were a bitch.

    SupRore: wait until you see your ultras/super 1 frame away from connecting you and winning then Seth does an EX piledriver....... 30 times in a row :p
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    snemmy wrote: »
    SupRore: wait until you see your ultras/super 1 frame away from connecting you and winning then Seth does an EX piledriver....... 30 times in a row :p

    Like i said, that move is ultra cheap, but he's still not that hard to beat overall -- just short of jab out into your close up combo of choice, and then back to business as usual.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    man got this game the other day pretty fun no point of me going online though :P i get my anus raped everytime i play. out of 50 matches i only won 3 :O

    its a good game when your friends come over though have mini tournemants. but god damn people are good at this game!

    been practicing with guile and balrog 2 fav characters so far.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    I wish the 360 had an option to rotate profiles between controllers, mostly for 'friend' games such as Rock Band and SF4 where people pass stuff around every few matches/songs/rounds. I know SF4 doesn't save win % for local stuff but it would still be a nice option to keep from switching button configs around or like RB, rotate your rock star in.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    beat seth with blanka on the hardest setting. amazon river run and hard kick. but i can't beat seth with dan on the second easiest setting.. hrm.
    i find seth is easy to beat if i can jump to just within the range where he can't grab me, and where i can kick him in the face until most of his life energy is gone, but as soon as i get knocked to the ground, he starts teleporting, and does that suplex thing on me/ toryuken. so if i try to punch, i'm screwed. if i try to block i'm screwed. if i block he grabs me, if i jump, he toryukens me. if i try any of the punches he grabs me, or toryukens me, even the quick jabs. and focus attack works very badly.
    so pretty much the only way to beat him is to keep within sonic boom distance, and out of grabbing/toryuken distance.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    A turtling Guile player is pretty hard to beat. The only real openings they give out is when they goof or get too eager. Guile and Vega have given me some of my most difficult and hard earned wins.

    Since SF2, I'd always been a Ryu/Ken player. Then Akuma when he became a playable character in the Alpha series. But for some reason this game makes me want to play the other guys. Zangief is a lot of fun. So is M. Bison. I love using Balrog, though.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    lil late to the party... but started playing! the game sure does look amazing, and how well the old school animations translated into 3d.

    the gameplay however vs the cpu is completely bullshit, obnoxious, and retarded. Not sure why they thought that on Easy (yeah, i suck), your "rival" fight should be 5x harder than anything else so far. I can understand a little jump in difficulty; but i went from getting perfects w/ ultra finishers to not being able to win one round vs Sagat while playing Ryu, or Guile vs Abel, or Ken vs Fatfuck. It isnt like "easy" mode should be some feat of amazing playing, put that shit on medium or normal, whatever.

    I was honestly 15 seconds away from snapping the disc in two.

    wtb arcade stick!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    The game seems to expect you to be able to lay on some link and cancel combos, which is a more intermediate - advanced tactic, to be able to deal any damage at all, even on the easiest difficulty. But it's effective to the point of being near exploitable against the AI, so i guess it evens out. Still, it makes the game really unapproachable to new players, i'm not sure why they decided to balance it like that, especially with how much they said in interviews they wanted it to play more like sf2.

    Seth isn't that bad, his throw isn't actually instant, i discovered after a little messing around, you can jab out of it. So any time he teleports near you spam your instant jab, it's standing lp or crouching lk on most characters. You'll still get hit by his uppercut but it doesn't do as much damage and it's near as cheap, i'd rather be hit by that than his throw.

    Dan's actually pretty powerful, i was using him online yesterday and having a pretty easy time. His fireball has a short recovery time, his EX qcb kick is awesome, his ultra is possibly the best in the game... But like ryu/ken/akuma if you aren't canceling into fireball or upercut every time you get into close range you're not going to deal any damage.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I was trying to learn C viper but without having a firm grasp on how the more advanced techniques in the game she's really hard to play as. So i decided to go back to playing as Ryu till i can get decent enough to win most online games as him. still not there yet. i'm like 5 and 33 now. people keep raping me as ken. I've got too many bad habits when i play this game. still enjoying it though. I can tell that most of the times when i lose it's my own damn fault for doing something stupid.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I'm not too impressed with the trial mode. It's teaching a lot of combos that are useful if you know the general flow of SF to give perspective on what cancels where, but aren't going to actually be whatsoever useful in a fight. Whoever decided to show that ryu's low mid kick cancels into hurricane kick (almost useless, not as safe in this case as hado or as damaging as anything else) without demonstrating it cancels into Hadoken (a safe, useful bread and butter way to attack when you get in) needs to be shot.

    Plus trying to input these long dialacombo techniques isn't really fun anyway.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    My characters: Blanka, Rufus, Sakura and Rose.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    My characters: Blanka, Rufus, Sakura and Rose.

    I can tell your a real messer. ;p
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i wish the trail mode was more like VF4. where if you couldn't figure out how to do a move you could have the computer do it while showing when to put the inputs in.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Where's the fun in that ^_^! By the whay I'm kicking ass and taking names with Ken, Sakura, Ryu, Dan, and C.Viper.

    God I miss Deejay!
    man_o_mule wrote: »
    i wish the trail mode was more like VF4. where if you couldn't figure out how to do a move you could have the computer do it while showing when to put the inputs in.
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