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Team Fortress 2 update



  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Anyone play demoman a lot?
    Personally i think it's one of the more entertaining classes to play, cause of sticky jumps

    Yeh this is my favourite class, he can beat just about anything and defending hallways, to important locations for the enemy is so much fun. sticky on your side of a door and let them come in for a surprise. the stickies with a combination of the main weapon makes him the most dynamic character to play, him and the spy. :)

    Im not sure I want to endure the hell of when he gets a update and everyone will lob grenades everywhere and sticky it... but im eager to know what he is getting! :)
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    (BTW, BioWare beat Terminal Reality in the finals, it was an awesome match, for anyone that didn't know).

    we should have kept playin in ot under normal rules. but multiple overtimes was fun. now I don't have to worry about playing all the time and get back to having a life. back to beer and girls. :)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    stimpack wrote: »
    Whats up with the rumble servers? they are empty everytime i check them out. have we all moved on to greener servers?

    Really? I 99% of the time I have to kick a non-regular just to get a spot.

    There are peak hours, that's for sure. Generally 6PM onward is a good time to play.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    hrm, perhapse im trying to join a wrong server? it says rumbel west, but when i join it doesnt say welcome to rumble server ect ect like it use to. did we move ip's? I noticed one of the servers has a lock on it.
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