Maybe it would be a good idea to have a new subforum in which people can discuss their portfolio(websites). It seems Pimping & Previews has turned into a crit-my-portfolio forum lately

I think a subforum for it would have an extra value, people could also discuss web-design related issues there and ask for help with flash/html/scripts etc. The 'how to set up a quick portfolio' and similar threads could be moved there and I can already imagine a 'kickass portfolio reference' thread happening

Anyway, its just an idea!
there has been a large influx recently. i'm against the forum becoming convoluted but i think it would be appropriate to seperate portfolios.
I'd rather not see polycount split into any more subforums
Hopefully people just keep the courtesy of declaring 'portfolio' in their thread names for those not wanting to look at them if for some reason you don't
Astro a valid point, but I think most employers that know about PC know they just need to post into the job post section and await emails.
What's wrong with that?
i like portfolios actually
I don't frequent some of the other forums as often because they have too many subforums containing redundancies...
It's portfolio season. Schools are getting out.
there tends to be longer more detailed feedback on portfolios than on anything else ... i can see that thread quickly becoming obese and pretty confusing.
That said ... a lot of the feedback applies to lots of different portfolios anyway, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to have it all in one place. Cuts down on the repetition
I wouldn't be surprised if Brome had some kind of zany polycountfolio thing up his sleeve a la cgsociety. That would be neat.