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Ever been mugged?

Sean McBride
polycounter lvl 18
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Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
What a crappy couple of weeks... a few of you may have heard that my girlfriend broke up with me over not being "christian" enough for her a little under 2 weeks ago. So i'm thinking.... whats comming up next? Bad stuff always happens to me in groups.

So i'm walking through the park tonight with some friends. Its only about 7PM so its not late or anything. A few families about with kinds and stuff.

Yeah... so 2 black guys in black clothing walk up to me and ask for a lighter. I'm on and off smoking so i look for a lighter and didn't have one. They then asked if i had some spare change. Now... if i was in a bigger city i wouldn't have even gone for my wallet. My home town isn't super big and I've never run into trouble. So... anyway, i'm a nice guy and I have a little money to spare usualy so i pulled out my wallet and started getting out 2 dollars because I only had 6 on me.

The guy slaps the wallet out of my hand like a panzy. I stomp on my wallet and my friend steps between me and the guy as I pick up it up. The guy thrusts his hands deep in his pockets and says "what else you got?" I make eye contact with him and decide 4 dollars isn't worth getting stabbed/shot over so i just toss him the rest of it show him my wallets empty (no way in hell he was getting my whole wallet) and we start walking off...

Honesty.... what the fuck.

The up side is the cop was hilarious that came. Kind of made the night. He thought it was hilarious that the 2 guys mugged me for 6 dollars. confused.gif


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    shiiiiit boy, you shoulda represented! It was 2 on 2 man!
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Like I said, i didn't feel like getting hurt over 6 bucks.

    There were 3 of us. One of them was a girl and she got behind me after things started getting iffy. I just wanted to get everything over and done with without anyone getting hurt.

    Never giving anyone money again.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    shiiiiit boy, you shoulda represented! It was 2 on 2 man!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, Sean could have 'represented'. But had he took your advice he could also have ended up not being able to make his post tonight.


    I can look after myself, but I probably would have done the same. But I don't know. Hard to say, since I've never been mugged. I've got a mate that's been mugged about 4 times all in different international cities! Must be something about him that says victim! That's a total pisser though Sean! Coulda been worse though. That's the way to look at these things I think.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    What so your not going to pay me for my "services" anymore?
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah Darren. Thats what I was thinking at the time. At least for me I was thinking I had no way to protect myself and I had no idea if these guys had weapons of any kind. Would you pay someone 6 dollars not to stab, shoot, or beat you? I think anyone would.

    The thought did cross my mind, what if they get pissed off because I hardly have any cash on me? I guess I was lucky. I didn't resist persay... i guess to them it seemed as if i was just handing over my money but i just wanted to be in one peice.

    The friend I was with has had someone try to mug him. Apparently he says that if youre walking and someone tries to mug you but dosn't show a weapon just keep walking and say "no." I'd still prefer not to take the chance.

    TGZ: These services you speek of... was that you I saw on the corner of university and 5th? ;D
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Ive been mugged 3 times in my llife and frankly it isnt worth fighting back,everytime i was mugged it was pretty even odds but who knows what friends they have around as back up and what they are packing
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Muggers should be restrained and have their balls cut off with a dull, rusty knife.

    I've ran into trouble in SF while going to school. This is partly why I absolutely hate San Francisco. One time I was on my way to the subway station (BART)) from a friend's house. I'm walking down the street and I get pushed to the ground and this man tries to take my backpack from me. Luckily 2 other guys saw what was happening and I guess scared the attacker away. I kept my backpack and the rest of my shit.

    On the subway train, I was half asleep in my seat and I had my legs slightly out. And this guy starts yelling at me asking me if I was trying to trip him.

    I'm outside of Macy's waiting for someone in downton SF and this guy comes up to me and says "I'm gonna cut you, mother fucker!" then walks away.

    THAT SAME FUCKING DAY, I'm in Union Square sitting on a bench... and this man walks up to me and says something to me about how we were brought here on ships and how I wasn't invited.

    I don't like the attitude and feel of the city. It's diry, everyone is in a fucking rush, hardly anyone is polite or courteous to you. It's filled with wonderful culture, I'll give it that. But I don't want to be a part of if I'm going to get hassled/endangered for wanting to enjoy it.

