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LOST - season 3



  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    The current theory is... huh? Whos? The internets? haha smile.gif Everyone has theories wink.gif

    Also, Adewale's (Eko) traffic violition was dismissed. He was pulled over for not having a drivers license when in fact he did. He was never charged.

    In the pilot episode there's a smoke-monster trail similar to the one we saw in tonights episode (the thing that crosses the trees in the background a couple of times) that swoops in from the sky right as one of the planes engines explode.

    The theory about Vincent is interesting. That's also presuming that the smoke is seperate from the Other's. If this is true, than the theory I wrote of where the smoke becomes dead people becomes a little more concrete; If you notice, the Other's burn the girl that was shot and send her down a river rather than bury her. Perhaps they know about how the smoke works and incinerate their dead instead.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Man, Eko was one of my favs. I know he'll likely return in other episodes, but I liked him playing a bigger part frown.gif

    The Vincent thing is a good theory. I was thinking something similar last night. Yemmi (sp?) disappeared right when the smoke appeared. Seemed very coincedental. Especially when Yemmi said, "You talk to me as if I'm your brother."
    Also, the dead bodies disappearing. Maybe it reuses the remains to create a human form.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    the smoke thing being a shape shifter would also explain why hurley was seeing that one dude who told him to kill himself, and why jack keeps seeing his father around the island,
  • skankerzero
    'the current theory' is based on what seems to be the unified theory at most Lost message boards.

    I'm also under the belief that there are the flight 815 guys, the scientists, and the others. We just think the scientists are the Others, but they're not.
    Supposidly, The Others don't leave tracks and such, but all the ones we know as scientists did. Ethan left tracks, the whole group left tracks at the dock. The Others took 'the good people', like the little kids. We haven't seen them around have we? Ben only sent one guy to the tail section to observe them. That same night, they were raided and had alot of people taken from them. That's who I think the eye patch guy is.

    Well, for whatever reason, it was printed that Mr. Eko was the only cast member not to sign on for season 3. I assume he was on a show by show basis.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    So you're saying Benry and his crew = the scientists
    No track leaving people = the real 'others'
    people on the beach = flight 815

    correct? just wanna make sure i'm reading your post right wink.gif
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    I really like that theory about the smoke being dead people and vincent. That would be awesome.
    I do agree with Hawken about the current formula for the show. I guess the real reason I watch it is for the fucked up parts like death or paranormal stuff happening, the smoke monster, or crazy ass plot twists, like the movie she showed jack where she was just holding up papers with messages, i lol'd
    i'll keep watching though smile.gif
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying Benry and his crew = the scientists
    No track leaving people = the real 'others'
    people on the beach = flight 815

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah, that's kinda what I'm thinking.

    A whole other group of people living on the main island. They are the more 'wild' ones. Benry and crew would pretend to be them to scare the Losties.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah that's what I'm thinking as well. You just kinda have to wonder where all the kids are. But at the same time the others did take Walt so maybe there's nothing to that. Eyepatch just doesn't fit with the others. I think he's an other other.
  • Spoon_of_death
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    Spoon_of_death polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    My theory is that Jack is still being conned by Ben o see if he really can be trusted to do the surgery.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why would he do that? In the end he is still the guy that dies anyway if it turns out Jack cant be trusted.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Bah, this season is pissing me off. I can't put my finger on why exactly, but it's definitely frustrating to watch. I really hope they wrap this show up in the next couple seasons. Riddles and mysteries just get ridiculous and frustrating if they drag out too long.
  • skankerzero
    I think what's frustrating me right now is that they're trying to juggle two stories that take place very far apart, and there's so much story to tell, that it feels like they're neglecting one side when they focus on the other.

    Like right now, I'm like, 'What's up with Jin and Sun?'. It's easy to assume that they're in their hut dealing with what just happened to them, but because of all the stuff going on, they don't have time to show that. Instead, we get the two new people (that I don't like), and I end up feeling like I missed something.

    It's also easy to forget that the two stories are happening at the same time, so, as a viewer, I think a whole week has gone by and there's no mention of Sawyer and Kate.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Ugh oh god those 2 new people...fucking christ. At least she has the biggest tits on the island (Rose and Hurley don't count) that I've noticed so far.

