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  • Pedro Amorim
    last episode was a mind fuck
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    This series needs a damn fight scene for once, whenever someone dies or gets defeated its a two second ordeal. Cmon, this damn show is ripping off X-Men but not including fight scenes!? Come on! If you're a super hero, go do some training dammit!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    All I know, is that this is the FIRST episode since season 1 ended to make me think of season 1 :P Well done. I want more of it like this!!

    Sylar's witty evil made me so happy. :) "Oh, it does tingle a little."

    Actually found the scene with Hiro and his mom when she dies very touching. Finally saw a glimpse of season 1 Hiro again. Missed that guy :P
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    oooh cake!

    There's cake?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Hahah love evil Sylar. <3
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    yeah I was also really annoyed with the whole Arthur Petrelli travelling through time to get the light from Hiro, it didnt make any sense. If Arthur could do that then as soon as he knew about claire being the catalyst he could have just teleported to her and zapped the light from her without any need for all this other fuss. And whats with Nathan Petrelli joining his father? he cant genuinely think what his father is doing is right, that really doesnt make any sense either. his father tried to kill him, handicapped his wife, put his mom into a coma and tried to kill his brother by throwing him out a window and now hes like "actually I think fathers a really good guy"...thats just messed up...unless nathans planning something.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Ged wrote: »
    yeah I was also really annoyed with the whole Arthur Petrelli travelling through time to get the light from Hiro, it didnt make any sense. If Arthur could do that then as soon as he knew about claire being the catalyst he could have just teleported to her and zapped the light from her without any need for all this other fuss. And whats with Nathan Petrelli joining his father? he cant genuinely think what his father is doing is right, that really doesnt make any sense either. his father tried to kill him, handicapped his wife, put his mom into a coma and tried to kill his brother by throwing him out a window and now hes like "actually I think fathers a really good guy"...thats just messed up...unless nathans planning something.

    I agree about Nathan. His character develops too fast. At the begining he was some sort of religious convert. Then all it took was a trip to Cambodia or wherever to convert him into a believer that we need super soldiers to police the world. His 180's on personality make his character less believable. edit: lol woops.

    And the Arthur Patrelli time travel just came out of left field. And the ability to paint the future, change the past and travel to any time is just a massively broken plot hole. Luckily they cleaned that one up fast by killing him haha.

    The show somehow makes me watch it every week. But I seem to come out with more gripes about it the more I think about it. The writing seems so last minute most of the time.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    I agree about Peter. His character develops too fast. At the begining he was some sort of religious convert. Then all it took was a trip to Cambodia or wherever to convert him into a believer that we need super soldiers to police the world. His 180's on personality make his character less believable.

    That was Nathan, not Peter, but I agree ;)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    WOW.... Anyone watch this last night?

    Talk talk talk... What did you think?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I liked it, too bad the rest of the episodes weren't as good as last nights. I liked the body count, and like what they are doing with Suresh, I like sylar and all but let's leave him dead, he's been killed off 3x times now lets just let this one go. Let Suresh take over as bad guy.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, Sylar isn't really dead though... all someone needs to do is pull that shit out of his head..... well, I guess he should have burnt up in the fire since he was dead and not in healing mode. I'm guessing the glass melts, allows him to come to life, then he gets out.

    Good episode though. It really felt like a corrective episode, sort of like last week. Things got corrected and taking us back to having basically the original core people. Basically everyone has their powers back except Hiro, but now Ando has powers. I wonder if this was because Hiro's time travel was complicating things too much.... although having speedy chic jump time allows it to still exist (even if the method was pretty lame).
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah as far as Suresh goes I wonder what type of powers he will have since he did inject himself, well he drank the stuff.

    Yeah they sure killed off a ton of people last night. Wow...