  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I got mugged by a 12 year old wielding a kitchen knife once in Newcastle - I had about 6 quid on me.

    About a year ago when I was going from Pivo in Edinburgh some guy tried to take my bag "Got any fags? Gimme your bag". Of course I had enough Jack Daniels in me that night to give the guy a severe kicking. I still had the scars on my legs a few months ago where his chin broke the skin on my shin.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I got mugged on a train in Peckham by some kids about 6 years ago, they got my phone and my ciggies, nothing major but shook me up quite a bit. This happened on the same night that I dumped my GF.

    A few years later two black guys jumped me in Bristol but I just ran off, lucky that, as I had about £1000 on me and my laptop.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    damn, so many muggings. I'm surprised its so common. Sad. frown.gif
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Just an fyi, the whole "represent" thing was an attempt at sarcasm/humour.

    Last month some kid got mugged by someone with scissors at my school smile.gif They got off with 2 bucks.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    Not mugged, no. But I've had to run for my life from street gangs a couple of times (this is back in Leeds). It gives you a keen eye for trouble, and I can usually spot a 'situation' before it happens. The best man at my wedding was stabbed in the stomach (in a totally unprovoked attack) in a pub at college though, his belt buckle saved his life.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously the coolest thing I have ever seen was when me and my Uncle was getting mugged it Tacoma ( Shitty town south of Seattle ) A group of about 3 black teens were walking past me and my Uncle who were on our way to a movie . They are all kinda looking at each other and then once pulls out a 6 inch kitchen knife and holds it near my throat before I could react and get out of the way and demands " gimmy your wallet mutha fucka " . Im like " Yeah man be cool i'll give it to you " Mean while my uncle is being all cool and quit and im thinking to myself " wtf this guy is in the Special Forces do something " !! Not even 2 seconds later my uncle shoots the guy with the knife in the face with a air taser gun and got zapped with 100,000 volts and the guy falls on the ground like a dead fish , then he sorta karate chops the guy closest to him in the throat down he goes and the other runs away , I guess my uncle was trained in Krav Maga which I had never heard of before that . Anyways it was totally awesome to watch someone so trained in combat and cool under fire so tp speak, but I probebly would have shit myself if he had not been there .
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    Wow. It's amazing to find that so many people have been mugged or confronted with a dangerous weapon. I was held at gunpoint outside of my apartment complex during the Christmas holiday a year and a half ago. It was strangely surreal to see a gun pointed towards me that was an inch away from my chest. The terrible thing was that I didn’t have my wallet on me so I couldn’t help but think how ridiculous it would be to get shot over nothing. I emptied out all my pockets and showed him that I had nothing on me. He was pissed and used the gun to push me against the fence, told me to turn my head the other way and then ran off. The whole ordeal must have lasted about a minute but it felt like weeks lapsed; everything went down in slow motion, or so it seemed. After he ran I ran back to my apartment faster than I ever had before.

    The weird thing was that I didn’t have any fear or notice any real danger in my situation despite the fact that there was obviously a gun to my chest. I didn’t panic at all. In fact the guy pointing the gun at me was more nervous than I was. At times I think that being calm,not flinching, and showing him that I had nothing on me made him think twice about what he was doing.

    Were any of you scared or afraid of your particular situation?
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't have time to be scared in a way. Of course i didn't have a weapon of any sort in my face so I wouldn't know what that would be like to be honest.

    I hate downtime and I hate being sick. It was more thinking like "God... please dont let this moron hurt me over something absolutely stupid." than "Oh my god, please dont hurt me! please!" Surprisingly enough I was trying to figure out a way out of the situation instead of begging for mercy hehehe.

    Its really sad to find out so many people have been victims of some sort of mugging weapon or not. I guess i'm lucky. I'm 21 and this is the first time anything like this has happened to me.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I'm not sure which is more common, muggings or unprovoked violence? I've been head butted in the face when I was drunk by some geezer outside my own house, I lost my front tooth that day and had to pay £500 dentist charges to get a new one bolted on.

