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Console Purchase Help

polycounter lvl 18
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notman polycounter lvl 18
I need some help from you guys. I've recently acquired some money from B-Day gifts, and I'm considering entering the game console world again. Problem is, I'm not confident which device to go with this time. Typically there is an obvious front runner.
I'm still about a month away from making a purchase since I still need to save a few additional bucks, but I'd like to get some advice now. Hopefully this can be done without a pissing match about which console is better... just some opinions would be nice.
Here are some points relating to my situation:
<ul type="square">[*] I'm debating between an XBox 360, PS3, or the PSP
[*] I have a 46" LCD with 1080p resolution
[*] Part of the consideration is to use the console as a HD player (obviously not the PSP). So, the prices kind of balance out once you buy the HD-DVD adapter
[*] I don't want the Wii because I don't care for the game lineup and the power of the system
[*] I'm hoping to do online gaming (Free with PS3, not with XBox)
[*] I would like to 'Backup' my games
[*] PSP I could buy now, but a new version is rumored to be on the horizon
[*] I would like HDMI, but doubt I want to front the money for the 360 Elite
[*] My kids already have a PS2 and I want to step into the next gen
[*] I have a media PC and I'm considering using the 360 as a media extender (Not sure if the PS3 can do this)

I was REALLY leaning towards the 360 until I heard yesterday about them blocking Live accounts for users who had hacked their systems in any way. That was a huge turn off for me. I also really want the Elite features, but can't see paying $80 more for them. OH, and I love the idea of getting guitar hero and being able to download new songs. Also, the expensive wireless network device with no support for third party network cards is another bummer. An additional hope is that the Live network will become free for all once they open up to the PC gamers (or a hack will become available).

I'm not as turned off by the PS3 as many others are, but I'm concerned about it's longevity and game support. I also don't like so many developers leaving them. The recent posts about the upcoming games have been enticing though. A side note also is how well Blu-ray will do. With the 360, I don't have to invest into the player until I'm more confident about the media format. With the PS3, the money is invested into the blu-ray right from the start. If it fails, I've paid too much money for just a game console.

Right now, the PSP probably isn't a huge consideration since it's about to be upgraded and the current system sales haven't been stellar. Makes me think it will go the direction of the Sega Gamegear. I don't think even the recent price drop is going to save it... but that is also the reason it got my attention recently. I also like to watch several podcasts, which it would be handy for.

Ok, this post is bigger than expected now :/ Anyways, I'm hoping some of you might be able to shed some light on things I didn't think about or realize were possible/existed for these systems. Some of you have both of these systems (Hawken?) and I'd like to know if there is one you find yourself playing more. It's a huge investment and I want to be happy with my purchase since it won't be like the old days where I can just go buy the other system if I don't like the first one.


  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    in my opinion 360 no contest.
  • bounchfx
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    First, why are you worried about people who have pirated/modded getting banned. Just don't steal your games like an asshole and you'll be fine.

    Elite - 50 bucks more where I got it for HDMI out and an extra 100 gigs, fully worth it. Still cheaper than PS3

    Online - It costs, but that's because it's better. MS Centralizes live by themselves rather than making the devs do so the live support. This means that it works better, there are standards, and it is generally more enjoyable, however yes, it does cost money.

    Backing up games - If your worried it costs 3 bucks for a year warrenty on any game from EB Games. Do that rather than "Backup" if you need.

    Current game line up - 360 has a one year lead on the PS3, more games, better games as devs are used to working with hardware, etc... Wait a bit for the PS3, pay less, have more to choose from, and get the 360 now.

    All in all what it should come down to though is games. Which system has more, better games right now? For me this was 360 hands down. Got it recently, and I'm loving it. PS3 may have some stuff that interests me in a year or two, but at the moment it doesn't have a thing I want that the 360 doesn't already have.
  • bounchfx
    What? you want reasons and explanation for our recommendation? yuck. ok here:

    Either way, if you want online gaming, you are not going to be hacking your console.

