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  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    hawken, the 360 has far from hit its peak. Its probably got a little more potential than the PS3 from a graphical stand point. Physics wise, CPU bound stuff sure, the PS3 may one day be awesome. But the 360 hitting its peak...? Rubbish.

    As for GT:HD. I'm not impressed. What I see when I play it, are amazing cars, zero feedback of any sort (no crashes, no force feedback, no AI etc), in fact its as dumb a racer as you can get. Then, I see average courses, and by average I mean not much better than PS2. Then I see 3d spectators, and a high quality sky box 30 feet away.

    So while GT:HD at first glance looks amazing, its also not really doing anything. The cars look better than anything out now or coming out in the near future (Forza and PGR included), but the rest isn't a patch on it.

    So in short, the reason the game looks that way is because they can afford it to be. Compared to say Forza2, which while doesn't look anywhere near as good as GT:HD, has a shit load more things going on in the background.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    BTW, Killzone 2 hits E3 this year, for REAL this time. If there was any game that will wow you, that will be it. They cant afford it to be average looking, its gotta hit as close to that CGI trailer mark as possible. I have a feeling they can do it. Killzone 1 (Despite the LOD issues) looked fantastic for its time. So with PS3 hardware it should look amazing.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    theres not many out there that play GT with a joypad wink.gif

    Who here actually owns a PS3? Lot of hot air from some people, watching a video of some games is not the same as sitting down and playing the game for a few days or even weeks.

    Well GTHD (GT5) isn't actually out yet, so I can't comment on the final game. The demo they have running for free was made some time last year.

    Not sure where the AI comments are coming from (or courses for that matter), as theres only one car on the track, which you are driving! There's only one playable course! The 3d crowd is pretty good, with people walking over to different spots, talking to each other, sitting down and so on.

    Replays are amazing, with a bevy of lifelike camera effects.

    I read about the final game online and it says: "Car damage will at long last make it into GTHD as well. However, this long sought-after feature won't be available from the start. Polyphony plans to make it available as an update some time in 2007; also planned as an update is opponent AI, which Polyphony will make available for download in the first half of 2007."
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    AI of the crowd, its not that impressive, its just a set animation.

    To be fair, lets face it, GT HD is just a car going around a small track. Its hardly, you know, taxing on the system.

    Give it 7 at least other cars all with AI, collision detection, all using THAT MNAY polies, and then lets see just how smooth/detailed/good it is wink.gif

    And yeah I own a PS3, and to be fair, I've never thought I've waisted my money on something as much I do this. At least with the PSP I had homebrew.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Any word of Guitar Hero going to the PS3? And with downloadable songs. Because to be honest, I think that is what is drawing me toward the 360 the most. I like it and Gears of War. I could see Killzone as a replacement for Gears of War if it carries out on expectations, but I don't want to use the PS2 version of Guitar Hero. I want downloadable songs :P
  • Justin Meisse
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Dont forget, GTA4, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Quake wars, Bioshock, Forza, Gears of War 2 (probably), and so on. As well as the already great selection there already is.

    If they are comparable graphically, and Xbox has a better game line up for the foreseable future, why not buy? You'll be waiting another 10 years to upgrade to the next sony console and probably end up scrapping your PS3 + games to buy the next microsoft console in 5 years. PS3 may be high end now, but the PC has surpassed it graphically, 360 is basically the same with small graphical trade-offs, but in 10 years it will be the pooper PS2 has been for the past 5+ years.
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    Considering the 360 started crashing when we ran it at 1080p, I think the stage is set for its high-def capabilities.

    I was a PS3 hater. But I saw the light. (granted, a 1080p TV does that)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know if that's a valid issue.

    My old 360 (which I sold to a friend), and my new Elite have never crashed on me, and I run them at 1080p.

    It's like me coming out and saying the Wii sucks because it's crashed on me more times than my Vista laptop (which is true). I can take that experience and realize that it's not the 'norm'.