    One thing that's really pissing me off is the little things they're adding in to explain the really obvious crap. Like I mentioned earlier in this thread with Charlie talking about Locke's speech. And now the 2 new Lostards having that conversation recapping what was happening 5 min earlier.

    I'm glad they had more black smoke stuff happening in this episode, though. I'll miss Mr. Ecko. frown.gif I was getting tired of the religious stuff but I still thought he was cool.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    I don't beleive Vincent is the fog.

    Ben's others have a submarine, its how they got Ethan in an out in the first season, its how they got to the boat without getting wet when sun shot the blonde lass from deadwood.

    Someone still seems to be playing god , Eko didn't play the man of faith that he was meant to. Locke was punished for challenging ' the will of the island' also.

    I agree that Ben is testing Jack, why would he trust?

    Faith, belief in god, I suspect its Ben's means to checking to see if Jack has been interfered with, in much the same way Lock and Eko have been.

    But this is all beside the point. The island, the mystery.... I think that's just the arena in which the characters do battle with themselves.

    Earliest form of magic in all societies was achieved through physical degradation , the pushing of the body toward exhaustion until the mind was assaulted by visions and a new path ahead was discovered.

    The major characters are periodically going through similar and someone is testing them also.

    I suspect Ben and his others are pawns as much as the new ones. My gut feeling still is that they are all being tested and we will continue to spiral out toward differing groups all focussing on similar ends in their own way.

    Eye patch others next? Maybe.

    I enjoy the mystery, it seems like 90% want the secret explained rather than continue to be pushed to think for themselves.

    I would feel differently if I had no faith in the talents of Abrams, but his past work demonstrated imo, that there is something worthwhile behind it and whether my theories are correct or not, I enjoy finding out what way he directs things next.

    It's not like Chris Carter just stringing out the Xfiles so far to milk it for money that he has lost himself and can't tie a significant amount of it together in the end.

    I expect Eko's end is a warning for Jack though as the island doesn't tend to reward those that think for themselves, which makes it more plausible that we will see some payback in the distant future smile.gif

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    The smoke is not dead people. The smoke has to be masking something else within it. Both Abrams and Lindenhof (sp?) have already said that there's nothing supernatural about the island or the smoke. They said everything can be explained by science. So right there, you can rule out dead spirits, the underworld, or whatever other crazy ideas you may have smile.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    OK, I'll wait for the explanation of a giant smoke fist bashing a 250lbs+ man around like it was nothing. laugh.gif

    I know Abrams went on record that there was nothing supernatural about the island - but a smoke monster that can shape shift (this confirmed via the fist) seems somewhat supernatural and not easily scientifically explained.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    What if the smoke was just a subconscious manifestation of what Eko thought was judging him (ala if you die in the matrix you die in real life). Now I don't mean to bring the matrix into this... I'm just speculating.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    It hasn't been around for just Eko. Locke got pulled by it - or by something like it - although at this time it sounded like a chain.

    Locke said he saw a bright light, and Eko saw black smoke. I like this continuation of the black/white theme.
  • Spoon_of_death
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    Spoon_of_death polycounter lvl 17
    I think the smoke isnt really smoke but theyre really small particles of metal(nano technology anyone?), that may have some sort of magnetic properties to be controlled by someone or themselves(if they are nanobots). I think magnetism plays a big deal on the losties island.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I think the producers stated it wasn't nano technology or what ever this year at comic con.
  • skankerzero
    The producers said the smoke wasn't nanobots.

    I like the idea of everyone seeing what they want to see when it comes to the 'monster'. Also, I believe that there are two different versions. The ones that fly around all silently, and the central core that has the mechanical sounds.

    One of my theories is that one of the tests being done on the island was like the Manhattan Project. That would explain all the odd things like the pirate ship, the giant 4-toed foot, and maybe even the smoke monster. The Manhattan Project was driven by giant electro magnets. If they were randomly jumping in time, maybe they accidentally brought something back. Maybe 'the incident' refers to the emergence of the 'smoke monster'.

    Another theory is that they were trying to open a bridge to another dimension, or maybe even find heaven itself.

    Here are some interesting theories about the giant foot. Personally, I like the Troll one, it's pretty cool.

    I personally love the mystery. What scares me is that everything might not be as fantastic as we may believe it is. I'd hate to have the show explain something and for me to be like, 'Oh... is that it?'
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I searched briefly on the Manhattan Project. How does a giant foot and a boat relate to nuclear testing? Mind giving me the gist on what the Manhattan project is? I'll have to finish reading it over the weekend (found a page on wikipedia).
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Right. It's not nanobots they said.

