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Indy 4



  • Dusty
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    I'll probably blab some ****Spoilers

    This movie was Indiana in every way. To the point that they just swapped out elements of the old movies and replaced them with new ones. Like the map on the floor, which leads to a tomb, which bad guys show up....tons of recreations from old movies. Take out Hitler and replace with Stalin, Nazis with cold war Russians. Swap mine carts for army jeeps. So much was just classic indy.

    True to form they did a GREAT job at convincing you of the time period....Aliens, Atomic testing, Leather jackets. All relevant to the 50's. I couldnt think of a better way to portray when the movie took place.

    And honestly, I dont think aliens are any more far fetched than religious myths. Omni-present god leaves behind golden box that can destroy mankind. Interstellar Jesus dies on earth and leaves behind a cup that gives eternal life. Interstellar alien dies on earth and leaves behind a skull that gives psychic abilities. The formula worked for 3 previous movies why not do it again?

    If this came out in the 80's im sure no one would complain. Some of the fx were overdone but thats what you have to do now to keep all the A.D.D. kids interested.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Dusty wrote: »
    This movie was Indiana in every way. To the point that they just swapped out elements of the old movies and replaced them with new ones.

    No, not really. Like I said, the old Indy movies at least had some vague semblance of explanation of the people Indy came across on his adventures. This one just throws random bad guys out of the woodwork then pretends they never existed. Rubbish storytelling.
  • Dusty
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    I'll...rubbish..your .. face ....with ....Gah I fail.

    Que the Indy song, Im swingin away on a vine.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Dusty wrote: »
    And honestly, I dont think aliens are any more far fetched than religious myths. Omni-present god leaves behind golden box that can destroy mankind. Interstellar Jesus dies on earth and leaves behind a cup that gives eternal life. Interstellar alien dies on earth and leaves behind a skull that gives psychic abilities. The formula worked for 3 previous movies why not do it again?

    True its always been fun myths but as said earlier in this thread, we didnt actually see Jesus or moses interact with the characters in any obvious way. In this film the alien has a closeup shot and interacts with a main character, thats a little over the top even for an indy film. I think I would have prefered more mystery and intrigue and less blatantly obvious storytelling.

    hints and suggestions of what had happened and waht might happen and more detail into the bad dudes involvement...that sort of thing can really hype up a cheesy storyline until it seems incredibly good(Heros the TV series did that really well sometimes).
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    Indy and crew should be dead, massive internal bleeding, head concussions, broken necks, drowed, burned, bloated carcasses floating down the river, or pulverized by a swirling rock storm. Amazing no one was killed. (that really hurt my eye's as they rolled pretty hard)

    This was the Episode 1 of Indy movies. :P

    I did like Mutt, and the family reunion, and the female villain ( About the Female villain I really wish her and indy joined together, worked out their differences and french kissed in the hot stinky jungle until the credits rolled.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    my brother never saw the star wars prequels and is a happier dude for it, so i'm not going to see this movie. i learned my lesson with star wars.

    it's like how kojima keeps saying this MGS is the last. yeah, sure. they only stop squeezing cash cows when they're dead.
    because the nature of a franchise is to not know when to leave well enough alone.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I have no doubts that another Indy will be made, but I think the torch was passed to Shia, which means future Indys will suck ;)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I just got back from seeing it.

    The Indy series is one of my all time favourites. If you go back and watch the first 3 movies, they are all about as cheesy as this movie was. The old movies had people eating monkey brains & snake babies, a tween prince with a voodoo doll, and a dude who could take out your heart while it was still beating, and so on. And thats just from 1 of the 3 previous movies.

    Indiana Jones is all about unexplained cheese dickery. I rolled my eyes and felt a little dumb while watching this as I did the other movies. Everyone's already pointed out the scenes so theres no bother mentioning them.

    I loved the entire nuclear testing scene. That mushroom cloud was 100% Grade A Pure Badass.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I honestly loved everything up to when Shia appeared. I don't know if it was him, or if was just how the action changed at that point, but it just didn't feel the same. The overall movie still felt like an Indy movie, for the same reasons you described.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    adamBrome wrote: »
    The Indy series is one of my all time favourites. If you go back and watch the first 3 movies, they are all about as cheesy as this movie was. The old movies had people eating monkey brains & snake babies, a tween prince with a voodoo doll, and a dude who could take out your heart while it was still beating, and so on. And thats just from 1 of the 3 previous movies.

    Which is exactly why I feel Temple of Doom is the weaker of the first three films. It was just plain silly. That kung-fu kid who keeps say "very funny" all the time doesn't help matters either.
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    Man this movie wasn't different than the rest. Melting faces from ghosts in the Arkh, Voodoo guy pulling out hearts, crusader still alive after centuries by drinking from the grail, and now we have aliens behind the whole crystal skull/mayan legend. I've always loved the Indy films and while this one did have some over the top campy moments (the others did too) it still felt like Indy and was pretty enjoyable. Some of the forced nostalgia and unexplained treasure clues felt pretty lame, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

    I thought Shia was pretty good, I didn't have issues with him playing a 50's greaser.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Saw it today. Not amazing, and not bad by any means. It was a great popcorn movie. Entertaining and had (as the other Indy movies) just enough cheeseball moments. Although I agree with MoP about wanting to know who those "living dead" people were, it wasn't a show stopper for me.

    One thing that did slightly bug me though is the intense use of post processed coloring. It was very apparent in most scenes, and kind of annoyed me.

    Otherwise not a bad flic. I think #1&3 are still my favs. :)
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