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iPhone development

polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
Hello gents

Well, looks like we have a new handheld gaming device to exploit. (anyone can release games/applications through their new developer network starting July 11th)

I was wondering if theres anyone on here considering developing for it? The processor is running at twice the clockspeed of the Sony PSP... interesting!

Anyone know the max triangles it can push? Super monkeyball appeared to be push close to or beyond the DS limit.

Would be neat to work on some kind of model viewer as a free app.

Images like this seem somehow compelling:


(yes dino safari!)


  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I'm thinking about it. probably more ipod touch than iphone though. Data plans plus a special version of itunes for canadians is not appealing.

    I'm mostly considering this cause I am going back to get my degree and the focus will be on wireless and mobile apps and frankly I hate the idea of java on a mobile.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I wouldn't have the smarts (programming etc) or means to develop on the iphone, but I would love (someday) to work with a company that does.

    I've said it before but I honestly see mobile gaming being the next big step in the evolution of gaming, and after seeing what the iphone can do, I'm defiantly excited!
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I must be very old, but i rather prefer to play at home with a projector as screen and a dolby surround 7.1 THX system.

    With those little gadgets, you will break your eyes someday :P
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    I must be very old, but i rather prefer to play at home with a projector as screen and a dolby surround 7.1 THX system.

    With those little gadgets, you will break your eyes someday :P

    I'm right with you on that. I dunno why, mobile gaming's just not my thing.

    Though I really don't know how viable a platform the Iphone is... too limited. You restrict yourself first to people who are with providers IPhone is on, then to people on that provider who buy the IPhone, then to people that have the IPhone and actually game. Unless I'm totally mistaken, which is fully possible. Just seems like it'd be tough for it to get a large enough install base?

    Though from the sounds of it some cool stuff could be made on it, so if people are going to try all the power to em.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Put a half eaten apple on anything, and it'll sell :P

    I think whats really gonna drive more gamers to the Iphone (and the likes) is bigger companies making actual games, and not crummy half hearted ports. Like for example, ID Software is making some cool games on cell phones, but also some lesser known companies are starting to make a splash as well.

    So I guess only time will tell... lucky me though, I HAVE A TIME MACHINE!!!!!

    ... nah i don't :(
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Just seems like it'd be tough for it to get a large enough install base?

    handheld gaming opinions aside, they have so far sold over 10 million units.

    Another thing is the app store icon is right there on the front of the device. It's like buying a PSP and having steam appear when you turn the thing on. Obviously very lucrative to games developers.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, hadn't realized they'd sold that many already. That does make it a bit more appealing to develope for.
  • Michael Knubben
    That bottom screenshot looks pretty suspicious though, Hawken. Very blurry, as if they just took a 1600x1200 screenshot and downsized it.

    And the price combined with the subscription make the iPhone pretty uninteresting for gamers, I think. The Ipod touch on the other hand...
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    $300 for a handheld seems like quite a bit to me. Plus even though the cpu is faster it doesn't have any sort of gpu does it? The games would also have to be almost entirly controlled by the touch screen due to lack of buttons.

    Can't say I'm sold on the concept atp.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Uh.. $300 for gaming system, cell phone, internet browser, mp3 player, gps system, toaster oven....
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Sounds like the same argument Sony made with the ps3: "Its worth the $ because you get soooo much more with it then just games, it's an entertainment experience!".
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I've played my friend's NES emulator on his iPhone, and the controls were odd at first but it was pretty neat. I think there are lots of possibilities. They have already developed tons of games for Windows Mobile (there is even an MMO), and now the iPhone is getting popular.

    Also, I believe it has two processors. One that is around 400 mhz for general purpose and one that is 60-120 mhz for graphics. Seems like a fairly powerful platform. I play some really good looking 3D games on my 450mhz Sprint Mogul.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Sounds like the same argument Sony made with the ps3: "Its worth the $ because you get soooo much more with it then just games, it's an entertainment experience!".

    I don't work for Apple, so thats not the case here. I'm simply saying you're paying $300 for a great phone with awesome perks, one of which is a powerful mobile game console.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Most people would pay the money just for the phone alone. The fact that it could be a viable gaming platform just makes it even better.