    Perhaps iron oxide (well, that's rust..). I mean, like that crap you get in a etcha-sketch. The iron powder. It's easily manipulated by magnetism, even weak forces. Get enough of that together, and it would certainly be heavy as well.
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    I searched briefly on the Manhattan Project. How does a giant foot and a boat relate to nuclear testing? Mind giving me the gist on what the Manhattan project is? I'll have to finish reading it over the weekend (found a page on wikipedia).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My bad, I meant the Philadelphia experiment.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Ah - so you think this sort of teleportation put this stuff on the island? If it were part of that, wouldn't they teleport back just like the ship supposedly did?
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19

    Wouldn't the crossover be awesome?! It would never happen, but still ...

    *edit ... you are going to have to copy and paste that link
  • steady
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    You know, I was almost hoping they were going to kill Sawyer. Would have been on HELL of a shock.
    Too bad Jack doesn't know it's just an island! doh...
    Next year though.....16 new episodes back to back!?!! OMFG yay laugh.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Yah - the 'fall finale' (wtf) was good.
    Can't wait until next February
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    no I would have been pissed if they killed sawyer.
    Jacks got balls though, GOGOGOGO JACK!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    If sawyer was killed, I think I would have stopped watching. Killing my two favorite characters in consecutive weeks would have done it for me.
    I wish they had used a few of next season's shows, during this season. They are also starting to piss me off with the way they feel they can use the viewers. They expect people to watch the new weds night show just to see previews of the upcoming episodes of Lost. What crap... and no, I won't be watching the show just for these small previews.

    While I've liked the shows, and I liked last night, it just isn't getting anywhere and it's been pretty disappointing so far. And again, they managed to fit in a few lines for those two new idiots. Unless that chic starts running around that island topless, I hope they kill her and the other guy soon.
  • skankerzero
    woo, the last couple minutes were pretty intense.

    I enjoyed it. Only sad that I have to wait until Feb to get more. (Aside from the clips they'll show during DayBreak)

    Anywho, was going to watch DayBreak anyways.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I think Sawyer is scheming with the others to save himself. Probably had to seduce Kate to get her to convice Jack to save Benry. That's my convoluted theory anyways.

    The biggest thing to me was "Sheppard wasn't even on Jacob's list" from Pickett. Who's Jacob? Tom Cruise's cousin was Ethan and the other dude was with the Tailies. So who's Jacob? I gather from that statement that he's running things and only wanted Sawyer and Kate and Ben added Jack to the list to save himself.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    What I don't get is why he said it at that point. I was kind of confused unless he was suggesting they off Jack. One to think about is, he said Sheppard, which is Jack's last name... maybe Jacob is someone's last name... like maybe Ben's.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet. Due to the early demise of Daybreak, they may be bring Lost out of hiatus early. The people involved are being offered money to come back early. I'm not really in favor of this if it means crappy filler episodes. It wouldn't bother me though if they start airing the shows that are already taped (and waiting for the original return date), then taping a few more quality shows to follow up.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Well, Daybreak looked like complete crap to begin with.

    It was Groundhog day 2.0. Not that Groundhog Day was a bad movie! It's a childhood classic. But Daybreak was poop. Crappy actors, rehash story. Meh.

    I'd rather not have LOST come back early. I'm enjoying the free time I have in the meantime. hehe smile.gif
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I really really doubt that'll happen. At this point most shows are on hiatus till next year. They might start it before Febuary, but I really doubt it. At this point there's not much they can do but run a week or two of summary shows.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, I hear ya... What really pissed me off was them doing special previews of Lost during Daybreak. It was an obvious ploy to get Lost fans to watch Daybreak. I'm not a lemming and I was honestly insulted that they'd do that crap. So, I didn't watch Daybreak just to prove it wink.gif
    Besides, like you said, it was just Groundhog Day revisited. It's great for a movie, but I can't imagine how boring a series would get. Things repeating, but just played out slightly different... no thanks.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I actually enjoyed Day Break for the most part. I've even skipped past the ridiculous 'LOST moments' bits to get to the rest of the show.

    I was 17 when Groundhog Day came out, I hate to think of it as a childhood classic tongue.gif
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