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  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    So, I just thought of this. Is there anyway that
    Luke could be Sylar's brother
    because he somehow knows Sylar's father and grew up with him?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I was thinking that too. That they were somehow related, or like you said, brothers. I also think their father is going to have powers too.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    That kid + Sylar's brother = Lame.

    So I hope not :( I dunno, I just think that kid is too... not cool enough to be SYLAR's relative :P But could be interesting, regardless. Wonder what dear papa will be like?
  • glib
    Am I missing something here? I thought he was introduced as Sylar's brother and we all knew this already? They have the same dad but different mother, so half brothers I guess?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    When was that? Him and his mom just walked in to their house when Sylar was in there interrogating the soldier.
  • bounchfx
    yeah.. I don't remember anything remotely telling that they were brothers.
    only 'clue' so far is that he knows so much about him ?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think the bald dude has powers also... or, following X-Men, he'll end up with a kid who had powers. Based on what he told HRG guy. Also, kind of interesting getting things explained via HRG's memories. I see he still works for Angela too ;)

    Pretty good episode, but didn't feel like any real progress. More of a filler. I guess now they are saving a new city.

    Oh, and I knew Daphne wouldn't be dead.
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    You were right about Daphne, Notman. Anyway, that painting at the end of the episode that showed future D.C. really pissed me off, way to be creative guys. I've really liked this season so far till that. And also, if Matt just painted it then why isn't the floor wet with paint?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    And, also why didn't peter fall out of the sky after touching matt?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah I was all wooooooah cool episo--wait. Um. Is that... the exact same thing painted on the floor as in first season? (Albeit different city)

    I THOUGHT you were trying for originality, darn writers. Bah.

    OTHERWISE, pretty cool episode. I'm actually really liking Peter again, like I did in first season. Everyone else--not quite as cool. (Except Sylar... but this episode was very Sylar-less!!!!)
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    The writers seemed to have really gone back to the first season. Literally haha.

    I liked it. Was a great one-off episode for HRG and I love how they wrote him back to being bad. I was tired of his "I'm protecting my daughter who isn't really my daughter" deal. But then again there's other plans in the works with Angela too. The plot thickens. Also the bald guy seemed a lot older in stature than his previous showings. I'm convinced he has powers too, we don't know the whole story. Maybe he's Sylars dad hah.

    I liked the painting, and the re-use of the Issac loft set. But I just can't stand how they are cramming all needed abilities into Parkman. He can dig into minds ala the Haitian, paint the future ala Issac and then have his own mind controling abilities.

    And you could probably technically explain Peter's thing that he has to touch their skin which I believe he was touching Nathans head at some point to re-pick up the flying ability. He could have used Parkman's clothes at a barrier of some sort. Stretching, but it's all we got to go on. At this point I'm just not gonna bother with widening the holes and just enjoy the better-than-season-2-3-4 feel this season has.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    This season has me all weirded out. I was really stoked about it, and the first episode was pretty good. I just get this feeling that the writers don't know what the hell their doing. The whole Parkman thing with multiple powers, eh.... Noah's constant teetering character... Claire is just annoying. I was not happy about Hiro losing his powers last season, but it was justifiable because of the core of his character. What upsets me more than anything is Peter's character this season. I mean come on man! So he loses all his powers last season, then gets them back, so we thought. Now it is just like his father's ability, but doesn't take them permanantly and only one at a time. Why are his powers so damn jacked up all the time?!? What doesn't make sense to me is why he was able to fly immediately after injecting the formula at the end of last season if he didn't have any contact with anyone? He flew from one end of the room to the other before grabbing Nathan. So he knew how to fly like he knew how to call on any other power he had absorbed. I dunno man... this just all seems to be heading down Brett Ratner Lane of doom. I'm really scared to be honest! :poly122:
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Also the bald guy seemed a lot older in stature than his previous showings. I'm convinced he has powers too, we don't know the whole story.

    Of course he has powers. Every SINGLE person on the show (with 1 exception) has frickken powers. I'm really starting to hate this show. Went downhill as soon as Mr. Muggles wasn't being shown anymore. I mean EVEN THE DOG has the power to re-arrange matter on a sub-atomic level. http://heroeswiki.com/Mr._Muggles

    And my theory is still that he is the mastermind behind everything.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    The end of this episode really tempts me to stop watching this show. Seriously, how many times have the heroes had to prevent some huge explosion? And at this point it wasn't even necessary! They could have worked a lot more on the whole "heroes versus the government" thing, but no, out of nowhere they thrown in the huge explosion predicted AGAIN.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    You know what could really save it? Let it blow up. That would be an awesome twist on the show and would help give the show it's own identity finally ;)
    Instead, it's going to be everyone racing to D.C. to stop this explosion, and we are going to find out that them being there is why the explosion WOULD have happened there. If they'd stay the fuck out of D.C., I'd bet it wouldn't happen.
  • bounchfx
    I think i'm done with this show, at least like I used to be. the last episode didn't grab or interest me at all. ugh.