    In London I was waiting for a train one evening and a bunch of kids started hurling abuse at me, then one came over and tried to punch me in the face!? I moved ever so slightly so that he missed and kicked him in the shin front on. They fucked off after that. England can be dangerous sometimes.

    In Japan (as you might expect) there's none of this. That might be down to the fact that they have a police station at EVERY train station in the country. It might just be one or two coppers in a room no bigger than a cubicle, but they make a difference.

    I wish the UK would do something similar. UK train stations are scary places sometimes, with virtualy no security save a camera mounted on high that is linked to a bank of a billion screens five hundred miles away. The train station in Bristol where my attempted mugging took place was almost pitch black. Local councils couldn't give a fuck.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Britian sounds a lot more dangerous over-all then even America . Just seems like a lot of punk kids everywhere when you hear people talk about it . Like in America your probebly about 90% safe unless your in a bad neighborhood and you can always tell a bad neighborhood here but I won't into that here wink.gif
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Had a similiar experience in New Orleans with the wifey.. Me and the wife got surrounded by 5 black guys one of which was in a wheel chair, asked us for some money and gave them 2 bucks and he asked for the rest of it.. luckily they let me keep the wallet, and I had most of my vacation scratch hidden in the back portion of the wallet, they got about 10-15 bucks in all, but it's very humiliating and negative and humbling experience in all.. We've never wanted to go back to New Orleans since...
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Just hope they get caught and go to jail for 6 bucks.

    For the record some russians mugged me when i was a kid, cant remeber how much i lost.
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    I've never been mugged. Did have a couple of black guys jump at me to freak me out late at night in Philly, but they were just having fun; I wasn't really suprised, so I just kind of shrugged and walked on. And I had a really drunk English guy giving me shit constantly at a party at E3 this summer, trying to start a fight, (kept yelling at me, getting in my face, standing in front of the station I was working, etc) but a co-worker of mine got rid of him for me. Good thing, too, I was getting pretty sick of him. smile.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • Hunter
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    Hunter polycounter lvl 18
    I pity the individual who may ever try to mug me in the future, hehe.. Its happened many times here in NYC, some dumb MF-er tries to rob an off duty cop, HAHA...

    As we say in the Law Enforcement field, "It is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.."
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Never mugged, but some freinds and I were shot at once. We were still stupid teens back then (15,16), so we'd steal liquor and drink it up wherever there was a place to hide. We found a particularly nice spot, where an old abandoned house was, a few hundred feet back from the road.
    After an hour or so, we heard some yelling down the driveway. The fact that we were loud, and had a campfire going, didn't help with discretion. There were two men and a women coming up the drive, all appeared mid-20ish or so. They told us that this was their place (squatting), and that we'd better fucking leave or else. Being smart ass kids, we mouth off a bit. One of the guys quickly drew out a gun, and we bolted. He fired three shots at us, and one was close enough to my head to hear it whizz.

    Talk about a shit-my-pants scary moment. Certainly sobered me right the fuck up.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    damn, all these stories make me want to get a concealed weapon permit.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Soul, your experiences of "city life" sound like mine.

    I lived in Baltimore from 1996 to 2002, I went in thinking "wow this is great, living in the big city", and left thinking "build a fucking fence around this place and call it a day".

    I never got mugged, per se...but...

    1. I got shot at.
    2. Had my house broken into twice. First time, 30K worth of computer and music equiqment was stolen, and the cops didn't care.
    3. My car was attempted to be stolen on 3 occasions, twice from in front of my house.
    4. Car broken into 7 different times. About 3 of those, in front of my house.
    5. Harrassed and threatened a number of times, in various situations.
    6. Did I mention getting shot at?

    FUCK that city. OH, and FUCK Washington DC too. Lotsa wonderful experiences down there as well(the cities are only 20 miles apart for those that don't know). I will never live in a city again. My idea situation is to buy a mountain top, and be away from people in general, because quite frankly, I can't stand to be around most people.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    any weapon you carry or attempt to use can be taken from you and used against you. best not to carry anything.
  • Mark Dygert
    This is the closest I have come to being mugged...

