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Heroes Thread



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The thing I love is how those two somehow have the money to take a flight... one of those things you overlook on TV though ;)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    so what exactly would holding claire's hand do that holding the plane wasn't doing? Is claire a permenant ground? wtf
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    so what exactly would holding claire's hand do that holding the plane wasn't doing? Is claire a permenant ground? wtf

    Well if you want to go into it deep you can probably say that she doesn't have control on the electricity enough to stop it from happening, but she can obviously channel it still. Also shown when she tried to take down Claire at the house.

    So instead of just having it run rampant through her hands and into the plane she channeled it into Claires hand.

    The bigger issue that I had is why would they take a plane with an unstable electric chick in the first place. Her unstability caused the release of who knows how many bad guys from level 5. A plane is probably the last place I would be on.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    so what exactly would holding claire's hand do that holding the plane wasn't doing? Is claire a permenant ground? wtf

    A plane can't hold someones hand. DUH!!
  • Mark Dygert
    In a nerd voice: Clair acted as a resistor and reduced the amount of electricity flowing into the plane or absorbed it. Energy goes into the plane bad things happen to the plane, energy goes into Clair, she heals.

    What the hell where they thinking taking her on a plane in the first place? As for money, HRG or electricity girl probably have stacks of cash squirreled away. Spies and secret agents always have go bags ready duh...

    But yea some big plot hurdles, some good laughs, not quite as entertaining as it once was, but still worth Hulu-ing to stay current.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    oh, so claire is non-conductive? i'm sure it's a side effect of haveing no emotions. I've heard depressed folk encounter the same thing, albeit on a smaller scale. you can stand on them, like tires, in a thunder storm.
  • Mark Dygert
    They can make up whatever BS they want, and I can't believe that you want to argue the science of a show like heros much less this little tid bit that unlike all the other things is almost grounded in something close to resembling reality. Why not nit pick about something else like how can someone fly, or how can someone turn invisible or open a vortex? But yea sure its pretty weak that one person could soak that up.

    Technically they probably would have had to use everyone on the plane and the plane would still get a huge jolt, and killing a few passengers along the way... Its also possible that Clair's emotional support could have also helped her channel and bleed the energy off in a less destructive way

    Non conductive? Probably not, unless she has some other power... But normal people can be used as resistors.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    well, by that logic you shouldn't question anything in the show because it's wacky-make believe land. that detracts from the fun of that universe.

    but you're right, stupid thing to nit-pick over.
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    I think that the new power stripped Peter will start killing those with powers and taking them like Sylar first started out. That's how he gets his abilities back. And that's why future clair hates him later on.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That could be... it depends on how they try to define that gift/power. I know it was suggested that Sylar's ability wasn't a power, but I believe it's why he can cut open people's heads (by pointing his finger), which would make it a power. If that's the case, then Peter doesn't have that power either.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Sylar's ability to cut open peoples head's is purely telekinetic, a power he stole from the first person he killed (brutally, smashed his head open)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, I couldn't remember that far back :)
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    too many plot twists and not enough super powered ass kicking I am done sitting through commercials to watch it, gonna wait for dvd and rent it(so I can fast forward thru the parkman and mohinder bits.), the show isn't good enough for me to drop what I am doing and watch it now.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    i love it, but the plot just fucks up my mind :P. sooo many changes and things happening.. it's just crazy.
    i'll still keep watching though :D.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Hrmmmm... hated to see the african guy go, he was cool, kinda shitty he can tell what Hiro was going to do him, but couldn't do anything about Papa Patrelli. Wasn't too impressed with the whole backstory episode though. Meh. Someone better harden the *&$( up on this show or I'm going to start turning the channel.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I think the backstory was fine. They've already said they've done a lot of bad things in the past, no need to dig it up further. They're not the focus of the show, afterall. They're the previous generation. This was more just to fill in the blanks of what happened to Arthur, as well as some brief history on the other's (Uncle Flint!). It was sad to see the african dude go, but it seems all precogs are short lived.

    After last weeks episode I was sad to see a major filler ep with nothing real exciting. I'm glad I know some of the things we found out, but after not having an ep last week, it was a little dissappointing.

    Either way, I think things are starting to shape up. Next week's ep will certainly be a lot more entertaining.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    being a precog, he could probably see it was gonna happen, much like isaac could see his own death coming.

    the problem with that, is that if you can't see anything past your own death, you know there's nothing more to do but accept that you're fucked.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ahhh wonder whats gonna happen to poor old Hiro.

    How did Mr. Petrelli even know he was there?

    Yeah the beheading of the precog was upsetting. I thought that dude was cool.

    So now this other dude that controls fire is related to Claire and is her uncle. WTF!!!

    Damn I wish episodes were 2 hours long.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    There's a few episodes back (maybe just last week's) were Caire's boring biological Mother says something about her Brother. Honestly I'm thinking that she and Flint (dudes name?) are twins. Cause it doesn't seem like most Brother/Sister combos have the same power.

