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LOST - season 3

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Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
Season 3 starts on wednesday, Oct 4th, who's ready for more island mystery laugh.gif


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Can't wait. I need to make sure I get my school paper written before then... it's do Weds night(Online class).
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    I need to pick up season 1 & 2 DVD, missed too many XD.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    we just finished season 2 on dvd. I hope this season there is more supernatural stuff. In season two there really wasn't too much of the invisible mechanical monster. Just the smoke thing that Eko stares down (Eko's a Badass.)
    But I want more of the feeling of WTF?? Polar bears and whatnot.
    But dont get me wrong I loved season two. Lots of Character Development. I hope Michael gets to redeem himself.
    What would be awsome is If Hurley Loses a ton of weight and they tie that into the story somehow.
    I really like Desmond as a character too. It'll be cool to see how his girlfriend fits into the picture.
    Lost is a good time.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Yay! Two hour special. smile.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    It's a two hour special? OH MAMA. I'm a fuggin' nut for that show and know more than I sanely should.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    Eko is definatly badass.

    micheals a git, i prefer him as Lacoutio (SP) in Romeo and Juliet.

    hurley definatly wont loose weight in season 3 as ai saw an interview with him (he was talking about just finishing filming it) and he was still a bit heavy
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Michael is a git. "Im going to find my SON!" that's his character in a nutshell. Pretty one track. But now that he has his son, he'll be like "Im going to save my FRIENDS!" the most interesing thing about Michael is Walt. I want to see just how powerfull he is. The whole reason the others let him go was "We got a bit more that we bargained for with walt"
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    On my tivo it said it was an hour and The Nine was on after and before was something so awesome that I forgot about it. I think it's a reality before it.

    I've listened to some interviews from ComicCon and crap with the creators and they said the season was gonna be a bit more scifi-ish but they could have been saying that to make the nerds at ComicCon cheer.

    I really hope the next one to die off is Charlie. I absolutely hate watching his backstories. They need to do something with Sayid also. He's a badass sitting around. He and Locke should team up.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Kill Charlie? Charlie kicks ass!
    They should kill off someone less signifigant, like Rose or Bernard.


    Since the magnetic generator apparently got destroyed in season 2, maybe Rose's cancer WILL come back to finish her off? Maybe Locke will lose his legs again?

    Can't wait! laugh.gif
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    crap i just realized that i have classes from morning up until 10 pm frown.gif .. i'll miss all the episodes
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Man, I'm so excited. The show is freakin' awesome. I'm very curious to see what happens with Walt. And, I'm really really wondering the fate of Eko and Locke. Did they die in the blast? Hrmmm
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    charlies a twat.

    and i hate those "british" flash backs, where theres a unionjack on a (im pretty sure about this) american wall. and its all a bit trainspotting.

    i hope a giant mechanical treeeating black smoke emiiting MO FO dinasuar eats his head.
  • Mark Dygert
    After missing season one my wife and I folded to peer presure and watched the DVD set and for a week its all we watched. When season 2 rolled around we tried to watch it but missed one. So we decided to not watch any more until we could get the box set of season 2. I totally forgot about it coming out recently so I guess for next week I know what we are watching when I get home =P
  • saturnfive
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    saturnfive polycounter lvl 18
    I have to admit I was very skeptical of Lost after all the hype for season 1 and only watched a couple of episodes and it didn't grab me. Then my GF told me about seeing an advert for the Dharma foundation sandwhiched into the real adverts during the show and I thought that was kind of cool.

    So I started watching season two and got sucked into it pretty quick after that. It really has been the most compelling thing on telly for a while. The two-part finale to season 2 was just superb.