    A friend of mine was mugged in the bathroom of a bowling alley. They (2 thugs) got his phone, wallet and 20 bucks. He tried to fight back and they promptly beat the holy crap out of him. When he got back to our lane he told us what happened. We called his phone and we heard it ring in the bar. They where drinking his 20 bucks in the same place they just commited the crime, talk about dumbasses. One of us went in and kept an eye on them to make sure they didn't leave. The rest went outside to wait for if they decided to leave. My buddy went to the front desk and told them what happened and asked them to call the cops. They did, the cops came and found them hanging out in the parking lot, dumbass move #2. My friend pressed charges and got his phone and wallet back, but they spent the 20. The alley forgave us our tab, games, shoes and drinks, which was more than 20 bucks.

    We had the "man power" to go stomp some heads but it was totally the wrong way to handle it. IF we did, I bet they would have pressed charges and we all would have gone to jail for the night. Cops have a funny way of aresting first and asking questions later when they happen upon a brawl.
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    Hmmmm haven't really gotten into any trouble here in Montreal. Once I was walking around Downtown with JKim3 after watched a movie and two guys walked up to us and started talking to us in french.... none of us understood what they were saying so they started giving us shit for not speaking french and started being really annoying, so I looked the one guy in the eyes and asked what the fuck he wanted and if I knew him at which point Jason and I entered a metro station and the 2 guys walked off. Silly kids. Wasn't a particularly dangerous situation but who knows what would have happened...idiots.

    Sometimes I get the occasional dumbass asking for money and being VERY annoying and pressing about it, so then I usually just speak to them in German, sounding very angry and pissed off :P has worked fine so far

    and n30g3n3s1s:
    gf broke up with you cause you arent christian enough? wtf!!

    my friend told me about one of his old roommates whose gf asked him to have sex with him and he, being a hardcore christian, said he wouldn't have sex before he gets married and they broke up over it. Uuuugh, some people....
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    So I was traveling in Mexico City, and needed to take the subway out to some random bus station that goes to the pyramids. I had my backpack on so that I could carry my camera, sketchbook, etc. It was about 10:30 in the morning, and very few people are at the station. As the train pulls up, this guy steps right in front of me and onto the train, then stops. It was nearly an empty traincar, so I'm like "What the fuck." Dude turns around to face me, and I know something is going down.

    I turn glance behind me, and there is another guy coming up behind me very quickly, and appears to be either cocking his fist (or weapon), or reaching to grab my bag. I immediately charged forward to get away from the dude behind me, grabbed the guy in front of me, and slammed him to the ground, briefly considering quickly pummeling him for good measure. Turned around to see the guy behind me hesitate, apparently surprised that I had just body slammed his partner. I stare him down, he backs off. The guy I threw down slides himself away from me, hops up, and runs off the train. The two guys begin begin hustling away, the train doors close.

    And I had a very nice day at the pyramids.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Justin: A taser is cheaper and you don't need a permit for that.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I got mugged when I was in high school, I'll never understand why a person would hold a knife against a 15 year old at 5 pm(I was returning from school with a friend) to get money. I gave all I got in my pockets and that was no more than 1000000 TL. (Don't mind those 0's, that amount doesn't make even one dollar(and 6 0's will be removed forever on 1.1.2006 btw))
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    good move neo!

    even if you can physically hold your own a wallet, an ipod, a cellphone is hardly worth risking your life for.

    Personally i've never been in a situation like this though, so i cant talk from experience ..

    stay safe everybody
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think those muggers really plan to kill you. Murder is a VERY serious offense and while the police will rarely bat an eyelid at a mugging, murder will be taken very serious. A mugger usually gets away, a murderer is caught very often. Never mind that a mugging will net you a few months in jail at most while murder will put you in jail for a decade or even land you on the deathrow. The muggers hope you cooperate because killing someone over anything is usually not worth it.
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    Looking at the murder rate in NYC (or any other big city in the US) I think I have to disagree with you. I don't think a lof thinking goes on when somebody is killed. And in most cases, the person pulling the trigger will have already "finished up" with their life as a regular civilian way before that.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    No, I look broke and like I'm an excuse away from killing anyway, bums don't ask me for change, little old ladies cross the street when they see me comming.
    I have had my life threatened a few times but I'm too badass to backdown and so far no one's called me on it or succeeded in trying to.
    I find it a little funny you guys feel the need to point out the race of your assailants...
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree with KDR, but have to toss in one thing. Most muggers are not the stable kind to think 20 paces down the road. I think most muggings are drug related. Toss in a pinch of mental instablity, toss in a vile of crack, a vien full of adrnanine, a few friends who share the same mindset who may or may not be around the corner. And I think its time to ask yourself would your wallet give up its life for you?

