Most self defense styles these days include dealing with multiple attackers and even armed guys (especially those that are stupid enough to threaten you with a gun at arm's length) so that might be worth it if you're in a more dangerous area.
worst one is the gut, or inner armpit. Don't get stabbed there, you'll most likely die before help arrives.
My grandfather gave me a small knife to carry around some years back, that he used to carry around when he was young. It is more handy than carrying my katana, but still, I'd never carry it.
Best to run, as soon as something strange is commencing, take flight. If someone grabs you, step back one pace, this will easily put them off ballance, after that the rest really is up to you. These days, if someone did grab me I'd probably end up stepping back and using a simple judo move to make them fall over, then run away. So long as it all comes naturally without thinking, then it's gonna be ok.
Frankly, I think muggers deserve to get the shit beaten out of them.
Aikido is good practice for unbalancing an attacker - using their strength/speed/force against them. Of course living in the UK we don't have to worry too much about trying to dodge a bullet.
Sorry to hear that guys. Muggers need to be stabbed in the colon.
Never been mugged, but there hasn't been a day in probably a year that I haven't had a knife on me. People always try to fuck with me and friends (live north of San Antonio), but they never have the balls to actually do anything. I guarantee you if someone tried to start something with me and my friends, they'd end up running. If someone is trying to fuck with me, all is fair in my opinion, and I'll rip their balls/ear off or poke their eyes out if I have to.
I recently had the pleasure of walking down a dozen blocks of downtown Cincinnati streets during the late evening while on the way to catch the Symphony Orchestra. I was dressed nicely, which is rare, tie and all. Not a single dollar bill in my wallet. Walking along side my beautiful lady friend. It seemed like all the white folk were dressed professionally, and the blacks dressed in thugware, chains, and cellphones. They hang around like they own the city. As I kept walking, the ratio of thugs and hoes increased. The alleys kept getting darker. More profanity being yelled. Was not a comfortable situation. All you can think about is, what do you do if it happens?
Last week, I had some scary looking dude and his rude girlfriend on my doorstep, asking me to donate my car for education. I kept one foot behind the door.
i have had more than my fair shares of run in's with ppl.
when i was in secondary school which wasn't too long ago after school a whole swarm of school kids from my year and other years above and below as well as from other schools would trek home on the train this meant we were unsupervised by anyone and were left to our own devices this meant that we were also easy picking for muggers and other street thugs looking for trouble
i remeber one time when me and my m8's where jumped on the train by 9 lads one of them i knew at the time cuz one of my other m8's who has no part in this incident knew him as he would hang with us at the train station b4 i would go to school
anyway it was like 9 v 4 all of us where worried.They at first asked us what the time was we said we didn't know as none of us had a watch or any sort of time device upon ourselves. They then began asking for money and trying to ruffle through our pockets me and two of my other mates pulled away and refused them to check our pockets. They didn't press the issue at first as we were on the train and there quite a few ppl around. but the carriage began to empty and then they noticed we had been playing black jack they took the cards and said we were going to play russian roullete except with cards the main leader took four cards off the top of the deck and turned to us and said whoever gets the queen of spades get's rushed we all had to take cards didn't have much of a choice.
now i have been in my fair share of fights and let me tell you every time i have been worried and sometimes scared but don't get me wrong this doesn't stop me from fighting. I was in this situation and i was worried but i knew there was a big chance that i could end up in hospital or dead.
from what i have read some of you guys don't understand how easy it is die. ppl who never even mean to kill, who all they wanted to do is hurt another person end up killing. from simple things as pushing someone down a set of stairs to throwing a punch at someone( alot of you may laugh at that but how do you know that punch won't trigger a brain hemorage( spelt wrong)) and then you never know that could be it game over your dead.
anywway i digress as i said we were all given cards we all turned our cards over and it turned out one of my m8's had the queen of spades now at first i thought "omg it begins here"
but for some reason none of them made a move nothing happened i was soo relieved you have know idea eventually me and one of my m8's's stop came some of them tried to stop us leaving but we eventually forced the issue and got away.
we got off the train and we saw our two m8's left begind on the train we thought "oh no what have we done"
luckily we spoke to them the next day they were unharmed and were left alone after we had got off.
