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New Portfolio Character - Marine Cyborg

polycounter lvl 17
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pillowsama polycounter lvl 17
a new character, starting to apply again recently hoping to get a job somewhere... C&C welcome! thnx guys~


haven't done the texture yet .. but will get on it

click here for high resolution image on the low poly model


it's not completely finished, need more tweaking on the normal map and 3 more grenades to come around his waist .. but will be done soon,

it's around 8200 tris rite now could've been lower, but design was too complex for me to lower the poly any further in my opinion, creates weird shading if i go any further...

here are some high res model shots ...



  • Astrofra
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    Astrofra polycounter lvl 15
    Interesting !
    What bugs me the most is the wrinkles on the pelvis, that look way too symmetrical. The boots seems inspired a lot by those huge security shoes one can see in Quake models tongue.gif
    I'm not too fond of these, but technically speaking it seems ok.

    Try to break the symmetry here & there, and it should look better.
  • pillowsama
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    pillowsama polycounter lvl 17
    yah... i actually struggled for a bit before i did this lol, i wanna maintain the texture resolution so i mirrored the normal map ... but ... the symetry is ...quite annoying haha, any suggestions?
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 17
    add a prop like a big shoulder pad or any eye patch :P, looking good!
    A few suggestions, make the torso bigger, it seems funny to me he has bigger armor at places like boots than the armor...also, try to work the face and the pants a bit more, they are a bit muddy imo. But, the hands are looking awesome, good luck!
  • pillowsama
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    pillowsama polycounter lvl 17
    all rite, so basically, more weight in the mid section rite?
    as for the face, i'm going to edit the normal map later on to add pores and wrinkles so it should look more "complete" later on ... hehe ~ thnx for the suggestion! udpate coming soon...
  • Rob Galanakis
    Areas with cloth you should generally not use symmetry because it is so obvious. Just un-mirror the area from the waist to the top of the boots.

    Also maybe his shoulders/back can be bigger, make him seem more powerful.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Hey this is looking pretty good smile.gif

    I think the only thing that is really bugging me right now is... he has no crotch, its just flat.

    Could we see the wires as well, because from the look of it the pelvic area looks like it'll be bad news when it is time to rig.
  • pillowsama
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    pillowsama polycounter lvl 17
    To Professor420: frown.gif that means going bak to zbrush and break the symmetry then importing the whole mesh out as well hahaha, I only did it becuz gears of war had the same thing haha, I bought both the artbook and character modeling 2 and referenced a lot off of the game actually especially the hard surface since i'm not so good with it. But i think you're rite, cuz that was my initial idea not to mirror as well.... but.. the precious texture space ~ ~ lol

    To JasonLavoie:

    I really don't have much poly there, I aimed for the model to be under the dominancewar standard .... but this is way over now and then I got realli paranoid about adding poly haha. Like u said, it's kinda flat, I'll post up the wireframe see if any of you guys can suggest some improvements there ~ thnx guys!
  • pillowsama
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    pillowsama polycounter lvl 17
    here are some wireframes .. hopefully I can get some nice feed bak about how to deal with the crotch lol

  • Unleashed
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    Unleashed polycounter lvl 19
    I think his neck looks a little too long but i cant tell for sure cos of the armour hes wearing
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