    Second, if you want at the very least a decent online experience, it's XBL all the way, it is by far the best online service and it is awesome. I have yet to hear anyone complain about the price per year. it is worth every single penny. Or you can be one of those bums who rips off 48hr and 1 month trials from games.

    First thing to ask yourself?
    What system has the most games to offer that caters to what I am looking for.

    That's very important. You want a system that has the best choice of games for what your preference is.

    so, ask yourself what genre you like best

    fps? 360
    rpg? ..looking like 360 too
    rts? 360/pc
    sports? 360

    but aside from genre, take a list at the release lists and the games already available, and make a list of which ones you are really looking forward to, tally em up, see whatcha got.

    for instance, theres about 20 360 games out already that I really enjoy, and I can make an easy list of 15 potential AAA games coming for 360, and 30-40 games I'm raelly looking forward to, however, for the ps3 I can only think of 5-6 games I am looking forward to, so, meh, that can wait.

    it all comes down to preference, although I hope this helps.

    any more questions just ask
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Even as a proud Nintendo Fan Boy i have to admit... go for the 360...

    The PS3 is selling less then GBA which already tells much how good it will do... and the Wii hmm too much party too few games perhaps.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, there are other reasons to hack a 360, than to just copy games and I don't like the idea of MS disabling an account that is being paid for just because they don't want me playing with the hardware. But I won't lie and act like I wouldn't want to back up games every once and a while. I do believe in paying for and supporting good games though. I also wouldn't mind getting into developing some games for the system, and I don't know if the XBox will block me from doing so without a hack.

    The paying for online play bugs me because I don't know how much time I'll actually have to play it online. I typically like online FPS games, but it will also be on my main TV, which I share with my wife wink.gif So, I may not get enough online play to make it worth paying for. I still would though if I get the 360.

    As a reminder, I plan on getting the HD-DVD if I go the 360 route, so $450 for an Elite and $150 for an HD-DVD (If on sale), is just as much as a PS3.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    360 has a pretty awesome lineup already compared to the PS3. Either way, you can't "backup" your games with the console and play online, because they just started banning consoles yesterday (and it doesn't ban your live account, it bans your entire console, prob a key on the eeprom). XBL marketplace and the online features are well worth paying the full price of a game instead of pirating it (or "backing it up"). In the future the PS3 may catch in terms of kickass games, but I think it'll be at least a year (and by then the 360 will have even more titles). Don't base your purchase on the idea of a bluray or HD-DVD player, because then you might end up with the console you don't want after the HD movie buzz has left and kick yourself for it. Get crackdown and dead rising to start smile.gif
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Obviously you want the PS3 more or you wouldn't still be going against what everyone has recommended.

    That said, no company wants you to mod their system. If you absolutly must, be ready to pay the consequences.

    XBL is cheap by the way. I believe its around 4 bucks a month if paid yearly. Not bad at all.

    Want to develop games for it? XNA. MS actually has some support for this already.

    That said, do what you feel will make you most happy.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Oh, as to the modding thing. MS has apparently said they will not be panning modded consoles anymore due to some problems with refurbished 360s from the first set that went out. They'll be looking for some other security from what I hear.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, there are other reasons to hack a 360, than to just copy games and I don't like the idea of MS disabling an account that is being paid for just because they don't want me playing with the hardware. But I won't lie and act like I wouldn't want to back up games every once and a while. I do believe in paying for and supporting good games though. I also wouldn't mind getting into developing some games for the system, and I don't know if the XBox will block me from doing so without a hack.

    The paying for online play bugs me because I don't know how much time I'll actually have to play it online. I typically like online FPS games, but it will also be on my main TV, which I share with my wife wink.gif So, I may not get enough online play to make it worth paying for. I still would though if I get the 360.

    As a reminder, I plan on getting the HD-DVD if I go the 360 route, so $450 for an Elite and $150 for an HD-DVD (If on sale), is just as much as a PS3.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    $50 a year / 12 = $4.16 a month. If that bothers you, you need a new job :P

    Plus, the hack on the 360 is nothing like the one on the original Xbox. You still can't run unsigned code, so that means the only reason you would use the firmware hack is for piracy or "backing up".
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys. I wasn't expecting so many responses so quickly.