It turned out they seem to be going for me and my other m8 that got off more than my other two mates. don't know why to this day.
but the final twist in this whole event was that one of my other friends who at the time was on the same train as us coming from school and who was trying to get home who had nothing to do with "my" incident who was in another carriage with his own group of mates was jumped upon by these guys when he got off at his stop now this guy was quite big about 6'5 and he could look after himself so when they did attack he fought back but when he did that only made them attack harder and more savagely then before the fnal concsequence was that he was battered into a coma.
(now alot of you reading this will probably think he was stupid to fight against 9 ppl but he didn't have a chance to get away.)
thankfully he pulled through and is ok physically though he says that he can't remeber the attack. all he can remeber was getting saved by some old woman and blacking out soon after.
now you guys i am not as old a you lot i'm only 20 but this story i have recounted is just one of many horrible and if not sad incident's i heard, seen or been apart of in my short life, i know i don't know half as much as i should and from alot of your stories i have read you seem to have more life experince to pool from than i do at this point in tme making you wiser than i am but at this point in time i can only pool from the life experience i have so....
if i have to say one thing is that. Fighting back can be good, it empowers you,it makes you sometime feel confident or strong, it makes you feel good about yourself knowing that you stuck up for yourself or someone else.
but too often i have seen ppl fight back come to rue it in the end with either revenge attacks or someting of the kind
i read the paper and read about a man getting stabbed to death beacuse he confronted a youth who wa throwing chips on a bus.
all i got to say is this i know alot of you probably don't want to feel like cowards but sometimes think of what your doing and the concsequences before you throw yourself head long into a fight.
if it is unavoidable then hell get the battle on. but if it is avoidable then always go for option of diplomacy you never know it may just save your life or the lives of others around you.
ther has been loads of times like this incident in my life and the usually end up with my friends getting hurt or fearing for the lives after the incident cuz they find out that the boy they just kicked seven bells out of just happend to have a gang that don't mess around when it comes to fights espeically if it means boosting there street crediblity.
Also i noticed a few posts back that someone was trying to make a remark about racial simialrities in alot of the stories told and let me tell you that it's not just black people i have seen kids and adults from all racial backgrounds do mean and cold things we all have these types of people in our communites and they seem to be playing a big burden on our society. What makes these discssions even sadder from my point of view is that some people do actually use these debates to instigate racial unrest upon a society through what they say or the sterotypical views that people sometimes play upon which can anger and annoy some people as it clearly annoyed the person that made that post I could understand maybe why he would have felt like that.though i am not saying any racial slurs have occured here but it just seems to frequently happen alot when i read, listen or watch these types of debates.
for example before i left secondary school my whole year had like a question time debate about various topics in our society where the smartest kids as well as the year leaders as well a teachers and heads of year as well as outside sources would chair our questions.
This topic came up and there where alot of angry young kids who were willing to point an undelying blame to certain minorities in what they would ask or say to the panel who had to answer these questions. most of these kid's weren't racist per se but acted like this because they were angry, upset, humiliated but also confused and didn't really know how this problem should be tackled Which could provide long term positive results to stopping this type of crime.
these are my 2 cents though they aren't worth much
I recently had the pleasure of walking down a dozen blocks of downtown Cincinnati streets during the late evening
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, yeah, that's not good. Cincinnati is one very racially divided city, and the area around there can be particularly unpleasant. We're actually on a record pace for murders here this year, hurray! Incidentally, where do you live that you ended up in Cincinnati tonight? Northern Kentucky?
For the record, I've never had any actually bad encounters in living here the last ten years; my ex used to live right off Central Parkway near the bars, and even hanging around over there never was more than vaguely creepy. On the other hand, I wouldn't live down there myself if you paid me...
I recently had the pleasure of walking down a dozen blocks of downtown Cincinnati streets during the late evening
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, yeah, that's not good. Cincinnati is one very racially divided city, and the area around there can be particularly unpleasant. We're actually on a record pace for murders here this year, hurray! Incidentally, where do you live that you ended up in Cincinnati tonight? Northern Kentucky?