    And I'm by no means an Apple fanboy. In fact, I think they are usually stupid. The iPhone is just a kick ass phone.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I just went to download the SDK for the iPhone.

    It's fucking Mac only.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    sonic wrote: »
    I just went to download the SDK for the iPhone.

    It's fucking Mac only.

    NO WAY!!! O_O How could they?!
    hawken wrote: »
    (yes dino safari!)

    It's Off-Road Velociraptor Safari, noob. A game that, afaik, is developed using Mac software. And is awesome.
    adamBrome wrote: »
    I'm simply saying you're paying $300 for a great phone with awesome perks, one of which is a powerful mobile game console.

    Wow...that's simply the same price of an average game console that's made for playing games, plus a phone that's made for making and receiving calls on a network that doesn't try to rape you in dark alleys. It's practically a steal.

    Somewhere in this post is my opinion. I'll stick with DS dev.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    From a development perspective, the iPhone is the best deal going. Nowhere else are you going to find a completely open market (not XBLA, PSN, certainly not other phones), one central store (PC is too fragmented, and piracy is a concern), a high install base, a single hardware target, and a fine machine with a unique interface.

    You can come up with whatever game you want, put it out in the market and get 70% of the revenue (again, the best deal going, better than XBLA, PSN, or any of the big PC portals).

    As for development, all you need is a mac mini and an iPod touch, which is comparable in price to what you need for any other platform you might wish to develop on.

    I hope the iPhone takes off like a rocket as a gaming platform and convinces Apple to do the same for the PC and Mac market, or at least puts enough pressure on Valve to accelerate things a bit more with Steam.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Think DS with crazy texture resolution. The thing can hold something like 6x512^2 at least. Tri limit for reasonable framerate seems to be around 3K. There are not really solid numbers yet though, since nobody (that I know of) really has an optimized engine running. Blending seems very slow, but you get "free" .png alpha.

    Anyway, the iPhone is going to be the next big gaming platform, and it will probably all be fairly casual fare. A lot of people already have an iPhone, so as a gaming machine it is "free" compared to a DS or PSP both in terms of money and in the space to lug it around.

    It is fun to make assets for. Low poly counts combined with big texture resolution means you can do simple models without having to kill yourself optimizing stuff.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    I was already convinced I was going to buy an iphone even without the games. Bonus.
    It'll be interesting to see how this will affect game development for macs too, since from what I've heard of the development environment it's pretty cool and makes it easy to port your shit.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I didn't realise the SDK was only for mac. Still, I guess that makes sense as the iPhone OS is a stripped down version of OSX 10.5 anyway.

    Most phones cost you more than $300, you just don't notice it because you are swallowing the cost via monthly payments.

    I paid $600 over two years for my hunk or crap that doesn't even do mp3s
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Another thing is the app store icon is right there on the front of the device. It's like buying a PSP and having steam appear when you turn the thing on. Obviously very lucrative to games developers.[/QUOTE]

    That's why Neil Young went into it...
  • Michael Knubben
    hawken wrote: »
    Most phones cost you more than $300, you just don't notice it because you are swallowing the cost via monthly payments.

    Err, isn't that excactly what you're doing with the iPhone? It become a lot cheaper, granted, but you're stuck with a contract with at&t or whatever for x amount of time.
    I can see this being a good deal for someone who really needs a mobile phone for work or whatever, but as far as phones themselves go, you're paying about 30 times more than the barebones model, and for that price I'd expect it to be free from contracts. Well, not 'expect' exactly, I'd just hope for it. Then again, I haven't used my mobile in about three months, so I might not be the target audience.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    My phone costed me 0€ some years ago, a nice and small nokia N70. You stay a year with a company, and then you can change or ask a new phone. Always new phone at the cost of zero.

    To waste 300 dollars in a movile phone is the worse thing we could do. All years they ship new products, so is a nonsense to buy the latest gadget when in a year will be obsolete. With computer is the same, you waste a great amount, and in a few months your pc is a crap.