    The preview for next half of the season had my mouth open. Damn Nathan is off his rocker.
  • bounchfx
    ok fuck nathan - what the hell?

    the show could and should be OVER
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry guys, but Heroes lost a viewer 3 episodes ago. I've been watching it since it started and this season had to many sad plot twists and excuses to why this and that, so we stopped watching it. Unless something amazing has happened that furthered the story to make it more interesting. A Shame too, since last season was great. After watching Jericho on Netflix streaming and True Blood, we didn't care about Nathan or Syler anymore :(
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Lee you probably missed some of the most amazing episodes the last few weeks then. The show really is getting better and awesome again.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yeah ever since they fired the writer of the sucky story lines, it's slowly getting back to basics.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I do have to admit though, I really dislike the XMen direction. I'm a fan of the XMen, but I'd rather Heroes make their own identity. I know superpowers like that will always have an XMen feel to it, but the storyline doesn't have to follow so closely. So now, they will be fugitives next season and it will become normal vs not normal. The 4400 tried that too... look where that show is now :/
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    It was a decent volume finale. Much better than volume 2 I have to say. But no where near volume 1. I really want them to thin out the cast a bit. I'm sick of Nathan's 180 degree turns as well. Religious nut to uber-dictator overnight? Come on!

    Parkman, Ando, Suresh, and the triplet girl can all go away. I'm totally bored with them.

    Hopefully volume 4 will continue to get more on track after volume 2. Lost in a few weeks until then!
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    that was quite a show :O.
    about 8 episodes ago it was really sucky, i watched it with a friend, and each time we where like: WTF! storytwist!
    now it's all back to just very cool, but i wonder where it's going next. the characters do change quite a bit in a short time though.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    The last few weeks have been pretty fantastic.

    But did I miss a scene somewhere? How did Claire get back to the present? Did Hiro take her back? I'm probably lapsing on some minor thing and missed how she got 'back to the future'.

    The body count was good. If you look at it from the producers perspective they really reset the franchinse. And having Hiro with no powers is ESPECIALLY good. They've now managed to kill off essentially every important character who could time travel. And the formula to create new ones.

    The formula in theory should only restore powers. So Peter has to 're-learn' all his powers. And with Hiro not having any, Arthur dead, the African shaman dead Peter can't learn time travel from anyone.

    Angela is the only one now with abilities to predict the future. But since almost all of 'Villains' was about changing the future those predictions don't mean much anymore.

    I thought the season ended abruptly. Although it was good. I really wanted some expansion on the Hiro/Ando relationship. ESPECIALLY now that Ando has his lighting powers. Which was obviously written in last minute. He had 'red-lightning' hands to kill Hiro in the future, but when he was given the formula it turns out his red-lightning doesn't kill, it magnifies. So maybe in the future Ando wasn't trying to kill Hiro. He was trying to magnify his power to save the world (side thought that might have been cool to explore).

    Nathan going off his rocker every episode still just doesn't seem believable to me.

    But I'm looking forward to the new season because of the reset style of the last. It seems now we're back to some sort of 'save the cheerleader' type scenario and we're left with the same feelings we were back at the end of season 1. A sort of a 'what now' type phase where we can explore the characters personalities and interactions. Lets hope they don't start off 'Fugitives' in some new setting in some new country with some new brother and sister ability combo 'cough cough'.

    Also, notice the list at the end. The kid who can talk to computers was in that. I hope they bring him back because that family brought a great human side to the show.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Arthur Petrilli took Claire back to give Angela a message.

    They also didn't explain Ando's powers much, so he can amplify the speedy chicks powers, ok so they can go back in time...

    So how the fuck did they get back to the present? :D
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Dekard wrote: »
    Arthur Petrilli took Claire back to give Angela a message.

    Ah ok cheers. I probably missed the last scene of that episode. I was late to meet a friend last week and thought it was over.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    It was an ok ending, not as good as the first series'. I enjoy watching Heroes because it is absolute fiction. However, as with Lost, there are cycles that bring you back to square one without any real major things happening. The first series' ending was an accumulation of a definite schedule of events, the second series was cut short and the third, at points, felt like it was written off the cuff. Peter Petrelli and Sylar are nemesis', I think they will remain throughout, but to do so they should really kick the shit out of each other more. Sylar's character has been developed loads, we should now assume hes going to be evil from now on. P.Petrelli has got his power mimic back. This is exactly how heroes started in the first place, so ideally we'll get a big fight like in the first series when hiro was in the future - fingers cross they'll spend a proper movie budget on that.

