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Spider-man 3!!!!



  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    carnage was always a shit premise in my opinion. i see a lot of people wanting him or seeing a progression to him next, but i really hope not. to be honest, i don't really want to see another. they hit the main bullet points & they'd be scraping to cobble something together with any of the other material. seriously, what other big spidey stories are there? the clone saga? hah!

    and why blame fanboys for raimi writing characters he doesn't like? if raimi really didn't like venom, why didn't he nut up & just not have venom than crap on him? i'll agree with Vig that venom hurt this movie, but only because of how tacked on it was. if they were standalone movies, both would have worked.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, this one is pretty much on Raimi. No one made him write a mediocre script, fanboy pressure or not. In the first movie, he had the balls to change some fundamental things about the character (no mechanical webshooters, for instance) so I don't think he was caving in to Venom fans now. He just didn't make a great film. The whole thing seemed to me like everyone was pretty much burned out on it. I'm fine if they don't do a fourth one, just so I don't end up reading any more of Kirsten Dunst's bitching and whining about it.

    ill-logic, there are a few other good Spidey stories out there. I think the next best one for a film (and better than S3's) would be the Kraven storyline. Check it out if you haven't, pretty good stuff.
  • Mark Dygert
    Here is why I think Raimi bent to Venom pressure:

    1)Raimi has always been very accessible and open to his fans. Both Raimi and Bruce Campbell seem very open to talking to "the little guy" and listening to what he has to say. I think a few very vocal rabid fans managed to wrangle his ear for far too long.

    2) After seeing Lucus take such a beating for not taking fans wishes into consideration over the Star Wars "touch ups" and the new movies, I think he was worried he would get the same rough treatment if he didn't listen and give them what they wanted.

    3) I think part of him held back on really putting the polish and embedding Venom in the story line was that he wanted to prove he was right about Venom. Sort of a "FINE I'll put it in but don't complain when it sucks, remember I told ya so!"

    Thats my take on it. I bet he pulls off something nice for 4 and ends it on that.
  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    there are a couple of good kraven stories, but i don't see them becoming interesting movies. as for four, they could just do something seperate than the comics entirely but there's really no telling how that would go.

    and as for fanboys' call for venom, the same could have been said for gambit in the x-men movies. people (for whatever reason) love him & kept saying he was going to be in 'the next one'. it never happened, but it didn't effect the movies one way or the other, be it through story or sales. so i still kind of see it falling on raimi's shoulders here. if he didn't like the character, he didn't have to do it.
    also, i don't see why he wouldn't like venom. at his core, he's evil spiderman. raimi had ash fight evil ash in army of darkness, right? lol so what's wrong with spiderman vs evil spiderman?

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Haven't had the chance to see the film yet, but figured I'd be greatly disappointed with it. From what people have been saying, I'm not surprised one bit. I'll still go see it though.

  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I saw it tonight finally. There were some parts that I could have done without. The Mary Jane stuff mainly but she's not a bad piece to look at so blah. Sandman was cool and I liked the effects.


    As for Venom. Well I wanted more. It would have been better to not even show him and Spidey fighting. Show the symbiote finding Brock towards the end and going through the transition. After Harrys funeral cut back to Brock being taken over and close with him jumping away as Venom. Roll credits.

    That ending wouldn't fuck the character over that is a huge part of Spiderman and it would leave an easy opening for a 4th one.

    Other characters to think of are Dr. Conners as The Lizard. He could be interesting. Hobgoblin. Although I think he's kinda gay in my opinion. Didn't he fight to protect the fashion industry? I don't know I'm rough on my spidey comics. Deadpool? Did they ever interact? I think they can still somehow say Brock didn't die. I mean yeah we saw his "skeleton" but look how they changed good ole Uncle Ben's death scene.

    Oh well. I still enjoyed it and it was the first time the wife and I could get out to see a movie in over a year. I didn't even see 300.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I can't believe you guys are being so harsh on this movie. I liked it overall. The only things I'd agree with is the singing was crap (only the first song was necessary for the storyline), and the reporting during the big fight scene was completely unnecessary. I do think we could have done without the Sandman during this movie though. It did seem to unnaturallty break the movie.

