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Indy 4

Here we go. Saw it at a midnight screening, and might see it again today at a company screening. Though not necessarily because I thought it was great, more to clarify if I liked it or not.
I...don't know. I don't think I want to say too much until more folks see it :P

Whatch y'all think ?


  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Saw it last night. I can't tell you how glad I was to be able to walk out of the theater and not be disappointed. It wasn't perfect, but I thought it stands up with the original 3. It's what you'd expect from an Indy movie. Just a kickass, fun movie going experience. Harrison Ford is definitely still Indy after all these years. The rest of the cast wasn't quite as strong as in some of the other movies, but LeBeouf did a really good job I thought. Most importantly it had the same feel as the other movies. It didn't feel out of place at all in regards to the originals. Much more satisfying than when Lucas went back to the Star Wars universe. I didn't like the abundance of CG in parts, but I guess that was inevitable.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't like the abundance of CG in parts, but I guess that was inevitable.

    I was afraid that they were going to do more CGI and less on-set effects. Years later its probably way cheaper to do it on the computer :D
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    It was entertaining. Doesn't live up to the originals.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    Just got back from the company trip to see it. I enjoyed it, was a fun movie. The only scene that really made me roll my eyes was the kid swinging vine to vine... with the monkies... wtf.
  • Rob Galanakis
    The story sucked, hard. The very least a story can do is get out of the goddamn way and just set up good action in a good blockbuster. This story just sucked and drew too much attention. Directing was OK, writing was awful. Lucas = fail.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    It was awesome for an hour then the skull turns up and it turns into a terrible mess. What a lot of talent wasted. Seriously, some one should tell George NO every so often. It left nothing to the imagination and treated the audience like idiots. What a shame.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Guys, lucas didn't write it. Or direct it. He was the producer.
  • bounchfx
    saw it at midnight. Suprore, his name was listed as one of the writers in the credits, if I remember correctly.

    I liked it a lot except for the fucking swinging ape part and most of the ending.

    and from everyone I've talked to.. they seem to agree. Why the fuck were these parts in the movie?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I haven't seen the movie, and I've read a bit about this idea already, but its likely a bridge movie to transition Shia in to the lead role so that the franchise can be continued.
  • Cheez
    K just got back from the company screening....uh boy, yeah it was pretty bad, IMHO. Ending just destroys it. Couple of good action bits but....ugh, I need a hot bath.
    Grats, George, you've done it again.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    *spoiler alert*

    Was great except aliens. WTF?! Indy has always had super natural and religious themes, whats with the uber lame ass sci-fi bullshit that's overexplained and lacks all mystery. Right up to the part where they just go straight out with stupid ass aliens and a giant ship it was good. Seriously, I liked everything but the aliens. :(
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, that was total crap. There was an audible sigh of relief in the crowd when the credits rolled. Truly disappointing.
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    A really entertaining film, but yeah the whole E.T thing was just too obscure, the effects where amazing though.

    But then again I got tto see it for free on a studio outing!! So im bloody happy.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    It was about what I expected it to be. I didn't absolutely love it but I enjoyed watching it.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    it had its moments
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'm probably going to catch it tomorrow morning, matinee style.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    JDinges wrote: »
    Just got back from the company trip to see it. I enjoyed it, was a fun movie. The only scene that really made me roll my eyes was the kid swinging vine to vine... with the monkies... wtf.

    Yah, saw it last night. Left the theatre glad I'd seen it. Not the greatest indy film by far, but definitely worth watching.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    just got back from seeing it. thought it was great. only parts that weren't so great were the refridgerator scene and monkey scene.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Asherr wrote: »
    just got back from seeing it. thought it was great. only parts that weren't so great were the refridgerator scene and monkey scene.

    Dude, the fridge scene was hilarious.

    Oh yah, the rocket sled scene - some dude was explaining the historical importance of that setup to his girlfriend on the way out of the theater. :poly104:
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Dammit someone needs to put a leash on CG in the film industry. I liked Indiana Jones better without all that shit. And where was all the witty interplay between the characters and the humourous action set pieces. Did a 5 year old write this screenplay?
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    work paid for our tickets today to see it, think I'm the handful of people who liked it. I think a lot of people are too critical of action movies and whatnot. Whatever just happened to people just sitting back, and watching some action with story? Now everyone is uptight and expects each movie *sequels even more so* to have deep purpose and the meaning of life.

    Maybe they should call the next indy movie " Indiana Jones and the Meaning of life for all the butt hurt fans out there that can't enjoy a laugh and hate cg but work in an industry where they rely on the technology". I'm sure they could fit all that nicely onto a dvd cover.

