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Grand Theft Auto IV Chat



  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    adding to the list of things you can do.

    ** Hit Left Bumper (360) while in cop car to enter the police system.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Jesse: thats what the game said to do as well, but all i could manage to do was shoot out the window.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    you have to be at a complete stop. favorite mission has to be three leaf clover the bank robbery !
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Armanguy wrote: »
    you have to be at a complete stop. favorite mission has to be three leaf clover the bank robbery !

    yeah i was like what the hell i'm just shooting then i stopped and it came up. Kinda made sense too. Going 100 while checking your email doesn't seem all that safe to me. lol
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    JesseMoody wrote: »
    yeah i was like what the hell i'm just shooting then i stopped and it came up. Kinda made sense too. Going 100 while checking your email doesn't seem all that safe to me. lol

    They actually do check their computers while driving in real life, though not at 100. Atleast I've seen them do that on cops, not even watching the road. Maybe Niko's just not a fucking idiot.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    vahl wrote: »
    is that just me or does Brucie sounds a LOT like FPS-doug ?

    Wow, I thought the same exact thing. Replace pecs, muscles, etc with headshots, boom, etc and it is spot on.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    also, if you kill all the most wanted dudes on the police database, you get an achievement, if you're chasing some in a car, don't forget to open the driver's door when they are dead since it's often the target, cash will pop up.

    I also noticed that hitting the horn when behind some dude who's parked and looking in his car's trunk will scare him (like any other dude), but he will often hit his head on the trunks door when standing up. no idea if that's on purpose but that's how it looked.

    I like the boats physics a lot too
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Holding X toggles your headlights in daylight, or the brightness in the dark/rain.
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    I love going to the Helitours, killing the Pilot and then having a helicopter to go where you want to go
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    In the north cloth shop on the middle island there is a playable arcade machine. :)
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    This game is so truly amazing, bla nothing to be added really to the thread other than my undying appreciation for scotland ;p
    Actually Im going to add that I think the Kleinman Magition at the caberet is friking genius!
    Who ever came up with their duo perfomance needs a bloody good slap ;p
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18

    I played ALL weekend. I seriously did nothing else but play GTA. Tried to play some Multi on Saturday, but couldn't connect to anyone (thanks for the invites though Vassago and Vahl), but I looked up which ports I needed to have open for better connection for my xbox and that seemed to have fixed it. Had a short game with Flaagan (who is awesome with the rocket launcher by the way :poly104:) and a few random online matches on Sunday.
    Also, I have yet to find a second pigeon in the game! I've been casually looking around for them, but no dice.
    Brucie... What can be said about Brucie. HAHA! Champion!
    Another thing, I've had some reservations about Michelle as soon as I got some clothes from Modo/Perseus and she hated them. I even stopped trying to get lucky with her, because its much funnier hearing her disappointment than her "Tell me things, Niko". I too think she may be affiliated with the authorities, mainly from the eye-find website there's a filtered face in there which kinda looks like Michelle (Undercover Lover). Because of that, I went in search for a new chick. I've gotten 2 positive replies so far.

  • EarthQuake
    Been playing a LOT, the game is great but overall the character art is pretty horrible, and closeups on low-detail NPC models in cinematics, tisk tisk. Not to mention the fact that the main characters are only *slightly* better than the npcs....
    Not like i expect much from characters in gta, but theres really no excuse in terms of hardware power anymore like there was on the ps2.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    You tappin' the moonshine a little hard, EQ? I don't think the character art is that bad, considering. Everything in the game is pretty much loaded at the start. Insides of buildings, new islands, clothes, minigames, cutscenes - there's no loading once the initial game load has been made. No other game has done that on next gen as of right now and certainly not one the size of GTAIV. I don't think the results are that bad considering all of that.

    My personal beef is with the shadows. They *really* annoy me. The resolution is so low that the edges made everything look like crap. But again, huge game. I can live with it.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't had a chance to play much yet, but I'm delighted that the latest instance of WoW addiction may be excised before it has a chance to really set in!

    My favorite thing about it so far is that it gives me an opportunity to shout at my television in a Russian accent.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    This is in reply to EQ's post in a way - but I think the game sort of has this 75% quality level that is throughout the game.

    Character art is 75% of what it could be.
    Level art is 75% of what it could be.
    Physics are 75% of what it could be.
    Audio is 75% of what it could be.
    Car physics are 75% of what they could be.
    ...and so on.

    However, this sort of fidelity really lends itself to the overall experience and to me they all work really well together.

