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Kang-Bozak Draconian

Hello everyone,

This is an older piece that I have recently got back to and just finished off. It was inspired by Dragon Lance lore. Specifically the book Doom Brigade. I tried to stick with the descriptions I read as closely as I could. Also I haven't found very much art related to the series outside the illustrations for the book covers so I decided to pay a tribute in my own vision.

Hope you enjoy.

3 2k maps Head body and armor.
Around 15124 tris.

I will post the break down and the textures as soon as I get some free time.


And a closeup with some more dramatic lighting.



  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thats really cool. have you got some transparency in the wings? look kinda high poly, especially the head/neck?
  • veteehrri
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    veteehrri polycounter lvl 17
    really cool character, agree about the wings, with a bit transparency would be nice, what is his polycount?
  • Odin Chuvak
    There is some transparency on the wings for the small curve at the bottom of them. I updated the tri count at the top.

    Thanks for the replies.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty sure they're talking about making the membrane partially transparent throughout, not just the use of an alpha to determine shape.

    Personally, I think the wings detract from the whole piece. The rest of him seems plausible and well thought out, while the wings look far too simple in design and story-bookish.

    I like how the armor turned out, but I'm not really seeing a 2048 texture on it. It's simple enough to almost get away with a 512, easily a 1024 at the most.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    Oh interresting!
    With all this polygons, you add a normal map? because I'm not really sure to see it.

    So this one will be a low poly character (next gen) in 2 years maybe less now!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Bozaks are all bronze, so if you want an accurate piece of Dragonlance fanart the coloration seems really off. Doing a realistic look of aged bronze, however, could be awesome. Something like this, maybe:

    Also, I gotta agree with Sectaurus on the wings. Did some googling, and draconians are pretty much always drawn with boring, awkwardly set wings -- would be cool to do something a bit more interesting with them.

    Anyway, looks good overall, nice renders. smile.gif
  • seantree
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    seantree polycounter lvl 18
    very nice!!! good to see some dragonlance art that isn't ass. I recently watched the movie and I am still trying to erase it from memory. Doom Brigade is a great book btw!! Draconians love that Dwarven ale!
  • Odin Chuvak
    Thanks a lot for the comments guys.

    Sectaurs- Looking back I could think of a couple of things to change about the wings maybe cling them closer to the body, shorter forearm bones longer fingers. other then that they are a bit lower poly than the rest of the model.

    SupRore- I used more oxidized bronze for reference but I agree it turned out a bit to saturated. The greenish tint is from the blue lighting though.

    Seantree- I know exactly the move you speak of. I loved the book as well. I was actually thinking of giving him a wooden sword in the beginning.

    Here is the breakdown with white lighting.





    Self Ilumination


    Please, C&C always welcome.
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Looks simply awesome. Only thing that catches my aye atm is t he hands. Their "quality" is much lesser than the rest of the model. Some extra details would be in order. Are you by chance planning this. Haven't read through the thread.

    Keep it up! smile.gif
  • _Eclipse_
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    _Eclipse_ polycounter lvl 10
    awesome... it's simply amazing! btw Gears of War have already some 15k models in game so i think it will be an usable nextgen character pretty soon
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Uncharted has characters up to 30k polys, so this is easily within the realm of todays low poly.
  • Cheshire
    Wow! This is really looking fantastic! maps are great!
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