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new polycount logo



  • Pedro Amorim
    changed qub's design a little.

    here's a new one.

    also made an icon for windows vista and im using it for the wip folder lol
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    freespace ...

    every shape has not its effects by itself but by what is around it. so givin it space is nessacary
    to certain shapes get theri full effect. youre talkin about too much black there. i have seen
    that mentality before. weisraum it is in german if u wanna know more look it up ...

    basicly this is just an example idea.. really focuss on branding the greeny. focuss on its
    decency understating by leavin out the words there too. i was trying around with the original polycount type too
    didnt find a nice way with that yet tho

    youre giong for the volume thing? yea that was a trend. alot of brands touched up logos to
    be more 3d... to be modern maybe. all sorts of effects dont make things better. shadow glow
    fillinng whatever is disturbing the main shape sometimes. not to say it makes things harder to read.
    plus the width of words and width of image isnt quiet good i believe. basicly what satan said there.

    so vassago versus rollin on the contrast issue.
    i dont see an end comming pals ! :P

    we have alot of points to "discuss" that wont be solvable for everyone
  • rollin
    Offline / Send Message
    rollin polycounter
    jep.. we have to vote in the end

    and i don´t talk about wießraum.. i talk about a big black box at the top of the page..


    (only exception: your an airplaine)

    and your avatar is still annoying :p
  • EarthQuake
    I think the logo submission idea is really good, as long as there is someone running quality control on it i think its a great idea.
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    weisraum doesnt have to be white . its just an empty space... maybe thats the missunderstanding there.
  • rollin
    Offline / Send Message
    rollin polycounter
    no .. i understand you... its just to dark.. imo

    btw.. cool avatar ;)
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I actually really like that qubism. Understated and distinctive. Though I kinda like the newer green.

    I think the personalized banners are a little too gameartisans.
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Don't mind me - Just fiddling around.


    Actually did these at twice this size, Just scaled them down to see how they'd hold up.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    4th from the top gets my vote if the black stroke is bit more prominent. Save all of these! I sent you a message, check your PM's.
  • bounchfx
    I'm really digging the fourth/middle one a lot as well. Good job!
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    We can haz poll 2 chewz winna? 1nce we haz gud dezynz ofcorse!
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    second outline thats like 1+1+1=6 dudes :P
    i highly recommend not to have a second outline let alone one outline. just distorts things to
    being less readable. but i think thats a very nice approach there. nice to see somebody post
    more than one way.

    i did something tonight that might be interesting. i said earlier the word and sign together are
    basicly the clue but it felt difficult for me to let it come together cuz the type was somewhat
    not exactly the same language as the smiley itself. atleast to me. so i thought i give the letters a touch up. see if u like any it was really quick so letterspacing isnt perfect for all weights.


    did not decide on how and where to put smiley and claim so maybe later more or somebody else messes with it .. please go ahead
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Ohh, we should probably have greentooth as a favicon, cause right now the vbulletin favicon is kind of boring and generic.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    quibism - i'm digging the top two weights. classy!
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    maybe a lil smaller size to have a point of view when it comes to judging. basicly i believe it wouldnt be diplayed as big as i posted earlier


    ive put it into my earlier example together with the claim ...

    to harl one thing tho. for better judgement i suggest leavin a tad more room between each idea...
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Favicon: greentoothFAVICON.png

    If you guys want it I can convert it to .ico, or perform whatever changes are necessary for it to be used. Absolute pain in the ass working at 16x16 px though...:poly105:

    ...I think I'll work on it more though, since I've read it can use 32x32 -> 64x64 in some instances, plus I would want to make the black background transparent.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    agreed, good direction, :::thumbs up:::
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    qube, those are really sleek man. I like the top 2 of those. I don't know if we'll change the style of the forums as much as you have in your example there, but it can always be done as a secondary theme or something.

    Everyone: The logo/header malarkey won't be decided until after Dominance War.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Bitmap, can you put that vista icon up for download please?
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Heh, I was just throwing ideas around, they weren't meant to be serious sugestions as to where to go - just me having fun with the logo. If I had a bit more time I might be a bit more neat about the presentation ;) Glad folks seem to like them though.

    And, since I found a little more time:

    (I like the ring around Mr Polysmiley personally, I realise I may be alone in that)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Nice Harle, I dig that. I also liked your 4th & 6th versions from above.
    Qubism, I liked your 1st and 2nd.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Oooh shit! Harle, I looooove that.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Looks Nice Harle. Except the stroke on the smiley makes it look like a button ;)
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    HarlequiN wrote: »
    Don't mind me - Just fiddling around.