[/ QUOTE ]
This was Saturday night. I was in town for the weekend. Point being it was stupid to walk through that part of town with no money, but looking like I had wealth. The outfit I was wearing was mostly purchased at a Loveland Goodwill store earlier that day. I'm not a city boy. I can't walk with that "don't fuck with me" mentality when I'm too busy being a tourist. People say don't make eye contact, or if you do, stare them down. They'll target the tourist.
[EDIT: some people are too easily offended and take words out of context]
quote]They'll target the tourist, just like Jamaicans. I hate Jamaica.
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate small minded people. What should we do about them, eh?
The effects of those types of opinions only give the "OK" for more hateful actions to seem normal to do > on both sides of the fence.
I aint religious but, love thee neighbour is a pretty flawless rule for a better world.
Hate him & hell hate to you - which sounds like where we are today.
I'm hearing a lot of this kind of divided talk more & more from the US! The US sounds very divided from where Im sitting in my love filled life in London. Say I'm wrong New England, say I'm wrong?
I wrote a huge response on what I think the current situation is in the US, but instead I'll just answer your question. Race relations are awful here in the US and because most people ignore the problem things are only going to get worse.
I don't like the attitude and feel of the city. It's diry, everyone is in a fucking rush, hardly anyone is polite or courteous to you. It's filled with wonderful culture, I'll give it that. But I don't want to be a part of if I'm going to get hassled/endangered for wanting to enjoy it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, wtf is up with SF? I've been here for about four months now, and am disappointed at what a shithole this allegedly magical city has turned out to be. The level of trash on the ground may differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, but the frequency of assholes and basically scary people seems consistent citywide.
I haven't been mugged. If and when it happens, though, this seems like a likely setting!
I don't like the attitude and feel of the city. It's diry, everyone is in a fucking rush, hardly anyone is polite or courteous to you. It's filled with wonderful culture, I'll give it that. But I don't want to be a part of if I'm going to get hassled/endangered for wanting to enjoy it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, wtf is up with SF? I've been here for about four months now, and am disappointed at what a shithole this allegedly magical city has turned out to be. The level of trash on the ground may differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, but the frequency of assholes and basically scary people seems consistent citywide.
I haven't been mugged. If and when it happens, though, this seems like a likely setting!
[/ QUOTE ]
And on a side note to that, not only have the good citizens of Frisco voted to outlaw guns, they are demanding that everyone who owns one turn them in to the police (who have publicly objected to this) by the end of April.
I wonder if they are going to reimburse the gun owners for their forcibly given up firearms?
Sure, they get fair market value, just like emminent domain.
Having fewer guns in the city would reduce the problems a riot could cause, New Orleans had people running around and shooting each other, without any legal guns in the city their numbers would have been much smaller (sure, there will still be illegal guns but few own those). Or imagine the french riots without any gun control laws, that'd be a civil war!
San Francisco is a bit of a seedy mess in parts, and has a lot of major issues including the most ridiculous amount of homeless people I've ever seen. Wandering down market street late at night can be hairy. But ya know what? Violent gun crime isn't nearly as prolific as in many other US cities. The less firearms available to the public ANYWHERE, the better as far as Im concerned. No doubt this is going to turn into a big right to bear arms thread now.
As a related aside but directed at some earlier comments, I've lived in this dump for 5 years, and never had any issues or experienced any crime at all whatsoever. Never so much as had a car broken into.
I lived in London for many many years before that, and much that I love that town, I experienced car theft, motorcycle theft, vandalism, burglary with me asleep in the house, prolific pub fights, witnessed people attacked, robbed at ATM's, even saw several armed police raids. All sorts of stuff.
US cities might seem scary to some, but petty crime like non lethal violence, robbery and vandalism is far worse in the UK in my experience, and Im sure there are statistics to back that up. Perhaps I'm wrong, and I've just been exceptionally lucky here.