    I'll finish watching out the season and probably series but wow I just could care less now and that saddens me :(
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    I think i'm done with this show, at least like I used to be. the last episode didn't grab or interest me at all. ugh.

    I'll finish watching out the season and probably series but wow I just could care less now and that saddens me :(

    I feel the exact same way. My wife and friends all still love the show and say every episode was better than the last. I really disliked the last episode and totally empathize with you.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Kring and the current set of writers I think were caught off guard by the insane popularity of the first season. The best writers on the show left once season 1 was written and moved on to other shows. Those shows were canceled last year, and they all came back to HEROES. Though nearly all of season 3 was already written, towards the end of this season we should start getting kick ass episodes by the season 1 writers. Season 4 should be (I'm hoping) just as kick ass as season 1 with those writers in place.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    I think that in whole the writing from season 1 is what has been missing. That first season was SOOOOO intense! Non-stop character evolution and action. We got to see all the heroes come together as one unit and use their powers against evil..... instead the past couple seasons have been "this character does this in africa while this character does this in antartica while this character does this in thailand, but because each character did those things, it made a bran muffin pop out of donald trump's ass in new york which ultimately saved the world from starvation." there's no sesne of a group any more, it is all about everyone has problems, wah. :poly141:

    so i hope what you say is true. i hope those writers come back.
    plus i remember also what really probably hurt them after season one was the writer's guild strike. i remember season 2 being so incredibly short, and that was probably a direct result of different writers with the strike happening. i dunno. i don't read up on the ins and outs of the show happenings.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    'how the hell do you explain this?'
    er I dunno, lazy scriptwriting?

    edit: fuckin A let it explode.. the future segments/characters were way more interesting. let hiro turn into badass hiro
  • Tad Ghostal
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    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    is it just me, or is Sylar kind of a pussy this season?
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    i was so totally hoping peter got his real power back when he fell off the parking deck, but nooooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOoooo....

    but the "game has changed. i've seen it." - a cue that the old writers are coming back?!?

    and wtf? puppet man!?!
    who the hell is REBEL...... Micah?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Like I said earlier... Micah is Rebel. Unless it's a new character, there isn't anyone else who can manipulate electronics so easily. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't working with someone though, to know some of these future events (unless that's one of those things we're suppose to overlook).
    Again a loophole though. Why couldn't Rebel get that video without Peter/Matt getting it? I get the impression that 'underwater' dude isn't gone yet either. Given the kissing crap, I'm guessing Claire hid him back into the closet, or somewhere else nearby. That, or he's going to be another mysteriously disappearing boyfriend ;)
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    He'll be another mysteriously disappearing boyfriend... fo sho.
    As for the Rebel, Peter, Matt scenario... it is more of a personal knowledge leverage situation from a story telling aspect of the characters. It wouldn't mean squat to the viewer if Rebel released it, but if Peter takes a blow against Nathan in the process, it becomes personal and adds more to their web of lies and deceit relationship.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, I agree that it helps provide entertainment, but in reality, why bother? ;)
  • glib
    This season has really been incredibly weak overall. I'm holding on in the hopes that these rumors of better writing are true, but right now each episode has at least a couple cringe-worthy embarrassingly bad scenes.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    glib wrote: ยป
    ...... but right now each episode has at least a couple cringe-worthy embarrassingly bad scenes.

    Like... let's escape, run out the backdoor, jump over a fence, run down a super steep hill, trip and tumble all the way down, then you can land on me like you're gonna make out with me... but wait! our pursuers are coming! let's jump in the pool to hide and make out there instead! yeah!

    Can they GET any worse than this!?! :poly127:
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, that had me and my wife both talking to the screen. YEAH, we have a huge head start, let's stop and make out!
  • glib
    Like... let's escape, run out the backdoor, jump over a fence, run down a super steep hill, trip and tumble all the way down, then you can land on me like you're gonna make out with me... but wait! our pursuers are coming! let's jump in the pool to hide and make out there instead! yeah!