    Tulkamir: I understand your points. I wasn't trying to defend the idea of a PS3, just throwing out some of my mental debates between the two systems. I know the ultimate decision is mine, but I'm just trying to get a feeling from those who already own the systems since I only know one person who has a system (360). I also wasn't aware of XNA, so thanks for the heads up. I was looking into using Torque's 360 support.

    You guys seem to really be confirming what I was already going for originally, which would be to get a 360. I guess I'm back to the Premium or Elite debate. The Elite seems to be hard to find right now, so I may base my choice on which one is most easily available when I get the full amount.

    I AM still interested in any other thoughts if anyone has them... or just recommendations in general.

    [ QUOTE ]
    $50 a year / 12 = $4.16 a month. If that bothers you, you need a new job :P

    [/ QUOTE ]
    LOL, actually it's the wife and kids that make money hard to come by wink.gif Honestly, I think it's years of free online gaming through the PC that have spoiled me on the idea of paying anything. I guess I just need to get used to the idea of paying though.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly, I think it's years of free online gaming through the PC that have spoiled me on the idea of paying anything. I guess I just need to get used to the idea of paying though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats the way I was at first, but to be honest, if they had something as nice as the XBL setup on the PC, I'd pay just as much for it smile.gif
  • skankerzero

    If you wait a couple months, the Premium will include the HDMI and larger HDD. The current premium will become the core and the current core will be phased out.

    I have an Elite and HD drive and love it on my tv.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    notman, why not a wii ? maybe you can play with your kids i dunno , but i would go for a 360 wink.gif it also has lumines, and that is a win for me ehehe...
  • bounchfx
    looks pretty unanimous to me lol
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    360, hands down. Live + Live Arcade rocks; downloadable content is awesome, as are the games (castlevania ftw). Oh... and your constant comments about hacking the 360 are somewhat disconcerting, but that's for another discussion. tongue.gif
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    This shouldn't even be a debate. With the title line up the 360 already has right now available and with other hot titles coming out. GTA 4, Assassins Creed, UT3, Halo 3, Halo Wars, etc. So many awesome games already.

    You mention wanting to make games. You can make games for live right now and publish them and upload them for others to play with the xna dev kit. I think it's free for you to use and if you want help / support it's like 99 bucks for a year. Thats an awesome price.

    Sure if you get the elite with hd-dvd it's as much as a ps3 but you will have a better system in my opinion. I'm not a 360 fan boy by any means and will get a ps3 when more games come out. The only game I want right now is motorstorm.

    Online gaming. Xbox live has been the best thing that has been available for years. No hands down and now with vista they are integrating games to work back and forth with pc and 360 and share achievements. How awesome is that? Tons of guys on polycount already have 360s and I see them on from time to time.

    So stop worrying about hacking consoles (thats bad ju ju) and go to best buy and get that 360 already.
  • sonic
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Oh and you can play WORMS on xbox live arcade. Worms, Double Dragon, the original Ninja Turtles Arcade game.

    Come on that is so much better than Sonys line up right there.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks again guys. The number of games isn't a big deal to me since I go for quality, not quantity wink.gif But it's pretty obvious that no one is impressed by the PS3 or the PSP, so it just confirmed that I should get a 360.

    Sonic: I can find the Elite out of stock anywhere, no need for linke :P wink.gif My next step will be to finish saving up the money, then looking for the best deal. Best Buy has the best deal among the big box companies right now. It comes with Fusion Frenzy 2, which I know NOTHING about and it may suck, but at least it's SOMETHING with the system instead of nothing wink.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I got mine at Best Buy. Replacement plan is a life saver. So definitely think about that as well.