Grow a large beard and long hair. People tend to stay away from me
I'll spare you guys my slew of incedents in the San Jose Gheto.. All i can say is never live in the San Jose ghetto. Story road has a lot of stories to tell
They'll target the tourist, just like Jamaicans. I hate Jamaica.
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate small minded people. What should we do about them, eh?
[/ QUOTE ]
We could ask them to stop bringing up month old threads simply for the purpose to stirring shit. eh?
[/ QUOTE ]
How the fek can you say I'm "stirring shit", when I've but only pointed out that Your* statement is blatantly out of order. Do you honestly think it's ok to openly dog another race. That's racism son.
Or was that response an attempt at avoiding the issue you surfaced or are you simply stupid?! Stupid I can forgive.
I don't see people complaining about racism when someone insults WW2-era Germans or calls the French ungrateful because "We've saved their asses twice!".
Violent gun crime isn't nearly as prolific as in many other US cities. The less firearms available to the public ANYWHERE, the better as far as Im concerned. No doubt this is going to turn into a big right to bear arms thread now.
[/ QUOTE ]
I beg to differ, as someone thatlives around here. It's not the guns, but the people behind the guns. Seeral other cities have as little, or less crime than they do in San Francisco, and it's more about the local culture than it is about the guns themselves. I can cite statistics, Especially for areas that allow law abiding citizens concealed Carry laws, but I'm not sure there would be a point in this thread. But yeah we could just put this thread to bed.
Dukester Talked to a friend that is a SFPD Sergeant, and he thinks this will get tossed out of court like the 1982 Gun ban that then Mayor Feinstein passed, as the state of California has a pre-emption on municipal Firearms laws. But still the Male Model Mayor, Gavin Newsome, says the Symbology is important.
Honestly, I had no idea Jamiacan was a race. How could I be so stupid? I thought I was only referring to a country with high levels of unemployment and poverty, and an economy heavily dependent on tourism. And tourist carry money on them. I think it's on topic...where lectures of racism are not.
Btw: It's "Love Thy Neighbour". And with your small post count, you've so far managed to call me a stupid small-minded racist. It's because I'm American isn't it?
I was actually going to make mention of that same point when Germans and French were cited above, as those 'races' aren't really any different outside of cultural eccentricities. However, I felt that would be feeding the troll and opted not to. Except that now... well, dammit.
Dukester Talked to a friend that is a SFPD Sergeant, and he thinks this will get tossed out of court like the 1982 Gun ban that then Mayor Feinstein passed, as the state of California has a pre-emption on municipal Firearms laws. But still the Male Model Mayor, Gavin Newsome, says the Symbology is important.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I figured that was on the horizon
The SFPOA had a nice little rebuttal to the whole situation ...
Before you start trying to educate people, as to the definition of a word, it mighty want to find out what that word actually means yourself.
Here, why don't you go look it up:-
Regardless of the actual definition, I believe you knew what I meant. And by running round the issue, I assume youre having difficulty defending those statements, as you already know they have no real foundation? Your rant along the lines of: - I've got more post than you, really does backup this up.
All I asked, was for a reasonable explanation for your hate towards my people.
My point was, how can you think it's ok to hate someone, say me for example, somebody you've never met before, simply because I'm Jamaican?
I'm obviously aware its based off of your experiences, so why not explain?
More importantly, my fear is that you'll pass this ideal down onto your children, who'll grow up with this same hate against Jamaican children, which's effect will more than likely lead to hate in return... you think todays cultural conflict are bad now in America, just think of the roll-on effects of your beliefs. A society where it's openly ok to hate another culture!! Getting robbed would be the least of anyones worries and genocide would be the new in thing. Besides wouldn't you rather your children not grow up being hated?
I truly believe we're all the same & equal but what truly divide us, and the reason behind all of histories atrocities, is our beliefs.
I'm not going to continue this... I just really hope you take the time to note, what kind of a world youre helping to sculpt with such accusations.
I'm hearing a lot of this kind of divided talk more & more from the US! The US sounds very divided from where Im sitting...