    Anyone remember N-Gage? heh :D it's only for freaks.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Just because something will be outdated in a year doesn't mean you shouldn't pay for it. If I want something now, I will pay for it. If I don't want it that bad, I'll wait until it's cheaper. It's silly to say that it's never worth buying current generation stuff. When I see an amazing new game, I pay $60 to buy it when it comes out instead of forcing myself to wait until it's $20.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    My phone costed me 0€ some years ago, a nice and small nokia N70. You stay a year with a company, and then you can change or ask a new phone. Always new phone at the cost of zero.

    And you really think the company took a loss behalf of you?
    There are no free meals, you are shelling out the cash no
    matter how its called on the bill.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    No, i must only stay with them only a year and some months. I could change my phone for a newer one right now hehe.

    It's a good deal, i win, they win.

    If i want an special new phone, the competitors have great offers to capt clients.

    the competence offers new mobiles at the cost of € 0 when changing operator. All have similar rates, so it's great for us. When I got the phone, on the market it cost more than 200 euros.

    If you pay as example 500 euros for a phone, you need anyway a contract with an operator, and there are many kind of contracts if you don't use cards. It's better to just pay a monthly fee of your election.

    The ultimate mobile phone, is for ultra freaks or ppl that can waste the money like water :poly145:. This is only my point of view, i rather prefer to buy other things more important than a phone...

    do you really think that those ultra expensive gadgets worth a lot of money? :poly103: look at me, one year on the market, and free, it's fantastic!
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    No, i must only stay with them only a year and some months. I could change my phone for a newer one right now hehe.

    It's a good deal, i win, they win.

    If i want an special new phone, the competitors have great offers to capt clients.

    the competence offers new mobiles at the cost of € 0 when changing operator. All have similar rates, so it's great for us. When I got the phone, on the market it cost more than 200 euros.

    If you pay as example 500 euros for a phone, you need anyway a contract with an operator, and there are many kind of contracts if you don't use cards. It's better to just pay a monthly fee of your election.

    The ultimate mobile phone, is for ultra freaks or ppl that can waste the money like water :poly145:. This is only my point of view, i rather prefer to buy other things more important than a phone...

    do you really think that those ultra expensive gadgets worth a lot of money? :poly103: look at me, one year on the market, and free, it's fantastic!

    So what are you paying per month?
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    You should also remember that these games work on the iPod Touch too, giving an even larger install base.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    The ultimate mobile phone, is for ultra freaks or ppl that can waste the money like water :poly145:. This is only my point of view, i rather prefer to buy other things more important than a phone...

    do you really think that those ultra expensive gadgets worth a lot of money? :poly103: look at me, one year on the market, and free, it's fantastic!

    So says the guy who can't afford an iPhone.

    I have a PPC-6800 (Mogul) that has GPS, Wifi, Windows Mobile 6, a kick ass touch screen, 4gb memory, 2mp camera, a slideout keyboard, etc that I got for FREE and I would still pay for an iPhone. What would you rather spend your money on if you have extra? I'm sure the "freaks" who like nice things would love to hear.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    do you really think that those ultra expensive gadgets worth a lot of money? :poly103:

    This is Polycount. I'd guess that nearly everyone here has spent the equivalent of several thousand of dollars on devices that do nothing but play games. If we didn't think these ultra expensive gadgets were worth the money, we wouldn't be here, right?
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    If i had an extra money :D, i'd rather save it for other more important things like i said. These gadgets lose value in months, and is something all of us know.

    I'm paying 12 euro/month.

    In a short time, i'm sure operators will give "free" iphones :), and surely there will be better devices on the market.

    For games, like a gamer i am, i rather prefer to play in a 40'' or bigger Full HD screen with 7.1 dolby surround THX sound. To play with those small devices is to "break" your eyes. I repeat myself heh.

    If you "love" so much Iphone, don't get me wrong if i have a different point of view. Each one have their own points of views. Sounds like some of you were like offended by me.

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Blaizer wrote: »

    In a short time, i'm sure operators will give "free" iphones :), and surely there will be better devices on the market.

    doubt it
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    its funny how people see a thread . example "new paper towels" and then their brain makes the choice that this would be a good place to make 15 posts on how cloth towels are much better than paper towels"

    I got 2 iphones last christmas, one for me and one for my girlfriend. its been a love hate relationship. i love the phone. hate having to use at&t.

    i'm interested in the game aspect of it, but not sure if i will be using it. much.
  • Michael Knubben
    Rhino: that's basically what made me lose interest in it, the fact you're tied to a provider. If apple would lower the price (or up the memory-capacity) of their ipod touch, that'd be me sorted, although I do need a new phone.
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    Some of the 2D developers at work have made a small game for the App Store launch which I guess is happening this Friday... I think it will be called 'Spinner Prologue' and it's free. Don't really know much more thna that about it.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    If you "love" so much Iphone, don't get me wrong if i have a different point of view. Each one have their own points of views. Sounds like some of you were like offended by me.


