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Heroes Thread



  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Peter needs to know he has the powers though, otherwise they become uncontrollable. (see amnesia incident)

    Throwing this one out there, perhaps Papa Patrelli manipulted his powers enough that Peter THINKS he doesn't have them any more.

    Analyzing how the power work for each of the heroes to me has gotten too ridiculous to bother with anymore. Every power has a plot device and a plot hole attached to it. At this point I'm inclined to just let the story play out and see how it all comes together.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I'm assuming Mohinder restores his powers somehow... or Mrs Patrelli knows how to restore them.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    Throwing this one out there, perhaps Papa Patrelli manipulted his powers enough that Peter THINKS he doesn't have them any more.

    I think that would work on the Peter example, but Adam wasn't just a trick - he really lost his power and that's what killed him.

    I also wonder how Papa Petrelli is doing the telepathy thing...
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »
    I'm assuming Mohinder restores his powers somehow... or Mrs Patrelli knows how to restore them.

    If we're lucky, the writers have realized that Peter's collection of powers just fucks everything up, and they'll give him some totally different and managable power. Maybe from the formula or whatever.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    so, right now, basically:

    we have papa pitrelli, who can absorb all powers around him in two different ways. he can either touch someone and drain the power from them (rogue from x-men?). and he can mimic their powers by watching them use it.

    the only person i could concieve of being badass enough, and have the ability, to take him down now, is sylar. who seems to be on a one way ticket to pussytown (and not the awesome pussytown we visit once or twice a week).

    dead characters which are proper dead:
    mayas brother
    crazy hanz/magneto
    mexican with a big mouth
    future peter

    characters which are either fake dead, or incapacitated:
    peter (no powers)
    angela (coma)
    sylar (now also drug induced coma)

    so ok, they really are shrinking the number of characters which are currently REALLY alive. which is good, there are far too many. and while i think tracy is hot like cake, she's also bloody boring. unless she starts pulling ice-man esque ice shields out of the air, and starts skating around on ice waves, i'm so over her.

    nathan, while a little drab, actually entertains me sometimes, and i feel like he does the "serious" part of the show quite well.

    the mini spat between sylar and peter was cool, moar plx.

    in fact, peter busting into papa pitrellis office full of balls was awesome, why did they end it there? at least four people should have been ripped apart in that scene alone.

    hiro is very.... weird. sometimes i find him amusing other times annoying. i love ando, and i can't wait for him to get his hadokens.

    i think it's also pretty obvious from the fact that so far the world is still on its current path to dewm, that peter does get his powers back at some point (otherwise future peter wouldn't have had them either).

    claire can go suck a fat one, it's far more entertaining to watch that than it is to watch her play the emo teen.

    wtb moar haitian action too.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    i think it's also pretty obvious from the fact that so far the world is still on its current path to dewm, that peter does get his powers back at some point (otherwise future peter wouldn't have had them either).

    Ah, but that can't be relied on. The series has already shown that in its continuity, the future is completely fluid. We've seen a different apocalyptic version of tomorrow in each season of this show. It's quite obvious by now that none of these futures is set in stone. Paradoxes already run rampant. The future Hiro Nakamura from the first season ceased to exist when they prevented the destruction of New York City. So how did he go back in time to warn everyone to "Save the Cheerleader"? And just last episode we saw multiple instance of Hiro existing in two places at once, in very close proximity to himself. All sorts of incongruities with cause and effect. This is definitely Bill and Ted Time Traveling, and not Asimov time traveling.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure we can definitely say Linderman is dead-dead. He's still in Nathan's head, and until we get an explanation for how that's happening, I'm not writing him off. Maybe he's just mostly dead, which is still slightly alive...

    Also, I figure the Haitian can beat everyone, provided he can get in close and he's packing a gun or something. We haven't really seen what the range is on his ability, though - might be he could get killed with some other power from a distance. I hope he (or anyone else) kills off Papa Petrelli - these power collector characters are just lame. There's not much suspense when you're a superhero Swiss army knife...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Well in theory, traveling back in time is still possible (via a time machine, but you can only travel back to the date the machine was turned on). With a super power like this, you still can't break physics. If you're time traveling backwards, you're on a different timeline. What you do in the "past" cannot effect YOUR future. Only the "you" on that specific timeline.

    Almighty - where did you get it that Arthur can mimic other people's powers? We know he can absorb them, but did I miss something else?