    There were parts of the movie that weren't exciting, but how many movies today are 100% great and packed full great entertainment the entire time?
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18


    this alone makes me want to hunt down and torture lucas. Sounds like absolute unbelieveable crap from reading that review. fuck rotten tomatoes and their rating.

    I refuse to watch this movie after hearing what adam said about the ending and gizmodo's review. I won't even watch a cam or screener of it.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    adamBrome wrote: »
    I haven't seen the movie, and I've read a bit about this idea already, but its likely a bridge movie to transition Shia in to the lead role so that the franchise can be continued.

  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I liked it, though I didn't think it was anywhere near as good as the other Indy films—even Temple of Doom (I mean, hey, they tear a guy's still-beating heart out of his chest!). I'd say it was somewhere around Mummy quality.

    I think I would've liked it a bit better if it was just Random Summer Action Movie and I wasn't going in expecting Indiana Jones.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Why do you guys think that the annoying kid will take the role next? I thought the
    hat scene after the wedding was nicely put together, since the kid wants to grab the hat but daddy steals it back with a 'Sure you're my son but still a jerk' kind of smile!

    For some reason I loved the fridge scene, the whole
    nuclear test ground town
    was my favorite part of the movie actually. I also like how they linked the usual fake crystal skull
    to the vintage
    alien proportions
    . Too bad it was overexplained, yet at the same time they didn't bother showing actual crystal skulls so some of the audience might not see the link.

    I felt stupid watching the movie during a good portion of it, but enjoyed the rest.
    Except that kid. But his bluejeans had a nice cut.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    SupRore wrote: »
    Guys, lucas didn't write it. Or direct it. He was the producer.

    Uh, yes he did.. He's credited with writing the story (in tandem with Jeff Nathanson). The screenplay was written by David Koepp.

    Spoilers ahead. (I don't know how to black it out)

    There was a semi-wide publicized fued between Lucas and Spielberg. Lucas wanted aliens, Spielberg didn't and what they got was this half-assed compromise of archaeological alien collectors.

    I didn't mind the movie, the plot was a bit weak but for a blockbuster it had its moments. Some great hero shots and typical one-liners that are right out of every other Indy movie. I also liked the last 'hat scene' that pior talks about. It was set up to make you think they are going to do another. But it's a send off from the team to say "I doubt it everyone!".
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    haha you guys are jaded, that was fucking awesome. Didn't like how it started, but picked up and kept me smiling. Had its weak moments, felt a little forced in spots, but whatever. Wouldn't rate it higher than the other films, but I guess it can stand along with them decently.
    But his bluejeans had a nice cut.

    lol, i love pior.

    Also, Cate Blanchet is the most beautiful woman alive.
  • Pedro Amorim
    moose wrote: »

    Also, Cate Blanchet is the most beautiful woman alive.

    wait.. what?

    saw the movie today. and i liked it. i mean. yeah.. aliens.. but who cares. had its cool moments so 1 thumb up:)
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    moose wrote: »
    Also, Cate Blanchet is the most beautiful woman alive.

    You like men, don't you?
  • Mark Dygert
    moose wrote: »
    Also, Cate Blanchet is the most beautiful woman alive.
    Yea, as far as 12 year old flat chested lady-boys go... she's hot...
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, those of you who don't think Cate Blanchett is hot need to go watch the movie Bandits right now! She may not be "the most beautiful woman alive," but she is friggin' hot in that movie.

    [edit] just watch the trailer and tell me she's not hot!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well Keyser she sure has a nice ponytail in there but I think she is loosing her hair.
    And that was 7 years ago!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I was fine with everything, except Kate Blanchett's character. Hairdo was terrible, uniform was just as bad and her accent was worse that Harrison Ford in K-19.
    Everything else was just fine.

    Oh yeah. Mutt is a terrible name.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Spoiler thing.

    The Indy 4 director is the most powerful guy in Hollywood (and the man behind movies like Close Encounters and E.T.), but the film's problems are George Lucas's fault? Seriously, Spielberg is just as rich as Lucas and also has a couple Oscars on his wall - I don't see how George is making him do a sci-fi spin on Indy if he doesn't want to. I guess you either like the aliens idea or you don't, but it's not like the total pooch-screw of the Star Wars prequels. The film has some flat spots (I think those are the fault of Spielberg and the screenwriter), but the basic premise worked for me!
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    George lucas is a fucking douchebag and needs to go in a corner and die.

    ALIENS!?!? FUCKING MONKIE MAN SWINGING FROM VINE TO VINE!?!? INDY HIDING IN A FRIDGE AND SURVIVING A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!?! WTF George, lay off the motherfucking crackpipe. You already destroyed the Star Wars franchise, and you did it again with this movie.

