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Heroes Thread



  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    lol sectaurs.

    i just imagined Heroes with Van Damme...

    "so what's your superpower?"

    "i kick peoples asses for a living, i don't need superpowers".
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Van Damme's super power would be doing the splits and showing off his ass. He does is in pretty much every one of his films... Keep an eye out.

  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I wish they'd put a stop to the future plot lines. I can tell you season 4 right now, something happens in the future they have to stop now. Oh wait maybe they do the Lost twist and do it in the past. Wow that would be tricky!

    Just focus on the characters and what's happening with them now. Stupid plot holes and future time travelers all need to hang out with the Haitian dude and future Claire I think.

    I was real skeptical of the show going into this season. The past 2 episodes have really pulled me back in though. I'm definitely digging it now. I just hope Hiro and Peter stop the stupid time traveling.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Another great episode!


    Suresh is bad enough that Parkerman (Linderman-Parkman) want to recruit him!? Is this the end of Maya (FINALLY!?). Peter losing control? ANDO DEAD NO WAY (kensei blood will resurrect him, I'm sure. Creating that future-tension for Ando to kill Hiro) (my guess).
    Mr.Pretrelli!!?? An ARMY of baddies!? HELL YES. Shaping up to be a great season.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I think they to come up with another plot device to disable Hiro.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I'm not sure about this brotherhood of evil they're putting together.

    I really liked the Claire-Sylar-Noah subplotlines today. Some decent character interaction there. The vortex guy was awesome, but wow powerful! Good thing they killed him off. Was a great scene overall actually.

    I had the revelation around the first commercial (while Nathan was doing the narration) that Parkman's father was the one putting Linderman in his head. The question is, does Father Parkman have to be near the guys? Because he's moving around to the chick, and Nathan pretty often!

    We also need a back-track episode I think to explain what happened to Parkman's Father after Parkman put him in the mind-prison. But we can see the interactions ont he paintings already starting to happen.

    But the ending twist was WHAAATTT?! Definitely keeping me watching!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I like the mention of the New World Order. I wonder if they'll try to tie all this into the Free Masons or some other secret society stuff. I figured Linderman maybe put himself into the formula but i guess he's just a trick from Parkman's father.
    Great episode and Sylar is getting more bad ass if not GOOD!;)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That was kick ass watching that guy suck himself into that vortex. My only concern with this season is it feels like it's jumping between characters too much and I'm having some issues following everything now... maybe I'm just getting too old :/
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    notman wrote: »
    That was kick ass watching that guy suck himself into that vortex. My only concern with this season is it feels like it's jumping between characters too much and I'm having some issues following everything now... maybe I'm just getting too old :/

    I woulda said that about the first couple of episodes, but it seems to be flattening out now, for the better. Instead of multiple character jumpings between commercials we're actually getting 10-15 minutes of face time with a certain plot. Especially in Monday's episode.

    Up until last night we didn't see much of the Suresh developments. And we didn't see any Parkman developments. And last week was almost exclusively spent in the 4-year-future.
  • e-freak
    don't know if the link's already been posted (i skipped the last two pages) but this is really interesting (but long) read:

  • bounchfx
    ok I'm usually very lax about what I consider good and bad in a show, I'm not very picky.. but this is the first episode that I was just like 'uh, um, wtf? ok...' at multiple points, and it kinda pissed me off. I didn't think the episode was bad, but I didn't think it was really great either.

    shit like OH WOWZ UR MY BROTHER and hiro killing ando just pissed me the hell off, it just feels to me like they are doing tons of random shit to keep peoples attention rather than focus on an actual cohesive story. I still enjoy the show but I hope future episodes are stronger
  • carlo_c
    The show is spiralling into way too many questions without giving enough answers for my liking, like some of you I'm like wtf is going on?!

    Hiro must have a plan, he wouldn't end ando's life just like that (i hope!).
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
    Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but this is something that really annoys me!

    Hiro: he goes in to the future and sees himself, right? So future Hiro and present Hiro can exist at the same time.
    But in the first episode, Hiro is sitting by his desk skipping 20 minutes forward in time and back again and so on. But this time there's just one Hiro...

