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Heroes Thread



  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    bah racing back in time was bullshit.. this show is full of OH NO THERES A BIG PROBLE-oh we fixed it
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    bah racing back in time was bullshit.. this show is full of OH NO THERES A BIG PROBLE-oh we fixed it
    just like in comics, nothing ever really changes :D
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i dunno i wish they would just stick with their ideas once in a while.
    - hey, the black dude who morphs thru walls is alive aga- oh we killed him
    - adams back! oh he's dead
    - there's this new thing called the light we've got to keep sa- oh he got it
    - hiro's stuck in the pas- ah fuck it
  • NightGame
    I just hope Sylar's not dead.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Sylar's not dead. He has a piece of glass in the base of his skull. It's just immobilizing him, like when Claire had the stick in her head. He'll be back. :)
  • NightGame
    Yeah but I what if they decide not to put him back in the action ?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    There's a rule in cinema i learned for my degree can't recall what it's called though similar to the rule of thirds, but you can usually only do something 3x to the audience before they tunes out. He's already died 3x now, so I'm hoping he's gone.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm not sure where the filming for the new Star Trek film fits into his schedule, but this is probably a convenient way to make time?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Dekard: yeah but is that just for one character? I'd apply it to the general 'he's dead! no wait he's not!' in which case that includes that black dude (D.L), HRG, Adam, Nathan, Sylar whoever else. they've done it so much it's completely numbing. They can't stick to their guns, which is the Heroes writer's greatest weakness

    edit: and you could include Nikki and Claire, oh and maya got cocooned and was fine
    oh and Ando

    Edit2: there are more bloody characters that have been 'killed' than otherwise!
    it would'nt surprise me if in the next series hiro's mum pops up alive and well, with Light 2 *tm
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    sylar has already shown up in set pictures for volume 4
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    its obvious they would never bin him.. he practically makes the show
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18

    This is the right thread
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Hey someone make a new Hero's thread!

  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    Which season is starting tonight? I'm not sure what they are on in TV because I just watched Seasons 1,2,3 on Netflix a couple weeks ago and I would love to keep going with the series. The official website is a jumbled up mess, I can't figure out if I'm still behind on TV or not.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    season 4 is the newest. so i guess that's starting tonight, which means i have something to download tomorrow!

    speaking of which, i r download new 24 and house now. kbai!
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    season 4 is the newest. so i guess that's starting tonight, which means i have something to download tomorrow!

    Actually, NBC started started putting up episodes of Heroes on-line last season. So you don't actually need to download it. You can just go to the NBC website and view them there for free. (of course, that also means you will have to suffer through embedded commercials)
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    Just watched the first episode of season 4. I love where they are going with this season. Looks like all the characters are going to be together as a group which is already different from the other seasons. I'm really excited. Can't wait for next week's.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Was a great ending to the episode. But geezus can we get away from the predictions and time travel?

    Issac Mendez was one of the best written characters from season 1. But they killed him off, why are they insisting on 'drawing the future' in EVERY season. I'm slightly disappointed with that.

    And sadly one of the drawings that Parkman (Parkman now? common..) drew was of Ando and the Speed chick. So they are obviously going to hit up some time travel. No doubt to save (and cause) the apocalypse that will no doubt be predicted.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Generally pretty excited about the new episode, and where this Chapter is going!! It started off well--Yes, they're FINALLY bagging Ali Larter's character!! Thank god!!--Oh, wait, she's still there with them damn.

    Sylar is continuing to be the one character that makes the show, which is fine by me.

    I like that Peter is acting more like he did in Season 1... it was best that way. Claire continues to become more annoying, but what are you gonna do. And Matt becoming a Prophet, but what more, can suddenly draw well? As an artist, I'm offended he got so good at drawing so fast.

    But seriously, a few shakey plot points (How convenient they were all beside each other on the plane!!) but overall an exciting episode that I hope leads to a good season :D

    And btw, looks like they've finally cemented how Peter gets his powers--by holding hands and making a pretty special effect. :) Good call, anyway.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I liked the new start here. They seemed to still be doing a lot of correction. Basically, Peter can absorb powers again, but now he has to touch people. That fixes the issue where he doesn't seem to get powers, even though he was in proximity to someone. I think a few people will still die on this plane, and finish off a few more of the useless (hopefully). HRG was back to being semi evil 'for the cause'. Syris was kicking ass (even though he should have been dead).

    I'm excited for next week though, which I haven't been for the last few episodes.
  • bounchfx
    wow, the entire episode I was just thinking 'this is really stupid'. I've yet to think that about any episode to date, honestly. I think it's the idea that Nathan is the bad guy now. what the fuck? it just feels ridiculous and out of place. I don't like it. I'll keep watching, but whatever. the end of the episode was ok I guess
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, the evil Nathan thing feels really forced, but I guess I just accepted it for now. I do wish that would change though. What I predict is him getting it started, then realizing what a mistake it was, and becoming part of the hunted (and that bald dude will take things over).
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    But Nathan always became on the evil side of things since the 1st season when he didn't want to do anything about New York being leveled. He has been manipulated by his parents since the beginning to be evil. He only thinks about how to get himself into the white house. I agree that he would make a better good guy because they have developed his character so well that we care about his well being. But he is in politics and the government is always made to be the bad guy.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Nathan has always been on the fence as to his apparent "good" or "evil".
    I mean..this is the guy who, in the first season, was cheating on his wife, taking bribes, rigging an election and willingly being part of a conspiracy to blow up New York.