    Does the future seen in series 3 still exist for series 4? Like when you see the huge electro magnetic tornado cloud devastating New York, or has that now been ended because Hiro and Speedy Blonde Babe have the formula? My brain is going to explode.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    actually, if you look at it from another point of view. that future is very capable of happening.

    it could happen because of them trying to stop it from happening, ie. seeing that future, made them go back in time and put the events in motion that would make it happen. only peter and sylar could see the exact cause and effect of everything. peter lost that power, and sylar didn't give a shit.

    i want sylar back, i want him to be the nemesis of all, i want him to go on a brain collecting spree again.

    i like the fact that he has just one weakness. it makes him the perfect villain.

    nathan should die.

    the black dude finally got what was coming to him :D
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't think it was possible for them to make a weaker season than season 2. But there you have it. I will give it this. The third season had a much more solid and cohesive ending than the second season. But given how the second season absolutely fell apart at the end, that's not saying a lot. And their intent with the ending was painfully obvious. They are setting up for the fourth season, and drastically scaling back the scope of the story.

    Scaling back the scope might actually be better for the show on the whole. The real appeal of Heroes has been the development of the various characters. That's what the audience really loves about it. When it becomes too much about the powers and the spectacle the characters get a little lost in all the mess. They killed off or compromised most of the big hitters in terms of personal power. Sylar may very well be dead. (though I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see him again) Arthur Petreli is dead. And Hiro Nakamura is sans ability. Peter Petreli has his power again, but he's back to square on collecting new powers. (and with all the killings that happened in this season, it's gonna be slim pickings)

    But the most significant plot point in the third season is that there is no time-travelers going into the fourth season. So far all three seasons have followed the same bloody formula. Someone either comes from or goes to the future and brings back predictions of gloom and doom. And the rest of the season is spent with the protagonists attempting to prevent these apocalyptic visions from coming true. There's also the dudes who can see into the future. And now all of that has been effectively eliminated. Hiro can't travel through time, and Peter won't be able to acquire Hiro's power. So no more time traveling. And good riddance. It had become a crutch for moving the plot along.

    For anyone wondering if the future seen in season 3 has been averted, the answer is...DUH! This is what happens every season. The future that the characters become aware of always gets averted. It's become the point of the bloody show. They should just call it Heroes: Fight the Future. Forget Sylar, the future has become the primary antagonist. A faceless looming malevolence, overshadowing the events that the characters struggle through. Remember that the future they saw was one where powers became common place. But with the obvious direction that the fourth season is going into, people with powers are going to be hunted down and detained. If anything, it looks like the future in the first season is coming to pass, only without New York getting leveled.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Ando and the speed chick can travel through time. We just saw them go back and retrieve Hiro and bring him back, although they shouldn't be able to come back to the present with speed. So, you still have the ability of time travel.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Dekard wrote: »
    Ando and the speed chick can travel through time. We just saw them go back and retrieve Hiro and bring him back, although they shouldn't be able to come back to the present with speed. So, you still have the ability of time travel.

    I forgot about that. Ugh. That bugged me too.

    But doesn't it stand to reason that if the formula is supposedly dead and Nathan wanting to lock up people with abilities that the future seen at the start of season 3 probably won't ever come?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Hiro just ripped the formula in two halves like it was in Episode 1, Pinehurst had one piece but they needed the second piece from Hiro's dads safe from Episode 1 of this season. Hiro was the one who ripped it in two apparently.

    Hiro when returned to suresh's lab tear up the formula from present day. Also the 'catalyst' is no longer available so I assume it's all gone.. or is it!? :D
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Dekard - why do you think speedy chick can only go backwards in time? Stands to reason if you can time travel, 'direction' is irrelevant.

    I was pleasantly surprised by a decent ending.