    The one thing that sucked about the movie was the asshole behind me. Some kids decided to sit behind me just before the moview started. One was around 7 years old, and he kept kicking my seat. I turned around and yelled rather loudly, "Can you PLEASE stop kicking my seat." My wife mentioend something about telling the theater attendant who was nearby (movie hadn't started yet). I then heard one of the older kids (assumed it was his brother), tell him to stop kicking my seat so we don't get them kicked out. As soon as the movie started, they started talking, which let to my wife shhh'ing them. Big Brother warned them again. The kid then started pushing on my seat. The movie had been going on for about a half an hour now (he was doing small kicks prior still). I finally turned around and yelled much louder, "Why do you feel the need to keep shoving on my damn seat?!" They then decide to swap seats with the kid next to him. Not much longer, they begin talking again, including laughing loudly every time Peter cried. My wife shh'd them again. The only thing I DID like, was when the kid yelled pimp-slap when Mary Jane went down.
    I'm done with going to that theater... probably done with theaters all together, but I'll want to go see the third Pirates and The Transformers... So I may prolong my protest until then. I'll definitely go to a different location that has less trash come into it. I always have problems at this particular theater, but my wife doesn't like the other one.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18

    It seems to me that Raimi wrapping up the goblins son story line in a completely rushed terrible and convenient and squeezing in spideys most popular bad guy in a completely rushed terrible and convenient way is signs that he's done with the series
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i liked it. I didn't like it as much as 2 however. I saw it at an imax, and got there about 10 minutes too late and had to suffer 1st row seating blush.gif My neck still hurts. Going to see it at a 'proper' theater soon smile.gif but... at least i know now they're showing The Order of the Phoenix in.... 3d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alskjfadj;j. I cant wait to punch Umbridge in the jaw in 3d... aslkdfj;k /change pants.

    Why i didnt like it as much as 2:

    character development seemed to be at a complete loss. Also... we knew who spiderman was. Mary Jane knew who spider man was. more people keep finding out who he is, and it pretty much kills the mystery. It worked extremely well in spiderman 2 and batman begins to do the reveal to the "women" at the end, and played into the emotions in the story.

    3 seemed to be completely devoid of that. I thought evil-parker was funny, but was about 15 minutes too long. It could have been more convincing to do a smeegol type deal with him, making him seem less human instead of "more human," going out dancing and being flashy. There was far too little of parker and his aunt. His dark side would have been sold better showing exchanges between those two than MJ.

    I enjoyed it more than the first one, but 2 will still be my fav smile.gif The ending of 2 where he saves MJ, while holding up the giant wall says "this is really heavy," is probably the best super hero movie moment for me.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    how sandman appeared , that experiment was ridiculous, there were a lot of forced stuff in there...still i enjoyed the hell of it !
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    I thought it was pretty meh. Wasn't the worst movie ever that a lot of people make it out to be, but some stuff was too coincidental/forced, along with the ridiculous amount of dancing and bitchy insecure Mary Jane. It did have some cool momments though. Venom was sort of cool in the way that the "brock getting the symbiote scene" was cool. It was downhill from there, they could have cut sandman (did he do anything for the movie besides put in a retcon the story didn't need?) and just done the venom/harry arc and had a much better storyline.

    Raimi said he hated Venom from the comics, but said the script version of Venom actually caused him to like that version of the character, since it was more a mirror of Spiderman, rather than the mindless, 1 dimensional brute Raimi seemed to think comic Venom was. He sure didn't show this supposed superior version of Venom in the movie though!

    Qoute from Raimi about Venom -

    "I had never read Venom in the comic books, since they came after my time. Because of that, I didn't have a natural inclination toward him. And when I read those comics, at [producer] Avi Arad's urging, I didn't understand where Venom's humanity was. I know that kids think he looks cool, and they think he's a good villain for Spider-Man. I actually didn't. What was it about Peter's own makeup that this villain represented some weaker or darker side to? Just looking like a dark version of him is not enough for me. The more I read [Venom stories], the less interested I became. But then Avi said, ''Look, you've got to be less selfish. You've got to learn what it is these kids love about Venom.'' So I tried to open my mind up. Then Alvin developed a character that I did understand, and did appreciate. "

    Also, Topher Grace would have made a better spiderman than dopey Tobey Maguire, and he showed it in this movie I think.


    Carnage and Lizard for the 4th movie are the rumors. Dr. Conners still had a peice of the symbiote from when he was examining it for Peter.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Was Conners missing an arm in the movie? I don't think he was... That was his reason for going lizard stylee in the first place, wasn't it?
  • bounchfx
    I think he was missing an arm

    and I didn't think there was going to be a 4th?
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    He's been missing an arm since the 2nd movie. He's just always wearing heavy overcoats so it's easy to miss, but not really, they always frame it so you can see one of his sleeves is pinned up.