    Also I have a PSP. My wife got it for me for my birthday like 2 years ago and I haven't played a game on it since Tony Hawks Underground 2 and the first Tiger Woods on it. It's a nice handheld but the 360 is a much more fun and enjoyable experience.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Whatever you do, get a warranty. New systems die a lot it seems!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah the warranty is a must have. It's better to hold off on getting an extra game when you get the console and spend that 40-50 bucks on a warranty than a new console in 6 months. I've gotten a brand new psp and 360 because of this.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Take console price, divided by the number of games you want, if that's equal to or less than the average price of games, then it earns it's play value. If not, wait for more games you want, cause by then, the console price may have dropped.

    Example, when I wanted the DS(129.99) I wanted four games (price ranging from 29.99 to 39.99). That totalled around $140, therefore the console was worth the price

    That said, I got the 360.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    good point cholden. let's see i have 14 games for my 360 plus a bunch of live arcade games so my 360 has earned it's play value.

    2 games on my psp = 55-60 bucks. frown.gif
  • skankerzero
    Jesse: even without warranty, Microsoft gives you 1 year with the purchase of a new system, but either way, store warranty is a good thing. I got a 5 year for my elite through Best Buy.

    I have 20 games for my 360 and countless arcade games.

    Fusion Frenzy 2 kinda sucks btw.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i got my 360 bundle with madden and before i get flamed madden is fun in my opinion. It mixes things up from shooting things all the time.

    Yeah 5 years is an awesome warranty.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I played a ps3 for the first time the other day,

    felt like a ps2 and looked like a 360 and the games seemed just like playing ps2 as well (resistance and NFS carbon), I guess it just needs better games. The price point is what makes me shudder though.

    360 or even wii seem nicer...though I think the wii has more value in a group environment ...like at work hehehe
  • bounchfx
    ugh, sony should have at least made their controller more comfortable.. it's nothing compared to the 360 controller.

    oh sony, how much I enjoyed you in the past.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    get a 360 the library of great games is huge, compared to the PS3. I'm very happy with my 360 laugh.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    don't listen to anyone here but me

    get a PS3

    take it from the horses mouth... our 360 broke down the other day. We get double the HD action on the PS3 in any case, what with all the movies and shit. I really did give both systems a chance but ended up playing the PS3 50% more than the 360. And when I wasn't doing that, I used it to browse the internet.

    The PS3 is slated like hell, however GTHD is freaking amazing, and the games lineup is getting better. I know its a pricey system, IMHO it's worth it.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    hawken is smoking crack. he's the only guy with a ps3 and the games line up sucks donkey cock.

    360 FTW
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    hawken is smoking crack. he's the only guy with a ps3 and the games line up sucks donkey cock.

    360 FTW

    [/ QUOTE ]

    maybe you should start using the internet less, considering the quality of your recent posts.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Buy a mother fucking wii mother fucker

    But if moving isn't your thing, try the three sixtah

    And I suppose if you feel like dishing out six hundreds your welcome too, but I would wait until they have something (more things) worht playing
  • EarthQuake
  • andym12
    sony dwiimcast thwii60
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I bought a 360 around christmas time and have absolutely loved it, along with my Wii, although my Wii gets a lot less play time than the 360. The PS3 simply doesn't have a large stable of games yet and it's never a good idea to buy a console for the games that will be coming out later, because you can simply buy it later when the price has dropped or whatever.

    I'm still not impressed with the PS3 but I wasn't impressed with the 360 up until Dead Rising, Gears of War, and Splinter Cell:DA were out, and didn't want to buy one until then. You'd probably do best to come up with a list of games you want to play, and then buy a system that has those games available, or wait until those games are available to buy one.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    hawken: GTHD doesn't have any decent AI, no online play, no damage on cars, and the driving/physics engine is the exact same as GT4. Don't get me wrong, it looks beautiful and I am definitely excited about GT5, but GTHD is no reason to buy a PS3.

    Forza 2, on the other hand, comes out May 29! Woo!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    maybe you should start using the internet less, considering the quality of your recent posts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    man i would be taking my nerf gun apart and prepping it for paint but my digital camera is dead and i want to get pics of the process.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    360 all the way. Its got the games, its got the online system, its got the better pad.