    This week was 75% lame. It was just filling in plots holes from the past seasons. I mean even when Elle and Sylar were fighting at the beginning of the season there's no hint that they dated. Why no foreshadowing there? I bet next time they share a scene together there's a hint of it though.

    They need to drop a lot of the dead weight in the show I think. There's too many characters.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    This episode was mixed for me. The Patrelli storyline was interesting, but the rest was sort of boring. I think the Sylar thing was trying to create a previous relationship with him and Elle.

    The Flint character bothered me because he was made out to be damn near retarded. He Seemed strong and in control in the current time, but in the past he seems barely capable of dressing himself. I did like the tie-in with Claire though (where she runs into the fire).

    Papa Patrelli having time travel abilities is scary shit.

    It's funny seeing people wishing the African guy was gone, while we complain that more people should be killed off ;) Although I would have been cool with him staying and someone else going (like Claires mom... either one).

    I'm beginning to wonder how everyone will regain powers though if Arthur takes them all.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    God gave you a sister instead of a brain.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    chances are there'll be some kind of crazy spin that if arthur dies, the powers are released or something, but people who are already dead, can't be undeaded by it.

    arthur is really quite a sinister character, and i'm SO looking forward to sylar fucking him up. it's gonna happen. it's been fortold, and now arthur has precog power, he'll more than likely see it for himself.

    though, having time travel now, he's more than capable of changing everything EXCEPT, without sylars ability he still can't see the effects of what he does in the past.
  • e-freak
    Mh I think the episode was really one of the best in the season yet but why did hiro not escape? he managed to handle all thie ando stuff in the bar and wasn't even able to teleport away when he knew something would go wrong? (Was anyone watching Chuck btw? no thread so far but it's an amazing series as well, airing just before heroes and it takes the whole computer-games-nerd-fun to a humoristic level)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    wtf happened to Hiro?!

    sylar can absorb powers now?

    angela is awake because papa pitrelli has a heart?

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, that was a pretty screwy episode IMO. I liked it still, but it really felt like an attempt to correct the storyline that was getting fucked previously. Hiro acting like a 10yr old is going to get stale really fast (I think I'm already tired of it).
  • Mark Dygert
    Hiro acting like a 10yr old is going to get stale really fast (I think I'm already tired of it).
    Heh, as apposed to all the other times he runs around like a 10 yr old? "I DID IT!"

    It's treading water, I'll keep catching it when I can. This episode was a nice little bridge that hopefully goes somewhere. I'm wondering if Mohinder will turn back at some point, seems like he might be past the point of no return now? He has all the ear marks of a classic mad scientist, Daddy issues, power issues, screwed up love interest, unlimited resources with no moral check...

    I guess NASA is a fan of the show also, this is their Pick of the Day.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    ya i was a little miffed by last nights episode. No doubt this is the transitional couple of episodes where they are going to try and right a lot of the issues that apparently people got fired over.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the whole mohinder thing is acually kinda cool. it's good to see him struggling with his actions, and i think he did the right thing killing the guy. but how this will all affect him in future? i dunno.

    peter has bigger balls now he doesn't have powers... cool i guess?

    was kinda hoping to see "super puffed up man" get burned alive, but i guess that's also just wishful thinking?

    angela will no doubt find a way to get peter his powers back. but i do like that the episode essentially ended with "these are the good guys", and "these are the bad guys".

    we also know that tracy is just as big a manipulator as sylar, but i'm kinda wondering now... is sylar really as in control as he thinks? i'm sure he'll have the edge with papa when push comes to shove, but i don't think it'll be as easy as he's thinking. but it's been fortold, too, that papas head is gonna be opened up by a man who looks very much like sylar.

    clare = catalyst. saw it coming a mile off. i guess she needs SOME use.
  • Mark Dygert
    "was kinda hoping to see "super puffed up man" get burned alive, but i guess that's also just wishful thinking?"
    I keep waiting for that guy to get his but for some reason he hangs on. Seems like he has soo many flaws its actually becoming more work to keep him alive...
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    If Sylar has Peter's power sponge ability, where did he get his understand everything power? I'm guessing he got it from his adoptive dad since we haven't seen him, but he could be a fluke who has two powers naturally. Do miss Sylar being a bastard, but Arthur is a decent villain.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    bah.. heroes is turning sooo much into 4400 now that even the kid that played Sean in 4400 is on the show next week as the soldier that gets injected.. :D
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    that comic book shit is weird, it feel like im reading a Deadpool comic with the fourth fucking dimension shit. DELETE!
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Personally I like the show right now. The last 3 weeks have had an incredible buildup. The only thing I didn't like this week was the focus on the comics. I understand they want to tell more of the past and the beginnings of Claire and the foundation and the formula. But surely the comics aren't the way to do it.