    Peter should go find Sylar and absorb all his powers. instant refill.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Ando said he can only amplify powers, when he touched her, she went back in time 15 seconds or so, and finally caught up with herself. Nah, was just saying they only explained about how they can go backwards in time, they just glossed over coming back tis all.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, but I really don't think that they are going to "team-up" in order to go forward in time and found out how everything works out. I also don't think Parkman would be very comfortable with a guy like Ando hanging out regularly with his love interest. And if either of them is incapacitated or killed while they are time traveling, then they are completely stuck, so the process is considerably more risky.

    The big problem with Hiro and Peter zipping all over the space-time continuum is that it was very convenient for them to do so. That was a power they had, and they seriously abused it. Now no one person has the power to screw up time. The painter who could paint the future? Dead, and Peter no longer has his power. The black dude in the Australian desert? Dead. No more time traveling, no more seeing the future. And good riddance, they beat that horse long enough.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Is Worf president?! HAHA!!!
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    And good riddance, they beat that horse long enough.

    I agree. Although Angela can dream the future in a fractured sort of way. Thankfully it really hasn't been much of a focus or useful so I hope they just leave the time travel at the door.

    As for Worf, no. But a quick IMDB search shows he voiced a dude in Saints Row 2. Gangsta!!!
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    the discussion about ando and the speedy chick (dunno her name) not being able to travel back to the same time is interesting :P. if you travel faster than the speed of light in one direction you move so fast that you move to the past, if you do so in the other direction you move to the future. (i believe it has something to do with the rotation of the earth, so if you move opposite that rotation you go back, if you go along with it you move forward or something like that). but then again, einstein was pretty much the only one able to fully comprehend his theory ;).
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I dunno I bet Hiro still has his ability...it's just SUPER low powered now so he'll need Ando to Magnify what ability he does have. So now they'll be stuck together at the hip.

    Next season will be interesting. I really hope they get rid of the cop and the fast chick. They bug me so much, also the jerry curl kid that can talk to robots should NOT be in the series anymore. If they bring him back I'm going to be pissed.
    I miss the internal conflict that Sylar had. The uber pissed off Sylar just seems so one sided to me. I mean it's cool that he's 100% bad now, it's enjoyable watching him run around kicking the crap out of people I just liked it better when he was trying to be good.
    I wonder if he's dead for good...i figure getting to do the Star Trek movies probably made him rethink staying on a TV show.
  • e-freak
    According to Greg Beemans latest blog sylar is one of the best, if not the best actor in the series and it didn't sound as if he's going to leave the show anytime soon.

    Btw on the blog thing: it seems the Beeman episodes are somewhat some of the best of the season (10 and 13 latest).

    Nathan and the Strauss Chick are damn annoying atm but I think that might be because I thought they were unchangable on the good side and Nathan being the President elected already.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    As for Worf, no. But a quick IMDB search shows he voiced a dude in Saints Row 2. Gangsta!!!


    Dorn appeared as the President of the United States on Volume 4 of Heroes.[5]
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    does anyone ever notice that Peter, syler, and Peters dad can only use their multi-powers one at a time? I never see any of them used simultaneously.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I want to see peter flying while shooting fire balls at minions below!
  • Pedro Amorim
  • Pedro Amorim
    Yes, but I really don't think that they are going to "team-up" in order to go forward in time and found out how everything works out. I also don't think Parkman would be very comfortable with a guy like Ando hanging out regularly with his love interest. And if either of them is incapacitated or killed while they are time traveling, then they are completely stuck, so the process is considerably more risky.

    The big problem with Hiro and Peter zipping all over the space-time continuum is that it was very convenient for them to do so. That was a power they had, and they seriously abused it. Now no one person has the power to screw up time. The painter who could paint the future? Dead, and Peter no longer has his power. The black dude in the Australian desert? Dead. No more time traveling, no more seeing the future. And good riddance, they beat that horse long enough.

    they cant travel in time unless hiro gets a hold of the same stuff peter and ando took. that way he can have his power back just like peter did.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    bitmap wrote: »
    they cant travel in time unless hiro gets a hold of the same stuff peter and ando took. that way he can have his power back just like peter did.

    It can be assumed that all of that stuff is gone. That was the whole point of preventing the future from happening. Also, the whole crap about the "catalyst" is over because the person carrying it got shot in the face. So no one is going to be able to produce anymore. For the record, the entire tangent about the formula / solar eclipse / catalyst was utter nonsense. The third season writers must have been on something when they decided that would be a good direction to take the series.