    Can they GET any worse than this!?! :poly127:
    Yeah... my hand just about changed the channel reflexively at that part. Not to mention the really blunt character change for the mother. When you want a character to evolve from something flat, to something interesting, you do it slowly and gradually. You don't have the character SAY 'I used to do nothing, now I'm going to be a character of substance'. Or how about the same lame 3-way power struggle going on with horn-rimmed, flyboy and baldy? We get it already, stop beating us with it for 15 minutes every episode.

    Or how about the fact that they just spent an entire episode moving at a snail's pace, telling us nothing we didn't already know? What? Sylar's dad sold him and was a dick? We heard that 3 or 4 episodes ago. Speedster's at a medical facility? Yeah we saw that. Two-dimensional throwaway boyfriend character got away? Who'd have guessed.

    See some interesting writing would have been to have the agents shoot the boyfriend after they tried to help him. It would flatten the mother's newfound backbone, crystalize blondie's resolve to actually DO something, and get rid of a useless character (seriously, breathing underwater? they probably built the entire character around that lame pool scene where an agent can't point her flashlight DOWN).

    At least Lost has gotten really good lately. Heroes has gone steadily downhill from season 1 and it's about to start tunneling.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    and it also seems that Peter has to 'want' to take their power when he touches them, since he's flown with matt twice without falling to the earth. Once to save him at the hotel last week and then this week when they flew to the government office.

    Tons of shit don't make sense, I asked myself 10x last night why would (insert name) do that in real life... (since it furthers the story, they do it the lame way)

    Yes, sylar crying about his mommy made me want to punch him, and then not killing the kid.
  • glib
    Peter's change of power was also a total cop-out. They realized they couldn't have someone powerful that actually wanted to do something, so they made sure Peter was nerfed, then made sure Sylar has no motivation to do dick all. Problem solved!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    don't get me started on peter's power. it is total bs.
    inject with serum at the end of last season. immediately can fly without touching anyone. right, right, so he got his power back.... syke! no, well see there was a budget meeting, and we had to shit on all the special effects, so we had to limit them to only a few powers this season. we'll just take peter's real power away and ad lib it so it sounds like the serum changed his power from what it naturally was.... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright..... ridiculous... not saying that is what really happened, but it could be probable with all the crap writing and absense of character this season.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I agree about over explaining shit. I don't know if they think the audience is that damn stupid, or if they were working really hard to create filler shit, but people can figure out the blanks on their own without having their hand held through it. Just a bunch of fat that doesn't need to be there.
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    Well, personally I thought this episode was 10 times better than last weeks. This week was exciting and finally getting somewhere. We're seeing this Rebel guy now not only talks to Claire but all of the Heroes. Peter and Matt did some cool mind tricks together. I can't wait to see what happens with the strapped up Matt. Peter got away and tricked his brother similarly to what Nathan did to him a couple episodes back. It wasn't a slow episode, I was excited and had a huge childish grin on my face the whole episode. And I'm still not sure what to think of Nathan though, chaotic neutral?
  • glib
    I'm wondering if Nathan is 'rebel' actually. Those messages started appearing when he started losing control.
  • bounchfx
    I thought it was the kid who could control computers? only thing that makes sense to me
  • glib
    I thought it was the kid who could control computers? only thing that makes sense to me
    Maybe. I'm just kinda hoping he won't play a major part again since I always hated the character.

    The rebel messages have gone to cheerleader (aka nathan's daughter, whose number he has), to the painting studio (after nathan's guys had seen them on the cctv) and to the computer in building 26 (when nathan was conspicuously absent).
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    It just really seems out of Character for Nathan to do, though....... however, yes, I realize 'character' in this show isn't what it used to be. It does get me thinking that maybe not Nathan.. but HRG? Seems a little more his style. But how could he do it without baldy noticing?
    Either way, I just HOPE it's not the damn electronics kid. That would make it a lot less exciting. :shifty:

    Augh. AUGH. Claire was just so... AUGH that episode. What was with the "my parents want a divorce and now I'm sad and I don't want to love anyone know cause love won't last!! Blah blah blah!!"
    And then geek boy is all, "Well, the last few episodes I would have been totally out of your league, but the writers are trying to make things more interesting, so I'm just gonna pretend that I think our love will be for real. That way you'll kiss me underwater in a few scenes over."
    I could feel the bile rising...