    It should have been like Quake: Hiro tele-fragging himself in the future.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    No one has brought up who is future Sylars wife or who did he get preagnant to have baby Sylar? If so, what powers woould that kid have had before he kicked the bucket. Also why was Sylar taking over Claire;s and HRG's house with Mr Muggles still in tact? I am very happy the writers are returnig tot he form that put this show in the awesome category. I love them posing questions to the viewer, that is what gets us all in here talking, the what "ifs"
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I actually intended to mention that and forgot. I thought it was odd also that no one brought up the lack of a mom. I think it was because so much else went on, it was forgotten.

    Anyway, as unrealistic as it might seem, I predict Claire is the mom. She actually started feeling sympathy for him this last episode, and if she wanted a powerful allie to help her on this new quest of hers, then it would fit. Then again, you'd think she would have reacted differently when they showed up to the house. But it would explain why Sylar is in that house (since it was probably Claires at some later point).
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    It's Elle.
    They both work for the company, Elle respects and likes HRG, which gives you the kids name, and Sylar killing her dad probably did her a favour since he didn't seem to give a shit about her any way.

    As for Hiro, he manipulates time, not that much of a stretch to think he's capable of moving time forwards and backwards as well as being able to move himself around in it.
    He's probably more powerful than he realises, and if they had the budget for it, I'm sure they'd do the infinite army trick.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Seeing as how Sylar is supposedly Claire's uncle, it would be a little icky for her to be the mother. Also his age being a factor...that kid was practically 3-4 years old in "4 years later" hence whomever the mother is is already preggers or will be VERY soon. I don't see Claire getting a tender pickle tickle from Sylar any time real soon.

    Something else to consider however, is...maybe the kid wasn't actually his? Just as Claire was adopted by HRG, it could be that Sylar adopted a little orphaned boy who he grew to love and called his son.

    Also, Current Peter has now bumped into Future Peter so...he should have just a massive shit-pile of new abilities...but then again maybe not?
    Tim Kring, the show creator, has stated in interviews that Peter gets all the powers Sylar has whenever he encounters him, and "updated" with each new encounter, but does the same hold true for encounters with Future Peter?

    Peter now has as of the latest episode:
    Flight (Nathan)
    Telekinesis (Sylar / Brian Davis)
    Cryokinesis (Sylar / Mr. Walker)
    Super hearing (Sylar / Dale Smithers)
    Telepathy (Matt Parkman)
    Teleportation (Hiro Nakamura)
    Time Freeze/Travel (Hiro Nakamura)
    Super Perfect Memory (Sylar/ Charlie)
    Sylars power [figuring out how things work, and fixing /exploiting them] (Sylar)
    Electrokinesis (Elle)
    Pyrokinesis (blue flames?) (Flint)
    Sonic Voice (Jesse)
    Super Strength (x2) (reg - Nikki Sanders / fear based - Knox Washington)
    Precognition (x2) (Painted - Isaac Mendez/ Dreams Angela Petrelli)
    Regeneration (Claire)
    Invisibility (Claude Raines)
    Magneto powers (The German)
    Matter Melting (Sylar / Zane Taylor)
    Voice Domination (Eden McCain)
    Illusion / Shape Shifting (Future Peter)
    Body Snatching / Swapping
    (Future Peter)
    Radiation / Nuclear powers (Ted Sprague)
    Memory wipe / Power Drain (The Haitian)
    Intangibility/Phasing (DL Hawkins)
    Super Speed (Daphne)
    Psychic Touch (Sylar / some chick)

    Mystery powers he should have:
    ??? Mr. Duvoe ??? peters patient and a founding member of The Company
    ??? Future Mohinders power ???
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I like to think that sylar adopts a kid because of HRG and how good of an effect it can have on a person.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    The writers forgot that Sylar has super-hearing. Or maybe they didn't and just shot that scene awkwardly, with shots clearly from his point of view but no sound.

    The vortexes looked horrible. God damn, they pissed me off. Could have done something cool...

    It seems they've lost whatever sense of subtlety they once might have had. Yes, we need a forced shot of puppets in case you didn't get that he was DA PUPPET MASTA and oh yeah, make sure to have retarded rattles in the music every time Suresh does something evil. Don't forget he's all reptilian now! shhkshhkshhk. And where the fuck does that goo come from? Last scene of him shows he applies with with his hands, which makes it even weirder. And the final reveal scene was teased way too much, spinning around the fucking bed and zooming in on tubes. I think we all guessed who it was, christ.