    Verm - that's already been explained though (about Linderman). Parkman's father was telling Arthur Petrelli that he was using Linderman visions on Nathan, to play him along.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    vassago wrote:
    Almighty - where did you get it that Arthur can mimic other people's powers? We know he can absorb them, but did I miss something else?

    he has peters power.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago wrote: »
    Verm - that's already been explained though (about Linderman). Parkman's father was telling Arthur Petrelli that he was using Linderman visions on Nathan, to play him along.

    Oooooh, crap. I must have missed that bit. Thanks.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    he has peters power.

    Teh? How is that mimicking? He absorbed Peter's powers, he didn't mimic them. Maybe that's how you meant it, but saying "mimic" to me, implies something like Mica's cousin, who does the muscle mimic thing.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    can anyone explain to me how Hiro kept putting Adam in the coffin yet had a linear dialogue with him?

    That episode just bent my brain muscle too hard.

    Plus Sylars missing super hearing... we all remember, what about the writers?!

    Also I noticed a continuity error... linderman and nemesis are talking outside and she throws the folder of papers through him. Yet when their conversation is done, she is holding that very same folder.

    In general, Heroes is interesting, but it lacks the finesse it once had. Plus now it really is getting hard to see any resemblance of plot :/

    Remember Sylar also has Illusion creation too
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Hiro was freezing time and putting Adam in the box, so to Adam no time had passed and the conversation was continuing as normal.

    Sylar DID hear the conversation between Noah and the portal dude - that's why Sylar mentioned it in the car, afterwards. For whatever stupid reason, the writers wrote that scene as if he didn't. Perhaps some part Sylar was trying to play against Noah.

    Did Daphney actually throw the papers through Linderman? I thought she was holding them and just swiped the air while holding them.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    so, right now, basically:

    Don't forget Future Hiro potentially dies.
    Also the guy who can turn things to gold is dead. And what happened to his daughter? (lightning chick)
    The portal dude also dies

    Plus Jesse was implied to have been killed by Sylar.

    Hawkin, since the worlds created by Parkmans Father are "physically" real to the person it could be taken with a grain of salt that because she believed the file was real it was real to her. Even when she threw it in the garbage and picked it out again. It's a stretch, but can at least explain that. We also know she's been back and forth to the headquarters, so she could have picked up the "real real" copy from there.

    edit: Why do I feel like I'm playing pokemon with the Heroes character abilities. Gotta Find em All!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah where is the lightening chick, micas cousin, whos looking after molly etc etc

    that does explain the Adam thing, thanks Vassago. Will have to watch again about the folder, I swear she throws it.

    Hmm, Sylar looked like he couldn't hear them. It was badly thought out.

    Saeden311, the NBC website lists the portal dude as "missing" ;)
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago wrote: »
    Teh? How is that mimicking? He absorbed Peter's powers, he didn't mimic them. Maybe that's how you meant it, but saying "mimic" to me, implies something like Mica's cousin, who does the muscle mimic thing.

    I think what he meant was now that Arthur has absorbed all of Peter's power, he now has the ability to absorb other powers without touching, just like Peter.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    ooooooooooooooooo I see. Yes, that would be correct :)
    Entity wrote: »
    I think what he meant was now that Arthur has absorbed all of Peter's power, he now has the ability to absorb other powers without touching, just like Peter.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    thanks entity =]
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Niki's hubby(or BF, can't remember) also died... just to add to the list ;)

    I'm also wondering, are the people stuck to Suresh's wall dead? Or just in a paralyzed state (like many insects can do)?
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    notman wrote: »
    I'm also wondering, are the people stuck to Suresh's wall dead? Or just in a paralyzed state (like many insects can do)?

    They are in some sort of state I think. When the mexican chick saw them the guy seemed to be alive as she was trying to remove the goo. And the mexican chick seemed to move her head when she was stuck to the wall. But obviously they are in some sort of coma or something because she can't use her power.
  • Mark Dygert
    Sooo... if Adam's power was ever blocked (by say... the Haitian) the same thing would have happened?

    OR did something else happen like papa P used one power to age Adam while he stole his power at the same time?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    maybe there are like... passive abilities, like healing. which don't really require you to "activate" them. adam and claire seem to both just... heal, without thinking about it.

    while other external abilities require you to actually make them happen. maybe the haitian can't nullify passive ones?
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Sooo... if Adam's power was ever blocked (by say... the Haitian) the same thing would have happened?

    OR did something else happen like papa P used one power to age Adam while he stole his power at the same time?

    Did Adam ever have a run in with the Haitian? I guess he could have seeing as the Haitian was with the man with horn rimmed glasses.