    To be honest, the videocard for the 360 is more powerful than the ps3. The 360 can render true 1080p images, while the ps3 has some built in up-scaler, or something like that. If I'm not mistaken, there's only 1 game so far that's true 1080p on the ps3? Not sure if it's out yet either.
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    360. Nice multiplayer and a solid game libary.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    AI of the crowd, its not that impressive, its just a set animation.

    To be fair, lets face it, GT HD is just a car going around a small track. Its hardly, you know, taxing on the system.

    Give it 7 at least other cars all with AI, collision detection, all using THAT MNAY polies, and then lets see just how smooth/detailed/good it is wink.gif

    And yeah I own a PS3, and to be fair, I've never thought I've waisted my money on something as much I do this. At least with the PSP I had homebrew.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dont think anyone said that the crowd is AI.

    I think their intension was to set the bar in terms of the vehicle quality and their car shaders. The course, lighting and audio look like a giant WIP. The only way to go from here is up and i am confident they will deliver. GT4 was one of the most beautiful/photorealistic games on the PS2.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Actually I believe the only way to go for them from here is "down". because they are set standards so high, I fail to see them havign a game that looks as good as those cars all over, and still at 60FPS at 1080p. (because GT wont be anything less than 60FPS, they wouldn't allow it).
  • EarthQuake
    [ QUOTE ]
    yeah that kinda got to me in the end. Vrooom! But it is fantastic also. Freewheeling is something you gotta try to see how detailed the audio actually is.

    Traditionally playstations doesn't peak until they hit the end of their life-spans. Considering the 360 started crashing when we ran it at 1080p, I think the stage is set for its high-def capabilities.

    I was a PS3 hater. But I saw the light. (granted, a 1080p TV does that)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great non-arguement there, ps3 can display more pixels, thus graphics = better!!! ohshit, you're so right. Yeah that makes perfect sense dude, blurier textures at a higher resolution will surely shock and awe us all. Theres much more to visual fidelity than resoultion, and 720p looks fucking ace on most tvs. If the ps3 cant even put assets on screen that can take advantage of the extra resolution you have the whole thing is moot. And hell, just look at Gears dude, even using in the 400 MB range for textures you still see lots of lowres blurry textures at 720, so what in the hell can you expect out of 256 max? Sure GTHD looks pretty, but theres absolutely no reason at all you couldnt run that game on a 360. Render a couple highres car models and a decent track environment and throw in some lowpoly NPCs..... Hell you could do that on your average PC as well.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    yeah that kinda got to me in the end. Vrooom! But it is fantastic also. Freewheeling is something you gotta try to see how detailed the audio actually is.

    Traditionally playstations doesn't peak until they hit the end of their life-spans. Considering the 360 started crashing when we ran it at 1080p, I think the stage is set for its high-def capabilities.

    I was a PS3 hater. But I saw the light. (granted, a 1080p TV does that)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great non-arguement there, ps3 can display more pixels, thus graphics = better!!! ohshit, you're so right. Yeah that makes perfect sense dude, blurier textures at a higher resolution will surely shock and awe us all. Theres much more to visual fidelity than resoultion, and 720p looks fucking ace on most tvs. If the ps3 cant even put assets on screen that can take advantage of the extra resolution you have the whole thing is moot. And hell, just look at Gears dude, even using in the 400 MB range for textures you still see lots of lowres blurry textures at 720, so what in the hell can you expect out of 256 max? Sure GTHD looks pretty, but theres absolutely no reason at all you couldnt run that game on a 360. Render a couple highres car models and a decent track environment and throw in some lowpoly NPCs..... Hell you could do that on your average PC as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh i agree with you, you most probably could run something like that on the 360 no problem. I dont know to what extent they are utilizing the Cell CPU for visual fidelity, so meh ..