[/ QUOTE ]
Trust me we (Americans) get the feeling that everyone inside and outside our borders hates the US and blames it for all of the worlds problems. Like you said it's hard to not hate your neighbors when all you get is hate from them. Stop making generalizations based on speculation, about a place you do not live in and I might not hate you. With all the crap coming out of your mouth it is hard not to...
Yes it is true, all Americans HATE Jamaicans and we actively teach hate to our childrens, in fact congress just passed a law making it mandatory curriculum in schools. I think I will go write my congress-person and ask that they create a national "we hate Jamaica day". Damn those dirty jamacias!!!111
All of us Americas are stupid trigger happy gun touting thugs that are just looking for the next war and race to hate. Watch out it might be you next! Good thing we have the EU around to civilize us and tell us how to run our country.
I don't know what part of the US you have been raised in, but I was brought up in 7 of the 50 states and have visited many more. Most American people I know and have talked to are hyper sensitive to issues of race, religion ect. Being non P.C. in America is a sign of ignorance and heavily looked down upon by the majority.
So how about you stop making generalizations about places you haven't been and people you haven't talked to. The funny thing is you are making the same generalizations about the American public that you are accusing people in this thread of making.
Good fucking god! I said I hate Jamaica. Meaning, out of all the countries in the world I would want to be a tourist, Jamaica is now at the bottom of my list. As a tourist. I made a small side comment related to poverty . But you only read what you wanted to hear to stand on your soap box. I didn't say I hate every single Jamaican on this planet. Except maybe you now. But for good reason. It's just what you want to be happy.
but hah, I'm alive!
worst one is the gut, or inner armpit. Don't get stabbed there, you'll most likely die before help arrives.
My grandfather gave me a small knife to carry around some years back, that he used to carry around when he was young. It is more handy than carrying my katana, but still, I'd never carry it.
Best to run, as soon as something strange is commencing, take flight. If someone grabs you, step back one pace, this will easily put them off ballance, after that the rest really is up to you. These days, if someone did grab me I'd probably end up stepping back and using a simple judo move to make them fall over, then run away.
Frankly, I think muggers deserve to get the shit beaten out of them.
Never been mugged, but there hasn't been a day in probably a year that I haven't had a knife on me. People always try to fuck with me and friends (live north of San Antonio), but they never have the balls to actually do anything. I guarantee you if someone tried to start something with me and my friends, they'd end up running. If someone is trying to fuck with me, all is fair in my opinion, and I'll rip their balls/ear off or poke their eyes out if I have to.
Last week, I had some scary looking dude and his rude girlfriend on my doorstep, asking me to donate my car for education. I kept one foot behind the door.
i have had more than my fair shares of run in's with ppl.
when i was in secondary school which wasn't too long ago after school a whole swarm of school kids from my year and other years above and below as well as from other schools would trek home on the train this meant we were unsupervised by anyone and were left to our own devices this meant that we were also easy picking for muggers and other street thugs looking for trouble
i remeber one time when me and my m8's where jumped on the train by 9 lads one of them i knew at the time cuz one of my other m8's who has no part in this incident knew him as he would hang with us at the train station b4 i would go to school
anyway it was like 9 v 4 all of us where worried.They at first asked us what the time was we said we didn't know as none of us had a watch or any sort of time device upon ourselves. They then began asking for money and trying to ruffle through our pockets me and two of my other mates pulled away and refused them to check our pockets. They didn't press the issue at first as we were on the train and there quite a few ppl around. but the carriage began to empty and then they noticed we had been playing black jack they took the cards and said we were going to play russian roullete except with cards the main leader took four cards off the top of the deck and turned to us and said whoever gets the queen of spades get's rushed we all had to take cards didn't have much of a choice.
now i have been in my fair share of fights and let me tell you every time i have been worried and sometimes scared but don't get me wrong this doesn't stop me from fighting. I was in this situation and i was worried but i knew there was a big chance that i could end up in hospital or dead.
from what i have read some of you guys don't understand how easy it is die. ppl who never even mean to kill, who all they wanted to do is hurt another person end up killing. from simple things as pushing someone down a set of stairs to throwing a punch at someone( alot of you may laugh at that but how do you know that punch won't trigger a brain hemorage( spelt wrong)) and then you never know that could be it game over your dead.
anywway i digress as i said we were all given cards we all turned our cards over and it turned out one of my m8's had the queen of spades now at first i thought "omg it begins here"
but for some reason none of them made a move nothing happened i was soo relieved you have know idea eventually me and one of my m8's's stop came some of them tried to stop us leaving but we eventually forced the issue and got away.
we got off the train and we saw our two m8's left begind on the train we thought "oh no what have we done"
luckily we spoke to them the next day they were unharmed and were left alone after we had got off.