    Second from the bottom is my favorite. For me, the logo looks best outlined.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    i´m against outlines too!
    and against italic
    and against the polycountsmilie too close to the logo-text
    and against too much black

    peppis and qubisms are till now the best versions.. and the last from adambrome
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Its pretty typical that everybody here starts making a shitload of logo's because they think their idea 'looks cool', but nobody actually stops and think for a second about what the logo should be representing. This might be a bit too much for a 'free' community, but if you want to grow you should definately think about letting go of the old logo(wich doesnt stand for anything or communicates anything in my opinion) and think about making a new one.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    kwakkie wrote: »
    Its pretty typical that everybody here starts making a shitload of logo's because they think their idea 'looks cool', but nobody actually stops and think for a second about what the logo should be representing. This might be a bit too much for a 'free' community, but if you want to grow you should definately think about letting go of the old logo

    I've stopped, and I've thought. If we want a logo that represents the game industry, then we need a logo that's just as uninspired and generic. Add boobs.

    I'm just busting your balls. :poly106:
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Second from the bottom is my favorite. For me, the logo looks best outlined.

    I second that, looks really cool !
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah but the problem is that polycount doesnt represent the game industry. In my opinion it represents:
    -a place to check out kickass gameart from other artist
    -a place to (show your work and)get help and usefull tips to improve your art skills
    -a place where people with common interests can discuss stuff with people all over the world
    -a place to find out more about things going on in the gaming industry

    What most logo's I have seen in this thread represent:
    -a green smiley

    I know im being a (little too serious) whining bitch right now but it's just an idea to help you guys come up with a kickass logo/identity ;)
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    who gives a fuck, in a year no matter what shits stuck at the top will be just as anchored in our minds as the one that was there last month
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Kwakkie, I did stop and think about it, and I figured representative logos are not actually that common in classic logos, and where they are used the thing they represent is often not all that clear from the logo. Here's some examples - Canon, Coke, Lego, BMW, Timex, Dodge, General Electric, General Motors, Google, Du Pont, Michelin, Pepsi, Duracel, ipod, Xerox, Fedex etc. Of course there are some logos that are representative, but Apple's logo looks like an apple, not a omputer, and Peguin's logo doesn't look like a book.

    But, in each of those cases, when you see the logo you know what that logo represents, because the companies have had the common sense not to dick to much with their old logo that people all ready know, irrelivant of what the original meaning of that logo may have been.

    Therefore I tried to stay true to at least the feel of the logo the site has already had for 10 years. More people than just hang out and talk on these boards are quite familliar with that old logo - it's more distinctive than you may think, and 10 years is a fair amount of time to build up recognition.

    As for outlines or no outlines, or itallics of no itallics... These things, from the responses so far, is something some people like, and some people hate. They are also things it takes about 6 seconds to change. If a lot of people like a log, except for it's outline, it's no huge deal at all to remove the outline and give them what they want. Not that I will be, since I was just having fun with my old chum the polycount logo, and wasn't making any serious attempt at a submission. You can still have any logos you like that I do, but that's not really why I'm doing these logos since I can't promise any commitment to making it the best logo possible for the site.

    And I like when the simley looks like a badge/button ;)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    atm we have 2 logos .. the smilie and the logotype "polycount"

    i would say.. use the logo-logo: the smilie and use the type just as type..
    just the way peppi and qubism made it

    we don´t need some: "hey look how superfancy my logo is"

    and about the representation.. i can´t imagine something, that represents polycount any better than a green smilie with teeth 8)
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    In the middle of writing about how much of a dickhead you are kwakkie, you gave me some inspiration, and I realized your right. And also wrong. Hopefully I can get some time to get something on paper :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I think polycount does represent the gaming industry. How many pcounters are employed at game studios? A fairly large number. With all of that experience and know how, I think it's silly to say that we can't speak in the name of the industry.
    Between all of us, our opinions round out to a very well balanced informational site. A place where a n00bie can come to learn, ask questions and improve. The resources we have here are hands down better than 90% of the "game" colleges out there.
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18

    i thought i put a couple logos of similar places together so we have visually an idea who they are and how and how different they look
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Good point there qubism. Yours & harles would look ace up in that bunch. I like them both quite a bit. Harles has the flavour of yesterday, and yours has the one of today.