    I think the arguement here was which system to invest in, with GT being a sony exclusive and all. GT and Metal Gear combined probably account for a large portion of playstations sold anyway.
  • EarthQuake
    Well its one thing to say you think the ps3 has better deveopers, with more tallented artists and that will equal out to better games. Because that is a very valid opinion to have. But to make retarded claims such as the 360 has met its peak, and the ps3 looks better because it didnt crash doing 1080, etc is just downright ignorant.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    the only ignorance I have is to own both consoles and a 1080p tv. (I'm not rich just lucky)

    just ot address a few issues'

    gears was made for 720p - 360 couldn't pump out 1080p until recently. (software update) It's debatable if the system was ever meant to run 1080p. Nearly all the games I run don't like it. Gears locks up frequently.

    GTA4? Is this coming xbox?

    There is far more than 1 game for the PS3 that does 1080p. As a matter of fact, I only know of one game that doesnt do 1080p. (resistance) 1080p is the standard on the PS3.

    I've had the plesure of borrowing ridgeracer7 for the xbox 360 and we checked it out on both consoles. It looks staggeringly better on the 360, but for me this kinda re-inforces what I'm trying to say. The 360 is a known thing, it's been in developers hands for long enough to really milk the system to its potential (like the xbox). Whereas the playstation 3 is no where near being milked so hard (even though the draw distance was greater), and if they did know how to get the best out of it, I'm sure they would. As we will see in coming years.

    Of course. All this is just talk. The games are truely what matters.

    Thats why I'm in the PS3 camp for now. cool.gif (OK mainly because the 360 sounds like someone is hoovering right next to my tv)
  • EarthQuake
    Lol, well i'm glad you have one good game, erm demo you like to play on your ps3. Hardware wise the systems are way to similar, you will never see any amazing breakthrough on either system that is just going to be jaw-droping gorgeous and totaly outshine the other. We've all heard the hype, and seen what the actual games look like on the ps3, most of which look like they could run on an xbox1, so yeah the ps3 still probablly has a good deal to look forward to, but even then you're talking the same "peak" as the 360.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    We've all heard the hype, and seen what the actual games look like on the ps3, most of which look like they could run on an xbox1

    [/ QUOTE ]

    searches hard drive for funny man in clown suit honking nose
  • EarthQuake
    Also i really dont see what you fail to understand about the 1080 thing, if you have a 256 texture thats rendered 2 feet tall on your huge tv, is it really going to look any better with twice the resolution, how about 4 times? No, its still a blurry ass texture, neither system has enough memory to really take advantage of resolutions that high.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    GTA4? Is this coming xbox?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh yeh, gta4 is coming for both systems. Although i believe there is exclusive downloadable content planned for both... Dont quote me on that though.

    DMC is also shipping for both systems.
  • EarthQuake
    And really, if your big awesome reason why all games will look better on the ps3 is 1080p.... Why is all the media for every game released 720p? Explain that one to me sunshine. Take special note of the mgs4 shots, lovely blury textures there with your 256 megs of video ram. Just goes to show no matter what resolution you run at, if all you got is blurry textures you're still fucked. Run it at 8000x6000 and it still looks like shit.

    Hey i'de love ps3 games to somehow shock the hell out of me and make me eat all of my words. But unfortunately i dont live in a fantasy land where the amount of pixels rendered on screen its proportionally equal to the quality of the visuals.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Wait, that assassins creed image is pretty awesome.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    oh yeh, gta4 is coming for both systems. Although i believe there is exclusive downloadable content planned for both... Dont quote me on that though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it is comming out on both platforms at the same time, but I think Microsoft is getting exclusive playable content downloadable on XBL. This was announced a long time ago however, so things may have changed I dont know.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Hah, I like how this turned into a console war smile.gif

    Really, they are both amazing systems with very cool possibilities, but ATM I think the XBL service and the game library put the 360 ahead. That could definitely change though as the PS3 gets more mature. I am definitely impressed, however, that you can upgrade the PS3 HDD to any size and they have huge demos you can download for free. The free Tekken game they released has a cool feature where it records the playing style of some of the top Tekken players, then a bot mimics its style and you get to fight it. And it works really really well too.
  • skankerzero
    Hmm, 1080p isn't standard on the PS3 last time I checked...