It turned out they seem to be going for me and my other m8 that got off more than my other two mates. don't know why to this day.
but the final twist in this whole event was that one of my other friends who at the time was on the same train as us coming from school and who was trying to get home who had nothing to do with "my" incident who was in another carriage with his own group of mates was jumped upon by these guys when he got off at his stop now this guy was quite big about 6'5 and he could look after himself so when they did attack he fought back but when he did that only made them attack harder and more savagely then before the fnal concsequence was that he was battered into a coma.
(now alot of you reading this will probably think he was stupid to fight against 9 ppl but he didn't have a chance to get away.)
thankfully he pulled through and is ok physically though he says that he can't remeber the attack. all he can remeber was getting saved by some old woman and blacking out soon after.
now you guys i am not as old a you lot i'm only 20 but this story i have recounted is just one of many horrible and if not sad incident's i heard, seen or been apart of in my short life, i know i don't know half as much as i should and from alot of your stories i have read you seem to have more life experince to pool from than i do at this point in tme making you wiser than i am but at this point in time i can only pool from the life experience i have so....
if i have to say one thing is that. Fighting back can be good, it empowers you,it makes you sometime feel confident or strong, it makes you feel good about yourself knowing that you stuck up for yourself or someone else.
but too often i have seen ppl fight back come to rue it in the end with either revenge attacks or someting of the kind
i read the paper and read about a man getting stabbed to death beacuse he confronted a youth who wa throwing chips on a bus.
all i got to say is this i know alot of you probably don't want to feel like cowards but sometimes think of what your doing and the concsequences before you throw yourself head long into a fight.
if it is unavoidable then hell get the battle on. but if it is avoidable then always go for option of diplomacy you never know it may just save your life or the lives of others around you.
ther has been loads of times like this incident in my life and the usually end up with my friends getting hurt or fearing for the lives after the incident cuz they find out that the boy they just kicked seven bells out of just happend to have a gang that don't mess around when it comes to fights espeically if it means boosting there street crediblity.
Also i noticed a few posts back that someone was trying to make a remark about racial simialrities in alot of the stories told and let me tell you that it's not just black people i have seen kids and adults from all racial backgrounds do mean and cold things we all have these types of people in our communites and they seem to be playing a big burden on our society. What makes these discssions even sadder from my point of view is that some people do actually use these debates to instigate racial unrest upon a society through what they say or the sterotypical views that people sometimes play upon which can anger and annoy some people as it clearly annoyed the person that made that post I could understand maybe why he would have felt like that.though i am not saying any racial slurs have occured here but it just seems to frequently happen alot when i read, listen or watch these types of debates.
for example before i left secondary school my whole year had like a question time debate about various topics in our society where the smartest kids as well as the year leaders as well a teachers and heads of year as well as outside sources would chair our questions.
This topic came up and there where alot of angry young kids who were willing to point an undelying blame to certain minorities in what they would ask or say to the panel who had to answer these questions. most of these kid's weren't racist per se but acted like this because they were angry, upset, humiliated but also confused and didn't really know how this problem should be tackled Which could provide long term positive results to stopping this type of crime.
these are my 2 cents though they aren't worth much
I recently had the pleasure of walking down a dozen blocks of downtown Cincinnati streets during the late evening
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, yeah, that's not good. Cincinnati is one very racially divided city, and the area around there can be particularly unpleasant. We're actually on a record pace for murders here this year, hurray! Incidentally, where do you live that you ended up in Cincinnati tonight? Northern Kentucky?