    Sony announced they were doing a 4th before the 3rd one even hit theaters, I think.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Carnage in a pg13 movie?

    you cannot do him properly with violence limitations.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Carnage in a pg13 movie?

    you cannot do him properly with violence limitations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i can already see how this one will pan out :

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Was good, bit mushy at times. Like X-men 3 it felt like it was right outta the pages of the comics - which is why some parts felt really cheesedick. But I didn't mind it.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I honestly liked it. There are always shitty parts in movies so you take the good with the bad and the good out weighed the bad in this. Yeah I am pretty sure I heard about the 4th a while back. Won't be out for another 3 years though.

    I actually liked Topher Grace in here. He could have been a pretty bad ass spiderman i think. I just wish they wouldn't have killed off Venom so easily. Oh well.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I actually like Toby as Spiderman. He showcases the goofy nerdy side of Spiderman, but he still can get convincingly pissed. I also think they chose the perfect actors for Norman and Harry. MJ... maybe not so much, she seemed cancerous and whiny in the second one, but its not too bad.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    God awful movie ...not even a renter frown.gif
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Terrible movie.


    His descent into madness consisted of eating cookies, and dancing.. enough said. Venom was a joke, just a last minute throw in. Sandman was a boring character, but the FX were pulled off well. Too much pointless soap opera, kept thinking 'Next scene please' durring the whole movie.

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    The symbiont likely altered his hormones. Along with the fact that he was recently dumped by the love of his life & fiance, how was he supposed to act? Have you never seen someone going through an identity crisis? It's pretty damn similar.
    If you read the comics and were disappointed, boohoo. The movie had to be made enjoyable for those of us that didn't read them as well.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    If you read the comics and were disappointed, boohoo. The movie had to be made enjoyable for those of us that didn't read them as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and looking at the reviews it did not achieve that did it.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Who cares about reviewers? I certainly don't. I enjoyed the movie, and most of the people I know who saw it, also enjoyed it.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know of a single person who didn't enjoy it either.

    It irritates the shit out of me when people say a movie is terrible because in their opinion there wasn't enough of this or enough of that. Just because you want it to be exactly like the comic series doesn't make a movie terrible.
  • mikebart
    I like the way I managed to change the topic to "spider-man and emo's", seemingly without anyone noticing, there ill change it back, hehe crazy.gif
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    too much in the beginning and middle acts, not enough in the final act. aside from the strut, best bit was harry and peters team-up.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It irritates the shit out of me when people say a movie is terrible because in their opinion there wasn't enough of this or enough of that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It irritates you when people say they don't like movies because they felt something was lacking? Maybe we should stick to judging movies by the posters out in the lobby!
  • Nostradamus
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    Nostradamus polycounter lvl 18
    Carnage Cosmic. silversurfer + carnage = YES! laugh.gif
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know of a single person who didn't enjoy it either.

    It irritates the shit out of me when people say a movie is terrible because in their opinion there wasn't enough of this or enough of that. Just because you want it to be exactly like the comic series doesn't make a movie terrible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I could give a rats ass about the series, the first 2 in this series were just as far off the comic as this one. and yet this is the only one of the movies to get shity reviews and actualy be a shity movie.

    If you get so offended at everyone disagreing with your opinions, then try and form better ones.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Its an opiion thread, you all get your feathers ruffled over disagreeing with opinions, thats the point. I get why people enjoy it, I just did'nt, Im guessing you'll live. It was just a silly movie, if it makes you feel better the dancing made me smile.

    And i've been through a crisis like that before, and that is hardly how I handled it. I did'nt go out of my way to hurt the other person, or violently eat my neighbors cookies. Though, I did go out and dance more.

    Anyone else wish to god he nds up with the land lords daughter, they have perfect chemistry as thier characters.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    As long as I don't have to see her naked. That's one skeleton looking woman :/
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Wow you do know Sony is laughing at you all. Straight to the bank. Seriously obviously it wasn't too bad if it made as much money as it did. I think you guys are just being a bit too harsh. If this would have been the first one it would have been dope. They are all seperate movies so treat them like that.

    I liked it. Enough said...

    Anyways this video is kinda funny. Batman gives Spidey some good tips.