    I think someone suggested in past "mugging threads" carry around some mugger cash so you don't get shived for not having anything.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    and n30g3n3s1s:
    gf broke up with you cause you arent christian enough? wtf!!

    my friend told me about one of his old roommates whose gf asked him to have sex with him and he, being a hardcore christian, said he wouldn't have sex before he gets married and they broke up over it. Uuuugh, some people....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh yeah... similar situation sort of. I started a regular relationship with this girl about 2 years ago. About a year into our relationship she started turning into one of those uber christians. There whenever the doors open. Joins evenything they can at the church. Tons of their money goes to the preacher... that sort of thing. Of course no sex, absolutely nothing besides middleschool peck kisses. It was... kind of annoying but I was willing to live with it because by that time i relize that she was a good girl if not a little... overly driven by guilt. Anyway, someone at church finaly decided it wasn't good that I wasn't part of their little baptist cult becasue i really dont agree with 1/2 of the things they are strongly promoting... or strongly against rather. She broke up with me over not going to her church for a month.

    Not a big deal thoguh. I have a problem with people who are so strongly rooted in a religion that they literaly loose themselves in the process. Nothing wrong with still being the same person you were before. Its juat a belief thing. *sigh*
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    All crime is not drug related.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    I've never been mugged and haven't been in a fight since I was in middle school 15-16 years ago. My look doesn't exactly scream 'victim' or 'has money', hehe. Being a moderately big guy helps a little, too, I suppose.

    My ex-wife did get attacked in a Wal-Mart parking lot one night. A fat black guy came up to her saying something like "nice ring" talking about the diamond wedding ring I bought her. He grabbed her hand and started to try to pull her when she kicked him square in the nuts as hard as she could. My ex-wife is not a small person. She's around 5'10" and has some weight to her so she could kick pretty damn hard. Needless to say he instantly dropped to the ground and she got in our car and high tailed it out of there. I was at home watching the kids when this happened. She didn't call the cops cause she was pretty proud of dropping him like that, hehe.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Ive been held up at knifepoint before,I think I win for being the youngest here thats been held up.

    I was at my grans one time on my bike,just riding round the street minding my own buissness,I was only 8 or 9 years old and these 2 guys approach me,can't remmeber there approximate age but oviously quite abit older than me,and one of them pulls a knife and says "give me all your money" I just remember looking at the knife pointing at me and going "I don't have any money"....then they jsut walked past and I just burst into tears and waited there as I needed to go in the direction they were heading to get back to my grans.

    Bastards should have there fingers cut off....that would solve them.

  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    No, that would only lead to more clubbings...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    KDR_11k: I've inherited my father's pistols so I already have the guns

    Reminds me of a story a friend told me, a friend of his came home to a burglar in his house going through his stuff. The guy pulled his gun out and said "freeze!" , the burglar pulled his gun out and shot the guy (wasn't fatal). The moral of this story is, if you need to pull a gun on someone , shoot 'em at least once (twice for good measure)
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    See you in jail.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    In America if they are on YOUR property and have a weapon threatening you with it you can shoot them in self defence.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, but if the burglar doesn't appear to have a gun, I don't think you can just shoot them like that...

    Sucks to be mugged. I never have myself, but I know people who have had their phones and wallets nicked in broad daylight. Not fun.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    The sad thing is, if you do shoot them and kill them, regardless of circumstances, prepare to go bankrupt fighting the lawsuits from the dirtbags family in court. If you don't kill them, prepare to go bankrupt from the lawsuits the dirtbag will have against you.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    In America if they are on YOUR property and have a weapon threatening you with it you can shoot them in self defence.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In Florida you can remove the "your property" part and it is automatically presumed you feared for your life if attacked whether the attacker had a weapon or not. It's pretty crazy, I'm not sure if I agree with it or not, it doesn't effect me since I don't go around picking fights with people.
  • Quaggs
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    Quaggs polycounter lvl 19
    Let me say before I tell this story, that I have always been very big for my age, and have played football since I was in 2nd grade.

