Well earlier today my machine was working fine, I stopped and had to buy tires, curses, and then slept some, just woke up and the piec of crap machine won't start. It makes an attempt and then shuts down. Noooo. I'm wondering if the PSU is dying. I had to replace it before. I believe it's over 600 w. The only strange thing that has happened recently is that when I would boot up the pc the resolution of my monitor would be lower than I had set it too. It made me wonder if the graphics card was crapping out. Any thoughts would be great. I'm starting to feel cursed.

Every time I start to make progress something terrible happens.. WTF.

Car died, bought new car, needed to replace all the freaking tires, now the PC might be gone...
Let me know what you think thanks.
pc specs
2 gigs of ram
PSU 650 w ???
graphics card evga 512 agp
two hard drives
try stripping down to the essentials cpu, mobo, psu, ram. Unplug drives gfx cards whatever else and try to get it to post and into the bios and see if it stays stable.
if you dont have an extra vid card just pull it and see if it will stay running stable without it in there.
once you get it to stablize start plugging stuff in 1 at a time and restarting. Just trying to get to the bios and be stable. its also quicker to shut down from bios cause you can just turn it off.
if you strip it down to just board, psu and ram and it still shuts down pull the ram and listen for 3 beeps. post code indicating missing ram. usually means the board is still good.
all i can think of right now.
do everything ironhawk said though. tis the best way to troubleshoot it.
Otherwise, the more specific you can be on what it's doing the better we can attempt to figure out the cause.
all i did was take out every component, drives, ram, pci card. Lat thing I did was remove the PSU and plug back in. So a green light goes on but nothing happens when I press power. This moth is turning out great.
I recommend the following procedure:
1. Disconnect all peripherals, hard drives PCI cards, etc. Leave only PSU, RAM, CPU, fans, and video card installed.
2. Does it power on now? If not, try removing and re-connecting your RAM, video card, and PSU. If possible, move the RAM to a new slot. Blow on all connectors and slots.
3. If your stripped system is able to power-on, reconnect peripherals individually. Test occasionally, to make sure that you can still power on. This way you'll know if a certain peripheral is causing the problem.
4. If a specific peripheral seems to cause the problem, double-check to determine whether the fault might lie in the peripheral or the slot / connector on your motherboard.
Is this actually true? I had a broken powersupply once where it did attempt to boot, but quickly turned off. Mostly just a beep and a lightup, then nothing. Swapping out the powersupply fixed it.
My graphics card is an EVGA 7600 gt 512 8x agp I have two eide hard drives one is 80 gigs and the other is about 250. dvd/crrw combo and a dvd burner. I have a sound card and a usb 2 expansion slot. 3 gigs of ram running xp pro. So I'm wondering if an antec 500 w or 650 is enough. I'm hoping it just the psu.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have an Athena 550w PSU lying around, since I moved to a 750w. I have used it with a 7800gtx, 7900gtx, and 7950gx2/dual-core, etc. so it'll power anything you have. It was always a great PSU, but when I bought a 8800gtx, I was wanting to make sure I had enough juice for it so I bought a Thermaltake 750w Toughpower PSU.
I'll send it to you for free, as I don't use it, and would like to help out.
I live in the US too, so shipping won't be an issue.
The place I live in has some very cheap electic wiring. So I guess that might be killing my psu. My freaking land lord is so freaking cheap. For example i can't have the ac on in the computer room while my roomates have their ac on their room or the power goes out in part of the house.
Your deskop will draw power from the UPS battery, so you'll know that it's getting clean power.
You will need a "continuous" UPS for this purpose. A "standby" UPS won't really help.
Yeah i've had problems with poor wiring/power that would shut off a lot at shity places before. One of the best things you can do once you've sorted the issue is invest in a battery backup + surge protector. I had a lot of problems with the power going out and eventually it a took a pretty major toll on my system. You can get a battery backup for 40 or $50 at officemax or some place like that.