    I mean I know, there is some very weird stuff in the other movies. But nothing on this scale. This movie just has Lucas's greasy meat hooves all over it. Retire you fat bastard.

    And stop destroying my childhood.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    If you remove "Indiana Jones" from the title, and replace Harrison Ford with any other actor (ala Nic Cage), this movie is truly shit. As it currently is? Only mostly shit.
    Only semi likable character is Oz. Everyone else is as flat as they possibly can be INCLUDING Dr. Jones. Plot is as linear as they come. Felt more like an amusement ride at a theme park than a movie. Bad guys? Um, what was their motivation again? I truly don't think they had any. One liners? I can't think of a single one that was memorable. Aliens? Seriously? And what about that 14th skull that the commies had? What was the whole point of that? None whatsoever.

    Mostly shit.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    oobersli wrote: »
    work paid for our tickets today to see it, think I'm the handful of people who liked it. I think a lot of people are too critical of action movies and whatnot. Whatever just happened to people just sitting back, and watching some action with story? Now everyone is uptight and expects each movie *sequels even more so* to have deep purpose and the meaning of life.

    Maybe they should call the next indy movie " Indiana Jones and the Meaning of life for all the butt hurt fans out there that can't enjoy a laugh and hate cg but work in an industry where they rely on the technology". I'm sure they could fit all that nicely onto a dvd cover.

    There were parts of the movie that weren't exciting, but how many movies today are 100% great and packed full great entertainment the entire time?

    No. It was just a bad film.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Saw It yesterday. I was Kind of "Meh" I agree it can stand with the rest of the films, but it feels a notch lower than temple of doom.
    Indy films in order of Awesomsauce:
    1. Last Crusade
    2. Raiders
    3.Temple of Doom
    4. Crystal Skull.

    The only thing Im 100% Sure of after seeing this film, is that Hellboy2 Is going to kick some serious ass.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    1. Last Crusade
    2. Raiders
    3. Temple of Doom
    4. Crystal Skull

    This is the same order I've always put them in (the first three at least, have yet to see the new one). My pet theory is that the awesomeness of an Indy movie is directly proportional to the number of Nazis that are in it. Last Crusade has a butt load of Nazis, and it happens to be the best; Raiders has a fair amount of Nazis, and it's also pretty damn good; Temple of Doom.... few to no Nazis, hence not as good :(.
  • Cheez
    Needed more Mola Ram
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    I really liked the nevada part. Movie would have been alot better if they just didnt show the aliens. It's like having Jesus appear in the end of last crusade and Moses in raiders. The part in the college was great aswel and all the fighting parts with the soviets =). some really stupid parts though like the vine swinging and marion driving the car from the cliff
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i saw it tonight. I left the cinema and went to the pub for a bit. Then i came home and put some stuff in the washing machine. Then i got myself a bit of grub. Then i went online and started writing this. And, now, i can barely remember the film. Underwhelming to say the least. I could've gone my entire life never having seen the fourth (last?) of the indiana jones series and it would have meant as much to me as dropping a bit of bacon out of the end of my sandwich. What the hell is that about?

    theres a lot of finger pointing at george lucas in this thread. God knows why, he wasn't directing, it wasn't him who directed it as pedestrian and humourless and completely lacking in innocent vibrancy. Fucking spielberg. What is it, Indy, or Amistad? Move on : leave your joyous, innocent, non-cynical filmmaking past behind - you just can't do it any more.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hehe you know what dan I had almost the same thing happening to me. Later in the day I was like, 'huuh I know I went to the movie theater today but what movie was I watching again?'
  • Jonathan
    Movie was bad and forgetful, but of course, that's just my opinion.
  • Mark Dygert
    KeyserSoze wrote: »
    Alright, those of you who don't think Cate Blanchett is hot need to go watch the movie Bandits right now! She may not be "the most beautiful woman alive," but she is friggin' hot in that movie.

    [edit] just watch the trailer and tell me she's not hot!
    Yeah Ms Krabappel is HAWT!
  • hellobuddy
    Striff wrote: »
    George lucas is a fucking douchebag and needs to go in a corner and die.

    ALIENS!?!? FUCKING MONKIE MAN SWINGING FROM VINE TO VINE!?!? INDY HIDING IN A FRIDGE AND SURVIVING A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!?! WTF George, lay off the motherfucking crackpipe. You already destroyed the Star Wars franchise, and you did it again with this movie.

    I mean I know, there is some very weird stuff in the other movies. But nothing on this scale. This movie just has Lucas's greasy meat hooves all over it. Retire you fat bastard.

    And stop destroying my childhood.