    I thought the whole hatch story was really well told...the bit where the sailor guy wakes up on duty in the hatch and hears some distant rumble and switches the light on to go and investigate and you realize it's actually when Lock was trying to get in was just wicked. I wasn't sure if turning that key really destroyed the magnetic thing or just reset it somehow? when Henry heard the weird noise when standing on the dock he didn't look that alarmed about it... I'm on tenterhooks to find out more of what the hell's going on. Anyone any idea when season 3 surfaces in the UK?

    and yes, Eko is a very cool character.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, Im a fiend for this show. There is actually quite a bit of good stuff coming on TV these days. Im going to have to start watching. I really dislike the Michael character. I love the Charlie character, and think if anybody is set for a redemption, it's him. Hurley needs something more to do. Claire seems kinda pointless these days also. She's only there to propell the baby(Aaron) story and provide some conflict/motivation for Charlie.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    I was a pretty hardcore fan for all of season 1. Season 2 turned me off however. I still watched all them, but I really couldn't care less anymore. In my mind it's become a 10 minute show with 40 minutes of filler.

    I'm pretty jaded these days. I'll give season 3 a shot however.
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Couldn't agree more, Season 2 seamed like the first part of the show nothing happened and it just dragged on, then in the last 10 minutes they got to the good stuff and just left you hanging so you tune in next week. That works every so often but not for a whole season.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was a pretty hardcore fan for all of season 1. Season 2 turned me off however. I still watched all them, but I really couldn't care less anymore. In my mind it's become a 10 minute show with 40 minutes of filler.

    I'm pretty jaded these days. I'll give season 3 a shot however.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    i might have to drag a VCR into work. only gonna be busy THE EXACT HOUR THE SHOW IS ON frown.gif be i am excited to see whats gonna happen.

    season 2 seemed like nothing happened each week, but after i watched the dvds in a row it seems like a shitton more when on that i remembered. SEASON 3 WILL R0X0RZ UR B0X0RZ
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Same, loved season 1. Season two seemed more of a "let's stretch this for a whole season" deal. I really hope season 3 picks up the reigns again.

    In season 2 when Eko stares down the cloud, if you look veeerry cloesley (probalby need HDTV) at the little flashes in the cloud (that look like minature lightnig flashes), they are actually images from points in Eko's life.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Oooooooh, Lost! I am full of theories for season 3!

    I'm thinking that the magnetic gizmo isn't destroyed, but that it was temporarily disrupted and the 'snowglobe' effect is still going on. BUT, I also think that it was off long enough for the island to now be detected (under the notion that it had been electromagnetically shielded before, and why it's more or less invisible to the outside world). We'll get new blood on the island one way or another.

    I also think that what we'll discover about the Dharma project is that it has to do with probability, something like the grand unification theory. There are plenty of elements to the show that go beyond just coincidence, and appear to have deliberate purpose (4 8 15 16 23 42). The island is an isolated location to test probability theory without accidently turning the whole planet into a sperm whale (or pot of petunias).

    Kate picks Jack and they finally get it on. Sure, Sawyer's all roguish and charming, but Jack is gonan get the girl.

    The Others are Dharma experiment lifers, people who have been living it so long that it's who they more or less are now. The people from Oceanic 815 are piece of the Dharma probability machinery, while the Others are the people who operate the machinery (without realizing it). Desmond was always a piece of the machine, along with anyone who ever staffed the hatches.

    Walt will be back, but changed. And hopefully an orphan, after he pushes his dad off the boat for being such a twat.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    If you watched the 70-fragment clip on You Tube, more of the story opens up (spoilers).