    I'd hate to have LESS of a game and see everything @ 100% than have what we have now.
  • EarthQuake
    Vassago wrote: »
    You tappin' the moonshine a little hard, EQ? I don't think the character art is that bad, considering. Everything in the game is pretty much loaded at the start. Insides of buildings, new islands, clothes, minigames, cutscenes - there's no loading once the initial game load has been made. No other game has done that on next gen as of right now and certainly not one the size of GTAIV. I don't think the results are that bad considering all of that.

    My personal beef is with the shadows. They *really* annoy me. The resolution is so low that the edges made everything look like crap. But again, huge game. I can live with it.

    I dont really see your point here? I'm talking the actual content here, the model, diffuse, normal, could all be better, esp for the cinematic characters. Everything looks like it has painted bump maps etc instead of real normals, theres a real bad mixture of normals, and then completely photosourced assets, etc. How this has anything to do with the loading i dont get, you can replace the same textures with better ones without effecting loading at all. And just the fact that there are closeups of low detail NPCs in the cinematics, which btw, yes you do actually LOAD every cinematic, makes for some REALLY cringe worthy scenes(See the party cinematic at Elizabeth's)
  • EarthQuake
    adamBrome wrote: »
    This is in reply to EQ's post in a way - but I think the game sort of has this 75% quality level that is throughout the game.

    Character art is 75% of what it could be.
    Level art is 75% of what it could be.
    Physics are 75% of what it could be.
    Audio is 75% of what it could be.
    Car physics are 75% of what they could be.
    ...and so on.

    However, this sort of fidelity really lends itself to the overall experience and to me they all work really well together.

    I'd hate to have LESS of a game and see everything @ 100% than have what we have now.

    Yeah needless to say its a great game even with the minor gripes, tho i do think overall the enviroments look a bit better than the characters, mostly i think because there isnt such a focus on individual aspects of the environment, like there is characters. I mean i can find tons of flaws and such if i really try to look for it with the enviro stuff, but its a lot more apparent to me with the characters.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    One thing I *love* about the environment is realtime reflections in everything thats reflective. That's sick!
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    So i love this game i want to enjoy this game to its fullest but unfortunately if you've heard there are some problems, The game freezes during gameplay and its not limited to the PS3. If theres a thread about this i apologize but i just wanted to know of any news of a patch or fix.

    (My problem)

    so i picked up gta like the rest of the country for my X-box 360 . I played it online with my friend in his house using two different TV's but the same connection (he has an elite 360 i just have a regular 20 gig halo version x box) for some reason it froze...alot. i wondered if it was too many players, too many things on screen or i had to be the host of the room but it basically came down to, we could not use the same connection because when i played online and he was in the story mode i didn't get kicked for the hours i played online.

    So i thought the freezing was limited to just the online, but once i played the story more where niko has to venture into different parts of the city my xbox freezes.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I moved this post from its own thread to the GTA4 chatty.

    Try and keep your threads of similar topic to one post everyone, thanks :)
  • Cheez
    Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but Three Leaf Clover is one the greatest GTA missions ever :)
  • Shiv
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    Shiv polycounter lvl 15
    is that the bank job 1?..
    if so.. omg that was awesome, it felt like its own game, was good enough to be it anyway.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The combat AI of some of the enemies, combined with the combat abilities of the player, make for some of the best shooter missions I've played in a long time (this is including true FPS games in the list).

    A random "Most Wanted" mission for the cops had me storming an apartment building. It started out with a gunman on the roof that rained down a hailstorm of bullets, so I had to blind fire at him from behind a tree across the street. Finally did enough damage that I could snipe the bastard. Then, some of his buddies bum rushed me out the front door as I was prepping to go in, resulting in a gun battle around the parked cars. When I actually managed to get inside the building, I was *slowly* clearing floors with the combat shotgun, and the way Niko held the gun combined with the camera made for some intense sweeps and quick gun battles. The final baddy booked it up the stairs to the roof, and I noticed from the mini-map that he was right out side the door waiting for me. I managed to get some speed going up the door, bust it open, and *just* missed getting shot in the head by the baddy. As he spun around, still firing shots at me, I managed to side-step, pull up the shotgun, and get a solid shot to the skull at close range.

    Holy crap that was intense.... and that was a freaking side-mission.

