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Quake Live



  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Yea, just did a little searching and it sounds like hotmail is iffy. So send one to oxynary at the domain oxynary.com :)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    i got my invite on hotmail.

    got it to work now too. stupid thing doesnt work in my browser or IE. Firefox was the answer (gasp)
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I sent one to Oxynary. Im playing as well having more and more fun with it actually. :P
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I've sent invites and received one in my hotmail account - is there a chance that you guys didn't check your spam folder? Still got 3 invites left for anyone that hasn't already got one.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Gah. I'm an idiot. Didn't notice there were multiple pages in the spam filter.

    I'll be in to be fragged by you gentlemen momentarily.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I sent one to Oxynary. Im playing as well having more and more fun with it actually. :P

    Danke, got it with personal email.

    BTW on their site:
    Your email address will be used to validate your account, and for resetting your password. NOTE: Due to unreliable communication with Hotmail servers, all Hotmail users are encouraged to use a different email provider when registering for QUAKE LIVE, or to closely monitor their junk email folder when expecting an email from us.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    My experience with QL hasn't been very good so far. Seems like everytime I have to play, I have to redownload the game, and go through that damn tutorial everytime, with no way to completely bypass it.

    The gameplay is very jittery and jumpy as well, but that could be a driver issue, or Vista issue, who knows.
  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    Would love to get in on this. If anyone has any spare invites,
    id be grateful if someone could shoot me one at cep01@hotmail.com.
  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17
    just got my beta key : D any one fancy a game, user:kypo
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Irritant wrote: »
    My experience with QL hasn't been very good so far. Seems like everytime I have to play, I have to redownload the game, and go through that damn tutorial everytime, with no way to completely bypass it.

    The gameplay is very jittery and jumpy as well, but that could be a driver issue, or Vista issue, who knows.

    Have you posted your issues in the forum? Afterall, it is a beta, so if you don't speak up...
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Is it my imagination or has the damage been altered on some of the weapons? I don't remember the lightning gun being as devestatingly powerful in the original Arena as it is in Live.
  • Michael Knubben
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    I'm pretty sure it's just the player's skill, as I never seem to make a dent with it. I've noticed that it's ridiculously effective up close though, yeah. I had forgotten how bad I was at quake, and this is a painful reminder.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    MightyPea wrote: »
    I had forgotten how bad I was at quake, and this is a painful reminder.
    :poly142: I hear you. I just got in myself, and it's insane how good some people are. Had a 30 kill free for all tonight, and this one guy was killing people 10 to 1. He'd get 30 kills before some of us had 5.

    That, and I hate the rail gun. I don't hate that people use it. It's fine. But it takes away from the fun of the fast face to face gun fights when everyone wants to sit on their perches and snipe away.

    I prefer slower paced games. Q3 just degenerates into people jump strafing at 200mph.
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    Yay, just got my key - user: neolith

    The game is fun so far, but the matchmaking is kinda stupid. I always end up in games where I get fragged 5:1 or worse. :(
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Go into your matchmaking options, and set it to only skill matched games.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Me and Qlive:

    Jackablade wrote: »
    Is it my imagination or has the damage been altered on some of the weapons? I don't remember the lightning gun being as devestatingly powerful in the original Arena as it is in Live.

    Haha im sorry to say I think they nerfed it! :P Also the rail gun does a little less damage.

    I havent played quake that much and im impressed with the skill of the people im playing with doing perfect fast jumping thing over the maps and rocket jumping making them show up just to send that final rail or rocket in you face. XD

    Also people tend to know exactly where you are at all times by just using the sound ques :P

    I also get the tutorial thing sometimes but before you do that there is a button go multiplayer? to skip it, look for it.

    Im getting there though (skill level wise):P

    oXYnary nice! NP. I will see if I can still send one to cep.

    (Those guys in the forum is a bunch of whiners though)

    PS u guys need to go to quake genereal forums, find a thread called, console commands or something. atleast change the Lightning gun to shoot straight. :P (it will make it easier.) In default when you shoot and aim in different directions its abit after but thats only a visual thing... there are some other useful stuff also.
  • Wheel
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    I'm in. Thanks t4paN. Forgot to invert mouse at first and ate it bad, inverted mouse and ate it badder. There must be ninja who played liked fish in the grading level.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    it is fun, I used to play quake 3 quite a bit when I was 15 but Im no match for these online players I get 4th or 5th place out of 10 at best :/
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    The more I play, the better matches I get. I just had 3 hours of great games with people who were right at my level, and we kept commenting how good the skill matching was. We were all below average players, but with the way the matches were going, you'd think it was the best vs the best.

    I had to have a few sessions of getting my ass kicked before I started getting better skill matches.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Yeh the more you play the better matching. Now I tend to play Clan arena and have 1 to 1 kill/death ratio :P a perfect challenge :P

    sent a invite to CEP
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    Go into your matchmaking options, and set it to only skill matched games.
    Thanks for the hint. :)
    Unfortunately I still suck. Well, when Quake3 came out I was about 22 - guess my age shows.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    That, and I hate the rail gun. I don't hate that people use it. It's fine. But it takes away from the fun of the fast face to face gun fights when everyone wants to sit on their perches and snipe away.

    Nah, real men use the railgun in fast face-to-face gun fights :)

    It's all about the rocket / rail & LG switch!

