I pitched the idea of an SDK to Mop before coming out here, and he liked the idea. This morning as we were waking up, he goes OMG I KNOW WHAT TO MAKE, a Gladiator! So several hours, concepts, verts, and UV's later, we have a new SDK for your enjoyment. We are still testing it, but will release it tomorrow.
The aim is to have all the skins for the pack done by Sunday evening, so if you want in, that's the deadline! This is a chance for many of you who didn't finish your General to redeem yourselves!
The head is on a 128, the helmet a 256x128, and the body a 256, easy-peasy.
My concept:


I reckon this is an ideal opportunity to cut loose after the high-detail Dominance War, just mess around with some tiny pixels and have fun!
We tried to make this mesh as much of a blank canvas as possible, most of the parts will be togglable so you can hide or show the bits you don't want to use and choose what suits your ideas best.
Here's my quick Photoshop concept from this afternoon:
Tully also suggested she might wanna try a skin for this guy, so that's 3 already.
Anyone who gets the SDK can feel free to do whatever they want, team colour skins, wacky skins, realistic - anything goes.
So far today we've concepted, modelled, UV-mapped and rigged the whole thing, tomorrow afternoon we will tweak and upload for your enjoyment!
Reserve your spot now!
MoP and Poop! what a team!
some more exclamation marks to show my excitedness: !!!!!!!!!!
ps: can we add our own weapons/shields?
This morning as *we* were waking up
[/ QUOTE ]
Its so cute that your pillowtalk results in am SDK! This should be cool, look forward to seeing it.
If you make your own, you can add them in renders and stuff for effect though.
I'll take one poop mop sdk please.
looks good you two =]
Let me see if i get this straight
Just make a texture for the model and pretty much anything goes, right?
I'm new to all this, but since I wanna learn this seems like fun to do, so I'll take a shot at this.
one question though, do all the 3 maps get a opacity to go along? Or does that go in an alpha channel for Q3?
Can't wait to paint up a good texture!
EAT IT!!!!
We checked and revised the model and UV's quite extensively, so there most likely won't be any changes needed. But let's see what you got!
I doubt I'll have time to even start before Sunday, but I promise I'll put something up eventually.
poo, prepare to battle :P
cheers !
Meh. WIP.
Sunday evening you say? Well, I'ma have to throw down, beetches.
Some further resturcturing to be done on the face before I sharpen it up some.
Yours is looking good, Scoobie.
First time i worked with Photoshop:
My eyes suck
but still fun
WIP on mine... the only part anywhere near done is the shoulderpad. I like how it's going, though!
Ruz: Yeah, do it, it's cheaper
I think I spent too much time on the face - oh well. I just hope I can make it in time for Sunday.
The body is mostly done.
Doesn't really deserve to be with your guys' work, but as I said, I'm fairly inexperienced.
@ SupRore: I think we all feel that way at times!
Here is a shot of my work in progress head, kinda just going off the cuff with this one.
-ps- Will this just be a ppm and skin pack for Q3A?
Anyway, I'll keep puttering along and get this done when I can.
Doubt I will get it finish in time