For the record, I've never had any actually bad encounters in living here the last ten years; my ex used to live right off Central Parkway near the bars, and even hanging around over there never was more than vaguely creepy. On the other hand, I wouldn't live down there myself if you paid me...
I recently had the pleasure of walking down a dozen blocks of downtown Cincinnati streets during the late evening
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, yeah, that's not good. Cincinnati is one very racially divided city, and the area around there can be particularly unpleasant. We're actually on a record pace for murders here this year, hurray! Incidentally, where do you live that you ended up in Cincinnati tonight? Northern Kentucky?
[/ QUOTE ]
This was Saturday night. I was in town for the weekend. Point being it was stupid to walk through that part of town with no money, but looking like I had wealth. The outfit I was wearing was mostly purchased at a Loveland Goodwill store earlier that day.
[EDIT: some people are too easily offended and take words out of context]
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate small minded people. What should we do about them, eh?
The effects of those types of opinions only give the "OK" for more hateful actions to seem normal to do > on both sides of the fence.
I aint religious but, love thee neighbour is a pretty flawless rule for a better world.
Hate him & hell hate to you - which sounds like where we are today.
I'm hearing a lot of this kind of divided talk more & more from the US! The US sounds very divided from where Im sitting in my love filled life in London. Say I'm wrong New England, say I'm wrong?
I don't like the attitude and feel of the city. It's diry, everyone is in a fucking rush, hardly anyone is polite or courteous to you. It's filled with wonderful culture, I'll give it that. But I don't want to be a part of if I'm going to get hassled/endangered for wanting to enjoy it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, wtf is up with SF? I've been here for about four months now, and am disappointed at what a shithole this allegedly magical city has turned out to be. The level of trash on the ground may differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, but the frequency of assholes and basically scary people seems consistent citywide.
I haven't been mugged. If and when it happens, though, this seems like a likely setting!
I hate small minded people. What should we do about them, eh?
[/ QUOTE ]
We could ask them to stop bringing up month old threads simply for the purpose to stirring shit. eh?
I don't like the attitude and feel of the city. It's diry, everyone is in a fucking rush, hardly anyone is polite or courteous to you. It's filled with wonderful culture, I'll give it that. But I don't want to be a part of if I'm going to get hassled/endangered for wanting to enjoy it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, wtf is up with SF? I've been here for about four months now, and am disappointed at what a shithole this allegedly magical city has turned out to be. The level of trash on the ground may differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, but the frequency of assholes and basically scary people seems consistent citywide.
I haven't been mugged. If and when it happens, though, this seems like a likely setting!
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And on a side note to that, not only have the good citizens of Frisco voted to outlaw guns, they are demanding that everyone who owns one turn them in to the police (who have publicly objected to this) by the end of April.
I wonder if they are going to reimburse the gun owners for their forcibly given up firearms?
Having fewer guns in the city would reduce the problems a riot could cause, New Orleans had people running around and shooting each other, without any legal guns in the city their numbers would have been much smaller (sure, there will still be illegal guns but few own those). Or imagine the french riots without any gun control laws, that'd be a civil war!
As a related aside but directed at some earlier comments, I've lived in this dump for 5 years, and never had any issues or experienced any crime at all whatsoever. Never so much as had a car broken into.
I lived in London for many many years before that, and much that I love that town, I experienced car theft, motorcycle theft, vandalism, burglary with me asleep in the house, prolific pub fights, witnessed people attacked, robbed at ATM's, even saw several armed police raids. All sorts of stuff.
US cities might seem scary to some, but petty crime like non lethal violence, robbery and vandalism is far worse in the UK in my experience, and Im sure there are statistics to back that up. Perhaps I'm wrong, and I've just been exceptionally lucky here.
I'll spare you guys my slew of incedents in the San Jose Gheto.. All i can say is never live in the San Jose ghetto. Story road has a lot of stories to tell
They'll target the tourist, just like Jamaicans. I hate Jamaica.
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I hate small minded people. What should we do about them, eh?
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We could ask them to stop bringing up month old threads simply for the purpose to stirring shit. eh?