    **possible spoilers**

    My theory us that the Dharma Initiative was meant to change the valenzeti equation no matter what. This equation calculates the end of humanity, based on a number of variables. I beleive that the tests that Dharma was doing in Zanzibar (I think that's the place) revolved around genetic alterations. They disguised the tests as a "virus cure" to the locals, and used it on innocent people.
    I think that through all of Dharma's projects, they are trying to physically change humnaity into a utopian society. To rid us of the desire for power, lust, weatlth - everything that makes us evil.
    This doesn't explain odd crap, like the smoke monster. But it's my overall theory for what's going on.
    Nothing too sci-fi about it.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Rawr. Didn't see that clip, but it sounds kind of like what I was referring to. I don't think I've ever heard of a valentzi equation, but I'm guessing it has something to do with predicting future events based on probabilities? Not sure how that jives with a utopia, but maybe the thing is that they're trying to manipulate the probability system to cause a utopian society. I know it sounds like a lot of HHGTTG jive, but all fo the events surrounding Hurley's numbers seem to be like a big probability experiment. It'll be neat to see how that plays out (I'll be happy with anything that isn't a giant cliche or some goofy supernatural thing. I demand science!)
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    heh, I'm only to the end of season one, and it's murder to keep myself from reading spoilers in this thread. I caught something about Dharma, but fortunately all I know as of arriving at the bottom of the page is that she's pretty hot.

    I loved season one and have the second DVD boxed set sitting on my kitchen table, waiting to be loved likewise ... but goddammit, my girlfriend, with whom I spend a lot of my free time these days, is terrified of flying and won't watch a series that depicts airplane crashes. Even if I agree not to laugh when she covers her eyes during Scary Parts. The holidays are coming up, y'know, and those images and sounds will still be fresh in her mind when we reach our cruising altitude. So when, I ask ye, will I have a chance to watch season two and join in the messageboard speculation? Not soon, it seems. That boxed set will sit there in its shrinkwrap for the foreseeable future, and that's the hardest thing to bear since heroin withdrawal, it is. I'm sure of it!
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Bring it on...I've run out of things to watch.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Be there or be square!

    Artist - Kaos Studios

    Marcus Dublin
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    all will be revealed tomorow laugh.gif

    Also, Battlestar Galactica season 3 starts on Firday Oct 6th!!!!!!!
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Desmond, Sawyer, Ecco, and the old "funny/not-depressed Hurly" and old "mysterious not-a-pushover Locke" are my favorites.
    "Walt will be back, but changed. And hopefully an orphan, after he pushes his dad off the boat for being such a twat." -vermilion

    Did you see the look Walt gave his captured/betrayed friends at the end of season 2? To me it was a look of "I'm glad it's them and not me." I was somewhat shocked at that myself...because I fully expected him to give his dad the evileye for what he did...regardless of the motive.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I just thought it was becuse Walt was totally freaked out, but you could be right. Maybe the apple didn't fall far from the tree in that case. I read somewhere that the producers were worried about keeping Walt in the show because he was visibly getting older (puberty and all) while the castaways had supposedly just been oin the island for about seven weeks. It could be that they are sending Walt and Michael off the show for just that reason, you never know...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    thats not the real walt wink.gif............remeber Jack-look-alike in the arctic.....
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    I'm ten minutes into the show, WTF, My head hurts, WTF!
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    I’m totally confused, intrigued, fascinated, and just plain lost! Pretty good episode, but season two’s opener was much better!

    Marcus Dublin
    Artist – Kaos Studios
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I liked the episode a lot. Probably not quite as good as last season's opening, but certainly good.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Went by too quickly frown.gif Good episode though. I think they are using all three as a social experiment right now.
    ***Spoiler if you missed the show***

    I think that guy next to Sawyer was a plant. He helped Sawyer escape to give the impression that there is no way to escape. Now they've added Kate so Sawyer can warn her that it's impossible.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    oh man, it is still so good. this show will not let up.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Didn't do much for me. Too often I found myself saying the lines Jack should have said - to his captors, his wife, his dad. He just came across as very ineffective to me in this episode. Fuck the Others and their grilled cheese sandwiches, I wanted to see Jack break that goddamn glass wall. Don't ask questions, don't even speak to them, 'cause they're just going to fuck wiht you and tell you lies. You know that they've captured and possibly killed the people you were with - you go at them until you're free or you're dead. And how does this Juliette chick knock Jack out with one punch? Bleh, I'm angered that no one got any vindication. I wish they had captured Sayed and he had torn some of those bastards up, that would have made me happy.