    I'm actually a big fan of the show. Just had to vent.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    No one has brought up who is future Sylars wife or who did he get preagnant to have baby Sylar? If so, what powers woould that kid have had before he kicked the bucket. Also why was Sylar taking over Claire;s and HRG's house with Mr Muggles still in tact? I am very happy the writers are returnig tot he form that put this show in the awesome category. I love them posing questions to the viewer, that is what gets us all in here talking, the what "ifs"

    I brought it up earlier, he was also wearing the "horned rimmed glasses" so maybe he and Sylar merge somewhere down the road.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That's a good point (about the adoption). It makes me wonder if he kills the kid's parent(s), maybe the guilt moves him to raise the kid as his own and change his evil traits.

    You guys are probably right about Claire. I missed that it was only 4 years later. I don't agree that it would be Elle, but I don't have any alternatives to offer up at the moment, which is why I'm thinking more in the adaption path.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    This is getting pretty crazy, guys you thought were purely good now goin all evil and vice versa. This season is great! I would love to see Ando beat the crap out of Hiro for how much of a punk Hiro is to him. Can't wait to see how Sylar continues! And wtf kind of creature is Suresh? A spider? Can't wait to see how all this turns out!
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    so nobody thought anything was up with sylar wearing HRG's glasses? O_o
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    "This is my tough guy walk" heh. Loving this season so far, lots of little twists and it's keeping me interested enough to keep on watching, and despite my hatred for TV I still seem to watch this series.
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    As for the speculation of mohinder, he reminds me of "the fly" if your guys movie memory goes back to the 80's.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    J Randall wrote: »
    As for the speculation of mohinder, he reminds me of "the fly" if your guys movie memory goes back to the 80's.

    Yeah I think that is the inspiration.
    I was telling that to anybody who would listen the minute Mohinder got powers. I was like "Just watch, that bitch is gonna start to mutate and turn into a Bug. This is an homage to Chronenbergs The Fly..." Aaaannnnd turns out I'm right. The writers and producers keep talking about Mohinders "Bug Powers", although I think he's going to be more cockroach than fly....
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I just hope he doesn't start puking on shit. That was the one thing that makes me never want to see The Fly again.
  • Mark Dygert
    The cocoons and wall walking have me leaning toward spider. At first I thought the weird patches on his back where going to be extra legs ala organic Doc Oct.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Sylars kids name was Noah as well. In Noah Bennets old house?

    Doesn't that seem kind of a coincidence?
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    Jesse are you saying Noah gets turned into a kid?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    You know, that's very possible that someone might end up with that sort of power. That would be extremely fucked, but I could see it.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    but sylar was wearing noah's HRG's... :D NM, they could have been noah's glasses but I think he used to wear glasses in the watch shop... so not sure anymore :D
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Which could have came off when he became an infant ;)

    Again though, I would have expected a reaction from Claire... unless she didn't know it was her dad.
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    what does it say when a speculation thread starts to make sense?
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    They're going to lose me in a couple of episodes at the rate it's going.

    Let's see. Whole shitload of new characters that I don't care about, when there were too fucking many to begin with. Another Nikky. At least 3 characters who were definitively dead coming back to life in some incarnation. Bad guys who are e-ville for no particular reason. Sylar who was an e-ville sociopath now becomes good or at least just misunderstood and a victim of his powers.

    Oh, and then there are all my favorite good guys, all of whom are now, or are becoming e-ville. Claire? Soon to be e-ville. Peter? Oh, he's pretty much a flat out bad guy now. Mohinder? Of course he is truly evil. We could all see that one coming. I'm sure Hiro will be next, right? Even though I think the impalement was some kind of trick. (Haven't seen latest episode).

    Every character is being almost completely re-written to the point where I just don't give a damn about any of them.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18

    What was initially cool about Heroes is that it took the idea of super-powered people and put it in the real world. Normal, average people reacting to the ability to do incredible things, etc. Nowadays, it's plain old comic cliches: everyone changes sides, everyone comes back from the dead, and everyone uses their powers in entirely mundane ways.