    OTHERWISE, I actually enjoyed the episode a fair bit. :P But why didn't Sylar kill the kid... that's all I wanted from him...
  • Polyjunky
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    Polyjunky greentooth
    I think we should all take a deep breath and think about Battlestar Gallactica.... ahhh thats better!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    OH, thanks for reminding me. That was the other moment that switched on anger/irritation for me. When Claire said she didn't want a relationship, 'because it seems like everyone who gets married, ends up in divorce'. WHAT!? Because HER parents MAY get divorced, she makes this conclusion? This is exactly why these writers need to stay out of that shit, and just focus on the character powers and their struggles with those powers. The only thing they are accomplishing is proving that Claire has more than one power. She can also whine at a superior level.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, fuck sylar for not killing that kid. He killed Elle, but not the annoying smart ass :(
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Well, who knows how many people this show has lost; But I thought this weeks episode was easily one of the strongest this season.

    Some great 1-1 scene's with awesome dialogue.

    I'm glad they didn't go for that whole "your friendly neighbourhood ability saver" with Claire from the comic store, that story idea coulda gone south very fast. And frankly, I kinda forgot about Hiro and Ando and while I like their characters I could have done without the end part with them.

    But still a very strong episode. Sylar's dad was great. And the scene with Angela and the Agent dude was awesome. And I love how he forced Nathan's hand. And I love how HRG guy can still play the fence.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    what annoyed me is that after the scene where the comic book store guy has his top off, all the cast start to refer to him as the "cute / hot guy".

    the writers must have some serious arm twisting from the studios. They just want to milk this? Heros is dead for me now. And it used to be so good!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I was more than a little pained to see Claire being all "I'm gonna get a job in a comic book store!" Face spewed with tons of make-up or not, she doesn't know the first thing about comics and has no right being there!! The geek in me is all flared up for a geeky rant!!! !!!

    But I have to say, I'm more than a little anxious to find out who Rebel is. It will go one of two ways: It will be someone awesome and totally unexpected and will help to renew my fading love of the series!!!
    Or it will be Micah, or another unsurprising and boring character.
    I truly hope for the first...

    Otherwise, pretty good episode. Angela was amazing as always. Sylar's dad also really good. And they had better be going somewhere with baby Parkman cause otherwise... WTF.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    So, as I figured, they used Tracy's video to reveal that Nathan had powers too. That scene where he was tested by the agent was very predictable. He just so conveniently kept standing in front of that window. Why was that guy even still in the building? Any government agency would have walked his ass out. Not let him hang in the hallway with a gun.

    Overall I liked it, but it wasn't anything special for me. Again, too much bouncing around without much focus.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, getting sick of seeing nothing happen with ando and hiro, other then to waste our times. I mean why did they even need to go to India, there wasn't anything there at the moment relevant to the storyline. Now, they are baby sitters. FFS.

    Oh and why the frack didn't Sylar just use his powers to see if his dad was lying to him about anything.

    Looks like they are leaning towards Tracy knowing who Rebel is so I bet it will end up being Micah.

    I'm this close [_] to turning it off and removing it from my DVR. I can find somewhere else to spend my 42 minutes.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    what got me was that they really, really, really could have totally kicked up the Nathan flying scenario when he was pushed out the window. They made it very obvious that it was all caught on video with the blinking red light on the camera behind what's his fuck with the gun. Now in all practical senses and purposes, aside from the point notman made about them walking his ass out the door, more importantly with it being caught on video, he would have been seized and captured immediately for pushing him out the window and the operation would have been shut down. if they wanted to keep the operation going, power nutjob wouldn't be left in charge. they would just think he was a looney toon for saying nathan could fly and for pushing him out the window, so his ass would be out of there. but what nathan should have done is floated down to the street to make him think he totally fell, waited for him to run down to the street, and then fly off before he got there. then that guy would go in the slammer and noah would be left in charge.

    regardless, nathan is fucked. he's totally the enemy now.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    IIRC, the red light on the camera turned off in the scene right before the glass was shot (my guess would be Rebel). So it looks like agent dude might still have nothing. Although it could have been the timing of the blinky light, just not in those frames. oh well.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... nice catch! i didn't see that! i saw the red light blinking, but maybe it was turned off.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, that red light was REALLY fucking obvious... but I did miss that it stopped (which is very likely, as you stated Vassago). They really need to take time to recap what they are doing with this show. Rather than jumping right back into filming... THINK! Brainstorm! Piece this shit back together and stop trying to add in elements for different demographics.
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