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How the fek can you say I'm "stirring shit", when I've but only pointed out that Your* statement is blatantly out of order. Do you honestly think it's ok to openly dog another race. That's racism son.
Or was that response an attempt at avoiding the issue you surfaced or are you simply stupid?! Stupid I can forgive.
Violent gun crime isn't nearly as prolific as in many other US cities. The less firearms available to the public ANYWHERE, the better as far as Im concerned. No doubt this is going to turn into a big right to bear arms thread now.
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I beg to differ, as someone thatlives around here. It's not the guns, but the people behind the guns. Seeral other cities have as little, or less crime than they do in San Francisco, and it's more about the local culture than it is about the guns themselves. I can cite statistics, Especially for areas that allow law abiding citizens concealed Carry laws, but I'm not sure there would be a point in this thread. But yeah we could just put this thread to bed.
Dukester Talked to a friend that is a SFPD Sergeant, and he thinks this will get tossed out of court like the 1982 Gun ban that then Mayor Feinstein passed, as the state of California has a pre-emption on municipal Firearms laws. But still the Male Model Mayor, Gavin Newsome, says the Symbology is important.
What are the other two, Tubgirl and Goatse?
The aforementioned Three Evils do not include either tubgirl or goatse, but they are notably vile
Btw: It's "Love Thy Neighbour". And with your small post count, you've so far managed to call me a stupid small-minded racist. It's because I'm American isn't it?
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Yeah I figured that was on the horizon
The SFPOA had a nice little rebuttal to the whole situation ...
Before you start trying to educate people, as to the definition of a word, it mighty want to find out what that word actually means yourself.
Here, why don't you go look it up:-
Regardless of the actual definition, I believe you knew what I meant. And by running round the issue, I assume youre having difficulty defending those statements, as you already know they have no real foundation? Your rant along the lines of: - I've got more post than you, really does backup this up.
All I asked, was for a reasonable explanation for your hate towards my people.
My point was, how can you think it's ok to hate someone, say me for example, somebody you've never met before, simply because I'm Jamaican?
I'm obviously aware its based off of your experiences, so why not explain?
More importantly, my fear is that you'll pass this ideal down onto your children, who'll grow up with this same hate against Jamaican children, which's effect will more than likely lead to hate in return... you think todays cultural conflict are bad now in America, just think of the roll-on effects of your beliefs. A society where it's openly ok to hate another culture!! Getting robbed would be the least of anyones worries and genocide would be the new in thing. Besides wouldn't you rather your children not grow up being hated?
I truly believe we're all the same & equal but what truly divide us, and the reason behind all of histories atrocities, is our beliefs.
I'm not going to continue this... I just really hope you take the time to note, what kind of a world youre helping to sculpt with such accusations.
I'm not going to continue this...
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Goddamn, I just want to go back to being able to generalize as much as I damn well please.
I'm hearing a lot of this kind of divided talk more & more from the US! The US sounds very divided from where Im sitting...
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Trust me we (Americans) get the feeling that everyone inside and outside our borders hates the US and blames it for all of the worlds problems. Like you said it's hard to not hate your neighbors when all you get is hate from them. Stop making generalizations based on speculation, about a place you do not live in and I might not hate you. With all the crap coming out of your mouth it is hard not to...
Yes it is true, all Americans HATE Jamaicans and we actively teach hate to our childrens, in fact congress just passed a law making it mandatory curriculum in schools. I think I will go write my congress-person and ask that they create a national "we hate Jamaica day". Damn those dirty jamacias!!!111
All of us Americas are stupid trigger happy gun touting thugs that are just looking for the next war and race to hate. Watch out it might be you next! Good thing we have the EU around to civilize us and tell us how to run our country.
I don't know what part of the US you have been raised in, but I was brought up in 7 of the 50 states and have visited many more. Most American people I know and have talked to are hyper sensitive to issues of race, religion ect. Being non P.C. in America is a sign of ignorance and heavily looked down upon by the majority.
So how about you stop making generalizations about places you haven't been and people you haven't talked to. The funny thing is you are making the same generalizations about the American public that you are accusing people in this thread of making.
Thread close please.