    BTW. I'm sad Adam died he was awesome!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    This is getting pretty damn sweet, perhaps Sylar, Dafne and Hiro team up to take on daddy patrelli? And what is with some characters coming and going? Where's the haitian, lightning girl, etc. Seems like some of the cast left the show but the stories of their characters live on in short comics on the heroes website.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    ebagg wrote: »
    Seems like some of the cast left the show but the stories of their characters live on in short comics on the heroes website.

    ??? Aside from those that died, who left the show ???
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Characters that seem to have disappeared into writers-have-forgotten/can't-write-them-in land:

    Mica, Nikki's boy. Controls computers and such. Last seen being sad yet mature about his mom's death and helpin new Nikki (Tracy) deal with her new-found powers.

    Copy-cat gal. Mica's cousin. Last seen... at the end of last season? Have we seen her at all this season?

    Elle. Lighting-girl with a daddy complex. Last seen... Being bitched out my mama Petrelli for unleashing her powers and letting all of level 5 out, but catching Sylar. (I don't THINK we've seen her since...?)

    The Haitin-Seen not too long ago. Needs to be everywhere at once. Like always in level 5. And always with certain people. But I don't think we've been shown where he is lately. With Noah, maybe?

    Any young male that has come in contact with Claire. Like cute yet geeky outsider boy, and fly-boy (no relation to Nathan... hopefully) Seriously, what a fickle girl. Didn't you spend all last season doing everything you could to be with that boy? And now...?

    That Irish girl Peter got to know -very well- last season. Last seen lost in the future. But I suppose Peter's got his own issues to deal with, doesn't want to worry about needy girl lost in the future. To busy becoming evil.

    Other. I'm sure there's more. People are dissappearing left, right and center. And I don't just mean cause of people like vortex-guy. If I've forgotten anyone else (like the writers have) please add to the list. :)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    thats very true, did peter just leave her there?

    I get the impression we (the general public) would rather see less new characters taking up screen time. The pupet master guy was a bit of a lame filler IMO.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, I really disliked the puppet master guy. So he uses it to convince women to love him... why not just force them to bed you? Dumb.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    nice article about dwindling viewers for Heroes and solutions: (some upcoming spoilers)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Good article, but I'm annoyed by the producers concept that Lost and The Sopranos did better because of shorter seasons. I think that's crap. It's the screwed up storylines and people trying to change the formula that drew viewers to the show in the first place. So, now we're going to have to deal with shorter seasons, and if they do better next season (because of a fixed storyline), then they will claim it was the shorter seasons, and thus continue to leave them short :/
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    hawken wrote: »
    thats very true, did peter just leave her there?

    As far as I know he did just remove her from existing completely. That for me was the biggest plot hole in season 2

    He spent the whole season 2 saying he must save irish girl and fix the aweful future...then right at the end when he stops the virus from being released and he stops that future from ever coming into existence which means she is stuck there in some alternate universe forever or some crap like that and peter seems completely oblivious, it was a really silly ending to that part of the story in my opinion.

    Im taking a guess that the story in season 3 is starting to seperate clearly into heroes and villians and some of the most powerful characters(peter,claire,sylar,parkman) will be stuck inbetween being a hero/villian and will be the focus of the story from now on.

    what the hec is suresh putting people into that discusting nest for? I mean he doesnt seem to do anything with them, just stick them to the wall lol.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    why was Daphne so surprised that Parkman knew her name? she was well aware that he READS MINDS.

    I guess since he didn't go into the hilarious 'mind reading one eye towards the camera eyebrow raised' face, she knew he hadn't scanned her?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    reading too much into it.. :D
  • Mark Dygert
    Daphne: "How did you know my name?"
    Parkman:(Mentally projecting his voice into her head) "a-duh... I read minds, did you even read the file?"

    Really, can't wait for lost to start back up.
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Another good episode. It's getting really interesting with the dark element coming into it now. Very cool.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Why doesnt someone shoot the super strong guy in the face.....yeah your crazy strong.....

    CUrious as to what Sylar is up to.....Have a feeling Niki is Some kind of plant by pappa P
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    It's Tracy Strauss, not Nikki! ;)

    And yes, I hate Knox. Puffing up, going bulgy eyed and breathing in heavily is supposed to intimidate me? Come on. HRG is a normal guy and could easily kill Knox. He's a weak sidekick at best. Kill him off already!
    I thought Jesse's character was far more interesting (sonic manipulation). Flint also bothers me a little, but not quite as much as Knox.

    As for Sylar, he's obviously trying to play his pop pop. He slowed Peter from falling to his death, and gave a very revealing glance when his father mentioned Petrelli's are big on revenge. Whether or not it's going to work, I don't know. Arthur is quite strong now.