    Something else worth mentioning... the 'after death shot' you get with the weapons has made for some amusing incidents in MP and SP, particularly with the RPG. On a SP mission, I got blown away at the top of a flight of stairs, and as I was dieing I fired off my shotgun one last time; it was bouncing down the stairs beside me and managed to hit the guy who shot me square in the head.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    My neighbor had an interesting experience when doing a mission for the first Jamacian dude. When you go with him to bust up the house. My neighbor and the dude finished clearing the first floor then went upstairs to see if anyone was up there. All clear, so he starts heading back down. He gets down the stairs and the Jamacian guy follows... trips and falls down the stairs and dies. MISSION FAILED. My neighbor was not happy.
  • Cheez
    Despite a few hiccups with the cover system (come on Niko, get off the corner of that sedan ! For cripes sake Niko, their shooting at us, try to move a wee bit faster pleez !), what totally makes it, IMHO, is the frakkin badass, John Woo, baseball slide into cover when you're a decent distance away from a cover spot. Popping up from that into cover, and than blind firing an RPG makes for one of the best "moves" I've experienced in an action game in awhile :)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Finished the main story, pretty great game. Surprised I got a "finished under 30 hours" achievement as I didn't check the achievements till I finished the story.

    Some frustrating moments with the slow controls, but I just hafta think ahead more.
    Not much glitches I found in the game. Although It did freeze in a middle of a mission.
    And the RPG not working on a certain mission. (just disappears when it hits the car)
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I refuse to blind fire the RPG any more after repeated blowing myself up with *AIMED* firing of the RPG from behind cover. So freakin stupid. :P
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Something I'm a little disappointed with regarding the RPG and hitting vehicles is the helis. The armed helis have that open section in the middle, and I was kinda hoping that you could fire the RPG through that space and out the other side.... kinda pissed off someone I was playing with when I tried that idea out in Free Mode MP and blew them out of the sky.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    $310 million, 1st day sales
    > $500million week 1 sales

    You guys POUNCED Halo3's records. Good freakin' job!
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    yeah great job! Does anyone see the actual number of copies sold plz post, fun to know. Having fun being chased by the cops while being in a super car! yay
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Vassago wrote: »
    $310 million, 1st day sales
    > $500million week 1 sales

    You guys POUNCED Halo3's records. Good freakin' job!
    i think you mean trounced :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Marine wrote: »
    i think you mean trounced :)

    Trounced, pounced, they both mean the same thing. SHOOSH :)
    They kicked Halo3's ass. Better? :polytwitch:
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Vassago wrote: »
    Trounced, pounced, they both mean the same thing. SHOOSH :)
    They kicked Halo3's ass. Better? :polytwitch:
    i think you mean arse :poly113:
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    to add to the list, if that wasn't already in : give $$ to beggars to replenish your health
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    vahl wrote: »
    to add to the list, if that wasn't already in : give $$ to beggars to replenish your health

    Bah... I saw one of those beggars driving in a Ferrari!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    street musicians!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Apparently our buddy Niko's booked himself a flight to San Andreas...

  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    ICE COLD MAN!!! NB's going to go all red army on that San Andreas SHI-...whoa, sorry...
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    visit these websites in the game:

    www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com <- lists all the locations for pidgeons, jumps, weapons, health, cars, perverts(?) and other stuff.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Finally beat the story, and saved it right before the end so I can try for the other ending.

    Anyhoo.. 32hours @ 65.3%
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    If you beat the game, does that mean you have finished all the missions for everybody(the missions that get a letter on the map)? Also, can you continue playing after finishing the game or would you have to start over?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Yah I have beaten all story missions. Like I said, I'm only 65% through the WHOLE game.. the other 35% is side missions and such. You can continue playing when you're finished.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    The only bug I had was when Little Jacob and I went to a strip club, and when we went to a private room the stripper just stood in the door and wouldn't move. Eventually we had to kill her to get out and then we had 5 cops waiting for us, which we had to kill and escape from. It ruined our good time :'(
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    whoops, the word "advert" is used in one of the radio commercials!
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    finished last night myself. went with revenge. all I will say is they deserved it.

    used the 1 month free gold so i'm game for some online action now.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Keg wrote: »
    finished last night myself. went with revenge. all I will say is they deserved it.

    used the 1 month free gold so i'm game for some online action now.

    You know, I always thought all xboxs come with 1 free gold month? or is that just premiums/elites?
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    RWolf: they do when you sign up for live.

    I've had my 360 for almost 2 years now. And I havn't felt a reason to get live since when I had the 1 month originally I didn't use it.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Keg wrote: »
    RWolf: they do when you sign up for live.

    I've had my 360 for almost 2 years now. And I havn't felt a reason to get live since when I had the 1 month originally I didn't use it.

    Then why even bother giving you a card with a special Redeem Code :D
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i'd love if there was a cheat in GTA 4 that allowed you to do this with cars:
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