    Its the PS2 of this generation.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Well, this is a bit of a toss-up. There are a lot of factors for and against each respective system. With your sweet AV setup, you would really be able to take advantage of a HD system. So the 360 or PS3 would both be a good choice for showing off your screen.

    For the 360, there is obviously a much better selection of games at the moment. And Microsoft doesn't seem to be slouching off on third-party support, so its likely that you won't have to worry about game selection on the 360. They will likely have a solid library throughout the system's lifespan. On the other hand, Microsoft has had some real problems with hardware stability. Its true that the 360 is a much more closed system in terms of its hardware and services. This allows Microsoft to control the environment. If you're someone who enjoys getting into the guts of a system and playing around, you probably won't have as much fun with the 360.

    The PS3 is obviously more expensive, but you do get a considerable amount for your money. With your screen, you would actually be able to use the Blu-Ray playback of the PS3 effectively. Sony really needs to beef-up their on-line store and its offerings, Microsoft is eating their lunch on that front. However, Home does look very promising, and I'm expecting it to be pretty solid. If playing around with the hardware is important to you, I'd definitely recommend the PS3. Its much more friendly in terms of upgrades and tweaking. They are relying on their Blu-Ray game requirements for security. With the PS3 you can upgrade the hard drive freely (a big plus), install a new operating system to play around with, and plug in extras like a keyboard, mouse, or other USB devices. The PS3 seems to be much closer to a controlled PC experience rather than a full-on console. If you prefer more of a PC experience, it will probably serve you well. Also, its hardware has been much more stable than the 360 so far, which is both positive and surprising.

    I wouldn't suggest the PSP as a primary portable gameing device. I own a DS and a PSP, and I can say with certainty that the PSP is not as good as a portable game player. It just isn't as good for portable gaming. Now, if you're willing to "modify" your PSP slightly, things change. With a little playing around with the system's firmware, it is possible to make your PSP a game-playing and media-center portable juggernaught. The short battery life that limits game play of PSP titles is almost trippled when you play games off of the memory stick. A lot of PS1 games work very well with the PSP's control scheme. (I recently played through the entirety of Symphony of the Night on my PSP, and loved it) The potential for other applications is also great. I installed SCUMMVM on my PSP over the weekend, and have been playing Gobliiins and Monkey Island on it. If you're willing to risk bricking your PSP, and tweak its firmware, it is a very good portable gaming value. Otherwise, I would suggest you get a DS first.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Richard, that's a pretty informative post. It points out several of the reasons I'm having problems making a decision wink.gif Right now I'm leaning towards the 360, but every saying that I should DEFINITELY get a warranty, makes me think that the hardware is junk. On the other hand, EVERY PS3 I've seen in stores has been locked up/crashed. And that has been on multiple visits to the same locations.
    Maybe by the time I get all the money together, Sony will do something to change my mind, but right now I'm thinking I'll take a chance on the 360. The PS3 just feels like it's going the way of the Dreamcast right now :/ Which is sad since I really am a big PS fan.

    I think I'm throwing out the idea of a PSP though. With a new one on it's way, and the current one still not doing very well, I don't think it'll be worth the investment. My kid has a DS and while it's a cool handheld, I just can't get into any of the Nintendo games. Too kiddy for me. It's the reason I don't want the Wii also. Not to mention I don't think the Wii has anything to offer once you get past the fun of the controller.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I can't stand it when consoles crap out on me. I had a PS2 that did this all the time, and it was incredibly frustrating. So for me, a stable console is very important. It's one of the reasons why I've always been happy with Nintendo's hardware.

    As long as it doesn't crash, a 360 is a very solid choice. It's very much designed to be a console experience, so it is a good companion system to a PC. (where as a PS3 is much closer to actually being a PC) The PS3 could still do better, and it is getting a decenet amount of development support. But its price is going to be severely limiting its marketshare for years to come. So there is little to no chance that it will live up to its predecessors.