    "Evil Nathan feeling forced"? I dunno. I think he's more a pretty obviously bad guy who occasionally has bouts of conscience. They've been setting him up since the 1st episode to be villainous. I like him though as a character and as an actor. Adrian Pasdar is great.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Overall I enjoyed the episode, but ffs, why are they still insisting on the stupid prophecy/future crutch? I thought the whole point of getting rid of all the time travelling and future painters last season was so they could, y'know, NOT make the same dumbass mistakes. Ugh.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    That is why the guys who wrote the first few episodes of this season and most of last season were fired.

    The guys who made the 1st season great are back in charge for the 2nd half of this season. Just wait through a few more mediocre episodes and then apparently, it gets awesome, or so I've read.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think it's his 'style' of evil this round that I don't like. Initially, he just felt like a crooked politician.

    btw, I'm surprised no one has said anything about the song from Fallout3 playing when Sylar walked into his 'dad's' shop
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    notman, my face broke into a huge grin when the song played. :D
    It's not just from the third, game, though. It's been a staple since the first game. :p
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm, I didn't recall it from the first one... but it's been YEARS since I've played it. I was out of video games for a while when #2 came out. Either way, I was expecting to see more online about it than I have :)
  • e-freak
    That is why the guys who wrote the first few episodes of this season and most of last season were fired.

    The guys who made the 1st season great are back in charge for the 2nd half of this season. Just wait through a few more mediocre episodes and then apparently, it gets awesome, or so I've read.
    Tonightย’s episode was written by Tim Kring and was directed by Greg Yaitanes.

    Tim Kring apparently created the Franchise and I'm sure they didn't fire theyr boss...
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    can't peter fly? why all the concern about getting sucked out a plane?

    not too horrible a start.

    i still think i'd not need to check the peep-hole if i could read minds...
  • Morton
    It seems that peter can only hold one power at a time now. As soon as he touched Tracy Strauss, the ice chick, he lost the power he got from Suresh.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, you may be on to something Morton.

    Sectaurs: that's one of those problems with doing a show about superpowers. Like you said, you'd think he'd know who was outside that door, but I guess that would ruin the 'suspense'. You'd also think he'd be able to 'hear' the guys about to bust in on him.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    did anyone else think that whole hanger scene was just awesome. The orange jump suits, hoods and then googles and cuffs. Man that was such an awesomely crazy creepy feeling.
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    So Sylar has a sidekick at the moment, I wonder what they're going to do with him. And Daphne dead? I don't know about that, cause they didn't give her any closure, so she shouldn't be dead.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    What a great episode. I love the Maginto-Pyro type recruitment going on there. No doubt Sylar's ultimate plan will leave that kid by the side but for now it's a great plot line.

    Disappointed they gave away the other person on the phone call with Nathan. But I like this developing interaction between the special forces guy and Noah Bennet. At one point Nathan will have to make a choice, he won't be able to have his cake and eat it too.

    I really liked how they killed Daphne. I liked her character and it made Parkman more interesting, but the possibilities of time travel with Ando is too much. Even though it looks as though Hiro is on a quest to get back his powers. Also as I've said before, I don't like how they randomly have to bring in the drawing of the future in every season. I understand that comics and art are part of the mythos and an integral part of production, but why did they have to kill Issiac.
    Also, the actress who plays Daphne is listed as being part of the cast for next weeks episode so I'm sure she's not 100% dead.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I liked it when she showed up to Ando at the bar and her boobies jiggled. :D Anyhow.. I'm calling it now, Nathan will end up being put in cuffs and hauled off as one of his own prisoners and then Peter will get all weepy and he's got to save his brother.. And if you haven't heard apparently John Glover "Lex Luthor's Dad from Smallville" is Sylers poppa.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    John Glover?? Sweet.

    Pretty good episode overall... I'm looking forward to how they're going with the people with powers on the outside and probably needing to create an underground movement and whatnot, kinda like what was hinted in Hiro's vision with Ando killing him way back when.

    And who do you think is texting Claire? (Who btw still annoys me, but whatcha gonna do) At first I was thinking Peter... but now I think that's not interesting enough. Hmm, I wonder.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Great Episode. This season is really living up to what this show is again in my opinion. Awesome plot lines so far and I'm hooked again this season.

    The shit really hit the fan when Daphne got shot. Man Parkman made those dudes shoot each other up. That was awesome!