    I better tell the head programmers then, cause we're told it was 720p.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I don't mean the shipped setting

    most (non cross platform) game are running @ 1080p

    cross platform games are 720p

    or so it would appear.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Update: I did end up getting a 360 this last weekend. Circuit City is running a deal right now; you buy a 360 and you get an additional wireless controller and Fuzion Frenzy 2 for free. They also had no pay until 2009, so rather than saving up and trying to find a deal, I just bought it now with a fairly decent deal. Some may not agree with my next move, but I returned Fuzion Frenzy 2 to a different store and got store credit, which I used towards Gears of War.

    Anyways, I wasn't able to get the 360 hooked up until last night. I had to finish routing network cables through my house, in order to get the network up. Once I did that, I didn't have time to mess with things. The problem I have is fighting with my wife for TV time. This is a concern I had from the start, and is also why I don't like the idea of paying for Live. Even though I know it's a good service, it may end up being a waste of money for me if I can only manage to get online a couple hours a month :/

    This brings me to my new question for you guys. Do any of you know of a way to connect via remote desktop to the XBox? I don't mean connect to another computer through my XBox, but to connect to my XBox through the computer. I don't imagine I would be able to play games through remote desktop, I would just like to complete some of my setup steps without taking over the TV.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    notman hey you returned fusion frenzy to walmart ey? haha I have done that many a times. I still get games from microsoft for free or for 5 bucks and usually they are months after they are out and i already have them so since they aren't open i just bring them into walmart and get something i need or want.

    I pay for live. I don't play as much as I would like to but it is nice to be able to play when I want to or have time. So it's a convenience thing that I paid for. I don't mind. It was 50 bucks for a year. Less than going to the movies for my wife and I 2 times so it balances out.

    As for the remote desktop thing. Not sure what you mean exactly but I have a vga cable that i hook up to my 19" widescreen lcd thats 720p when my wife or child has the tv and i just plug in by my computer.

    You could buy (rent) one from walmart. Get your steps done and then return it. Yeah it's shady but so is walmart.

    I have all my computers and 360 networked as well and can play videos, music off my computer through my 360. Thats pretty nice.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Funny, you predicted correctly... I took it back to Walmart. Mainly because Circuit City and Best Buy both ran an ad recently that included getting Fuzion Frenzy 2 for free. So they would probably only give me .01 of store credit wink.gif I honestly don't think of it as a big deal since they did get a sale out of me still and they have a perfectly fine game to sell. Not to mention the other crap we bought while we were visiting that we weren't expecting to.

    But yeah, I have my house networked together also. When I upgrade my media PC to handle HD content, I'll be moving it to my basement and using the XBox for the interface to Windows Media Center.

    What I basically want is to view my XBox through the network, just like I can view/control another computer using Window's remote desktop connection. I'm sure it wouldn't be able to stream fast enough to play games, but it should be sufficient to set things up, check the marketplace, and check on my account.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    oh man i have never heard of being able to network the 360 like that. That would be cool but I seriously doubt that is possible.

    Just move the 360 by the computer and use a vga / hd cable and connect to your monitor to do all your updates if you need to and can't get on the tv.

    Either that or kick the wife and kids in the ass and say " I AM MAN. STEP ASIDE."

    Make sure you are bare chested, wearing a lions head sash, have a large sword on your hip like conan and have leather boots from the hides of lions you killed with your bare hands.

    Trust me they will listen to you and then and only then will you feel like you can conquer the universe.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    tsk tsk tsk, if you want to conquer the universe you need to be He-Man, not Conan.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    tsk tsk tsk, if you want to conquer the universe you need to be He-Man, not Conan.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well what we will have to do is find and kidnap She-Ra have He-Man and Conan wack it into a cup, combine the sperm and force impregnate She-Ra with that "Super Sperm" and then the real Conqueror of the Universe will be born
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    we'll name him The-Man
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