    The storyline that would be really awesome to see is the world finding out about the heroes, seeing how everyone reacts to that. Imagine revealing the first costumed hero, the first super team, etc, and how the media would cover that or average citizens react. Way more compelling drama than the repeated IM FROM TEH FUTAR, WE MUST SAVES TEH WORLD stuff they keep trying...
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    agreed, it would have been awesome for the heroes/villains to have the necessity of an alter ego.

    but right now it's just like "hey i can bend reality to my will. i think i'll use that ability to make me some nice coffee!"
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Adam died like a bitch. :( after living for centuries you'd think he could figure out how to look out for himself.

    So Peter might be able to get his scar now that he has no powers.. O_o
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Adam was a bitch though. I don't like Knox, either. Arthur Petrelli is quite the badass though. Too bad he has to touch people to take their powers. Who was the 4th person in the picture that the African Isaac painted? Some dude with a mustache? New player, it seems..
    Claire is really starting to piss me off now as well. She can't do jack shit on her own, calls her daddy, then gets pissed when he helps? She's becomming an annoying "me too!" character, who's getting too much play time. Was cool the see the mini fight between sylar & peter.

    The episode lacked any real answers or action, seeming more like a setup for something big. There had better be something really spectacular coming up soon.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Vassago wrote: »
    There had better be something really spectacular coming up soon.

    I didn't mind that Adam died, I liked the way he did too. Although now we're up to yet another person who's indestructible.

    The obvious clash has to be between the company and the new world order. Arthur is definitely bad ass. And I like the family lineage of powers. How Arthur, Peter and Sylar all have powers dealing with the manipulation of other powers.

    I don't mind the Claire sub-plot. And I'm glad that they just brought Parkman back instead of taking 2-3-4 episodes telling us how he got back.

    I really could have gone without the Mohinder lines. I just see no reason to turn him into a spider to advance the plots. They could have kept him neutral/good without having him stick people to walls with goo.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    what do you know..Hiro got knocked out again
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a bit confused now though... and hopefully they clarify later. Are ALL Peter's powers gone now? Or did his dad just take those that he absorbed? Basically, does he still have his initial ability to absorb powers?
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I think his dad took all of them. If Peter still had his absorbing ability, he would have still been able to use the electric shock thingy by just absorbing from his dad.

    Remember that everytime Peter comes in contact with Sylar, he receives an update on whatever powers Sylar stole.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    does he? we've never seen peter using the super hearing ability that sylar has, we've never seen him freeze things like sylar has, we've never seen him do a few of sylars nifty tricks.

    peter can absorb peoples powers, sylar can't. he isn't using peoples powers through genetics, he's using them through understanding how they work. there's a huge difference.

    on the flip side of this, i'm of mixed feelings. part of me feels that mr. pitrelli is a very cheap bad guy "lol touch me and it's over nub". but at the same time it'll be interesting to see how peter does get his powers back.

    another thing i found with this episode, was that it wasn't just "all filler no killer". it actually did a pretty good job of villainating some of the good guys without making it obvious. as well as making it seem like the so called "bad guys" might not be so bad after all.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    hoping peter stays powered down. with suresh having powers, it needs another character with out powers, and god knows mr plot device needed neutering
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty sure he does, plus that's what the heroes blog says. Even though Peter absorbs the power, he has to be aware of it first in order to recall it for later use. From what I remember Sylar never used super hearing or freezing action in front of Peter, therefore Peter doesn't know he even has them.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    so then maybe his dad's powers work the same way, he only knew that peter could use the flashy thing and thats all he might have taken.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    See, one thing I'm wondering is, was he weakened by having his powers taken? So, maybe he couldn't re-absorb them at that moment (or was, but not to a usable level). I seem to recall that his powers weren't instantly available several times in the past.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    the shock of having someone rip his powers out of him probably knocked him down
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Papa Petrelli's powers seem to work different than Peter's - he doesn't just copy them, he literally transfers them from the other person into himself. That's why Adam died the way he did. Dad took the healing power from Adam and Adam's 400+ year old body turned to dust. Not that his death makes a lot of sense, I'd think he'd just start aging from that point rather than go all Last Crusade...

    Anyway, Peter's not only lost his accumulated powers, but he's lost his original absorbing power as well, and his dad has everything.
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