    Can't wait for next week.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Dekard wrote: ยป
    I'm calling it now, Nathan will end up being put in cuffs and hauled off as one of his own prisoners ...
    I already called it two pages back :P Except I suggested it would happen because he would second guess what he's created. Now I think they will see the tape of Tracy telling him that he's one of them, and will become the hunted also. They are definitely setting up that bald dude to be the leader of that task force.

    I think maybe that kid (Nikki's kid) is texting Claire. The only reason I think that is because of how fast the responses were (other than it being for television), since he can control electronics.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Micah would be cool, but I'm not sure, although that is a great explanation and backstory. But to me, one of the big trends from season to season is a complete disregard for some of the people with abilities from the last season. The electronics kid, the kid who could fly, the girl who could locate all other abilities (an easy one to break a lot of plots), the chick who could learn things fast. They are thrown in when needed to advance plots and then taken out just as easy when they create gaping holes. It was bad enough they had to write in twins (triplets if you count the other dead one) just to keep the actress around.

    There's a good case to be made the texting is coming from a character from a previous season, but there won't be any major tie in's to previous plots unless we're given that information. The producers have said they want this season to be stand-alone as in you don't need to know anything previous to other seasons to watch. This also explains any holes in the plots previous characters might have created. They aren't trying to fill them with story, they are just ignoring them all together.

    Speaking of written out characters, my favourite the Haitian never got a main billing and isn't on any casted lists for this season either. Oh well. He was such a cool character too. But he breaks the whole point of requiring a task force to capture people as all they would need is him and a couple others.

    Hmm, thats a bit long winded. Sorry.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    If they don't explain this season so you'd need the backstory there for the african guy, he just shows up to Parkman though Saidin311, so it could very well be one of the past heroes.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    great episodes.
    i think the one texting her is either sylar (no reason, just to mess with our heads) or somebody that we don't know yet. i still don't get why clair can't just pretend to understand it all, then pretend to go home willingly and then just tackle it all from the outside. apparently she never heard about acting/lying to get what you want. haha.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    okay episode, not sure if cheerleader is just a really bad actress or if she's good at smart arse teenager. sylar and luke kick ass though "i'm not a serial killer" "but you've got a pattern, you go after specific victims, collect momentoes..." "okay, technically,i'm a serial killer"
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Sylar was just so awesome this episode... as always :p But I was kinda looking forward to him slicing open the head on the kid.... :(

    Claire is just... Claire. I try not to let her angsty "I'm the best!" bad acting get in the way of my enjoyment :p

    Overall, very fun episode!! Liking to see where it's going!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I like seeing them try to do something with HRG, although I do think I liked it better when he was a bit more mysterious (and with the Haitian). Then end was pretty good though.

    I DON'T like Hiro finding out he can be a hero without his powers. That seems like a cheap way to get around not killing him off, yet not having the time travel. If anything, I wish they had did something like Peter, where they reinvent his ability (like teleporting, but not time travel). That's really what they want to use him for, to jump around quickly on his little adventures. Or, he could timetravel, but something limited when he was allowed to jump, so he would be a bit more choosy when using it.

    Overall, I liked the episode, but again, things were a bit predictable, and I don't think 'Tracy' would have used her powers in front of that woman. It was completely predictable that she would use her powers in front of that woman and changer her mind about shutting down things.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    aye the woman had already said they were shutting down... why would she risk it?
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Tracy said that she knew it was a setup to use her powers. She had the choice there to use them or not and she froze the guy. She probably didn't realize the consequences of what she did but the Tracy character is one of those devious always has a reason type characters. So I'm sure she's got a plan for getting out.

    Also notman, I agree they seemed to have cheapened the device for writing time travel out of the series. I think it would have been better to have ando accidentally overload Hiro's power only to have it reduced to teleporting or something ala your suggestions.

    And now we have the new boyfriend, first the guy who could fly, now the guy who can breathe under water. The plot thickens on the texting though, I liked that scene in the comic shop. Also like this area in general where we're getting back to "ordinary people with extraordinary powers". The whole Bennett family situation and the Sylar/sidekick plot lines have great throwbacks to the first season.

    I too loved the line "ok, technically I'm a serial killer". Classic stuff. Great season sofar.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    I'm fine with Hiro being a hero without his powers, maybe we'll finally get badass ponytail Hiro. Would be happy if he got his powers back at a reduced capacity, although personally, I'd give him all his powers back and have something stopping him from travelling through time and it's stopping Parkman and Mama Petrelli from seeing the future too. Maybe an ancient Hiro who figured out that everything they've averted was supposed to happen because purposefully changing something to alter the future inevitably makes things worse.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    You know what gets me is that these characters haven't figured out that none of these future drawings would ever happen if they hadn't seen them. For instance, Hiro went to that wedding because he saw the picture. Daphne wouldn't have been shot if Parkman hadn't seen the drawing, and gone to save her. I like the original drawings from Series 1, where things happened, but they weren't a result of seeing the drawing.
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