    If you are looking for somthing to play on the DS, I can't recommend Phoenix Wright highly enough. Great game. Old-school adventure game feel, with lots of solid writing. Also, any of the Castlevania titles are a safe bet. (and considerablly less "kiddy") The PSP has a solid library, there's no doubt about it. And its recent price-drop makes it a lot easeir to swallow. The biggest plus is the drop in Memory stick prices since it's release. They were ridiculously expensive when the system came out, but have dropped to a much more reasonable level. But certain hardware decisions make the system inherently less "portable." UMD games and movies drain the battery in four hours or less, sometimes faster. Playing games off of the memory stick can stretch the battery life past ten hours. (comparable to the DS) So sadly enough, the PSP is worth a lot more as a portable system when you circumvent Sony's firmware.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I just researched the XNA and I have to say, it's crap as it sits right now IMO. I have to pay $99 per year to develop a game for the 360? Then the only way I can share it is if the other person has a Creators Club license? AND, you can't develop it to be on a CD/DVD or memory stick. Guess if I get a 360, I can forget about developing anything for it :/
    Not that I was going to make anything ground breaking, but that's also why it isn't worth $99 a year to toy with it.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    While it is true that you mess around with the PS3 more, it is still heavily restricted. For example, you can install any PowerPC Linux distro, but it shuts off all the SPEs except for one so you're stuck with a crippled processor that benches lower than an 800mhz computer. http://www.s-times.net/12062006/01/report_ps3_with_linux_800mhz_pentium_iii
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    The PS3 just feels like it's going the way of the Dreamcast right now :/ Which is sad since I really am a big PS fan.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    dreamcast had some of the best games of all time

    PS3 does have bluetooth too! wink.gif

    I just wanted to say about GTHD: I played the demo (which is basically one track and ten cars, with online time trials) for about 5 days solid. It's a tricky game with lots of depth, even with just one track and no management mode.

    the xbox360 has kinda peaked, in terms of graphical ability, whereas the ps3 is just starting out. GTHD looks fucking amazing. hands down the most realistic game I've ever had the fortune to play. Ridge racer 7 though... fun for a few days, untill you complete it!

    also the PS3 is region free, for games. When you load up a japanese game on a system set to english, the game plays in english, and visa versa.
  • EarthQuake
    The hardware is nearly identicle, if the 360 has hit its peak, then you have the peak of the ps3 at the same spot. Dont be a retard. Please explain to me exactly what the ps3 will do graphically that the 360 cant, or stfu. You should know better than to think either system has hit any sort of peak yet.

    lol fanboy arguements on the internet, yay!

    [edit]Also keep in mind the ps3 has less available texture memory, when explaining the amazing graphical feats that will surely outdo anything the 360 can do.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    the lack of memory (or non-unified rather) definitely shows in some ps3 titles, you can definitely see that it creates a bottleneck and textures appear to look noticably sharper and better on the 360, but it's not night and day.

    What may be a possibility with a lot of exclusive ps3 titles is that they are able to stream stuff from each individual core as well as run many other functions more efficiently. We're yet to see the "uber" physics ai and all other "next gen" nonsenes from sony, but GTHD for example is looking spectacular, despite running on arguably inferior video hardware. I am not a programmer but there must be some clever magic at work with the ps3's cell cpu. I am not fully convinced but we'll see.

    I dunno what's up, maybe we'll have to wait and see until GT5 runs with multiple ai entities and multiple cars in one frame on a more detailed course with full damage model to really see how the PS3 can sweat it.

    A lot of credit has to be given to Polyphony though, their stuff is always to the cutting edge of photorealistic rendering despite the hardware limitations. There is just something that's not right with Forza or any NFS games in terms of looking really convincing. The polycounts of those car models in GTHD are off the charts ... jebus..

    EDIT: the half synthesized audio in realistic driving games however dissapoints me right now. and Gran Turismo is not the only culprit.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    yeah that kinda got to me in the end. Vrooom! But it is fantastic also. Freewheeling is something you gotta try to see how detailed the audio actually is.

    Traditionally playstations doesn't peak until they hit the end of their life-spans. Considering the 360 started crashing when we ran it at 1080p, I think the stage is set for its high-def capabilities.

    I was a PS3 hater. But I saw the light. (granted, a 1080p TV does that)
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