    I do wonder though how yours would work on a non-black themed style.
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    well what i find really important is that the green goes on the smiley and white on the type. a bit
    seperation is better there. makes things more interesting. i think thats what harls lacks. and still
    im highly suggesting to go with a touched up version of the type. not sayin mine is final or
    anything. just should be considered what u say there yourself adam. were tryin to bring it up to date atlast arent we?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Definitely! And I agree on your points. I do, however, think the same way as Rhino. That in the end, whatever is chosen, after a week or two people will come to like it. I can see Harle's working well with your suggestions as well (white type, green logo). So many things to try and play with... :poly105:

    Another note I hadn't touched on yet: I tried out the O as a 'quad' for the reasons Kwakkie brings up. While the smiley is significant to the communities individuality, it doesn't represent what we do. So, I tried - and failed! - a quad. The smiley does make for a great logo and I'm glad everyone spoke up as loudly as they did.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Qubie wins. Also I think it's quite important to really use *black* as a background instead of some inbetweenesque shade of dark grey. I just checked the new boards on a CRT and the white text over greyish background is indeed much harder to read than the oldschool page Erik linked to. Atm the pages appear quite washed out and lost in confusing shades of gray...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    That's too high contrast though, I think. Even the old boards burned my eyes some. After reading some pages I'd go look on a white cnn news page or something, and I'd still see the polycount article. That's not good! :P

    Also, I'm with Adam in concern of the readability of qube's white logo text on any given background. Remember that this will be overlayed on top of renders of artwork. If it's a bright render, you might not be able to see it really well. If that's acceptable, then fine.

    Adam, you may as well just straight out just pick one and go with it. We can just suffer if we don't like it. We're getting that 'too many chefs' syndrome about this, and it's just dragging things out.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Oh i was not referring to the text background, mostly to the main page background. White text over pure black would be a mistake I think. But, no need for some other greyish stuff around the text area (see my mockups to see what i mean)

    Like here:
    No fussing around : a plain color for the text bg, and then just black around that. I think that's very powerful.

    As for the logo, it is just a matter of making the letters white, but giving them a slight dark outline for the case of bright art images.

    [edit]Snap, I just understood why I am having difficulties with the new text colors ... the type is not white atm, its gray - over a gray background :P
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    There won't be a solid colour for the background. Again: We're going to wait for Dominance War to be over and get our community to submit artwork. NOT ALL PIECES OF ART will be chosen as some level of quality control will be needed. Then, whichever logo we go with, will be used on top of that.

    we'll sort it all out, no worries :P
  • Pedro Amorim
    i definately love qubism logo. the type on the logo is spot on. since what we are doing here is a rebranding that logo is very adequate. awesome rebrand. its modern yet it has a little flavour of the old logo
  • Pedro Amorim
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    thanks bitmap thats just what i wanted


    i optimized the letterspacing a bit also made an example of a negative/light version.
    i like it more and more ...

    at this point changes can be very minor.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Cube & others - if you notice images being resized it won't last for long. We're trying to sort out some issues with it before we run with it fully. Unless you see me announce something, it'll only be running while I am on my lunch.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Adam, congrats for taking all that input and still keeping such a calm attitude!
    I just noticed something about the catch line, especially after seeing it so clearly on Qubes design. I don't understand the '&'... I obviously know it's a condensed version of 'and', but I think it mostly (and only) works well for symmetrical associations like 'Father & Sons', 'H&M' 'Cube & others' (hehe couldn't resist), all that jazz. So if you put 'videogame art ressource & community' it sounds like there is a 'videogame art resource' on one side, and a 'community' (of ... something?) on the other side.

    Hence If we have to keep a catch line of that sort I would suggest

    'Game art resource and community'

    Also ... we don't need a '.' dot after 'polycount', and not after the catch phrase either. If there are dots, then there should be uppercases aswell and I don't think we want that!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    pior, thanks. thick skin comes in handy.

    anyhoo, i agree. "Game Art Resource and Community" looks best.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Did I mention I love quick reply?
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Bitmap- Thanks for the icon.

    I agree totally in doing art up top like my first mockup I did with Tully's banner. How it will work with the wide skin and the normal 4:3 skin? It would suck to have the banner making the window wider. Maybe they all would have to be the size I did it in my Tully mockup?
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