    I've never been mugged, but when I was in fifth grade, a high schooler with a grudge against me tried to beat me up just outside a gas station. I was with my little brother and his freind who were in fourth grade at the time. (Ironically I was there to make sure nothing happened to them. When the kid started crap with me I immediately told my brother and his freind to ride their bikes home, about a block and a half away). The kid had showed up at the station with a fat fuck freind of his, and when he saw me leave, he followed me out, and his freind took my bike so I couldn't get away. He pushed me a few times, took my drink and tossed it into a street, and took a swing at me. I have a short fuse, and fought back, I apparently broke the kids nose, and took my bike back from the other kid, and rode off in the opposite direction of my house so if they followed I wouldn't lead them to it. They did not follow, but the kid that I hit went to the hospital, his mom called my mom and I ended up having to go to a psychologist for anger management. The worst part of it all was that the gas station attendants saw the entire thing from start to finish and didn't do shit.

    The kid was really small for a high school student, and we had met once before playing roller hockey, where we had gotten into a small checking battle.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    any weapon you carry or attempt to use can be taken from you and used against you. best not to carry anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only if you don't know how to use it.

    Two friends of mine were mugged, and came out without a scratch by being armed.

    1.) went to Gencon back in the late 80's. Paul Jaquays probably remembers. It was in Milwaukie Wisconsin, and I generally liked the town back then. Was with a friend, Jim, and we were foing to "The Safe House". Both of us were dealers at the con, but he was solo, selling humorous cartoons and character sketches, and was more fo a gun nut than me. We walked out of the old MECCA downtown, and he had to go to his hotel room and stach his cashbox for the day, I continued on to "Te Safe house" bar to get pub grub, and wait for him to show up. he shows up later grinning like he just did (the young cute) Madonna in the mens room, and tells me that soon after he split off from me, a tall black man with a bear dcame up to him with a knife and demanded his money. Jim produced a tiny Grendel .380 Pistol and said, "I think you should go home." The man just sworeand walked off.

    2.) A guy I work for on weekends that does armory, and weapn rentals for film and TV locally was at a film shoot in Oakland. They were filming after hours at a closed diner. As Friend gets a pair of pistols out of the trunk, he puts them in his armpits, so as to not cause any alarm, and picks up the boxes of blanks, and walks across the alley to the diner. from around the corner of the diner, a black youth in comfortable clothing comes around the corner with a knife and makes demands for the money. The friend, never having been mugged before, thinks this is a joke put on by the crew inside the diner. The friend puts on this silly manic grin of his, and says, "I don't have any money.."as he drops the sacks carrying the boxes of blanks, "But I do have THESE" he says whipping out a pair of Nickel Plated, Hi Capacity, 9mm Pistols, and points them at the kid, grinning like a monkey. The kid's eyes go wide, and he takes off around the corner he came from, in the direction of the side door of the diner. The friend goes inside and puts down his stuff and asks about the kid. he want to appologizxe for scaring him. The crewm busy rigging lights shrug and ask, "What kid?" Friend describes the kid. The Crew say they don't have anyone of African descent working on the show. Later an Oakland PD officer arrives to check on the progress of the filming, because frankly it's interesting, and the Friend goes over to talk with him, and determine if there was a problem. Friend tells the cop the story, the Cop busts up laughing and soon more cops come in, just to hear the story.

    Me? no but I carry a big knife and know a bit how to use it, and have worked transporting Millionsof dollars in an armoured car, so my response would be pretty unequivocal. I have a permit, but work would rather not have me pack on premises, which is their right.

  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Mugged once, and I've lost count of the number of times I've been attacked or threatened without provocation. Some stick out more than others though.