    Yeah I hate to say it but people do tend to get offended when you call them freaks because they don't share your ideas.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I had an mp3 player in the pre-ipod days and it totally sucked. I think it had 64mb flash memory, no display, and a slow serial interface. So I don't think it's fair to compare the iphone to ngage, Apple takes existing products and makes better ones.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i just bought one now im poor but happy, mmmm where are you my precious....

    anyone whos has one know any good apps for it?
    colours for i-touch would be nice =)
  • EarthQuake
    Whats the problem with at&t? I had singular and they merged into at&t, and i havent had any problems with them.... Thinking of maybe getting an iphone, but i really really dont use my phone enough to justify it =P
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    By the way, for anyone interested, there is this thing with Sprint called the Sero plan. They just got rid of it, but it is 500 minutes, unlimited data, unlimited texting, etc etc for only $30 a month. It is an amazing deal, but only for new subscribers.

    So I called them the other day and I was like, "The new iPhone comes out soon and I'm thinking about getting that, so what can you do for me." They gave me a plan with 950 minutes, unlimited data, unlimited texting, etc for $30. It seems Sprint is afraid of the iPhone ;)
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    The real benefit of iPhone development is not necessarily the iPhone itself. Let's not forget that the latest generation of the iPod is also compatible with iPhone programs. Anyone purchasing an iPod Touch from here on out will also have the ability to use applications developed for the iPhone. And as the technology advances, it is quite likely that the iPod Touch will slowly replace the current model of the iPod.

    Three or four more years from now, the potential audience for iPhone / iPod Touch developed software will likely be enormous.

    Potential customers isn't the danger in iPhone development. The danger is the competition. The service has only been active for a short time, but already it seems the iTunes store is stuffed with applications that you can buy. A lot of small teams and major companies seen quite keen on this. It will be very challenging to stand out from the crowd.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I am not interested in an iphone, not with all the locking and such rogers is doing up here. An ipod touch i'm interested in, but holding off until they have more than 32gb's. Plus I would ultimatly like to wait until the iphone/touch sdk was available for windows. I understand why it's limited to macs since the os is based on osx for the iphone/touch, but having an windows sdk available, even limited compared to the mac version would be nice and probably get more people developing quality games/apps
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i have sold my sole(!) to the apple in the sky, i loves it.
    seriously its a long time since ive owned some apple and it is very nice, sexy black oblong.
  • Ozymandias
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    Ozymandias polycounter lvl 18
    Shepeiro you lucky punk, I had to order mine because they were sold out, and now I am playing the waiting game...which is a crappy game.
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    I don't have an iphone yet, but I've been browsing through the itunes iphone apps store. I see alot of the apps are free, so I'm wondering if you develope an app and allow it to be free, how does the company (or people) who developed it make money?
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    I'd love to make a quick fun game for one of these platforms. Like my own twist on one of those games I played as a kid.

    Also: http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/1125.html
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I'm developing a game for the iPhone. Watch this space!
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty that you get to decide on the price if you develop the app. For a major company, it might actually be more profitable to distribute a simple application for free, as a promotion and for positive advertising. Or it could simply be a method to get consumers to use their on-line service, a gateway, if you will.

    Independent developers will probably be interested in charging for their software. Although if you are just cutting your teeth on iPhone development, making your first project free could actually be a good idea. (as a way to get your name out) Designing a simple, quick game and then releasing it for free would be a keen way of getting your name around, and possibly even advertising for your next project. (which you might then charge for)

    Good luck with your game, hawken. I'll be watching your progress on these boards.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    TWilson wrote: »
    I'd love to make a quick fun game for one of these platforms. Like my own twist on one of those games I played as a kid.

    Also: http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/1125.html

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