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TF2 Props.

polycounter lvl 18
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buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
I havent posted here in a while but have been busy trying to get my tf2 map going, here are some WIP props for tf2 ive been working on, these are some of the first models ive ever made so im still pretty new to this. Crits advice welcome, Enjoy!

Toilet- 100% complete

Bench Press- 95% complete

Electrical Box- 100% complete

Hall Of Justice- 100% complete

Toilet Paper- 90% complete

Heavy Bag + Heavy cutout- 75% complete

rock2fuckup0039wf6.jpg WIP

Screw + custom ground texture
Thats it for now!



  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    These look nice enough. Did you really need to have the dooker in the toilet? Really? jesus.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Good start. The grass around the palm tree isn't TF2y though.

    And I see no poop in a toilet!
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    nah, those fudge dragons add to it.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    looks like a heavy has been and gone haha
    edit: btw if the gameplay matches the visual efforts you've gone to this is going to be a winner
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    any chance of writing up a tf2 specific tutorial on how you are getting the models into the game?
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Oh dude, the dual douche action in the toilet made me lol. Cool stuff!

    Oh man, you're so horrible >_< Still laughing..
  • Mark Dygert
    Looking great, well grass and the duke in the can don't really fit but great stuff all the way around. Looking forward to more!

    I'm not really sure what kind of info you're looking for its kind of a big long process to set it up but once its all set up you drag a qc file on a shortcut to studiomdl.exe and it compiles the model making it available in Hammer.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    why has this got to be such a pain!

    step one : export from XSI to a .smd

    i use max and have no idea what an smd is. is it a XSI specific thing? is it a third party thing?
    this wiki seems to be written for someone who has been using hammer and the source engine for years.

    are you using xsi?
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17

    .smd is a Valve thing,
    I've found the best way for importing into Hammer is using the xsi mod tool. There's a very good video that comes with it that shows you how to export your model from the Mod Tool into Hammer. Don't even need to know how to use XSI to follow that one along. Might give it a look but the wiki is invaluable for information on Hammer.
  • Mark Dygert
    Sorry to clutter up your thread with this, maybe we should move this discussion to another thread?

    I use the 3dsMax smd exporter, it works in 3dsMax 2k8 just fine, the importer does not.

    Milkshape3D's smd decompiler still works if you want to get models out of Source but it triangulates the mesh...

    Here is another site you might want to check out also.
    Use GCFScape to unpack models, textures, sounds ect
    Use VTFEdit (found under the VTFlib tab) to open/import/EXPORT VMT/VTF (material and texture files) in a nice GUI.

    - The first order of business is to use GCFScape to unpack TF2.C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\username\TeamFortress2\TF2 Don't unpack it to the SDK folder like the wiki suggests, thats just a waste of time and can lead to compile problems later.
    - Then in the TF2 folder make a folder called ModelsSrc, this is where you want to keep your SMD's and .qc files.
    - You export your SMD, create a .qc file (text file with the extension changed from .txt to .qc tricky huh?) Copy this example and change it to suit your model.

    $modelname /mojokeys_models/mojokey.mdl --This is where it will stick your compiled model. If you don't specify a path it dumps it in TF2/Models, I like to stick my stuff in a sub folder, it makes it easier to find in Hammer.
    $body "Body" "mojokey.smd" --This is the name of your smd, your smd and QC file need to be in the same folder otherwise you need to specify the path, I export SMD's to TF2/ModelsSrc

    $staticprop -- 2 guesses what this line does...

    $surfaceprop "metal" --This tells source when someone shoots this model treat it like metal.

    $sequence "idle" "mojokey.smd"
    fps 30 --If you had more animation sequences you would declare them here. If its a static prop, just use the same SMD.

    $collisionmodel "mojokey.smd" --At some point you'll want to create a collision model, it can be a pain in the ass, talk to me if you have trouble with it, for now use the same SMD.
    $concave --This tells source that your collision model has more then one chunk, if you get the costly collision model error, you can remove this line and it will build a collision mesh for you based on the bounds of the model.
    - Drop the .qc file on a shortcut to Studiomdl.exe(found in your steam folders, best to search for it).
    - If it complains about a costly collision mesh assign everything to Smoothing group 1 or drop the $concave line from the .qc file. It uses the smoothing groups to tell the difference between collision objects.

    Hit me up on MSN if you hit any road blocks. It's confusing as hell the first time around. Since they switched to steam their folder structure is a patchwork of nightmare-ish sub-trees.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    another question,, what stuff do you need in the .qc for standard map models? i'm trying the drag and drop method but i'm getting errors..
  • Mark Dygert
    Thats all you need. If you get an error about a p4lib.dll add -nop4 to the end of the target line in the shortcut to studiomdl.exe
  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    As to cluttering my thread, it doesnt really matter im not really getting any praises or crits so im not sure if i made quality props or not TBH.

    As to importing your models into tf2 man, yes its a pain in the ASS! This is how i do it.

    1) create model texture export as a .smd for two files, one called yourmodel_ref.smd another called yourmodel_idle.smd, and create a collision box export it as a yourmodel_phys.

    You will need a plugin for that, also when you export, be sure to have the diffuse .vmt assigned to your model the same texture you will use in game, you might need to get the 3ds max vmt plugin as well.

    2) put all your textures in tf/materials/yourfolder/yourmodel folder

    3)create your vmt which tells source what textures are for what(ie normal map,spec,diffuse,ect) also "very important" name your .vmt the same as your diffuse!

    4)you will need to create a .qc which u will create a folder in sourcesdk'/bin/orangebox/bin/"models" create that models folder put your three .smds in there along with your qc.

    5) drag and drop sucks you gotta create a .bat file which tells the model to compile than pause after its done so you can read if any errors.

    Its really complicated i dont have time to write a full blown tutorial, those are the key steps.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Your stuff is definitely quality work :)
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work. My only suggestion is to add some pee stains around the toilet rem edges and base of the toilet. A toilet that dirty sure isn't used by men that sit to pee.
  • DataCain
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    DataCain polycounter lvl 18
    Is the map based on the QWTF map 'rock1' ?
    That map was sweet! I look forward to playing it :D
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    sorry budi, i think the comments in here have been mostly pro. the only things holding you back is some issues wiht matching the style.

    and i think the tree is the only one that really suffers from that.. mostly the grass around it.

    i also would preffer the toilete sans loaf
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