    I liked the jungle scenes, the Haitian still remains one of my favourite characters. And I liked the Claire stuff and the Parkman stuff.

    The cliffhangers in the last couple of weeks have been great though. Definitely keeping me watching.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ffs... sylar getting killed was epic, i thought peter was gonna die too, lookin like sly and all.

    HRG has showed over the last 2 episodes just how fucking hardcore he really is. i mean, sure he's a human who can take down people with powers. but now he's all "IMA FUCKING KILL YOU NAO!!!".

    cold as ice.

    i loved the last 2 weeks, the show got SO much darker, and i hope it continues that way. while i want some characters killed off, i want it done right, in some kind of epic free for all.

    and i want sylar to be very firmly evil, or at least not being manipulated anymore.
  • bounchfx
    i'm enjoying it but I wish some of the characters would make up their fucking minds
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah HRG was a cold bastard last night. The box cutter scene. HELL YES GIMME MORE!!
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    i loved when hiro kept bouncing in and out grabbing people. Reminded me of the badassness of the begging of xmen 2 with night crawler. Mostly because it let me know that the writers realized how powerful he can be.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the fact that he was all "bad man" when he did it, was like, YAAAAAAAAAHR!!!

    seth green cameo = win.
  • bounchfx
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    i loved when hiro kept bouncing in and out grabbing people. Reminded me of the badassness of the begging of xmen 2 with night crawler. Mostly because it let me know that the writers realized how powerful he can be.

    yeah I was stoked when he came in and basically emptied the room, however..

    why the F did he bring sylar and lightningchick to the same location? I woulda put one in Antarctica and the other on mars. bah!
  • mLichy
    Ya, season 2 did seem really short, but that was because of the writers strike I'm pretty sure. I told my roommate it was alot shorter and he didn't think so, but I'm pretty sure it was.

    Mondays Episode was decent, kinda suprized me a little, but I also knew what was doing to happen for part of it.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Anyone catch the latest episode? I have to say that it was easily the most focused episode of the season and showed a glimpse of how awesome the show can be when things are firing on all cylinders.

    Hopefully they continue down this path with next weeks episode. Fingers Crossed!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    anyone else feel a captain america feel with the 1st test subject of the formula ? I mean its kinda almost identical the same way (super strength all american guy)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah Captain America for sure. lol Yeah this episode seemed really awesome. Unfortunatly my dvr cut the last 5 min off. Last thing I shot was syler finishing off mr. p.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Yup. First episode in a while that didn't make me cringe.

    Though how the fuck did Mr. P get back in time to steal the time travel powers? I'm pissed they incapacitated Hiro as soon as he got his mind back. I thought, yay he won't act like a cartoon character [quite so much] and then they have him clinging to a pole off an edge.

    Still, over all a good episode. They seem to have taken away all the shit people weren't liking and reset all the characters back to how they should be. I approve.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    seforin wrote: »
    anyone else feel a captain america feel with the 1st test subject of the formula ? I mean its kinda almost identical the same way (super strength all american guy)

    Hehe yeah I picked up on that as well.

    It’s also good to have the old Sylar back as well. Now they just need to start killing off annoying characters like Mohinder and keeping them dead! Speaking of the dead, I seriously don’t think Arthur is finished. I mean he does have the power to regenerate and the Haitians hold on him clearly wore off which is why Sylar was able to hold the bullet in place.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Mr P, got time travel from Peter. Remember, when he killed the african guy, he time/space jumped then too.

    Looks like it's heading more and more down into "The 4400" territory. Even the marine that got the shot was a main character in the 4400. :D

    If they find out the shot is 50/50 death rate to superpowers.. :D I liked the new bad sylar, but FFS, why have him drag out to try to be good for so long, just to go back to bad in 3 seconds.

    Looks like they are taking away those powers that are just way to bad ass, like Peters and Hiro's, are just way to powerful.

    And, if you have the 'story boards' for the next issue of 9th wonders, why wouldn't you flip to the back. :D
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Dekard wrote: »
    Mr P, got time travel from Peter. Remember, when he killed the african guy, he time/space jumped then too.

    oh yeah!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Just wondering. What the hell is "The Light"?

    Did Claire lose her powers too?

    If so wouldn't that change the future and Peter/Sylar getting the healing power from her if she no longer has it. Blah blah blah. All the problems with time travel.

    My minds gonna blow up.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    The Light.. it's got electrolytes it's what plants crave.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Dekard wrote: »
    The Light.. it's got electrolytes it's what plants crave.

    And cures hangovers.

    Not sure, the whole 'the light' thing is a little "thrown in". It seems like whatever it is, it's seperate. And they decided Claire was the best candidate because she was already indestructible. Also that would be why Hiro's mother has it because she was a healer. So 'The Light' seems to have been passed down etc.

    What I don't get is how did Arthur Patrelli know to go back in time 16 years. Did he paint that? And does anyone realize how broken it is to paint a future event about the past?
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