    I'm wondering if Arthur can truly take people's powers though, or if he just supresses them a great deal. When Mohinder asked that if he takes their entire power, there was a 1-2 second delay before Arthur hesitantly said "Yes....I take everything".
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    What ever happened to the invisible guy (Claude) that was helping Peter, (Doctor Who First Season, Christopher Eccleston) I can't recall did he die too, or just not want to be found....

    I'm finding the lack of forethought and judgment just to move the plot along and get people in the same place is getting kind of stupid though, but I guess we are talking people with super powers but I'll let it slide.

    NM. Claude is probably dead too forgot HRG shot him on the bridge.
  • Mark Dygert
    Vassago wrote: »
    When Mohinder asked that if he takes their entire power, there was a 1-2 second delay before Arthur hesitantly said "Yes....I take everything".
    I took the pause to mean, "how do I break this to you gently, your damaged goods and I don't want to infect myself with whatever the hell it is you've got going on..."
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I like this episode... I only hate that we have to wait two weeks for the next one.

    Nice to have it confirmed that Sylar is a Patrelli. I wasn't sure if Angela was just playing on his mommy needs to get control of him.

    I agree, Knox should go. What a lame character. .... ooooOO, I can feel your fear! BS you can. Why would I be afraid of your weak ass? And does he only know how to gut punch people? It was nice to see something slightly different when he closelined speedy chick.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Vig wrote: »
    I took the pause to mean, "how do I break this to you gently, your damaged goods and I don't want to infect myself with whatever the hell it is you've got going on..."

    I took it something like that too. It's obvious Arthur is taking powers for a purpose rather than just taking them because he can. Otherwise he would just kill everyone.

    But looking at it from our real world at a tv show, Peter has to get his powers back somehow. We haven't seen any indication as to the future being changed (yet) so Peter would get his powers back somehow.

    I liked this episode, it felt like filler. But it started to feel like we're going somewhere.

    Some small spoilers for next week. It's a flashback episode involving Sylar. But the preview at the end of Monday's show showed a scene with Linderman and Nathan. I'm curious how Linderman is back in the picture with Parkmans Father dead. Arthur killed him outright, and didn't steal his power. Also, what would Lindermans purpose be if not to manipulate Nathan. It'll be interesting to see who is using the mind control stuff (maybe its the mother) to bring Linderman back on the show.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    i think the whole episode will be flashback, although I don't like the flashback stuff. From that other article they are changing sylar's past possibly, we know him from working in the clock shop.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Remember... he has Peter's powers now. He could have absorbed them from Parker's dad, just like Peter would have. That being said, I'm still thinking there's some twist where Linderman is attached to Nathan's subconscience.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Oh and the whole Parkman's dad dead thing..
    Because of Maury Parkman's ability, viewers have to doubt everything on this show. Is Maury really dead, or was that a manipulation to make Daphne more cooperative? For that matter, did Adam Monroe really die, or was that simply for Knox's benefit so he would feel more indebted to Pinehearst? The fact that these questions exist might be fun to think about if they were the only mysteries on the show, but there are many more.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i think if adam were still alive, we'd know it already. he doesn't seem the type to stay quiet while he's able to make noise.

    sylar is almost certainly playing his dad. either that or he changes his mind more than his underwear. it's also concieveable that since the way he uses other peoples powers, means that they can't be taken from him by papa pitrelli.

    remember, sylar can use other powers because he knows HOW to use them, not because they are genetically encoded into him like everyone else. removing his initial power of learning how things work, won't make him forget how things work. so he'd still have them.

    as of this point in the series, sylar is the most powerful hero/villain.

    also, if you look at the paintings on the african dudes hut. you'll see sylar opening up his dads head ;)

    PS. Hiro passed out AGAIN? wtf?! he spends more time unconcious than frodo!
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty sure that sylar is using his time with his dad to learn how to use his ability to take his dads ability from him.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Recently watched episode 1 and 2 from season3... couldn't get past the first half or number 3. That season kindof stinks, right? I don't feel entertained by the bitchy characters at all. Like, everytime the father of the electric girl showed up in season2 it was driving me nuts because of the bad acting and poor lines. And now the Petrelli mom is doing the same thing. Bah!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    the last episode was actually quite good, rolling things along.

    taking a plane though... makes me wonder everyones location. Maybe someone (who has far too much time on their hands) should go through the series and plot everyone on a map, like in season 1.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I think they took a plane because Pinehearst is in Pennsylvania (?), and Claire/Elle were in Costa Verde (CA) at the time.
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