    Okay, so it was a good episode in that it got a reaction from me, but I just don't like what happened. I wanna see our guys get some measure of revenge - they're due!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    heyyyy, Im in class right now and cant watch and am not recording!!

    I hate you all...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20

    The intro was awesome. Took my by surprise, actually. At first I was like "z0mFgZ it's Fenry", then it became very clear. I KNEW there was a farkin underwater hatch! hehehe
    Damn sharks.
    Didn't answer as many things as I had hoped, but I can't WAIT until next week. Maybe we'll see Sayid lay some smack down. Looks like Sun gets shot though :\
    And why is "Ben" soo interested in their sale boat???
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoyed the episode but I thought it left a lot to be desired. I'm not sure if it is an underwater hatch, because we saw the lady who was talking to Jack most of the time both with jack and above ground with Sawyer. Looks like it just might be the zoo station.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I was expecting a little more. The opening was great, explained a bit about the others. It seems like they are doing an experiment on jack, kate & sawyer. I bet the kid in the cell is also an other. Next week looks like a little more action and storyline.

    i dunno about you guys, but there was a bit too many commercials during the season premiere. Lets tell some info, oh wait commerical, back to lost for 15 mins then commerical.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    A local radio station had people complaining about Lost's commercial time also and someone checked into it. Without commercials, it ran for 43 minutes, which is a regular running period for a one hour show. I think the problem was, they just kept breaking in with commercials, then ran short commercial breaks. I really disliked that schedule. I was trying to finish my homework during commercial breaks, and the break would already be over before I got a sentence typed out... but that was more of a personal issue I guess wink.gif

    The best part was by far the opening scene though. Damn I could watch that 5 minutes over and over again laugh.gif

    Edit: Also, remember there has been mention of 'bad twins'. That may not actually be the same woman outside with Kate... although I'm sure it is.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I felt like it went by too quick too.
    But I feel like they are really gonna mess up the captives and make us hunger for revenge.
    I felt bad for sawyer the most. He's like a freakn monkey in a cage, trying to get that fish biscut was humiliating.
    Jack is getting more interesting. We saw some of his darkside in his flashback.
    Hey, is Julliette being played by Trinity?? I know I've seen that actress somwhere, it looks like Trinity from the matrix.
    any whoo fun episode, lots of set up, no answers, but compelling characters, so it's o.k.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Too many commercials, that's my only complaint. This episode was great. The new sets are GORGEOUS! I think my next project might be the area where Sawyer and Kate are being held. The opening scene was nuts - having the camera slowly pan out like that to reveal their little community admist the jungle.

    Some images for you lot:

    Did anyone follow the ARG? I'd like to talk about it here but its insanely spoileriffic.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    what is the ARG?
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    The others are members of an elitest book club bent on capitalizing on children who frequent their elementary school bookfairs. They captured Walt simply to get his opinion on some potential best sellers.

    The others' aliases...they typically seem to come from books. IE: Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Henry Gale (Wizard of Oz), Ethan Rom (Ethan F-rom-e)...I dunno, just speculation.

    Really good episode, but Jack and Kate's characters are still pretty blah imo.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    good call on the book aliases. that's a neat idea
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    what is the ARG?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alternate reality game. If you remember from Season 2 there'd be Dharma commercials during the actual commercial break of the show. The commercial would tell you to go to a specific URL, then call a number, and so on. It'd give out clues, pieces of a movie, etc. Went on for a few weeks over the summer.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    oh yeah. i remember that. never did it though. Im surprised it gave out such spoliers
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah I did Adam. Pretty interesting stuff. I don't think it'll apply to the show at all except give a bit of history of the island and such.

    Show was great. I'm digging all the new people and places so far. I'm really excited to see where the 6 episode arch ends up at.
  • mookster
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    mookster polycounter lvl 18
    Everyone who missed Lost last night:
    ABC.com has it online to watch right now. (*edit* free of course) About to check out The Nine which I missed for some South Park.

    Can't wait to see whats happened to everyone who was in the hatch, Im sure theyre alive but you never know.
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