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Quarantine Final

polycounter lvl 12
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ae. polycounter lvl 12
Download link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/extinction-map-pack/downloads/quarantine-map


The first in the series of releases, quarantine is a "small" dual map made to be visually appealling. look for more info on my moddb page.





More screens coming!


  • indian_boy
    nice to see this thing finished!

    it looks amazing man

    great stuff
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    thanks indian_boy it was my first ever foray into making a map and using unreal properly, my italy scene/map will play into the map pack also so expect that to be bigger and more bad ass.

    id like to thank everyone for there help and doylle over at game-artists who helped me cook the map properly.

    i am looking for a junior artist position at the moment so if your studio is hiring any juniors please send me a PM :)
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    nice work. turned out great! i kind of want to see a poster without a character in it with you showing the coolest angle you can get of your map.
  • 00Zero
    screens look cool. i visited your thread and saw the updates a few times. but i have to ask, is EVERYTHING custom artwork? i love the destroyed buildings. good luck, hope a lot of people download it.

    btw, you spelled duel wrong. unless...theres another spelling that i dont know about hehe.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Frozan: thanks man.

    @00Zero: hey zero alot of it is stock Epic artwork but theres also alot of custom textures and props i made also. now that i have a set of existing props at my disposel my next map will have less stock assets.

    i think everyone here can say that building a map from 100% custom assets is a ton of work :P
  • 00Zero
    yea, 100% custom map is very hard to do, if you want to make anything bigger than a room. lol. i know, i was art lead for an unreal makeover mod and we made a small city 100% custom and it took like 6 months and between 30-40 people.
  • acapulco
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    acapulco polycounter lvl 9
    It looks okay, just played it. A little bit of a floorplan would've been much greater than this yard and the lil underground. And you should not give every lil prefab a collision so you get stuck every 3 meters. Stairs should have a collision that makes you don't get stuck by the first step. Just have it in mind for your next map.
    There could also be a little more interesting points. It looks all quite the same.
    Ya, so much for now. Hope i did not forget something in the last 5 minutes -.,-
  • Talbot
    I finally was able to take a look at this. Overall I'm going to say that this was very well done. But I do have some comments that I don't want you to take the wrong way.

    First off, the collisions need some tuning. I know it was said above... but I had never got stuck. I just thought that you should be able to jump over the jeep. And also in the beginning, while you are in spectator mode, you can fly anywhere. I don't know how exactly you change that but it might be something you want to look into.

    Second thing is that I was experiencing some texture loading problems. For example the grass would go low res too noticeably. Maybe change it somehow that everything goes low res when you are further away from it. This may be due to my settings... but considering I had to reinstall and the only setting that I changed was the resolution... you might want to take a look at it.

    Other than that I really don't have anymore comments that are more focused on the art side of things. The art was very nice and I like how everything came together. I do suggest that you work on the gameplay a little bit more on your next map (I'm here to help test if you want).

    Oh and I liked the Fallout 3 poster! :)
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    thankyou you for your comments guys ill imight just go back and fix those issues, il put in some more blocking volumes to help people stay in the map and not be able to go anywhere they like i have some in place but i guess i need more :P
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