  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    for super hero movies to catch the attention of more than just comic nerds and bored frat boys with nothing else to watch, they need some sort of drama.
    I mean, why else would all of the the screaming happy cheerleaders in my school be running around with spiderman folders?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow you do know Sony is laughing at you all. Straight to the bank. Seriously obviously it wasn't too bad if it made as much money as it did.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aww yeah, the money justification... Titanic was the Best. Film. Evar!!!
  • indian_boy
    hehe... call me crazy, but i just bought tickets to watch the movie again this afternoon.
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    yea the movie could have been better, but they had no time to focus on Sandman or venom, unlike the first 2 where Gob and Docock got quite a bit of screen time. For Sandman you say him go in his house and found what he was fighting for then the rest of his time in the movie was just fights.

    Fucking generic emo parker and that damn dancing! GRRRRR i was ready to walk out and go take a shit. that might have been more enjoyable.

    And i hate when movies have too many of those scenes where everything is just silent while a little bit of action is going on. I think thats what helped kill the Matrix 2. Sure Spidey3 didn't have slow mo scenes, but a little action music in the background never hurt anyone.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    when did aggression and arrogance become characteristics of emo?
  • dreadwerkz
    You said that Eddie Brock Died...so there is a possibility of another Symbiote...it could as well be Carnage!!
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    THAT was really amaing movie, better than 1 and 2 parts.
    I really dig characters, sandman was presented not as "cliche villain", he was good guy from start to end.
    a lot of nice moments such: Peter going to his friend to ask him to help...
    damn, i can't say more, if you like spider fu***in man go to
    the cinema and enjoy!
    edit: will be continued?
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I really enjoyed it, great film. I thought the actor they picked for Sandman was superb.

  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
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    BRUTICUS(CW) polycounter lvl 18
    saw it in Imax last night, Sandman was awesome. My girlfriend loved the movie, more than the first two.

    I liked the movie a lot too. even with the multiple villains. It just worked for me,....as a NON spider-man fan.

    However, from the amount of times i've seen Venom in the real world, the T-shirts, the toys, etc... he just seemed like a much more bad ass character and doesn't seem like he was given the chance to truly shine.
    And the DORKY Dark Peter Parker. My girlfriend got it.. but I didn't. It just came across as cheezey to me. To me the suit should kinda make him cool. I liked the bar scene..
    Aunt Mae... sorry but she is just way too much of a goody goody for me. Give her some dimension. I don't want to gain a moral value everytime she opens her mouth.
  • indian_boy
    hehe... all the people who have negative crits about the movie. go watch it again. i did, and now i feel more happy with it... still a bit ticked about Venom's ubershort, inaccurate role..... but other than that, im pretty happy!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I'm no Spiderman fanboy. I don't bear any alligances to Venom or any of the other characters. I just thought it was a bad movie on a lot of levels.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    First thing I said when the movie ended was "well that was a pile of shit."

    Reflecting on that... I should have said it again, immediately afterwards, to make clear my feelings on the subject.

    I'd rather watch Ghost Rider.
  • indian_boy
    OUCH! rather watch Ghost Rider? them's fighting words lol!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it last night. Now I don't need to eat dinner for a week, I'm so full of ham.

    So many aspects of that movie were phoned in. Really terrible.

    HOWEVER! Some aspects were really good! The comedy bits with J. Jonah Jameson and Bruce Campbell's maitre d' were hilarious, and the fight scenes were really impressive and enjoyable.

    But damn, in general, it was so hammed up and force-fed that it was just quite ridiculous. It seems that Sam Raimi thinks for this movie the audience can't make their own conclusions from each scene, so there's a ton of heavy-handed pushing going on to tell us exactly how we should be feeling at that point.

    So many extras and bit parts were set up to do this sequence:
    1. Walk into centre of shot
    2. Say a hammy and obvious line
    3. Leave with no good explanation of why we needed to see that shot.

    Near the end, the female reporter on location of the fight scene was just ridiculous, I can't believe they left such poor acting and heavy-handed scripting in the final cut.
    And spider-man landing in front of an American flag just before the final fight? WTF?!

    Were they trying to be so abjectly cheap on purpose, or did it just kinda happen? I can't figure out if the badness was intentional or just that they gave up on trying to hold it all together with any integrity.

    Also, Venom's lipsync was terrible.

    That said, I did enjoy it, although I'm not sure whether that's because some parts were so badly handled they made me laugh, or whether some other parts were so nicely done that it was memorable.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    And spider-man landing in front of an American flag just before the final fight? WTF?!

    [/ QUOTE ]It happens in the first movie too, and while its been a long time since I've seen the second, I dare say theres a similar shot there. I'm guessing its Raimi making a joke about the over the top patriotism of the average US superhero comic. Or maybe its just "God Bless America", I dunno.
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