    People's powers are somehow related to and affected by a solar eclipse. And you can give other people powers, but only with the assistance of a mystical light that can be transferred between people with powers. And thank's to all of these moronic permutations, the entire middle of the season became a spaghetti-tangled mess. The reason why the end of the season was good was because it took all that crap and tossed it right out the window. Mystical light? Gone. Superpower serum? Gone. Eclipse idiocy? For the most part, gone.

    This isn't rocket science people. Here's a much better direction that they could have taken. Mohinder develops the serum, just like he does in the beginning of the series. But instead of slowly killing / mutating him, it simply wears off over time. (it doesn't succeed in altering him completely, and his body naturally rejects and replaces the forced changes) As a result, he is forced to make a moral decision about what he must do to produce more of this serum to maintain his powers. Eventually he is forced to start selling the serum on the black market as an illegal narcotic in order to fund his continuing research and growing addiction. And now you have a great setup for the primary villain of season 3.
  • Pedro Amorim
    will ando still kill hiro?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    On the brighter side, one of the main season 1 writers is coming back to Heroes. The show he was working on (Pushing Daisies, which is awesome btw) got canceled. So he's heading on back to work on Season 3+ of Heroes. I hope this will see the return of the more realistic style and overall better storylines.
  • Mark Dygert
    It can be assumed that all of that stuff is gone. That was the whole point of preventing the future from happening. Also, the whole crap about the "catalyst" is over because the person carrying it got shot in the face. So no one is going to be able to produce anymore
    Not really. We can't assume that Hiro's mother was the only catalyst, just like we can't assume there's one Sylar, one Peter, one whoever.

    The rest of the formula is on the paper Hiro's dad is guarding. We also can't assume all that stuff is gone. Mohinder could have some stuff stashed? He could have made more then that one vial, put it some secret storage before he was going to inject himself because he wasn't sure what it would do. Wouldn't want to spaz out and trash the place on his first try?

    Papa Patrelli put the catalyst into the jar and I don't think it was in him when he was plugged in the head by Peter/Sylar.

    Also Peter and Ando both injected themselves with the formula which probably contains some of the catalyst so... its not as gone as some may think. BUT they can definitely use this as an excuse to leave it behind! They can also drag it out more...

    I also wouldn't count Pappa P out just yet.It was good to see Mr Fear get it, so glad he's gone. I'm not sure if it was the actor or the character, but I really kept waiting for him to get it and he kept on going.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    The penultimate episode of this season actually got me a lump in my throat. I thought it was the best episode in heroes. Especially Hiro time travelling back to see his mother before she died. That whole scene almost had me crying like a baby.

    I speak better Japanese than Mr.Sulu
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Well if they now have the ability to RACE back in time (flash speed force nonsense?)

    why not just go back to BEFORE hero ripped the paper and copy the formula down and come back?

    I never understood why all the time travelers never tried "trial and error" systems when jumping back? Didnt work the first time redo it again a few times till you can think of a way to use it to your advantage? (and dont gimme that BS episode with the african guy that can paint /read the future so it voids out, I mean on PRACTICAL things like writing things down on paper or whatever?)
  • Mark Dygert
    I think they're scared of the butterfly effect? But yea seriously why not just go back and fix it, whatever it is... they've gotten themselves in a hole and while some of it has been interesting to watch, some has just been stupid.

    Lost is starting up soon I think, hopefully they won't shoot it full of bad time traveling plot holes...
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Vig, all of the examples you gave would be total cop-outs on the writer's part. If they actually dig that deep, then we might as well throw up our hands and turn the TV off. The series has been on a downward spiral since season 2, the appeal of some of the characters was the only thing keeping most fans hanging on. If they dig that deep, nothing will be able to save the show.

    Although I know it was complete fan-service, the scenes where young Hiro and old Hiro perform the same signature expressions were priceless. Just an example of the development of an appealing character. Sylar's twisted rampage, toying maliciously with the protagonists, was also very satisfying.
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