    Mugged while out walking one night (something I did a lot in my teens, while stressed over exams and things), through a small village about 3 miles from my home. Dead quiet in the dead of night, when with no warning I was jumped by two guys from behind (Didn't even hear them). One jumped on my back, the other went for my legs, so naturally I ended up on the ground. One of them proceded to stand on my head while the other searched my pockets, but since I didn't have any money on me I got a nice kick in the ribs from one and in the face from the other before they both ran off. Whole thing took probably less than 6 seconds, and I never even saw them.

    Another time a guy swung a cricket bat at my head while I was waiting for a bus. No reason as far as I could tell, I was just waiting for a bus and sensed movement and moved reflexively (this was when I still had reflexes wink.gif). Missed my head by about an inch and caught my shoulder instead.

    Another time I was walking back to a friends house after being out for a Stag Party. Yes, as a group we were a little roudy, but I was pretty quiet as I'd had a bit much and didn't feel too good. Suddenly there are hurried footsteps behind us and a guy jumps on my back (they seem to like doing that), and as I turn to try and shake him off another one kicks me in the balls, so I went down like a sack of potatoes. Last thing I can remember is grabbing someones ankle while they were trying to kick me and biting down hard. Lucky for me one of the girls with us was a kickboxing instructor and she beat them off me before they gave me brain damage or something. Even so I broke 5 teeth and chipped another two, had 2 bruised ribs, a black eye, a cut cheek and a swolen groin.
    Amazingly the police were there before I even came round (apparently it was less than two minutes), and arrested the correct two people (this was good as half of our group was carrying pot, but we didn't get searched), and carted them off. I got compensation for the teeth (eventually), although the cheeky fuck who was kicking me in the face tried to press charges for his bitten ankle smile.gif

    OK, last one (that I'm typing, not that occured). My last night working at a night club back home. I got off early to avoid the traditional egging at the end of the final shift and was sitting outside chatting to a regular customer. She was a girl, I wasn't interested (really), but she was drunk and I didn't want her wandering off without her friends who were still inside.
    After a few minutes 4 guys come wandering past, 3 of them stop and one goes on saying he needs to take a piss. The 3 that stop start hitting on the girl, who's name I've long since forgotten. Nothing too major, but a bit stronger than merely flirting.
    Eventually guy number 4 returns, with his dick still hanging out, and says something along the lines of "oi love, want to suck this?", which is when I decide to stand up for her and tell him to cut it out. Next thing I know there's 4 guys on top of me (seemingly - one of them was on my back again, go figure), with Mr. Cock-Out's penis waggling mere inches from my face - though this time I resisted the urge to bite down on the closest thing on hand; just as well, it was small enough as it was wink.gif.
    This time I managed to stay on my feet through the whole thing too, which was probably lucky since even as it went I ended up with 3 broken ribs.
    These lads weren't too bright though, as it's not smart to start a fight outside a club to begin with, let alone with a member of staff (which I still technically was). After just a few seconds all but one of them got pulled off me by the Club's doormen. I was more than capeable of taking care of the last one myself (I don't recall if this was Mr. Cock-Out or not) and battered him quite severely (I don't know how much damage I did to him, but I was bloody furious - I do recall that when he cried out for me to stop, because it hurt, I told him he should have thought of that before he started). I fight relatively fair though, no kicking or anything, just punches, and nothing below the waist, so he got off relatively easy I think. I doubt I even broke his nose.
    By the time the police arrived this time all the assailents had managed to run away and I'd already joined the queue for a Taxi across the street, not yet aware that I'd broken my ribs as the pain in my knuckles filled my world.

    I don't carry a weapon though, in all of these cases it wouldn't have stopped anything due to the speed things occured, and I'd probably have done myself more harm with one than my any attacker wink.gif
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    n30g3n3s1s i lost my fav gf for the exact same reason. While we were together she was cool, then the mormons rekindled her faith in Joseph Smith and it was just alosing battle from there.

    I have faith too, I don't see why that has to translate into relenquishing ones personal identity and truth decerning mechanisms. Faith isn't a package deal marketed by the best public speaker, or the group with the best sales pitch. The scary part is...some brilliant people are roped into this by guilt programming alone.

    Teaches you something though...how valuable your will and identity are. If you have none, then you are suseptable to this manipulative bullshit. I don't need someone to sell me my character, I already had it before they showed up. It's too bad Jules and your ex-gf haven't figure that out.

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