    As Vermilion said : Dont Blame Lucas. I mean, sure the man is retarded but Spielberg is a massive hippie, if anyone is to blame for all the hippie alien stuff its him. AI, anyone? The fantastic 4 indiana-family business tho, thats Lucas aaaall the way.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think the movie was as bad as most people are making out to be. I think expectations got too high for this flick. I think it was good, but not great.

    ****Spoilers coming****
    I did have some issues with the movie, mostly the alien ship and the many times they SHOULD have died. As already mentioned, the refrigerator scene, but also the waterfalls. Otherwise the movie was filled with campy cheesy stuff which was part of all the Indy flicks.
    ****End Spoilers******

    As I told my wife, I'm now viewing these movies as an adult and I find myself viewing even the originals differently. I loved them as a kid, and they are still great movies to me, but if I were to see them originally, at my current age, I would have only considered them mediocre also. So, what looked at how my kids enjoyed this new movie, since they are around the same ages that I saw the originals. They loved the movie. It won't be one of their favorite movies ever, but they really enjoyed it, and I think if I were that age still, I probably would have enjoyed it more also.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it last night. Quite enjoyable. Tons of things which annoyed me.

    *** SPOILERS ***

    One thing the old Indy movies always had was some kinda of secret society or cult - some mysterious guys would appear early in the movie and leave us wondering who they were, until later when it's revealed.

    They did that in this movie top, but without the revelation or explanation! WTF.

    So Indy and the kid (Mutt? Mud? Did I hear that right?) go to explore the conquistadors grave area. Three ninja guys with skull masks appear out of nowhere and jump around making weird noises and doing their kung-fu stuff. Pretty cool. Then Indy brandishes a gun and they ALL VANISH, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN.
    That seriously pissed me off. They had these cool guys who could have been so interesting, just appear for no reason then disappear just as quickly. Totally pointless.

    They did the same with the tribe of warriors near the end. They all appear, breaking out of the stone skull hidey-holes, without explanation (are they meant to be undead? If not, do they rebuild their stone skull sleeping-places every night and have to burst out of them every time they need the bathroom?), then pursue the group for half a minute, get scared/reverential of the crystal skull, then all get shot and die. What the hell.

    Two groups of potentially very interesting people, who appear for no reason and disappear just as fast. In the older Indy movies, they'd have had at least a cursory backstory and some sort of explanation of who they are and why they were there. We don't even get that.

    In the end I felt that this Indy movie just lacked the overall "mystical" feeling of the last few. Sure, the adventures and high-jinks were all there, but the whole mystery and alien stuff felt very forced and heavy-handed to me.

    The older movies all have these cool ancient traps and massive tomb-raider style caves and ancient buildings. The new movie had these as well but they felt tacked-on... giant cogs rolling across their way just before they left the final building, seemed like an afterthought when someone said "oh we need some huge moving stone things!".

    The sand-spilling initial opening thing was cool.

    Oh, the monkeys and tarzan scene. WTF?
    The ants. Pulling a whole man into their burrow. WTF?

    Harrison Ford's delivery was decidedly suspect in several places ( "I knew I could rely on you... my friend.") and generally didn't feel very energetic mostly.

    Shia LaBouef actually surprised me by being much better than I expected. He didn't say an awful lot, but did pretty well overall.

    A lot of the chase scenes were fun and well-paced. The stunts in general were nice.

    Overall though I just felt a bit "meh" about the whole thing. It seemed like it turned into cheesy sci-fi rather than mystical adventuring, which is how the other movies still feel to me. I wouldn't have minded so much if they'd kept the alien stuff just down to hints and suggestions of another race, rather than bringing on the full-blown CGI E.T.-alike and the silver flying saucer (although that ending scene was cool!).

    I still prefer the other 3 movies :\
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i did not love it, and didnt hate it. but i think if i had never seen any of the movies before seeing this one i don't know where i would place them in order of awesome. I will say by far the bissgest enemy of this movie is peoples nostalgia of the originals.

    aliens did not bother me, i liked that, i think maybe they over explained it.

    I like over the top action, but sometimes movies go so far where i can not suspend disbelief.

    fridge scene, swordfight on moving vehicles in a jungle scene, monkey vine highway scene,

    those were the parts that just made my eyes roll
  • jpgourley
    I finally got a chance to see it and I'm sort of in the same boat as Rhinokey. I really don't have strong feelings towards it in any way. I am really glad I skimmed over this thread before seeing it though, it definitely lowered my expectations. Reiterating what Luxery said
    If you remove "Indiana Jones" from the title, and replace Harrison Ford with any other actor (ala Nic Cage), this movie is truly shit.
    Since it is Indy though I was willing to have fun, and accept it for all of its flaws. I'm just really hoping that they don't make another one.
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