    All this talk of Q3 makes me wanna try QL again...
  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    Yeh the more you play the better matching. Now I tend to play Clan arena and have 1 to 1 kill/death ratio :P a perfect challenge :P

    sent a invite to CEP

    Thanks a ton! Hope to see some of you online.
  • Farfarer
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    User: Farfarer

    I forgot how much I suck at Q3. Even in the skill-rating deathmatch against Crash she managed to kill me 6 times :/
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    MoP wrote: »
    Nah, real men use the railgun in fast face-to-face gun fights :)

    It's all about the rocket / rail & LG switch!

    All this talk of Q3 makes me wanna try QL again...
    I have an invite. PM me your first name, last name, and email address and I'll send it right over.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Heh, I've been on QL for nearly a year. We were working with id on ET:QW so got a bunch of company invites before anything went public. Thanks for the offer though :)
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Then the invite offer is extended to whoever else. I may have more later, but I've given someone else the right of first refusal.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Lee Devonald


    PMs are for pussies who give a shit about spam.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Lee Devonald


    PMs are for pussies who give a shit about spam.
    Enjoy. Also make sure to check your spam folder. QL has had trouble with hotmail.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    some might call that irony... :D
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I miss gibs. I wasn't the only one as well in the matches. I know, I know harder to sell it to advertisers then. But at least they could make it an option thats off by default?

    Is there a way to pipe a command so that I can have more than one weapon with a key? Alah Unreal Tourney. So I can match weapon groupings. Back in my Q3 days, I only used the scolling mouse which I know cut down on my ability to play.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary, yeah, you should be able to bind a key to multiple weapons, i think it'll involve setting up an alias or vstr (google search for q3 config info, there's bound to be tons of it out there).
    You basically create 2 aliases containing two commands each - one to switch the weapon, the other to re-bind the key to the next alias. Then in the 2nd alias you re-bind the key back to the original one. I assume all of this stuff will still work in QL, it'd be weird if they removed it.
  • OgrO
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    OgrO polycounter lvl 18
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Okay, my invite offer on my other board is going over like a lead balloon. I've got 5 more to give out.

    First Name, Last Name, Email Address if you want one.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Man, why do I get owned much harder on servers that show up as lower skill than on skill matched servers?
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    dfacto wrote: »
    Man, why do I get owned much harder on servers that show up as lower skill than on skill matched servers?

    Hehe thats what u should have for joining servers under your skill level. Just keep playing and the skill matching will become better. I spent yesterday with people above my level and I improved a ton. At lunch today we almost filled up a server with people from work, its a blast! :P
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the tip mop, I made a autoexec.cfg with this:

    set w1 "weapon 5; bind f vstr w2; echo ROCKET LAUNCHER"
    set w2 "weapon 7; bind f vstr w1; echo RAILGUN"
    bind f vstr w1

    set q1 "weapon 1; bind q vstr q2; echo GAUNTLET"
    set q2 "weapon 3; bind q vstr q1; echo SHOTGUN"
    bind q vstr q1

    set r1 "weapon 8; bind r vstr r2; echo PLASMA GUN"
    set r2 "weapon 9; bind r vstr r1; echo BFG"
    bind r vstr r1

    set s1 "weapon 6; bind e vstr s2; echo LIGHTNING GUN"
    set s2 "weapon 4; bind e vstr s1; echo GERNADE LAUNCHER"
    bind e vstr s1

    Which sorta works. The issue is there is a pause as it goes through the script the first time you hit it per round if you dont have the first or second weapon. It doesn't just jump over to the weapon you have in your inventory. So I was lagging switching weapons as I hit the button twice to get what I wanted.

    Worst thing of the day..

    "oXynary can you please leave this server and join one your own skill level"


    Whats worse? It was a matched skill level server supposedly.

    Have a rush deadline thats come up, so not sure how much time I will have the next two weeks to get my ass beat again.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I got my invite the other day, tried it last night... I thought i was doing well in the trial match, but then I realized it was in "warm up" or whatever, so then I actually started it and got annihilated by the bot :P Not so good at Quake multiplayer I guess.
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    I know alot of you guys are in the beta right now so this may be old news but open beta starts in roughly two days time. so i thought i'd bump this and say i'm soo there.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    'bout damn time.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    its looking pretty sweet!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Mr.Papaya will hunt you down! CHAAAaaaaAAAaAAAAArGGGGggeEEEee!!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    open beta yay! that means there will actually be some players on there who are below my skill level haha
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It's only open for 12 hours? Ah what the fack.

    How come this is taking them so long. The game was made years ago! Is it browser issues?

    And what happened to that free-to-play Battlefield style game?
  • Michael Knubben
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    Blenderhead: You can sign up for the beta for Battlefield Heroes, just google it.

    And you seem to gravely underestimate what's needed to get this to run. It's not just toggling the 'make_game_run_inbrowser' variable to 1, you know.
    They've been stress-testing Quake live gradually, adding more and more players.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I did that right after I posted. :) Wonder if I'll get a beta key.

    How many players can it handle now? Seriously though, they've been at this over a year. Everything is already done visually, I'm sure the engine and coding would need to be largely rewritten from the ground up, but this should be ready by now.
  • Michael Knubben
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    I'm sure they're very conscious of the fact they're letting down their number one investor, Blenderhead. What can they do about it but sob uncontrollably, though?
  • Andreas
    Offline / Send Message
    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Sure, take very valid points and try to mock them with typical internet arsehole sarcasm.

    Makes you look very intelligent.
  • TheWinterLord
    Offline / Send Message
    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    QuakeLive open beta has started and its easy to start a account and get owned

    It seems pretty popular im 27000 place in a queue to get in, just waiting... gonna take 30 mins gah.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah I was 20,000 something last night, never got in. Tonight it's 56,000 something. Great...
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